Lc GOVERNMENT GAZETTE "Published by Authors | vera2thNo. 36 18th MAY, 1984 Price 30c : General Notice346 of1984, Nature of carriage: Goods,wares and merchandise of all kinds. bo Condition: Standard interlocking condition. area of operation, area to be ROAD MOTOR TRANSPORTATION ACT [CHAPTER 262] By: Extension of the existing within an 80-kilometre radius of the General Post Office, Harare, with access-to Chinhoyi, Magunic, Karoi, Guruve, . Mvurwi, Centenary, Zowa, Lion’s Den and Mangura. sont in comes with Road Service Permits Additionals. IN terms of ‘subsection. (4) Je sectionve 7 of.the Road Motor. -Fambayi Distributors (Pvt) Ltd. Transportation, Act. [Chapter 262), notice is hereby given. that G/303/84. Goods-vehicle. Load: 7 000 kilograms. the applications jdetailed in the Schedule, for the issue or amendment of bad service permits, have been received for the Area: Within Mashonaland West province. consideration of theController of Road Motor Transportation. Nature of carriage: Agricultural produce and requirements. '- Any person wishing to object to any such application must Note.—This application,originally published in General Notice ‘lodge with the Controller. of Road Motor ‘Transportation, 289 of 1984,is republished here with corrections. _ P.O. Box 8332,-Causeway— aa : :(a) a notice, in writing, of his” intention to object, so-as to a wage the Controller's office, not later than the 8th June, - G/304/84, (Goods-vehicle. Load: 9 000to Ltogams | Area: Within Mashonaland Central Province. _ ) his objection ‘and the gtdunds ‘therefor, on form R.MT. Nature of carriage: Agricultural produce and requirements. 24, together with two copies.thereof, so as to reach the | Note.—This application, originally published in General Notice Controller’'s office not later than the 29th June, 1984. 289.of 1984, is republished here with corrections. Any person:“objecting to ‘an application for the issueor . amendment ofa roadservice permit must. confine his grounds be '. ‘of. objectionto. matters directly ‘bearing on the considerations Selection Cartage (Pvt.) Ltd. referred to in paragraph (a), (*). ©; (2), ) or ({) of section. G/320/84. Trailer. Load: 11 000 idlograms. 8 of the said Act. Area: Shall be the same as in the road service permit in / : R. N, TSOMONDO, respect of the vehicle towing the trailer. Road Motor Transportation. , Jo18-5-84, Controller ‘a| ; Nature of carriage: Shall be the same as in the road service ' permit in respect of the vehicle towing thetrailer. | Note:—This application is made to reinstate permit 22085, / sccbinw which expired on the 31st Janney: 1984. - GOODS-VEHICLES oe q Amendments oot | Y |! Johnston’s Motor Transport (Pvt.) Ltd. McClunes Trarisport (Pvt) Ltd, ' G/366/84, Goods-vehicle, Load: 8 000 kilograms. G/832 and 834/83. Permits:| 20724 and 20727. Two ‘goods: Area: Within the Gokwe Communal Lands with access to vehicles. Load:.8 000 kilograms: __ Kwekwe. Area: Within an 80-kilometre radiusof the General Post Office, . Nature of carriage: Goods, wares and merchandise of all kinds. Harare. Natureof carriage: Goods, wares. and merchandise of ail kinds. | 1 interlocking condition. TAXT-CABS Condition: Standard Amendments By— P. M. Sibanda. (a) increase:in load to 30 000) kilograms: TX/73/84. Permit: 24833. Passenger-capacity: 4. office, Zaka. ({b) extension of the existing area of operation area to. be Area: Within a 40-kilometre radius of the post ‘an 80-kilometre radius. of the General Post Condition: The vehicle to stand for hire at Jerera and Zaka Office, Harare, with acogss tot ‘Mudzi, Mutoko, Murehwa Township, only. — and Wedra.. By— : : 4 (a) deletion of the existing area of operation and the radius ‘of the G/833 and 836/83, ‘Permits,‘20708 and. 12670. Twogoods: substitution of “Within a 40-kilometre vehicles. Load: 30 000° kilograms each, postoffice, Chiredzi;” to stand for hire at the main taxi-rank, . Area: Within|an 80-kilometre radius‘of the General Post3 Ofpe, | _ (b) the vehicle ‘Harare. Chiredzi Township, only. tee 306 | I ZIMBABWEAN (GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 18TH MAY, 1984: General Notice 347 of 1984, "| General Notice 350of 1984. ROAD MOTOR TRANSPORTATION ACT [CHAPTER 262] SALES TAX ACT [CHAPTER 184] * Notice to All Publier Vehicle Operators in Zimbabwe |. Cancellation of Certificates of Registration NOTICE is héreby given, in terms of the provisions of (Notice 14 of 1984) = - paragraph (g) of subsection (2) of section 12 of the (Road Motor Transportation Act [Chapter 262], that all public service vehicle - operators who have not submitted their forms RMT 27 as of | this date, prescribed in terms of section 25 of the Road Motor Ir iishereby notified that the certificates of” registration. Transportation (Public Service