Index Abacha, General Sani 180 ‘imagined citizens’ 187 Aboul-Ela, Housam 39 Andrade, Susan 179 Achebe, Chinua Ansart, Pierre Anthills of the Savannah 175, 200 Idéologies, conflits et pouvoir 126, 132 Things Fall Apart 208 apartheid state 200 adab (Arabic literature) 148–9 Arabic language see adab; poetry, Arabic Aden, Kaha Mohamed 239 Arendt, Hannah ‘1982 fuga da casa’ 241–2 on totalitarianism 209, 210 Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi Asians Purple Hibiscus 178–9 in Kenya 105, 106 Africa Ashcroft, Bill dictators in see dictators; dictatorship on ‘postcolonial utopianism’ 189 dismissed from world history 63 Askar, Ahmed Omar 8 Africa Is a Country (blog) 63 Sharks and Soldiers 201, 210–12 Agamben, Giorgio 63 Asturias, Miguel Angél State of Exception 63 El Señor Presidente 37–8 Al-Aswany, Alaa Awady, Didier 64 The Yacoubian Building 39–40 al-Ghitani, Gamal Bahri, Deepika al-Zaynī Barakāt 7, 39, 142–53 on the ‘aesthetic’ 193 fictitious historical documents Bakhtin, Mikhail in 149, 150, 151 and the carnivalesque 79, 88 and language, power of 147–9 Ballantyne, Tony 183 and Nasser 144–5 Ballets Africains, Les (Guinea) 21 political repression in 144 Banda, Hastings Kamuzu 9, 215 surveillance and spies in 144, and literary censorship 222 145–7, 149, 151 memories of 216 time in 151–2 and sexual propriety 218 Al-Hākim (caliph) 6, 40 Baron, Beth 146 in Himmich’s Le Calife de Barre, General Mohamed Siad 9, 201–3, l’épouvante 41, 46–7, 48–50 208–10 al-Sadat, Anwar 141 in Askar’s stories 211–13 Allen, Roger 43, 141, 143 autocratic rule of 235–6 Anansi (trickster character) 90 cultural and political resistance to 237 Anderson, Benedict in Farah’s Sardines 208 Charlotte Baker and Hannah Grayson - 9781787076815 Downloaded from PubFactory at 09/23/2021 08:09:32PM via free access 256 Index in Italian postcolonial Cameroun: Autopsie d’une literature 236–49 Indépendence 72 and literature 236, 245–6, 249 cannibalism 123 nickname 236 Carpentier, Alejo 38 Bastos, Augusto Roa 38 Cawl, Faarax J. M. Baudrillard, Jean Ignorance is the Enemy of Love 237 theory of simulacra 84–5 Cazenave, Odile 79 Bayart, Jean-François 102–3, 104 Célérier, Patricia 79 Bekolo, Jean-Pierre 6 child-soldiers 124, 200 film-making career of 62–3 Chirambo, Reuben 216, 222 Le Complot d’Aristote 63 Compaoré, Blaise 59, 62 Le Président 57, 62–4, 62–73 Conrad, Joseph Bell, Catherine 100 Lord Jim and The Wizard of the Bhabha, Homi 188 Crow 111 Bidima, Jean-Godefroy on political life and symbolism 82 Dangarembga, Tsitsi Big Man Nervous Conditions 178 concept of 176 Darraj, Faisal 151 and ‘Leaders for Life’ syn- Davis, Lennard J. drome 57–8, 64 Resisting Novels 147 Bikoko, Jean-Marc 67 Deleuze, Gilles, and Guattari, Billy Billy 63 Félix 247–8 Bishop, Cécile 85 democracy in Africa Biya, Paul 6 suspended 58–9 dictatorial power of 59, 61 dictator novel ‘necropolitics’ of 71 as genre 2–3, 4, 200 subject of Le Président 57 see also dictatorship, African Bofane, In Koli Jean 4, 6 dictators Congo Inc., le testament de Bis- bodies of 177, 178 marck 83–4, 86, 89, 91, 92 contempt of for their subjects 124 Mathématiques congolaises 82–3, in fiction 38, 175–8, 200, 211–13 84, 91 as gods 125–7 and postcolonial dictatorship 80, and patrirachy 207 81, 94 propaganda by 130–3 trickster characters in 90 representations of 3–4, 5, 118–19, 175 Booth, Alan 157 dictatorship