“Behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee BAPTIST in all places TO REPORT A NEWS ITEM whither thou OR BUY AN AD goest. CALL 800.376.7728 OR 318.442.7728 – Genesis 28:15 (KJV) MessageNewsjournal for Louisiana Baptists Helping Louisiana Baptists impact the world for Christ Volume 132 l Issue No. 8 www.baptistmessage.com April 20, 2017 Lottie Moon giving slumps, on pace for historic drop By Will Hall Program, Southern Baptists’ primary channel for funding all national causes, are down less Message Editor than one percent, or about $967,597 below RICHMOND (LBM) –The Southern last year. Baptist Convention Executive Committee has By contrast, contributions to the Lottie released data showing relatively stable Coop- Moon Christmas Offering, which benefits only erative Program giving but a flagging Lottie the International Mission Board, Southern Moon Christmas Offering that is trending Baptists’ overseas-missionary-sending entity, toward a record single-year fall. have tumbled almost $13.5 million, a nearly Comparing receipts from Oct. 2016 12 percent drop, for the same time frame. through Mar. 2017 with totals for the same pe- riod a year ago, gifts through the Cooperative See LMCO on 7 Luter tells governor, legislators, ‘Take it to God in prayer’ By Brian Blackwell Message Staff Writer BATON ROUGE – Prior to the start of the second day of the 2017 Louisiana Legislative Session, Franklin Avenue Bap- tist Church Pastor Fred Luter told elected officials that when facing major decisions, follow Jesus’ example and consult with the Father. “Throughout His time here on earth, whenever Jesus had a choice to make, He al- ways – without fail – consulted with His Fa- Douglas Collier photo ther,” Luter said during his keynote address Keynote speaker Fred Luter, pastor of Franklin Avenue Baptist to “learn a lesson from Jesus and take it to God in prayer” at the Church in New Orleans, told Gov. John Bel Edwards and legisators 53rd annual Governor’s Prayer Breakfast April 11 in Baton Rouge. See BREAKFAST on 4 At Celebration, God uses new Checkerz Wil- liams, pastor of Celebration Church River life for one to impact many Parishes cam- By Brian Blackwell pus, baptizes the beginning of an awaken- James Fletcher. Message Staff Writer ing in his own life, and also After his bap- a revival among many of his tism, his mother NEW ORLEANS – For family members. and wife, Elisha, years, James Fletcher strug- “I let those strongholds accepted Christ gled with drug addiction, take over my life and had to and were both resentment toward others and realize forgiveness is one of baptized within separation from his brother the biggest things I need to a six-month pe- who was sentenced to serve have,” said Fletcher, who was riod. His grand- life at the Louisiana State baptized in January 2016. mother who has Penitentiary at Angola. “I was so dependent on the made a decision But in late 2015, Fletcher things of the world to hide my plans to follow found hope in Christ at through with Celebration Church, marking See CELEBRATION on 8 baptism as well. 2 Louisiana News Final paperwork officially births CENLA Pregnancy Center By Brian Blackwell teach about choosing life but on opening a similar facility. we also want to teach about However, after learning about Message Staff Writer marriage and the role of a Louisiana Baptists’ plans, PINEVILLE – Support- mom and dad in the home. they opted to instead throw ers of the fi rst pregnancy care We will offer free classes all of their support toward center in central Louisiana from everything to maternity the facility that adheres to the have signed articles of incor- care to caring for the newborn 2000 Baptist Faith and Mes- poration, paving the way for to parenting to pre-marital sage statement. an entity that could save the counseling.” Gunter said the beauty lives of many unborn chil- Since his church began of the center is that while dren. praying in January 2014 for Baptists, Catholics and Pres- During a special ceremony the establishment of a preg- byterians may have differing Thursday, March 30, at the nancy care center in central viewpoints of a number of Baptist Mission Center in Louisiana, the idea has far theological issues, they rally Pineville, a room full of pas- exceeded what Gunter or behind the issue of pro-life. tors, physicians and other his congregation could have “We have support beyond pro-life supporters gathered imagined. the Southern Baptist commu- to fi nalize paperwork to make Originally, they pondered nity,” Gunter said. “We want the formation of the CENLA setting up such a center in the this to be a center that is 100 Pregnancy Center offi cial. back of their church property. percent pro-life, from concep- With a targeted opening of However, God had other tion to natural death. Anyone late this year, volunteers will plans. that is 100 percent pro-life, Brian Blackwell photo provide medical and educa- Hundreds of churches, we