., .... .. I.. _i .. ... .. .~ .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. ..... ,. L ..-. .. r I ._ . .. I... .. ,... ..... ..... .? Jill and Bill * Ruckelshaus . on campus . William Ruckelshaus and Jill Ruckelshaus , appeJred on. campus Wednesday, but, for. 'different msons. ' . ' nlr: Ruckelshaus, former Deputy Attorney " General of the United States, held a press . conference prior to an appearance before the Indiana Central student body Ransburg -,in ', Auditorium.' . The former Deputy Attorney General was .. .. ' :. Acting FBI Director (April, 1979. until July, ... .. ... .... ,. .' 1973) and was Administrator of '.the 'US. ' ... ,. ..... ', ~ ... , .. .. ' Environmental Protection Agency (1970-73. ., . .. I.. .January 18, 1974 . Ruckelshaus ' 'resignedfrom the Deputy . .Vol.'53 N0.'7 . , ' . Indiana Cenlral'College;lndianapolit, ... .. ' . ... .. .. I. ~ .. ' Attorney General's position in October, 1973, .. .. ..... .. :..a for refusing to .fire Special' Prosecutor Archibald Cox. ..... ' . His wife:Jill. presently working for &e White House. ioined five other orominent Hoosier citiktk as a member df a study panel looking into a possible public affairs . 'e' . ' program at Central tb prep6 students fqs public service work..Other members of the ..pmel include Indianapolis Mayor, Richard C. Lugar; Administrative Assistant to Governor .. Bowen. William T. Ray; National Republican Committeeman, L. Keith Bulen; Chairman of .... the State Democratic Party. Gordon SI.. Aqrlo; .and' former Deputy hlayor and current VimPresident of Community Affairs . , at Merchants National Bank, John \Vallo. ;.' Funded by Eli Ully Endowment. Inc., the study will be coordinated by hlr. Stephen hl. ' . Maple. anlndianapolis attorney andgraduate '. .., . ..ofIcc. ' ' Indiana Central faculty assisting the study panel Include Air: ' Lynn .Youngblood, Assistant to President Sease and Director of Development: Dr. Robert Cramer, Academic . Dean: Dr. Leonard T. Grant, Dan of the Graduateand EveningDivisions; hIr. hfarvin . ' Sease'r olfice WtEntrdry. lndiantpclo Mayor Riiard C. luiar is in (he backiroind. RJchelshUS held I press . lienricks.~~~ ~~ Professor of Behavior Sciences: Dr. G&ge L. Humbarger, hofesSOr of. tonference and $Dohe la Ihe ICC sluCtnl body in mnrotrlion. Maror luiar, Dr. Crml, tnd Jill Rudtlrhaur. riihl. Business Administration; Dr. James R:', : ' Bill's wife, were on hand lor lhe tin1 rnnlin; 01 a sludy panel. twklnlinto... I possible public ?Ihin profram rl. I ;.. .. .. .. .... Ib"' 'Riggs. Assistant Professor of History and .. ICC (see story) .' , .... .. .. ... .. ~ . Political Science. and nfr:' DouKlaS hf:. ... '. ~' Pholor by iim Mclton ' Dorland, Assistad Professor .of Business .... .... .......... ., . .. Administration. .. .. ...... ... '. .',I .. .............. .... ..'> ....... ... ..? , -. ..... ..... ~ - .... .. .. ...... .. ..... .. :\. ... .. .... ,~ . .. ... z .. : -2 .. .. ;.. January 18, 19.d ,...... -. ........... Editorials :: :::::~ ... :. .. 'I ... ... ........ .. .. Record Review . ,. .. ,. .. .. .c .. .. .. .t .. ' , ' ", .: "" -..CEC.,and:. ... .. .. ... .. .. 'Ne~iI,.:DiamOid.' . ' . ...... ... ... ... ... ..... .. .. rescues drowning'.-? .hlama always said, '"be &urteou.".. .... ... Daddv alwavs said. "be efficient." .I And both always said, be concerned." -"lien the teachers always said it, and the preaker always &id it; and mandmother -bless her soul -always said it. Each had their own - I -'-Jonathan;..L. Seagull, Of ,- way saying it and -well doggone it, you just couldn't help but know, ,. ......... ~. ... .. it. .. .. , -.; %'we on'through. life dabbing a little here. and traipsr4 of it 1:: ByChrisCIutls ' : dabbing a little of it there until -ZAP! One day the president of our Neil Diamond's Jonathan Llvlngston college stands up and announces a new program call CEC. And what do . Seagull is perhaps the. finest work ever : ; YOU think CEC stands for? Yep, you guessed it, -,COURTESY, conceived by this songviriter:,Not many EFFICIENCY, and CONCERN. He stood right up there and asked movie soundtracks achieve a fame for everybody, not just students, but facultyanda,dministration as, ' ' themselves as Ibis album has. The' .. ' . be even more friendly and remember CEC. .. soundtrack even without the movie - and . preferably so. is rich in the way that made '=. : Well, at first we wondered what was so hlgh.falootin'-important. the book by Richard Bach a meaningful part about making three simple words like courtesy, efficiency and concern of every reader's life.. ' .. into a campus-wide program. Then the more we thought abo With fullorchestrationpmvidedby over116 . ' ' more we figured that an abiiosphere of CEC wou1d.k as nice as musicians and a vocal group of 25 male yoices breathing.. peppermint air. ...... ... ingaddition to'Diamond, this albumis as . We aren't shaking our finger at you and telling you how to act; like . mmplete in sound as any symphony. It opens . ~ ' , .