Public Document Pack Mr Richard Parry Jones, BA, MA. Prif Weithredwr – Chief Executive CYNGOR SIR YNYS MÔN ISLE OF ANGLESEY COUNTY COUNCIL Swyddfeydd y Cyngor - Council Offices LLANGEFNI Ynys Môn - Anglesey LL77 7TW Ffôn / tel (01248) 752500 Ffacs / fax (01248) 750839 RHYBUDD O GYFARFOD NOTICE OF MEETING PWYLLGOR GWAITH THE EXECUTIVE DYDD LLUN, 13 IONAWR 2014 MONDAY, 13 JANUARY 2014 10.00 o’r gloch 10.00 am SIAMBR Y CYNGOR COUNCIL CHAMBER SWYDDFEYDD Y CYNGOR COUNCIL OFFICES LLANGEFNI LLANGEFNI Rheolwr Gwasanaethau Mr John Gould Committee Services Pwyllgor 01248 752 515 Manager Annibynnol /Independent R Dew, K P Hughes, H E Jones and Ieuan Williams (Cadeirydd/Chair) Plaid Lafur/Labour Party J A Roberts (Is-Gadeirydd/Vice-Chair) and Alwyn Rowlands Heb Ymuno / Unaffiliated A M Jones (Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol Cymru / Welsh Liberal Democrats) COPI ER GWYBODAETH / COPY FOR INFORMATION I Aelodau'r Cyngor Sir / To the Members of the County Council Bydd aelod sydd ddim ar y Pwyllgor Gwaith yn cael gwahoddiad i’r cyfarfod i siarad (ond nid i bleidleisio) os ydy o/hi wedi gofyn am gael rhoddi eitem ar y rhaglen dan Reolau Gweithdrefn y Pwyllgor Gwaith. Efallai bydd y Pwyllgor Gwaith yn ystyried ceisiadau gan aelodau sydd ddim ar y Pwyllgor Gwaith i siarad ar faterion eraill. A non-Executive member will be invited to the meeting and may speak (but not vote) during the meeting, if he/she has requested the item to be placed on the agenda under the Executive Procedure Rules. Requests by non-Executive members to speak on other matters may be considered at the discretion of The Executive. A G E N D A 1 DECLARATION OF INTEREST To receive any declarations of interest from any Member or Officer in respect of any item of business. 2 URGENT MATTERS CERTIFIED BY THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OR HIS APPOINTED OFFICER - OUTCOME AGREEMENT 2013/16 (Pages 1 - 12) To submit the report of the Deputy Chief Executive. 3 MINUTES (Pages 13 - 22) To submit for confirmation, the minutes of the meetings of the Executive held on the following dates:- • 2nd December, 2013 • 16th December, 2013 (Budget) 4 MINUTES FOR INFORMATION (Pages 23 - 28) To submit for information, the draft minutes of the Corporate Parenting Panel on 11 th November, 2013. 5 MATTER REFERRED TO THE EXECUTIVE FROM THE AUDIT COMMITTEE HELD ON 11TH DECEMBER, 2014 - INFORMATION GOVERNANCE To give consideration to the following draft recommendations of the Audit Committee:- It was resolved:- • To note the report and the update provided. • To refer the Audit Committee’s concerns with regard to Data Protection compliance within the Authority to the Executive with the request that it considers and provides assurance to the Audit Committee on the following matters – • That an appropriate level of resources is allocated to ensure that shortcomings in data protection compliance are remedied fully and properly. • That disciplinary action be considered as an option in responding to any future data protection breaches. • That the Authority’s staff are provided with training on all data protection policies. • That all Heads of Services are reminded of their data protection responsibilities within their respective services and the importance thereof. 6 LOCAL COUNCIL TAX REDUCTION SCHEME FOR 2014/15 (Pages 29 - 46) To submit the report of the Head of Function (Resources). 7 THE EXECUTIVE'S FORWARD WORK PROGRAMME (Pages 47 - 58) To submit the report of the Interim Head of Democratic Services. 8 INFORMAL CARERS - COMMISSIONING INTENTIONS AND PRIORITIES (Pages 59 - 80) To submit the report of the Head of Service (Adults’ Services). 9 ABERFFRAW CONSERVATION AREA CHARACTER APPRAISAL (Pages 81 - 88) To submit the report of the Head of Planning and Public Protection. 10 THE COUNCIL'S CYCLING STRATEGY (Pages 89 - 130) To submit the report of the Head of Environmental and Technical Services. 11 INCOME - CAR PARKS (Pages 131 - 144) To submit the report of the Head of Environmental and Technical Services. 12 COMPULSORY PURCHASE OF LAND - BETHEL AND VALLEY (Pages 145 - 148) To submit the report of the Head of Environmental and Technical Services. 13 STRATEGIC OUTLINE PROGRAMME AND MODERNISING STRATEGY (Pages 149 - 156) To submit the report of the Director of Lifelong Learning. 14 CSSIW ANNUAL LETTER (Pages 157 - 176) To submit the report of the Director of Community. 15 PROPOSED ESTABLISHMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE INTEGRATED DELIVERY BOARD FOR ANGLESEY (Pages 177 - 190) To submit the report of the Director of Community. 16 STATEMENT OF INTENT ON INTEGRATED CARE FOR OLDER PEOPLE WITH COMPLEX NEEDS (Pages 191 - 236) To submit the report of the Director of Community. 