Vehicles} Regulations, 1972, specified in the Schedule, which were issued in ‘terms of _ are required, within 14 days of publication of this notice, to section 9 of the Sales Tax ‘Act {Chapter 184), have ‘been: submit their updated forms RMT, 27 for 1984. cancelled. Failure. on the part of any operator to comply with this c. F, IVES, notice, will result.in the Controller of Road Motor Trans- 18-5-84, ‘Commissioner of Taxes. portation taking appropriate action, in terms of sections ‘11 and 12 of theRoad Motor Transportation Act {Chapter 262). R. N. TSOMONDO, 18-5-84, Controller of RoadMotor Transportation. : SCHEDULE General Noti¢e 348 of 1884. _¢ CANCELLED CERTIFICATES OF REGISTRATION no . ? Registratig nt _ DEEDS REGISTRIES ‘ACT [CHAPTER 139] Dee » certificat Date of ‘Name of operator number cancellation Notification. of ‘Caricellation of Deed of Grant 3286/82: B. & G. Agencies (Pvt.) Ltd. 6/353: 31, 1.84 Stand 2669, Seki Township, Goromonzi District \ _ Belmor (Pvt.) Ltd: 2/263 | iS.he. 83. Bentone Investment(Pvt) Ltd. 2/675 | - 31. 1.84 Bentwood.Cabinets (Pvt.) Ltd. yok 271449 | . 31.1.84- NOTICE- is hereby given that the Minister of Local Beveridge, M.S., tradingas Turkois Store *. 4/122 - 34.12.83 Government and Town Planning intends to direct - the Bhana, C., trading as Big 4 Taxis 42/7001 34.12.83 Registrar of Deeds, at Harare, to cancel Deed of Grant Chademana, E. R. and Makuni, J., trading as CM. : oo . 3286/82, in’ terms ofsubsection: (1) of section 48 of the Deeds’ ‘Distributors . * 56/37 3. 28.2.81° Registries Act [Chapter 139]. Chikozho,T. A.s trading asZimbabwe Cabs 5/7005. 31.11.84 “ The property concerned is Stand 2669, Seki Township, Daud(Miss) A.,-trading as A. Daud . 8/13 _ 3B.12.83 Goromonzi District. Don-Elly (Pvt.) Ltd. ~ . oo “2/1491, :' 3.1.84. * Fox, A. J., ‘trading as Brian’s Butchery - 2/567 | | 272.84. Any person objecting to the proposed cancellation, is hereby. Garnie,J., trading as J.R. Store . _ 2/2026: ° 31.1.84.. required to lodge his objections, in writing, giving hiis name ; Giltmaster, B. A., trading as Hydratec toe . 2/354 | 31.1.84 - and address and the grounds of objections, with the Minister Gomes,J. de, trading agModern Fish and Chips . 2 2/429) 292.84 of Local Government and TownPlanning, at Private Bag Grill, N. J., trading as Fife Street Furnishers’... 2/1469| 30.4.83 77106, Causeway, on or before the Ast July, 1984. Holley, P.J., trading as:Motapa Trading 2/175: 31.8.83 | House of Tudor (Pvt.) Ltd. 2/2116 : 31.184 EC. CHIKOWORE, Howes, J., trading as Howes Engineering 2/2059: -.31.3.84 - 18-5-84, Minister of ‘Local Government and Town Planning. Inipilo Carpenters Co-op.*Society Ltd. 2/204 3 31.1.84 ‘Juru, 1., Muringi, 1, Magwenzi trading as Zim- | of _ babwe Restaurant * -) 2/308 |. 18.1.84 “General Notice 349 of1984. Kalsheker, N., trading¢as N. & M. Enterprises _ 2/2226 i . 31.12.83 Khumalo, V., trading as‘ Emergency Taxi- S2/3289 31.1484, LAND SURVEY ACT[CHAPTER147] Koudounaris, C., trading as Golden Bakery and : . Confectioners. - 3/110 | 30.11.83 Lambat, M.A., trading asKiddies World . - 5/78 31.10.83 Application for Cancellation of Portion of General Plan Link, L N., trading as Agape Enterprises 34/28 , 30.11.83 DGS96-of Stands 28 to 63 and 65 to 67,Mtoko Township, L. A. M. Gowns(Pvt.) Ltd., trading as Dolores. 2/1225| . 4%.3.84 ~ ‘Mtoko District Manda,T. M.. trading as Emergency Taxi. S/3008+ 31.12.84 Masango, M., trading as Good Hope Taxi “s2/3171 . 19.12.83 Maseko,B., tradingas Emergency Taxi: . 2/3293 19.12.83 NOTICE is herebv given, in terms of section 44 of the Land Mashonaland Holdings Ltd., eding as BloomSo | oe, oo Survey Act [Chapter 147], that. the undersigned intends -to Consolidated Motors .. 3/37" : 14.2.84 apply to the Surveyor-General for the cancellation of’ that Mathema, M. T., Moyo, L. F., Mlambo, J. N, : | - portion of General Plan DG 596 comprising Stands 28, 29 and trading as Blessed Touch Manufacturers. 10/42 : 31.8.83 | _ 40, together with the portions of roadways- defined’ by the _ Mayfair Clothing (Pvt.} Ltd. : 2/1316) 15.12.83 figures 28d. 28c, 29b, 29a, v. 31b, 28d, and 2, x, 30d,.30c, y, Moyo,A..,trading as Emergency Taxi 52/3363 311.84 3“and 2 where— Mpepe,P., trading as Emergency Taxi . S2/3264 9.1.84 Mudzonga,L. T., trading as Maestro Mini Cabs 3/7010 30.9.83- (i) v and x are points 40,93 metres and 65,'93 metres from Mupandi, J., trading as D.J. Motors we 12/48 * 30.6.82 29a respectively, on theline29a-304d; * Mupfundirwa, G., trading as Emergency Taxi . ... 82/3294 - 31,1.84 (ii) w is a point 6,49 metres from x in a westerly direction - New World Music (Pvt.) Ltd. , . 2/877 | 31.1.84 on a line paralled :to v—31b;- Newenya, E., trading as Emergency Taxi.
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