llll|ii|H lillllil p NCAilX - Feifficer I -ki Georgjia post;ts U p s e t ■- Dl I [b>etter - Bi l | i P WP. s V IfL______________ M m i m s s ^ 25* 78thI year.y( No. 85 Twin Falls. Idah(iho S atuurday, rd M arch 26..1983 t r o u l 2 IRS> hav/inqt ble (collectin»gta:______________________________fixes Milllllllons of taxpayers are payingring ta x e s far with tb e IRRS bas ballooned to a recoiicord $27 The additionsIS werew m ade afler a long seriei e s to only 16.3 out of 1.00000 aa t present, a decline of ' TheBalUmoreSun belowow what the govemmenl believeeves are owed billion, compn p a r ^ with S20.5 blllton a yea>^arago. of reports and corcongressional testimony by lhelh about 33 percent, althoiIthou^ the chance of an on Ieslegitimate Income. The Internamai Revenue The unprec-ecedented jump occurreded ev e n G eneral Accouni)unting Office, Congress’ In-lr audit of returns is muchmu, greater tor those ' W/\SHINGTON - Thele ination’s lax col- ServU•vice estim ates roughly that annannual collec- tbou^ thec IRS commissioner, Roseoscoe L. vcstigative agemlency. th at the IRS w as inad(ide- u sin g -a long form,. laklngla large itemized ; IcGtors. despite a sizable boboost In their ranks, lionsIS itall $97 blliion short of the! oomouni r that Egger; Jr... loldI Congress last MarchI ththat the quately staffedJ fotor the Increase In the numbeber (leduclions or showing)g theytl have invested In a < are having Increasing prcproblems colleclIHg couldlid be paid. slaff additioions should bring these delirelinquen* ot returns fiicd.aria n d th eir growing complexitjity.> lax shelter. •underground cles below S2 /Mthough the civi:lvil service was being cut. th taxes. — - -------------------The'helosse3TtfinrTrom"th(r*tni S20 billion. “Admlnislrallons ovover tbe years have ^ inomy" and the problems cf laxlax avoidance The goven:m m ent will lose $l billion thithis year congressional taxtax-writing committees Insiste To overcome the long-tej-term trend toward econo ‘ treated the IRS as Ihoujh o u ^ It was just another ; in tax caseses on whlcb the slx*year statitatule of that the admlnistiilstratlon expand the IRS force. noneompllance with the tax laws, the R eagan ande\1 evasion. federal agency." aaidlid 'William J. Anderson. the service’s limitatjon h as expired, the IRS sa;says. A Even with theLhe infusion of manpower, th administralion. pressed by Congress. Is ad* Asis irelunis com e piling In lo the |, „ director of lhe GAO’s3's General Government •, 'lonal offices, th e IRS expects,s. oion th e basis govem m enltil official calls the flgurc "di"d isturb- IRS is sllll nolI kckeeping up wilh its expandin ding 5.200 collectors, tax-iax-relura examiners regior __ Divislon^^iThey haven’l/en’l recognized that it is - ( pasl perlorniiijm .~inm ~BWUI~iUt~l9 m illion— m glylafgeT’ ------------------wdrkload.-WhHe*He'theTJumberofretumsha and otherTIo the internalnal Kevenue Service oi pai not like ever)-one elseelse. The IRS Is on the f s on tim e this After yearare of neglect by past admitministi^a* grown (rom 62 millionm l in 1976 to an expecled stalf. toxpaipayers will not pay their taxes oi revenue side and is collectingcoil money thal the the IR S million this year,ar, o r \7 percent, the size of th But the number of overdwtiu e acc o u n ts a n d th e y e air. r, meaning In lew than 30 daysays afler they lions. Preslisident Reagan expanded th 4QQ othcrsspend." amount' of unreportedted Income are are• didue. In mosl cases, they arc■e eexpected lo collection staffsl by 3. too this year acand its agency has goneme up by 6 pereenl. from 85.4C mushrooming. cJoudJng /^mA m erica’s re p u ta tio n « ] e! a ,relum , but nol pay what Isi owowed despite lax-retumejexamination staff by 1.100 as a way toaprojecled90,390.300 this year. The service, emphasihasizing the efficiency of I __ as a nation ot taxpayers5 wlwho file honest tax iheth)Ihreal of interesi charges andJ pepenalties. of getting mmore revenue lo r^uce theJie la rg e Accordingly,, aaudits of individual relumm s its operation, puts thete cccost of collecting $100 a t | returns on time. TTie h e backlog of laxes due on relreturns filed budget deflcliclts. have shrunk fromo m 2-l.loul of every l.OOO In 19797fi 41 ccnts. i, Reagaim -[b Creeech tries tc0 I * graimted minimjlize I ly of^ damagges m 'VlHii ath NCHRISTENSEN ...............