17 EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC (Pages 237 - 238) To consider adoption of the following:- “Under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, to exclude the press and public from the meeting during discussion on the following item on the grounds that it may involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Schedule 12A of the said Act and in the attached Public Interest Test”. 18 THE NORTH WALES SCHOOLS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS CONTRACTOR FRAMEWORK (Pages 239 - 242) To submit the report of the Head of Environment and Technical Services. Agenda Item 2 ISLE OF ANGLESEY COUNTY COUNCIL Report to Executive Committee Date 13.1.14 Subject Outcome Agreement 2013/16 Portfolio Holder(s) Councillor Alwyn Rowlands Lead Officer(s) Deputy Chief Executive Contact Officer Business Planning & Programme Manager Nature and reason for reporting: To provide (i) an update of the new arrangements for the Outcome Agreement for 2013/16 and (ii) to endorse the outline of a new Outcome Agreement for 2013/16 based on final Welsh Government guidance A – Introduction / Background / Issues The Outcome Agreements were introduced by Welsh Government to identify how we work towards improving outcomes for locasl people against the Government’s national priorities. The new Outcome Agreement will be a three year agreement (from 2013/14 to 2015/16) with the last ‘payment year’ in 2016/17. Full pa yment of the grant (approx. £730 k) is made when a significant proportion of the targets and commitments have been achieved. The arrangements and guidance for the new Outcome agreement have been finalized by Welsh Government in October 2013. It confirms that The Outcome Agreement Grant will be split into two parts, 70% will be allocated to reward the delivery of better outcomes and paid upon achievement of our selection of our five strategic themes, 30% to address any statutory recommendations made to Welsh Ministers concerning the corporate governance arrangements within our Local Authority. The first component would broadly resemble the prior agreement which consists of a selection of outcomes taken from the Programme for Government , with the associated GM 2.1.14 Page 1 of 12 Page 1 output and outcome measures. The second component would be based on sta ndards of corporate governance as reported by the Auditor General for Wales. Welsh Government would consider whether: a) The Auditor General for Wales has made any statutory recommendations to the Welsh Ministers to provide assistance to the Authority through improvement assessment letters or reports following any special inspections; or b) The Auditor General for Wales has made any statutory recommendations to the Welsh Ministers to give direction to the Authority through improvement assessment letters or reports following any special inspections; or c) the Local Authority has already had some, or all, of our corporate governance functions removed from the Authority, ie. our Authority is already subject to statutory intervention. B – Considerations The main considerations are as follows:- The choice of five strategic themes from the Welsh Government’s Programme for Government have been carefully considered to ensure that we have: strategic and close ‘fit’ with priorities as outlined in our Corpor ate Plan 2013/17 A strong evidence base Likely success rate Integration with the Corporate Plan is important to ensure that we incorporate monitoring of achievement against the Outcome Agreement within our monitoring reports of progress against the plan. This reduces duplication and provides regular progress reports to identify if any intervention is needed to keep good progress and successful achievement of the grant. Attached as Appendix 1 is a full list of the possible ten themes. The strongest five th emes have been highlighted. The Appendix also lists relevant ‘tracking indicators’ from which we need to select a number to s upport our themes and outcomes. GM 2.1.14 Page 2 of 12 Page 2 The strongest five themes and outcomes based on the above criteria are: Growth and Sustainable Jobs / Supporting the economy and business Education / Improving School attainment 21 st Century Helath Care / Providing Users and Carers with a stronger voice Welsh Homes & Supporting People / Increasing Supply and Choice The Culture & Heritage of Wales / Improving early years experience Further work on the detail for each of these themes is on -going and will be confirmed with Welsh Government f ollowing this endorsement of our strategic themes and outcomes. Welsh Government’s assessme nt of the achievement of the full grant against our previous agreement for 2012/13 was received prior to Christmas. As assessment meeting took place between officers in October and indications were given that the officer recommendation to the Minister woul d be for full achievement of the grant. Thereafter, prior to Christmas , the Council (through a letter to the Leader by the Minister
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