Boyers, Robert 45, 47 African 1, 3–4, 57–8, 60, 118, 175–8 Brioni, Simone and animals 118–19, 124 The Somali Within 247 definitions of 38 Burton, Antoinette 183 and myth(-making) 117–18, 126 Byatt, A. S. 43, 54 in the postcolonial state 80–1 Charlotte Baker and Hannah Grayson - 9781787076815 Downloaded from PubFactory at 09/23/2021 08:09:32PM via free access Index 257 and religion 208 Fanon, Franz in twenty-first century 199 Black Skin, White Masks 109 see also Latin America, The Wretched of the Earth 71 dictatorship in Farah, Nuruddin 8, 200 divination ‘Blood in the Sun’ trilogy 201 rituals of 108–10 Close Sesame 209, 246 Djimili, Richard From a Crooked Rib 201, 246 139 …The Last Predators 60 and dictatorship (of Siad Barre) 205, Dlamini, Zweli Martin 171 207, 246–7 Doe, Samuel 123 Maps 178 Donnell, Allison A Naked Needle 200, 201, 246 on sexualities in Caribbean Sardines 206, 207, 208 literature 220 Secrets 201 Draz, Céza Kassem 141, 143, 144, 152 Sweet and Sour Milk 206, 207, 246 Durand, Gilbert Variations on the Theme of an African on myths 82 Dictatorship trilogy 3, 200 ‘Why I Write’ 204–5 Ebewo, Patrick Fazel, Shirin Ramzanali 239 on Ncwala 169–70 ‘Mukulaal’ 242–3 Echevarría, Roberto González Nuvole sull’Equatore (Clouds on the on dictators 1, 47 Equator) 243–4 The Voice of the Masters 38, 147–8 Felter, Claire 58 Egypt fiction fiction in 39–40 dictators in see dictator novel repression in 141–2 and history 5 El Hosseiny, Alya 7 Focus on Swaziland 169 Eldoret food and Eldares in The Wizard of the and obesity 88, 89 Crow 103–4 Foucault, Michel 78 Eliade, Mircea 117, 127 on crime as attack on sovereign 181, Epifano, Angie 5 187 Erdoğan, Recep on female sexuality 225–6 as dictator 199 History of Sexuality 215–16 Esty, Joshua on sexuality and power 218, 226 on excrement 88 Freud, Sigmund Evans-Pritchard, E. E. 90 Totem et Tabou 119 Eyadéma, Gnassingbé Fuente, Carlos 38 assassinates Sylvanus Olympio 134 Fukuyama, Francis as model for Koyaga in En attendant on socio-political evolution 199 le vote des bêtes sauvages 133, 134 Garane, Garane 239 Charlotte Baker and Hannah Grayson - 9781787076815 Downloaded from PubFactory at 09/23/2021 08:09:32PM via free access 258 Index Il latte è buono (Milk is Good) 243, Huliaras, Asrris 238 244 hunters Gaye, Marvin employment of by presidents 123, 124 song banned in Malawi 218 Hutin, Serge Genette, Gérard on propaganda 131–2 and hypertextuality 150 Gerrig, Richard 108 Ibn Iyās Geschiere, Peter 102, 104 Badā’i‘ al-Zuhūr 149–50 Giroux, Henry Ibn Khaldūn 42 on necropower 60 Ibn Sab’in 42 Goytisolo, Juan 48 Ibrahim, Son’allah 141 griots 69 Italy Guinea and Somali literature in Italian 247, colonial 15, 16–17 248–9 ‘demystification’ programme Somali refugees in 239 in 19–20 see also Sékou Touré, Ahmed Jibril, Hawa 238 Joseph-Vilain, Mélanie 186, 190 Hargeisa (Somalia) Julien, Nadia bombing of 201, 203 on symbolism of hare/rabbit 121 Harlow, Barbara Juraga, Dubravka 216 Resistance Literature 147 Hassan, Muhammad Abdille 212 Kabbah, Ahmad Tejan 123 healing Kaigai, Ezekiel rituals of 108–9, 110 on sexuality and embodiment in Hegel, G. W. F. Malawian literature 220–1 on Africa 63 Kantorowicz, Ernst Himmich, Bensalem 5–6 on kings’ bodies 181 Al-‘Alaama (The Polymath) 42 Kenya biography 42 Asians in 105, 106 and concept of the novel 43–4 position of women in 107 Hadha Al-Andalusi! (A Muslim