- ..with a combinhtion of string. woodwind and a ... .< Blama and Papa and the'teachers and preachers and grandmother - .. bless her soul - used to do. All we ask is for you to try it. Take a big trumpet solo so masterfully arranged that it . is not difficult to imagine the sea, the sky and hunk of CEC and spread it wherever you go and whatever you do. , . : ' . the which sets the backgmund for tbe ..... .. .. .. flock .. RFK. .. I . story. If you lid yourself soaring, don't be . i . ~ .~ ......... ... .. ....... ~...':~. .'.;, 1. ... 1.: the essential theme of the book and the -': Expand.... !Day,:in ,; . .. movie; the challenge to find that part within 4 .... .. ...~. .. .. in.'a zoo?. _.. ... '.: :ourselves which is perfection. .. , . ., ... : .; -;' ...... .. : ,. Be ..the:Chair' .program :. ...: as i page that aches for a io;d .... ', .... .., .. .. ......... *. TOMO, ohior- \mat aplace tome!? me : , . which speaks on a theme , . On February 9, President Gene Sease announced a p&ram.in .. : ... oncesmail,quietandfriendlymmmuni~~h~~ . that is timeless . , , , , , . caught up with the fast changing America.. It . .which selected students might spend a day with him as be conducts the ...... sing , . ' .. ...... .. I . :. is full of violence, drugs,.whores. gambling. .. as a in of a voice ' . business of the college. We yould like, to commend the president on this ........ in song sea& ., . and other typical sites a big city. It even that is silent ' . .~ !? project to make students more aware of the workings of his office, The. ... %as getting great concerts. Yes; Grand Funk Dear Fathershowus thebeaten Jo~than,' , ' program will open doors that have previously been closed to students. ' : :: :. Railroad, the &%o, Jefferson Airplane. John . empty of spirit and questioning the, . , , . We would like to propose that if this new project is as successful as :. Denver, and many. many more: The was . meadnglesnes,,f life,. ...... is anticipated. it be expanded to include other administrative offices. .. Alice Cooper. ,It might have been the. last. , who are we to need . .; * , . The possibility also exists that professors, particularly department. : . I. too! weneed .: ' .._ 7,W ~ krnber brought people paling ..chairmen, might wish to participate as well. This is an excellent ~' .... 13th . we need '.' .. .. ' -%'and $3 to Tops precede Alice chance for the college community to develop understanding on both see Z Z . ; while we Gait , . ., . at . , .: Cooper the Toledo Sports Arena. It was ., !. , , : . .A sides of the fence. ..... ' while we wait - '. like a zoo.or rowdy sports.spectators. With .the form on Again we give our commendation lo the presidentand his staff for. ....: bper'sconcert was halted after two songs ~ armmpanied with violin, the sad seriousness this step foywd. We hope that the steps will continue. because Of debris being uvom at the stage. , of his -solved dmms finds depth and ; .. RAS , Eggs, firecrackers, pennies. 'flashcubes, color. brushes, matches, and more were tossed on ... .The stronger JoMthan has found his .. ... stage. hllchaelBruce. guitarist forthegroup,. .. and is decided in his self.value'is .. ' . ' '. Guest editorial ,I . ~. was injured by shattering glass . portrayed by a fast-moving,'heavily firecracker prank. The band pleaded with L .~ . a rhythmical skyb,,.,,. .. .. ...... .. people(oquitsothemncertcouldgoonlbut ',; Jonathan ~ivingtionSeago11 is an . i. ... violence persisted. Seven thousad people .erperience in itself viewed muiwlly. AS a I left disappointed and OdY arrests Yere' '.. movie soundtrack it is somewhat t .':'.':, ' madefordrugs. '; . .', overshadowed. by meaningless - often Use. of. ride board ~, .. ~. .~ . mat's the world coming to? Can't people. ' ' . tedious - dialogue. msalbum maathe '. evengotoaconcertwithouthavingtoactlike ' movie, with a little help from, the. , .'. animals? R%en are people s~pose10 . ~photography. I,, fact, with a good -set of + ,' aid,;.in .energy -crisis'; :..,, '. : . mature?. .' headpbonesanda lilUelmaginaUonyoucould ..... ."II .'.;I .. .... GuessToledoanshaveaiotofgro*guPto wveyourselfthecostorgoingtothetheatre. .. ' gonna happen in Indy? hope . : The energy crisis seems to be affecting all'oi us in one way or. do. Is this Let's ... '. ' not! inother: To many who own cars or live some distance away from ICC, ' ' ' . ' ' . .. Terry Taylor. ... .... it means transportation problems. hIany realize the high gas prices and ' , . ~ .~ other conflicts. But what can we do about it? ..-. much. Organize car pools for commuters. Use the Ride'Board : . ' Not :. '. ' .' in basement of
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