Aquacultural research in Asia: management techniques and nutrition Proceedings of the Asian seminar on aquaculture organized by IFS, Mâlang, Indonesia, 14-18 November 1988 E.A. Huisman, N. Zonneveld & A.H.M. Bouwmans (Editors) • f mmu' •.mim Pudoc Wageningen 1989 /< CIP data, Royal Netherlands Library, The Hague Aquacultural research in Asia: management techniques and nutrition. Proceedings of the Asian seminar on aquaculture organized by IFS, Malang. Indonesia, 14-18 November 1988. / E. A. Huisman, N. Zonneveld & A.H.M. Bouwmans (Editors). - Wageningen: Pudoc. - 275 pp.: ill.; ref. ISBN 90-220-0994-7 NUGI 835 © Centre for Agricultural Publishing and Documentation, Pudoc Wageningen, Netherlands, 1989 All rights reserved. Nothing from this publication may be reproduced, stored in a computerized system or published in any form or in any manner, including electronic, mechanical, reprographic or photographic, without prior written permission from the publisher, Pudoc, P.O. Box 4, 6700 AA Wageningen, Netherlands. The individual contributions in this publication and any liabilities arising from them remain the responsibility of the authors. Insofar asphotocopie s from this publication are permitted by the Copyright Act 1912, Article I6B and Royal Netherlands Decree of 20Jun e 1974 (Staatsblad 351) as amended in Royal Netherlands Decree of 23 August 1985 (Staatsblad 471) and by Copyright Act 1912, Article 17, the legally defined copyright fee for any copies should be transferred to the Stichting Reprorecht (P.O. Box 882, 1180 AW Amstelveen, Netherlands). For reproduction of parts of this publication in compilations such asanthologie s or readers (Copyright Act 1912, Article 16), permission must be obtained from the publisher. Printed in the Netherlands. BIBLIOTHEEK' LAxNDBOUWUNIVERSnEEQ WAGENINGEN Contents Foreword Jaan Tear, Director International Foundation for Science Opening Address R.Soeprapto , Director General ofFisheries , Ministry ofAgriculture , Republic of Indonesia 2 Drs.Masduki , Deputy-Governor of East Java Province 4 Drs.A.Arifi n AchmadyMPA , Rector ofBrawijay a University 6 Dr.C.-H.Schiel ,Presiden t of the International Foundation for Science (IFS) 7 T.A. Abella & M.N. Batao, Broodstock exchange technique for maximum production of Oreochromisniloticus egg and fry in hapas 9 M.Ahma d & T. Dahril, The production of Nile Tilapia {Oreochromis niloticus L.) reared in floating cages inth e Kampar river 19 A.B.Ali , Ecological principles of the rice-cum-Esh farming system 24 ,. I.Andarias , The effect of urea and triple superphosphate fertilizers on standing crop and chlorophyll content of klekap 36 K.J.Ang , A.T. Law & S.H. Cheah, Nutrition and culture of the giant gourami (Osphronemus goramy,Lacepede ) in floating net cages 46 E.M.Avila , Food consumption of seaperch, hates calcarifer, in captivity 57 S.K.Banerjee & A. Chattopadhyay, Culture of Clarias batrachus (Linn.) in Indian swamps: effects ofvaryin g nutritional and biochemical parameters and influence ofvitami nA supplementation 62 T.E. Chua, S.K. Teng & P.E. Lim, Use ofgrowt h promoting substances in enhancing yield of estuarygroupe r (Epinephelus salmoides Maxwell) in floating cages 71 B.A. Costa-Pierce, H.Y. Hadikusumah & Y. Dhahiyat, Tilapia {Oreochromis sp.) and carp (Cyprinuscarpio) production in cagesystem s inWes t Java, Indonesia 84 CR. delà Cruz, Fingerling production trials inric e fields inNort h Sumatra, Indonesia 97 T. Dahril & M. Ahmad, The growth of "ikan lemak", (Leptobarbus hoeveni Blkr) receiving a pelleted supplemental feed and human excreta in floating cages 110 U. Edirisinghe, Effect of 'Veluwe' ducks on Oreochromis niloticus recruitment under extensive fish culture conditions 116 R.D. Guerrero III & L.A.Guerrero , Use ofDenis root powder for management of freshwater ponds 121 M.R.Hasan ,M.G.M .Ala m& M.A .Islam ,Evaluatio no fsom eindigenou singredient sa s dietaryprotei n sourcesfo r catfish (Clariasbatrachus, Linnaeus )fr y 125 E.A.Huisman ,Aquacultura lresearc h asa too li ninternationa lassistanc e 138 M.S.Khan ,Foo d and feeding biologyo fa Malaysia nfreshwate r catfish,Mystus nemurus C.