Portland Public Library Portland Public Library Digital Commons Nor' by East Periodicals 6-1965 Nor' by East, Summer 1965 Casco Bay Island Development Association Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/peaks_nbe Recommended Citation Casco Bay Island Development Association, "Nor' by East, Summer 1965" (1965). Nor' by East. 13. https://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/peaks_nbe/13 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Periodicals at Portland Public Library Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Nor' by East by an authorized administrator of Portland Public Library Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. , BIG Tli. THE BAY LIE A HEAD ORBY Hr. 1..llcn. Bernstei n 66 Hicks • oad \ucusta., .I::dnc CUMBERLAND COUNTY "A SAIL DOWN THE BAY - A BATH AT THE BEACH; VOL. 7 NO. 3 AND SUMMER'S AWAY - GONE OUT OF OUR REACH!" SUMMER - 1965 Peaks poet - 1900 USEAGE PLAN PROPOSED FOR FORMER ARMY RESERVATION AT PEAKS City Planning Board Photo An interesting proposal which may or 2. Development of a golf course as a Strong interest in the proposal has may not reach fulfillment has been pres­ membership and tourist attraction. been indicated by representatives of the ented by officials of the Casco Bay Is­ 3. Development of a city-sponsored other islands, from City officials, and land Development Association for . the park with salt water swimming pool at from several local business concerns. possible development of the 176-acre the location of present pond. Possible benefits of such a develop· "back shore" ocean front island property. 4. Country Club, Yacht Basin and ment could be of inajor significance, not Currently negotiations are under way Restaurant, as indicated in photo. only to this island, but to the entire with the ownet of the property, Peter 5. White lines rep.resent improved region. As presented .the. plan could be Cioffi, for an option on the land by the thoroughfare roads with adjacent land­ a dramatic "first" ... relating to pro­ CBIDA, which voted at its recent Steer­ scaping, proposed by Portland Plan­ motion of the economy and prestige of ing Committee meeti-ng to attempt this ning Board landscape architect, Henry Southern Maine. major project. Willette, who designed the schematic As soon as further progress is made a The plan as outlined here by the staff pla·n. public meeting will be held so that is­ of the Portland Planning Board, envi­ 6. Areas marked "residential" would land residents may take an active part sions this land to be developed for the be available only through the non-profit in the plans and have opportunity to broadest possible utilization, with full organization, and any revenues there­ contribute ideas and ask questions. protection for island residents in having from would be used for recreation facil­ access to future recreational facilities. ity development. Foremost parts of the plan are: If the option agreement is finalized, 1. A central hotel-like building with the CB-IDA will move forward in hopes surrounding family-sized units - to be of actually obtaining the land. From operated by a non-profit corporation as there on it will take larger than local a Vacation Center, possibly for such moneys to carry out further develop­ distinguished international clientele as ment. The recently passed legislation represented by UN delegates. (The same for State-backed guarantees for loans type venture could also be beamed to designated for recreational development other users if the international angle could be a foremost factor in attracting proves infeasible). investors. LEGAL ·OPTION ON THIS 11RACT; SIGNED BY · PETER CIOFFI, HAS . BEEN R~.EIVED BY ·CBIDA PAGE 2 NOR' BY EAST SUMMER 1965 NOR' BY EAST ARMAND'S BEAUTY SHOPPE Box 66, ,Peaks Island, Maine as legislative reporter for the Associated Permanent Waving A Specialty · Published by Casco Bay Island Develop­ Press in Augusta. All BRANCHES OF BEAUTY CULTURE ment Association for residents and visitors 774-5024 of Casco Bay. A non-profit publication Mr. Marden joins our staff as liaison 142 High Street Portland, Maine supported by advertisers and members of man for the Chamber of Commerce, and thr Association. All work except printing donated by members. with this issue there is a realignment of Edi.tor ·: ... ... ....... ... Robert F. Skillings responsibilities with Robert F. Skillings Assistant Editor .. .. .. .. Raymond Hayward of Peaks and Raymond H ayward of L. A. LAROCHELLE, INC. Representative Greater Portland Chebeague taking on as editor and assist­ MEN'S WEAR SHOES Chamber of Commerce ... Alan L. Marden Lay-out Consultant . Mrs. John W. Chapman ant editor, respectively. Mrs. Bea Chap­ 204 Commercial Street Correspondents and Staff Members: man, our former long-time editor, vol­ Portland, Maine Miss Johanna von Tiling, Cliff; Mrs. Sidney