- ------ ByDONAiJ)A.DAViS- ssInte/TjatlonaJ United Press Internationa) • The Idaho Siq)reme Court WASHINGTON (U PI)< - President ijectlng a judge’s practice- R eagan, stung by a concongressional .... ; down sentences In Ibe setback on the budget. Frid'riday tried to defendants — vacate the minimize the damage by reminding Uy Friday for Lacey Slvak, Democrals that cooperatloi nol con- Ung an automatic stay of fronlallon, created the Soci;ocial Security .0 m a s s - r a u r ^ r T hom as rescue program and1 recession- flghllhgjobs package. ordered Fourth District , , Reagan signed lhe jobslObs m easure srt Newhouse to reseotence ; into law Thursday hight^ t and was within 14 days for killing : expected to expedite apprtiproval of the Ity g as statk»n attendant---------- Social Security legislation,on. which was m ln 1981. passed by Congress earlyy FiFriday. y f 0 delayed Creech’s scbed- He opened a brief newsvs <confercncc :'9 ■ 'i 29 execution under terms ot • I In the While House poess> roiroom Friday JMM AT guaranteeing hlgh-court ; by • praising the "bipartisan""b T il”" 11 death sentences, . :approach lo solving the proproblems and original appeal of his sen- said "for-thc sake of ouru* ppeople. I’m ".'"f"® ipted the court's first order gratified that great goodlod sense did prevail over partisan conce;ncems.” y'-'*-'' se lo hand down penalties ^n ce of defendants and The president’s commennents cam e a -<^ day afler the House votedted 229-196 lo j g S i Mys. approve a $863 billion fedeederal budget ie. who had been issuing , designed by Democrats5 wwho control •nlences tor some defen* : thal body of Congress. TheTh measure Id another hearing for ' was the firsl budgei defeiefeat Reagan iriier this monlh. f u l he has suffered since assummming officc :rcd th e 32-year-old m an to . and was the result off CDemocratic ally bealing a fellow sta tc gains In lasl November'sselections. el« nate with a battery-filled Reagan plainly attempte(pted Friday to keep the possibilities of a voting dea1 CREECH OQ Page A2 coalition alive as he> aasked "all pH np members of the Congressslo lc work with ____ B y S T E V E N a mc to hold d o ^ spendinglg aand laxes in United Press Ir, the sam e bipartisan spJrUsp: -th at’s_____ brought us such ^ a t. piprogress on —. B O I S E -^e’re n * Jobs and Social Security. — again rejecl "Working together, avoiivoldlng a re- R o ddeo , excitemenmt ot handing d< lum lo narrow partisanshirtship. w e can absence of def< ensure (an economic) reco'scovery lh at’s 1Henry Dixon, from Boise, tri-tries to control his Collegege or Soutbera Idabo RodeoD FFriday night, beld todaylay at the'Expo Center. For death penally!way slrong and long-lasting.” 1horses during tbe first perf<jerformance of the A mailitlo ee and evoiing per;forma[nances will be photoandin d a sto ry see page D-l. while granting •See REAGAN on PajPageA 2 ___________ ex^tlon lo n- Creech. Justices ore says Judge Robert r Slvak, 23. WlU igswee Garden City Five moret n'esi'gh inn EPA houseeI eleanin Dixie WUsonviser In They also d« unit, wasIS rnam ed acllng deputy adm in By GREGORY GORDOlDON uled April 29CIAKOZA e} replacinglg 1Hernandez. United Press Intervatloiit/onal a state lawiss gi International Rcnganan Monday named Ruckelsho review of all de President Reagan Friday “N- launchedid Ithe agency during the Nl WASHINGTON - P n Creech,’sJGTON orli - Shrinking oil mlnlstralo;alor as ils first administrator accepted the resignalications of acting Rnvlron- tence prompte,d declining Intlatton a re ceed Mrs.Irs. Burford. Senate confirm mental Protection iAgency chief John to NewhouseiC economy t Improve faster expectedidwllhlnamonlh. w ‘Hernandez and four othother lop EPA officials In In lhe preserinally predicted. President The ageiIg en c y has been besieged for ___ ^ a major housecleaninming at the embattled their altomeystop economic adviser said —wlth-allegilegatlons-high'level-offidals-t agency. o Industryy vwishes, failed to enforce Newhouse. C areer EPA employeoyees broke out bollles of ry Feldsteln, chairman ot the laws and manipulated toxi written sentei champagne to celebrat3 rate the shakeup, while mental la' 's Council of Economic cleanp funifunds to help Republican politic danls. held administration offlciaIcials paid -more ro* Issued a rare interim Mrs. BuB urford, who last fall beci Creech eariie signallons arc oxpecpected before William.- aylng economic growth w ill highest rankingrat official ever held In c again ordered Ruckelshaus assumes>s ocommand of the agcncy 1.7 p ercent for tbe y e a r th a t of Congresre ss, resigned March 9 In the i die for fatally in the coming weeks. the fourth quarter of 1983. ■ growingJ clam o r aboul her pn>- prison inmate "I don’l think It nonecessarily looks bad." •vious prediction had been policies: a;and alleged Improprieties,| m | H sock, Reagan told a newss bibriefing In response to 'T cent.-------------------- ^------------------- ____ questions about the latelatest exodus of high-level Reagan,an.
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