The bronidr. CENTURY TERMS—$1.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE STERLING GALT.EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR ESTABLISHED OVER A QUARTER OF A FRIDAY-, JITINE 3, 1910 NO. 3 VOL. XXXII El\INITTSBUTIG, MARYLAN D. CURTISS WINS THIRTEENTH ANNUAL HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES HOW TO RULE ; the Graduates by BY THEODORE $10,000 PRIZE The thirteenth annual commencement Music Address to John T. Superintendent of of the Emmitsburg High School has oc- Prof. White, Frederick county; "BIG STICK" AT WORK ALBANY TO NEW YORK cupied the attention of the people for the Public Schools of "What the Tramp Said," the past week. This, in the words of Recitation, I I Harbaugh ; Presentation of Di- Colonel Roosevelt Dazes En- Remarkable Trip of Amer- the handsome souvenir programme is- Naomi first annual plomas and Farewell Speech to Class glish Audience ican Aeronaut sued by the class, was "the commencement week." The exercises + by Prof. P. F. Strauss; Class Ode ; Sunday when Rev. Charles Benediction by Rev. Charles Reinewald, ON BRITISH EGYPTIAN POLICY RECORD FOR SPEED AND DANGER began on Reinewald, D.D., delivered the bacca- D. D. During the principalship of Prof. Gives Advice to British Empire, Twists Outstrips Special Train at laureate sermon to the graduates. A Aviator Strauss the school has maintained a de- the Lion's Tail, Pounds Home His in Covering 137 Miles in very large audience attended this ser- Points bating team which met and defeated a Advice and Sits Down to Two Hours and 32 Minutes.— vice and special music by the choir similar team from the Brunswick High Admire Gift. Exhibition. added to the enjoyment. Gives Society which On Tuesday evening the Junior Class School; and a Literary At the Guild Hall, London, where a Glenn H. Curtiss flew from Albany to meetings. A few gave a reception to the graduates at has held weekly reception was given to Theodore Roose- New York city in an aeroplane Satur- Hotel Slagle. Covers were set for eigh- months ago the school edited the CHRON- velt and where the honorary freedom day, winning the $10,000 prize offered Mrs. Slagle was especially boun- ICLE in a manner most pleasing to its of the great city was presented to him by the New York World. He covered teen. tiful in the supply of good things for readers. The first elocution contest in a wonderfuly wrought golden case, the distance of 137 miles in two hours banquet which followed the recep- ever held by the school was given last the former President of the United and 32 minutes and came to earth as the tion. The menu consisted of chicken December and the second contest was States laid down to the English people easily and as lightly as a pigeon. His soup, croutons, olives, tomatoes, potato heard this week. The baseball team his conception of the proper rules for average speed for the distance-54.06 salad, cold boiled ham, deviled eggs, representing this school has made an handling the affairs ot the four British miles an hour—surpasses any record 4co spring chicken, French fried potatoes, enviable record. Fourteen games have protectorates in Africa. ever made by an aeronaut in long dis- lettuce salad with French dressing, been played with the following result: His remarks were plain spoken and tance flight and in its entirety his feat (/IT. E. If. S. rolls, biscuits, ice cream, cake, tea, his audience was partly dazed by the perhaps eclipses anything man has at- E. H. S. vs Emmitsburg Rose Buds 6 4 coffee, lemonade and strawberries. daring of the speaker. He had some- tetopted in an heavier-than-air machine. 10 16 Miss Hazel Boller acted as toastmis- 8 10 thing to say and it did not take him long Albany was left at 7:03 o'clock in the tress and the following toasts were re- " Thurmont H. S. 15 9 to relieve himself. He said in part as morning and weather conditions were sponded to : "Air Castles for Next PROF. P. F. STRAUSS, PRINCIPAL. " Taney town 2 3 follows: as near perfect as the most fastidious Gettysburg H. S. 0 2 Year," Miss Elizabeth Rowe ; "The "We have just spent nearly a year aviator could demand. One hour and " Thurmont H. S. 3 l) Girls Versus the Boys in My Class," difficulty in selecting the winners. The bkt as the contest on Wednesday ev- " Brunswick 11. S. 11 2 in Africa. While there we saw four 23 minutes later he had reached his Mr. Charles Eichelberger ; "1911's Re- rules governing their judgment were ening. Before the exercises the Emmit " Thurmont H. S. 8 1.3 British protectorates, and I grew stopping place near Poughkeepsie, H. S. 1:1 lation to the Other Classes," Miss 25% for voice culture, 25% for gestures Cornet Band gave a street concert. By • Gettysburg 2 heartily