; THE ° RICARDIAN JOURNAL OF THE RICHARD Ill SOCIETY . INDEX 1985— 1987 INDEX TO THE RICARDIAN Volume VII Numbers 88 to 99 March 1985 to December 1987 compiled by Arthur Cockerill (subjects) and Helen Maurer (books reviewed and authors) prepared for printing by Carolyn Hammond INTRODUCTION The Index is arranged in three parts:- 1 Subjects - rulers and their consorts and children are entered under their first names, and members of the beerage and the episcopate under their family names. with cross references from their titles and sees A separate list of illustrations, including maps, charts and family trees, appears at the end of this section 2 Books reviewed, arranged alphabetically by the authors of the books Books that were only listed and not reviewed have not been included 3 Authors of articles, book reviews and notes in one alphabetical sequence Referénces are given in the form of issue number followed by page number(s) — eg 94:293-294 Illustrations have been indicated thus - (illus) t SUBJECTS Abergavenny —see Neville, George Alabaster preservation 94:293-294 Alamire, Peter 99:527-530 Albany, Duke of - see Stewart, John Alen, Edward 99:532 Allegory - King John/Richard III - plays 93:247-250 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 98:450-461 Anne Candale, Queen of Hungary 98:474 Anne Neville, Queen of Richard III 93:26] Anthologies, medieval 97:431 Appowell, Davy - see Powell, Davy ap Archery 942298-299 Architects 952336—337 Arras, Treaty of 94278 Assheton, Sir Ralph 90:10], 106 Astley, John 97:418 Astwood, Thomas 971405-418 Atherstone 90:90; 922195-196 Audley, Lord — see Talbot, John Axholme Priory 94:289 Bagnall, Thomas 97:416 Bakker, Charles 98:473; 99:527-528 Barley of Albury, William 97:416-418 Barnard Castle by Blore (illus) 90:108 Barnet, Battle of 95:316 Barowe, Thomas 952335 Bastards, royal 90:136-137 Battles - see under names of individual battles also under Warfare Beauchamp, Richard, Earl of Warwick 95:33] Beaufort, Margaret, Countess of 'Richmond 90:104; 96:364; 962390; 97:415 Bedford, Dukes of - see Neville, George and Tudor, Jasper Bergavenny (Burgavenny) - see Neville, George Berkeley, William, Earl of Nottingham 97:402 Berkeley of Beverstone, Sir William 88:77; 972404-405 Berkeley of Uley, Sir William 97:404-405 Bodrugan, Sir Henry 97:404 Books - see Richard III - books - see Illumination of books Books of hours 91:183—185 Bosworth, Battle of - 1862 Leics AAS official visit 902132-133 — location of engagement 90:86-96; 90:115; 922220; 922226-227; 96:363—365; 96:393; 98:486-487 - as above with maps 92:194-207; 962350-362 - skirmishes prior to engagement 922223 Bourchier, Henry, Earl of Essex 982464-465 Bourchier, John, Archdeacon of Buckingham 912150 1 SUBJECTS Bourchier, Sir Thomas 90:106-107; 982469 Brackenbury Family - family tree 90297-108 Brackenbury of York, John 902100-109 Brackenbury, Sir Robert 8826-10; 90:97-114 - a son of 952335 Brampton, Sir Edward 92:227-229 Brampton of Albury, Thomas 97:416-417 Brandenburg, Margrave of - see Joachim Brandon, Charles, Duke of Suffolk 97:409 Brandon, Sir Thomas 98:467 Brandon, William 92:209—211 Brasses monumental 922235 Brittany, Duke of — see Francis 11 Broughton, Sir Thomas 962366-370; 