want their support.” tional services, and spiritually business leaders and other Now that the articles of Peter Lemoine, an attorney from Cottonport, and Ed Tarpley, an attorney minister to pregnant women pro-life advocates in central incorporation have been from Alexandria, and others watch as Brian Gunter, pastor of First Bap- and their unborn children. Louisiana learned of the idea, fi led, the CENLA Pregnancy tist Pollock, signs articles of incorporation for a pregnancy care center at “Our goal is to save lives contributing money and other Center will be operating as a noon Thursday, March 30, at the Baptist Mission Center. and save souls,” said Brian forms of support to help make 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organi- Gunter, pastor of First Baptist it happen. zation. Church in Pollock. “We By December 2016, a The actual location will want to save the lives of the nine-person board of trustees be fi nalized in the coming children but we also want formed, comprised of mem- months, but there are several to share the Gospel with the bers from Big Creek, Central strong possibilities in Alexan- parents. We want to not only Louisiana and North Rapides dria-Pineville, including the Baptist Associations. Baptist Mission Center. Recently, Gunter and Among those volunteering the board members were at the center will be three pro- approached by a group of life physicians, and, volun- May 6, 2017 non-Southern Baptist busi- teers who will teach classes ness leaders – many who are 5:00 PM Catholic – who had planned See PREGNANCY on 6 First Baptist Church Protection for Your Church DeRidder, LA TICKETS: $15 in advance $20 at the door $30 VIP early entry Meet & Greet $35 VIP at the door ALL SEATING GENERAL ADMISSION Property • Vehicle Liability • Workers’ Comp Paul D. Stewart 318.442.0269 spenglerstewart.com 911 4th St., Alexandria [email protected] LOUISIANA ADVERTISING SUBSCRIPTIONS: CHANGE OF ADDRESS BAPTIST MESSAGE Display [boxed] and classifi ed [words only] advertising must be in writing, Individual: $14/year Two weeks before change is desired, send and may be submitted by email, U.S. mail or fax. Group rates available new address (with zip code and street address) Will Hall, Editor To the best of our knowledge, all ads in the Louisiana Baptist Message Call the and mailing label from this copy of theLouisiana Louisiana Baptist Message Baptist Message. Periodicals postage paid in represent legitimate companies and offerings. However, one should always STAFF at 800-376-7728 or 318-442-7728 Alexandria, Louisiana, and additional mailing exercise normal business caution in responding to ads. Fax: 318-445-8328 Philip Timothy Rhonda Havens Brian Blackwell offi ces. For all your advertising needs contact Rhonda Havens at theMessage [email protected] Managing Editor Advertising Director Staff Writer PO Box 311 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to at 800.376.7728. Alexandria LA 71309 the Baptist Message,1250 MacArthur Drive, PO JoAnne Timothy www.baptistmessage.com Box 311, Alexandria LA 71309-0311 Offi ce Manager The Louisiana Baptist Message (USPS 042-860) (ISSN 0740-2104) Board of Trustees: partners with: Published biweekly Thursdays by the Louisiana Baptist Message, 1250 MacArthur Drive, Steve Arledge, Craig Beeman, Jack Bell, Wayne Dubose, Alexandria, Louisiana 71303. Mike Canady Sarah Clancy, Jacob Crawford, Lonnie Gothrup, © Copyright 2017 Baptist Message. All rights reserved Tim Hisaw, Bill Inman, Robert Spicer, Darris Waren Volume 132 April 20, 2017 Number 8 April 20, 2017 l www.baptistmessage.com l LOUISIANA BAPTIST MESSAGE Louisiana News 3 Louisiana Baptist women celebrate missions at annual meeting By M S strategist; Gina Roberts, Inter- national Mission Board; and, Regional Reporter Lena Plunk, WMU ministry MANDEVILLE – A consultant for mobilization, “Grounded, Growing, and Birmingham, Alabama. Bearing Fruit” theme called A special collection ben- women to live on mission efi tting the Mississippi River at the Women’s Missionary Christmas Ministry, an evan- Union Missions Celebration gelistic effort serving fami- and 117th annual meeting, lies along the river, fi lled 38 March 31-April 1, at First backpacks with toys, schools Baptist, Mandeville. supplies, hygiene items, and Cindy Townsend, former Bibles to be given away. LBC women’s missions and Other activities included ministry director now serving a missions fair highlighting as executive-treasurer of the ministries around the world, Mississippi Baptist Conven- a Louisiana Baptist Nursing tion’s WMU and women’s Fellowship prayer breakfast, ministries, challenged attend- and a focused prayer time for ees to shine the light on Jesus. missions. “We are to go to our corner Offi cers were elected in a of Louisiana and we are to brief business session during put the spotlight on Jesus,” the event: Cameron Mullins, Townsend said.
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