witchcraft in 105, 106 Suicide) 42 Kenyatta, Jomo 105 Majnūn al-hukm (Le Calife de and Africanization 108 l’épouvante) 5–6, 40–54 Keresztesi, Rita 6 despotism attacked in 49, 51–2 Khalidi, Tarif 148 madness in 46–7 King-Aribisala, Karen 189–90 parody in 48–9 The Hangman’s Game 175–6, 179–89 self-constitution as escape as children’s game 179–80 in 52–4 control, theme of, in 179, 182–3, Houphouët-Boigny, Félix 135–6 184–8, 190 Charlotte Baker and Hannah Grayson - 9781787076815 Downloaded from PubFactory at 09/23/2021 08:09:32PM via free access Index 259 and dictator fiction 192 Linz, Juan J. 38 and Nigerian politics 180, 188, 193 Llosa, Mario Vargas pregnancy in 190–1 The Feast of the Goat 200 presidential figure in 180–1 Longhurst, Robyn Three Blind Mice (novel-within-a- on politicization of the body 183 novel) in 181–3, 184–6 Lopes, Henri 85–6 women as objects in 191 Le Pleurer-rire 86, 175 as ‘mother’ of her characters 190 Lori, Laura 245 Kourouma, Ahmadou 4, 7 Lucien, Bindi Ngouté 7 Allah n’est pas obligé 7, 123 Ly, Ibrahima 89 cannibalism in 123 Lyamlahy, Khalid 5–6 names of real people in 136 Mabanckou, Alain 6 dictator figures in novels of 118, Mémoires de porc-épic (Memoirs of a 134–6, 137 Porcupine) 89, 90–1, 93 En attendant le vote des bêtes sau- and postcolonial dictatorship 80, 81, vages 7, 128–9, 175 94–5 childhoods of presidents in 121–2 and postcolonial elections 85 invincibility of presidents trickster characters in 90 in 122–3, 123–4 Verre Cassé (Broken Glass) 84, 87, 93 presidential propaganda in 130–3 Macmillan Publishers (Swaziland) totemic animals in 118–22 and Sibanda’s ‘Sagila Semnikati’ 160, on magic 136 162, 163, 166–7 Kovaç, Nikola 93 Macron, Emmanuel Kubayanda, Josaphat B. 2 on Africa 64 on decolonization 43 Mahfouz, Naguib on dictators in literature 2, 37, 39 Children of Our Alley 39 Kuenen, Eline 6 Malawi Kumalo, Simangaliso 170 AIDS in 217 Kunene, Mazisi 155 under Banda 216–17 Kuper, Hilda 157, 158, 168 censorship in 218 Decency in Dress Act 217 Latin America, dictatorship in Mbumba culture in 218 and novels 1–2, 37–8, 200 oppression of women in 218–19 Lazarus, Neil and sexuality in fiction 221 on ‘realist writing’ 192 women in literary productions Lerner, Max in 219–221 Dictatorship in the Modern Mamba, Sibusiso World 204 ‘Sagila’ (adaptation of Sibanda’s Lewis, Desiree ‘Sagila Semnikati’) 156, 160, 167 on ‘conflation of power and marabouts sexuality’ 226 employment of by presidents 123–4 Charlotte Baker and Hannah Grayson - 9781787076815 Downloaded from PubFactory at 09/23/2021 08:09:32PM via free access 260 Index Mari, Lorenzo 9 myth Mariam, Mengistu Haile 235 and dictatorial power 117–18, 126–7 Márquez, Gabriel García 38 Mzizi, Joshua 170 The Autumn of the Patriarch 200 Masuku, Mario 168 Nasser, Gamal Abdel- 141 Mbembe, Achille spy system of 144–5, 147 on ‘aesthetics of vulgarity’ 81, 205 nationalism on ‘banality of power’ 157 African 1 on the Big Man 176 Arab 141 and the carnivalesque 79–80 Guinean 14, 22 and ‘necropolitics’ 163 Somali 237 on ‘necropower’ 59, 71–2 Ncwala ceremony (Swaziland) 156, on postcolonial power 79, 112, 170 157–8, 160, 162, 167–8 On the Postcolony 2–3 and censorship 169–71 on public executions 81 Ndīgīrīgī, Gīchingiri Mehrez, Samia 141, 144, 145, 149, 159 on African dictatorship 177, 193 Meyer, Stefan G.
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