unteered to serve as lay-out consultant. W. Thaxter, Cushings; Miss Maureen Mul­ kern , Little and Great Diamond; Lawrence St.evens, Long; Mrs. Frances Randall, Peaks A VARIETY OF TYPES OF Photographers Mrs. Ruth Sargent YELLOW CAB WATE1R TAXI SERVICE? Leon S. Clough Advertising John W. Chapman vVater taxi service among islands and Portland Miss Louise S. Dunham mainland has been recently a frequent 772-6564 Circulation Mrs. Winthrop K. Deane topic of conversation. Conflicting views SHOWING ALLEGIANCE have been expressed by those with con- 4-----------------..... fiicting interests. TO ISLAND ENT6RPRISES For several years Theodore Rand, VOSE-SMITH CO., Florists Island resort literature frequently calls owner of the marina on Little Diamond 646 Congress St., Portland attention to availability of stores along Island, has been providing a boat for RALPH and HELEN AtlEN, Prop. with schools, churches, and facilities for utilities and individuals to make special 773-6436 social and recreational activities. Ques­ trips when quick service was needed. (SUNDAYS: CALL 766-44 16) tion 1s: Do we fully appreciate the He started this more as an accommoda- service we get from our stores on the tion than as a money-making sideline. ·slancls fortunate enough to have them? He operates under a certificate from the RICHARD P. WALTZ It may be tempting to read o[ special Public Utilities Commission which en­ PLUMBING and HEATING buys in city markets, but, after all, if a ables him to operate a limited type of COMPANY few cents are saved by picking up some service. With less investment than in a All jobs from minor repairs to com­ of these, does the saving really compen­ specially built boat, he can operate at plete kitchen and bathroom re­ sate for the time and muscle power low rates. Since Casco Bay Lines has modeling. nvolvecl in bringing them home? jurisdiction over any service involving Same labor rates as on Mainland. How much better it is to put those seven State-owned island wharves, Rand FREE ESTIMATES extra cents, which go to pay freight must find other suitable landing places. OUR MEN ARE ON PEAKS IStAND costs, into the neighborhood grocer's till. He can use City-owned Cliff Island NEARLY EVERY DAY! He is at our beck and call, and he is a wharf. New Service now available to blessing when we find we are short of Owners of a few island fishing boats Peaks Island residents - some quickly needed item. Even as we have also furnished taxi service on emer­ need him, he needs us. gency calls. COMPLETE SEPTIC TANK AND CESSPOOL PUMPING AND CLEANING Same thought applies to island service A short-run taxi service between Cou­ ·eprescntatives and contractors. vVc are sins and Chebeague Islands has been We will send our 2200 ga l. tank ucky to have them. operated for a long time by Jasper truck with 90 feet of suction hose Herein is no implication of our lack Smith. Chebeague residents have ap­ and heavy-duty pump and equip­ of appreciation of our mainland adver- preciated this because they can get to the ment to Peaks Island. isers. A number of them use island mainland by way of Cousins Island stores as retail outlets, or maintain is­ bridge at all hours. Legal action has CALL EAR LY FOR APPO INTMENT land agents to give us direct service. been started by Gray Lines, which claims FOR THIS SERVICE Others offer items, or services, available to have purchased Cousins Island wharf 536 Washington Ave., Portland, Me only in town. from Casco Bay Lines, to establish its 772-2801 Let's give our local people all the daim, contrary to the claim of Town of breaks we can, and let them know we Yarmouth. Thus, this service is threat- wish to see them prosper. ened with complications. Acquisition by the Casco Bay Lines ROGER L. SCHILLING LEAVES of its sparkling new water taxi gave a SULKOWITCH STAFF FOR NEW POSITION big lift in June to the possibilities of HARDWARE & PAINT CO. Glass - Electric Supplies Midway in the preparation of our expanding this type of se-vice. CBL anticipates being able to take care of all Plumbing Supplies Spring issue, Roger L. Schilling resigned 363 Fore St., Portland 773-1406 from his position as Manager of Public the needs of the Bay, and frowns on the Relations, Greater Portland Chamber ot operation of other boats. Commerce, to join the staff of Creative Some islanders take the view that the Associates, Portland p u b 1 i c relations field is big enough for the operation of firm. This change automatically brought more than one boat, and that in the ~ SAVINGS AND LoAN ASSOCIATION his resignation from our editorial stall. interest of quick emergency service it is .. Where Tlto11sa11ds Siwe M ii/ions" :\Ir. Schillings' professional experience desirable to have boats centered on both vas of tremendous value to Nor' by the mainland and islands.
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