972405 Browne, Sir Anthony 982468—469 Buck, Sir George 972398 Buckingham, Dukes of - see Stafford, Edward and Henry Bulkeley, William 97:416 Burgundy 96:386-388. Burgundy, Duchess of - see Margaret of York \ Burgundy, Duke of - see Charles, Duke of Burgundy Cambridge, King’s College 952336 Canterbury Tales — see Chaucer Cardiff 89:50 Carre of Northumberland, Robert 88:7-10 Catesby, William 90:93-94 Caxton, William 972440 Cely family 952338-339 Chamber, Ranald 992526 Charles, Duke of Burgundy - as Jason 92:213-215 — foreign policy 94:271-273 Charles, Duke of Guelders 98:468-47] Chaucer, Geoffrey 96:376-377 Cheney, Sir John 90:93 Church, the (book review) 96:389-390 Claimants in Tudor period 88:18-25; 972414—420; 981464-478; 992525-540 Clifford of Aspenden, Sir Rober 97:416-4l7 Clifford, Sir Roger 8819-10 Cloth of gold 93:242 Clynton, John 98:469 Cochrane, David 99:53] Coldharbour - see London, Coldharbour Colpyn, James - factor 93:242 Constable, Sir John 90:94 Constantine, Ralph 93:239 Cooke, John — Archdeacon of Lincoln 91:150 Costume 95:342 Courtenay, Sir William 98:465-466 2 SUBJECTS Cressener, Alexander 97:417 Crowland Chronicle - the author’s credentials 982452 - authorship 91:142-177; 992505-515 ' - bias against Richard III 99:524 - classical allusions 992520 - Princes in the Tower 922230-231 - Pronay/Cox translation, quality of 992521 - review 96:380-385 ' I - ragedia defined 99:498-503 'Cursor mundi' 96:372 Curzon, Sir Robert 981464-465 ' Dadlington and the Battle of Bosworth 902115-124; 922194-195; 96:352-362 ‘ — church fabric (illus) 90:121-123 - the Tudor foundation 902115-131 ‘ ' Danzig and the Danzig Chronicle 95:310-320 Daubeney, Giles Lord 98:468-469 Daubeney, William 9724” Davy, Henry — serjeant taylor 94:295 Debenham, Sir Gilbert 972417 Deighton, John 902102 Digby, Simo'n 971418 Dorset, Marquis of - see Grey, Thomas Eadmer 98:450-46] Edgecombe, Richard 97:404 Edward IV - accession 952312 - dissatisfaction with 942281-286 - foreign policy 942270-272 with Denmark 95314 with France 94:270-274' - as Hercules 92:213-215 - justice, enforcement of 942284 - his marriage 95:313 - marriage alliances ~ Anglo-Breton 942270-280 — Anglo—Burgundian 94:274-275 - Neville family 95:321—324 — monetary problems 94:283-284 - \Velsh policy 89:47—48 - \Voodville family 951314 Edward V (including 'The Princes in the Tower’) - the bones 96:391-392 4 burial 902102; 92:230-231 - and the Crawland Chronicle 91:144-145 — illegitimacy 96:39] u I - the sweating sickness 912178-182 Edward of Lancaster, Prince of Wales 94:29.5 Edward of Middleham, Prince of Wales 992545 Elizabeth of York - letter to Norfolk 972398-400 - repercussions at her death 98:468 3 SUBJECTS Elizabeth of York (cont’d) - at Richard III’s court 93:26] Elphinstone, William 972439 Essex, Earl of — see Bourchier, Henry. Excommunication 98:492—493 Finch, John - haberdasher 921209—212 Finch, William - cook 92:209-212 Fishing 95:314 Fitzhugh, Alice, Lady 89:58-64 Fitzhugh, Anne, Lady Lovel 89:58-64 Fitzwalter, Lord - see Radcliffe, John Fitzwilliam, Sir William 99:535 Fonts, church 92:235 Foster, William 99:526 Flamank, John 981469 Flamank, Thomas 982469 Flanders, Count of - see Philip the Fair Foreign Policy - see under