to respect the men I there met, Where there was an hour's intermission. " Thurmont H. S. 10 9 Naomi Harbaugh ; "What 1911 Has and 50% for feeling and general deliv- eight o'clock the Opera House was the settlers and the civil and military Resuming his flight at 9:26, he sped " Fairfield 10 12 Accomplished This Year," Miss Louise ery. The first prize of $7 50 was award- crowded and the curtain rose as the Taneytown 8 officials. It seems to me the best ser- southward and landed within the bound- " Beam. ed to Mr. Lawrence Mondorff. The chorus sang "Maryland, My Maryland." " Thurmont U. S. 1 3 vice I can render them and you is to ary of Manhattan Island at 10:35. two prizes second prize of $2 50 was given to Miss The music for the occasion was furnish- very briefly tell you how I was impress- Only 100 yards north of the point on The elocution contest for Totals 94 III friend of the school Louise Beam and the distinction of ed by Misses Mary Mondorff and Edith ed by some of the things I saw. Which his craft settled lay Manhattan in gold donated by a The team is made up of the following Wednesday night in the honorable mention belonged to Miss Ohler, pupils of the school, and Miss "Your men in Africa are doing great bay. Had he failed to cross this his was held on players:—Charles Eichelberger, Donald before a large audience of Hazel Boller. Eva Shulenberger. The features of the work for your Empire and also for civ- flight would have been in vain, but as opera house Agnew, Robert Cook, Ned Annan, interested friends and patrons of the The awards were made apparently to evening were the four quotations, Lat- ilization. The people at home, whether he swept over it, the prize was his. Lawrence Mondorff, (Capt.); George school and parents and relatives of the the satisfaction of a large part of the in, German, French and Greek sen- in Europe or America, who live softly, Thence to Governors Island his task Stokes, Clarence Seabrook, Alexander The following took part: audience judging from the applause that tences. These were translated and an- often fail to realize what is being done Ntas but a whim of triumph and the con- contestants. Colliflower, William Frailey, Thomas Naomi Harbaugh, Elizabeth greeted the announcement. swered by four pupils of'the school. for them by the men who are actually cluding lap of a race already won. Misses Frailey. (Mgr.) Ohler, Louise Beam, The entertainment of the evening The comic recitations, compositions, engaged in the pioneer work of civilza- Paulhan's flight from London to Man- Rowe, Edith Several social affairs have been held Boller, Pauline Baker and was further enhanced by the perform- dialogues and the class prophecy, pre- tion abroad. chester, 186 miles, exceeded Curtiss' Hazel during the year: A picnic at Indian , and Messrs. Donald Ag- ance of a two-act comedy, "Cabbage sentation and oration were particularly "The civilized nations who are con- feat in distance, but not in speed and Elsie Springer Lookout, sleigh ride to Thurmont High new, Thomas Frailey, Alexander Colli- Hill School," with Miss Frances Rowe enjoyable. After the number, "Wo- quering for civilization in savage lands danger. The Frenchman's average School, trip over Gettysburg Battle- flower, Samuel Keilholtz, Lawrence as Gladys Merton, teacher ; Robert man's Suffrage," by Miss Hazel Boller, should work together in a spirit of Vas only 44.3 miles an hour and below field and the banquet on Tuesday even- Mondorff and Robert Cook. The music Cook, William Frailey, Pauline Baker Prof. Strauss in a speech which empha- hearty mutual good will. Ill will be- him lay English meadowland. Curtiss ing. Special exercises were held on for the occasion was furnished by and Mary Mondorff, older pupils; -Frank sized the fact that "perseverance gains tween such nations is bad enough any- followed the winding course of the his- Arbor Day, Lincoln Day, Washington's Misses Nellie Eyster, Johanna White and Shuff, George Stokes and Naomi Har- the meed, and patience wins the race" where. It is peculiarly harmful and toric Hudson, with jutting headland, Birthday and Maryland Day. Eva Shulenberger. baugh, pupils between eleven and announced the honors and made the contemptible when those actuated by wooded slopes and treacherous pali- Through these gatherings, social and twelve of age; Charles Eichel- awards. The honors are for scholar- it are actuated by the same task, a task sades. He swung high over the great The judges of the contest, Mr. War- years been ce- ship, attendance and deportment. The otherwise, the scholars have of such far-reaching importance to bridge at Poughkeepsie, dipped at times renfeltz, Dr.
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