&V . withreferenc e tophysico - chemicalparameter so fit snatura lhabitat ,Chendero hreservoi r 148 M.S.Khan ,Potentia lo ffinfis h productioni nMalaysi a 157 L.P.Libuano ,A goat-fis h integrated farming systemi nth ePhilippines :effect s ofstockin g densitiesan dgoa tmanur eloadin grate so nth eyiel do fOreochromis niloticus 160 V.B.Manzano ,Polycultur e ofgroupe r (Epinephelustauvina) andTilapi a {Oreochromismossambicus) inbrackishwate r ponds 171 AJ . Matty,Th efeedin g andmetabolis mo fcarbohydrate si nwar mwate r fish 182 N.Murugan ,Th emas scultur eo fa cladoceran ,Daphnia carinata (King), for usea sfoo d inaquacultur e 190 M.C.Nandeesh a &K . GopelRao ,Recen t developmentsi ncar pcultur etechnolog yi nIndi awit h specialreferenc e toth eStat eo fAndhr a Pradesh 203 M.C.Nandeesha , G.K.Srikanth ,T.J . Varghese, P.Keshavanat h &H.P.C .Shetty , Influence ofsilkwor m pupabase ddiet so ngrowth ,organolepti cqualit yan dbiochemica lcompositio no fCatla-Roh uhybri d 211 S.Nurdi n& S .Siregar ,Th eeffec t ofsoi lcompositio no nth egrowt ho fth enatura lfoo d "klekap" 222 F.Piedad-Pascual ,Th eeffec t ofvariou slevel so fprotein ,fat , carbohydrates and energyo ngrowth , survivalan dbod ycompositio no fChanos chanos fingerling s 228 M.Siagia n & S.Siregar ,Th e effects ofpetroleu m crude oilo n thegrowt h ofcommo n carp (Cyprinuscarpio L. ) 237 K.H.G.M.D eSilva ,Chea psource so falternat e feed for thefarmin g ofsnakehea d fish (Teleostei:Channidae) inSr iLank a 241 G.K.Srikanth ,M.S .Nandeesha ,P .Kesavanath ,T.J .Varghese ,H.P.C.Shett y& N . Basavaraja, Onth eapplicabilit y ofa mixe dfeedin g schedulefo r commoncarp ,Cyprinus carpio Var.Communis 254 M.J.S.Wijeyaratne , Foodintak ean dfoo d conversion efficiency ofth esnakehea d Ociocephalusstriatus Bloc hi na peat yswam pi nSr iLank a 261 Listo fparticipant s 268 FOREWORD Aquacultureha sbee nrecognize d byth e International Founda­ tionfo rScienc e (IFS)a sa promisin g areafo rmulti-discipli ­ nary and inter-disciplinary scientific research and since its inception in 1972 the Foundation has given 228 aquaculture research grantst oyoun g scientists inove r 50countries . Theworksho phel d atth eBrawijay a University inMalang ,Eas t Java,Indonesia ,i nNovembe r 1988wa sth e 7thorganize d byth e IFSfo r itsaquacultur escientists . The IFSwoul d liket othan kth e IndonesianGovernmen t (LIPI) and the local Organizing Committee from the BrawijayaUniver ­ sity forthei r invaluablesupport . Sincerethank sar eals odu et oth e IFSscientifi c advisorswh o attended and contributed substantially toth eMalan gworkshop : Dr. Chua Thia-Eng, Philippines; Dr Barry A. Costa-Pierce, Indonesia; Dr Rafael D. Guerrero III,Philippines ; Professor A.J. Matty, United Kingdom, and Professor E.A. Huisman and Ir N. Zonneveld,Th eNetherlands . The proceedings of this workshop are contained in this volume which is the 3rd in a series on Aquaculture Research published by Pudoc Press,Aquacultur e Research inth e African respectively the Latin American Region being the first respectively the second volume in this series, published in 1986an d1987 . A special word of thanks goes to Professor E.A. Huisman,I r N. Zonneveld and Mrs A.H.M. Bouwmans for editing all the papers and for - once again - arranging with Pudoc Press for publication.Ou rthank sals og ot oM rW .Heije ,wh oredre wal l the figures ash edi d also forth etw opreviou svolumes . Nonetheless, IFS wants to express itsgreates t gratitude to the IFS grantees themselves for attending the workshop, for discussing their research results and - in that way - for theircontributio n tothi svolume . June 1989 JaanTea r Director International Foundation for Science Opening addressb yth eDirecto r General ofFisheries , R. Soeprapto,Ministr y ofAgriculture ,Republi c of Indonesia Distinguished Participants andGuests , Ladiesan dGentlemen , It is a great pleasure form e to sharewit h the Governor of East Java in welcoming you to Malang, Indonesia, and to the IFS (International Foundation for Science) Workshop on Fish CultureManagemen t Techniques andNutrition . I do believe that the workshop which is sponsored by the University of Brawijaya in collaboration with the Internatio­ nal Foundation for Science (IFS)i sa ver y auspicious occasion to discuss growth and progress achieved and problems en­ countered in the aquacultural industry in the respective countries. Ifee lparticularl y honoured tob epresent ,becaus e I shall be able to share experiences and to learn from other countries, which will certainly be useful for the development ofaquacultur e inIndonesia . Ladiesan dGentlemen , Aquaculture in Indonesia progressed and plays an important role,particularl y insupportin g rural economy and inincreas ­ ing foreign exchange earnings from the non-oil commodities. