¥olum»71. Number 99 s going to snow. Mo it's not. Kriduy. es it is. Well, maybe not. unny and mild today. Pebruarv 20. 1970 Uuku University The Chronicle Durham, North Carolina Inside today Academic freedom and —New freshman advising system (P-3) tenure policies revised — Religion and literature By Fred Zipp was short and without major disagreements. symposium today (p. 6) The Academic Council approved by voice vote Watson explained the principle goal of the Ex­ yesterday proposed revisions of appendix IV of the ecutive Committee in revising the document was faculty handbook. "to gain approval and put into writing" certain —The New Hampshire primary is The appendix "embodies an agreement between policies concerning the role and power of the Tuesday (p. 7) the president and the faculty as to policies and pro­ University Hearing Committee. cedures with respect to academic freedom, Upon the request of a faculty member, the Hear­ academic tenure, and certain matters of due pro­ ing Committee may decide cases involving "dis- • cess," according to the new text. missal for misconduct or neglect of duty, termina­ The "now legendary" appendix IV, as Richard L. tion of contract prior to its expiration date, tenure Watson, chairman of the Academic Council, status, alleged violations of academic freedom, or described it, was first discussed at the November violations of due process in decisions not to renew meeting of the council and again in January, with a term appointment, to grant tenure, or to promote members of the council requesting certain changes in rank," according to the new text. in the text each time. Specifically. Watson said, the Executive Commit­ Watson told the council University presidenl tee wished to add the following three provisions Terry Sanford had already given his approval to the not previously included in appendix IV: revised appendix and that if it were not passed —that the Hearing Committee can prescribe re­ yesterday a special session of the Academic Coun­ medial action, such as extension of a termination cil would be called to resolve the matter. date, in cases not involving dismissal where the In other business at the routine 40-minute meet­ faculty member's claim is upheld; ing, C.L. Haslam, the University counsel, discussed —that judgments of the Hearing Committee, in­ the legal status of the faculty handbook as a con­ cluding remedial action, are binding on all parties tractual instrument, and Watson assured the coun­ and cannot be summarily rejected by the ad­ — Artweek(p. 10) cil "it would not be [the executive committee of the ministration; Academic Council] wish" to discuss the future of —that either party to a dispute heard by the Hear­ ing Committee can appeal the judgment of the com­ — Sports (pp. 16-22) the Barchas Collection at a summer meeting of the council. mittee to the Board of Trustees. Short and sweet In addition, Watson said, wording of a section — Maryland-Duke line-ups (p.24) In contrast to earlier discussions of the proposed descrihing how decisions of the Hearing Committee revisions of appendix IV, yesterday's consideration are to he presented to the Board of Trustees for re­ view was clarified to meet objections voiced by the council at its January meeting. Recovering from heart attack Executive privilege Watson said the new wording of the section "cer­ tainly did not" preclude the president of the Sirica may cancel Duke speech University from giving his own recommendation to the Trustees when he presents a case to them. The By |ohn Harwood honorary degree. several weeks ago on the re­ toward .recovery." Ruyacki president presents the case to the board in keeping Watergate Judge John Christine Mimms, i commendation of the com­ said. "He should be re­ with the "normal lines of communication" at Duke, Sirica's heart attack two ecuti ve assistant mencement committee. leased from the hospital in he added. weeks ago may prevent him University President Terry Rep. Barbara Jordan, D.­ another two weeks." Diulo Giannitrapani, a former associate professor Texas, was second on the from speaking at Duke's Sanford. and Pelham Ruvacki added that Sirica of psychology at Highlands Hospital whose con­ list of names presented to commencement May 9. his Wilder, chairman of the expects to return to work on tract was terminated in 1974. suggested to the law clerk said yesterday. Sanford, according to a a light schedule three to commencement committee, council that the revised appendix still did not "It's a question mark refused to comment on member of the commi ttee. four weeks after his release specify clearly enough the power of the Hearing whether lie will be able to whether the University was Sirica collapsed Feb. 5 from the hospital. (Continued on page 4) speak or not." Bob Ruyacki, seeking another speaker in while addressing the Sirica's clerk, said. "At this the event that Sirica cannot George Washington time his doctors are not in a speak, University Law Alumni in Washington. D. C. Ruyacki ASDU supports PIRG position to tell him what to Ruyacki said he had been do." in contact with Sanford's termed the attack "serious." Ruyacki indicated. office this week but had not but said Sirica was taken off however, that doctors have been advised of any de­ the critical list after only voting reform efforts tentatively given Sirica cision by the University. one day. across the state have also been asked to By Jennifer McGovern permission to attenf the Sanford selected Sirica as "Judge Sirica has made ediloralize on the subject, he said. ASDU president Rick Glaser sent a letter ceremony and receive an steady, stable progress According to Deiss. PIRG is trying to get on Feb. 12 to the North Carolina Board of a registrar to come to the Duke campus as Elections stating that ASDU supports the part of the registration effort, but PIRG's' voter registration policv proposed by the main thrust will be "to get the registration North Carolina Public interest Research policv ironed out." Group (NC-PIRG). The six-member Board of Elections must The NC-PIRG proposal alleged that stu­ vote by majority that the present policy dents are denied an equal opportunity to needs to be changed in order for a revision vote in North Carolina and outlined re­ of the state's policy to occur. The board is forms which the group felt would make still considering the brief, but Alex Brock, the registration policy more equitable. a Raleigh lawyer and member of the hoard, Glaser's letter stated "it is our hope that said the board will not vote to change the North Carolina will not lag behind other present policy, in his judgement. states in constitutional and equitabnle re­ Although no statistics are available on gistration procures." and called for pro­ how many students get turned down for mpt action by the board. registration, Deiss expressed the opinion David Deiss. a Trinity College junior that many students would prefer to re­ and a member of the PIRG chapter at Duke, gister in North Carolina. said all student legislatures in North The deadline for registration for the ASOU President Rick Glaser sent a letter to the North Carolina Board of Carolina are being asked to send letters in March 23 presidential primary is this Elections supporting in-state student voter registration. (Photo by Ken support of the proposal. Major newspapers Shapiro) Monday. Feb. 23. Page Two l-'riihu. Kobruarv 20. 197(i SPECTRUM* following the spaghetti suppei In lh.' v, na- Jo TATE ARMSTRONG. TKKKV bridge when you can play duplicate' TODAY Divinity School Lounge at 6:30 pm Ff. CHJLI. THKBLUEDEV1L |EFF HOWSON in all HILLEL EXECS: There • Sunday night Bl 7 p m .n 209 East Duke i. The subject of the meeting will (head i.heerleader), and ALL THE THIS n open planning meeting ihis Ibe YM-YWCA office |t:ri.<|»l basement) Bhlg. that is. i al 5 p.m. before dinner. concern the work of the Holy Spin CHEEKI.KADERS have in common? WEEKEND They'll all be special guest stars on "THE The DUKE BAHA1 CLUB will have an ASDU University Services Committee GENERAL SOCCER LEAGUE: New nets FLIP SIDE." loin Flip Schaefer and informal discussion this Saturday in will meet Sun.. Feb. 22. at 1 p.m. in room Want to make a cherry pie for B.W.'s ase pay dues now. Games for this weel Is this Flowers Lounge al 4 p.m. Everyone is 102 Union. All members and interested real birthday? Lots of recipes in the East The IFC-PANHEL HAPPY HOURS will Friday 2-11,1-5. Sunday 13-15.12-16, invited, refreshments wil! lie served. students are asked lo allend. Health Campus Library's great collection of cook ctir.-.mence today at 4 p.m. at the id 3-7. 2-14. Monday l-i 1.5-6. Services will be discussed. clocktower quad near Ihp Sig-Ep section. On Sun.. Feb. 22, at 8 p.m. in Baldwin BRIDGE PLAYERS: Why play rubber (Continued on page 8) There will be 3 kegs and 50c buys you all All CREWPERSONS: A new and Auditorium, the Music Department of you can drink. AllGreeks welcome! Duke University will present a concert of nxmmziTi 2:45. SPECIAL FRIDAY AT HILLE Bicentennial Celebration Music for Community It v shirt, 'course we will be serving dinner at your followed bji services al 7 p.m. as Applications Duke?" Come for s ml In but after the service, al around 8 case of rain, regular . Siit. we'll be having another fantastic H usual COFFEEHOUSE complete with d for the position of SIMPLIFIED LIFESTYLE discus group meet for breakfast this Saturdi EDITOR of 9:30 a.m.
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