individuals Forster, John 90:10! Francis I of France 99:527-540 Francis II of Brittany 94:270-280 Francoyse, Symond 992528 Franke, Edward 96:366—367 Furness Fells - see Henry VII and rebels of Gentry, the 972437 Godin, Sebille - see under Pole, Richard de la Gogh, John (alias Strydley) 99:532 'Gostlye Grace, The Book of’ 942287-292 Gowle, Richard — mercer 93:238-245 Green, John 90:102 Green of Green’s Norton, Sir Thomas 98:465. Green, Thomas 98:474 Greenhyll, Sir Thomas 982473 Grey, Thomas Marquis of Dorset 982465 Griffith, John 98. 473 Griffon Bastard d' Oysekerk - see Oysekerk Grosseteste, Robert - Bishop of Lincoln 93. 254 Guelders, Duke of — see Charles Duke of Guelders Guildford, Sir Richard 981468-469 Gynaecology 93:256 Hansard of Walworth, Richard 8824-7; 992529 — Hanse, the 95:3]0—320 Harcourt family and Dadlington 902123—124 Harcourt, Robert 90:93 Hardwicke of Lindley, John de 90:93; 922202 Harleian Ms 433, a correction 922229 Harleston, Richard 971415—417 Harrington, Sir Thomas 961366-367 Harrington, Sir Robert 96:366-367 Harrington, Sir William 90:106 \ 4 SUBJECTS Hastings, William Lord -97:406 Heath, John 97:416 Henry VII - at Bosworth 90:86-96; 922194-207 - intelligence operations 90:87—89; 97:409-410 972415—416 - invasion 95:317 — as pretender 92:221—222; 92:231-233 - and rebels of Furness 962366-370 - relations with Spain 98:464-475 - Spanish marriage alliance 972418 - support from nobility 97:403 - support in Wales 89:50 — treason against 92:208 — and Warbeck supporters 972414-420 - and Yorkist claimants 97:4]4; 981464-478 Henry VIII - and Dadlington 90:119 - foreign policy 99:525-540 - General Pardon 99:525 - intelligence operations 99:525-540 - and Yorkist rebels and claimants 99:525-540 Heraldry - arms of Hoton (illus) 88:12 Herbert, William Earl of Pembroke and Huntingdon 89:47-48 Hercules - popularity in 15th C 922214-215 Hereford, Nicholas 98:483 ' Heron, John — mercer 97:417 Historians - revisionists 97:401-402; 982450—461 Horne, John — Prince Bishop of Liége 98:466-473 Horse racing 88:21 Hoton of Hunwick family (family tree) 8822-17 Hoton of Hunwick, John 88:2-17; 90:101-105 Howard, John, Duke of Norfolk 961390; 97:404 Huddleston, Sir John 96:266-267 Hungary — see Pole, Richard de la Hungerford, Walter 90:106-107 Huntingdon, Earl of - see Herbert, William Hutton - see Hoton Iceland - fishing war 952314 Illumination of books 97:429-430; 99:543-551; 992554-555 Indulgences 90:116; 97:440-441 Ingoldsthorpe, Isobel, Lady Montague 95:321—325 Ingoldsthorpe, Joan 95: 322; 97:416 Intelligence operations - see Henry VII and Henry VIII James III of Scotland 96:392 Jason - popularity in 15th C 921214-215 Jerningham, Sir Richard 99:530—531 Joachim, Margrave of Brandenburg 98:475; 99:529-534 John (Hans) king of Denmark 98:466 Jones, Matthew 98:466 Jones of Monmouth, Simon 99:534 5 SUBJECTS Kendale, John - secretary 92:230 - a son of 95:335 Kendale (Kendall) of Canterbury, John 92:230 Kennington, John 992416 Killingworth, Thomas 97:406; 98:465-473; 99:525 'King John‘ see ’Troublesome Reign' King, Oliver, of Lincoln 91:150 King’s College - see Cambridge Knighthood 97:443; 95:343 Knights - see Knighthood and Warfare
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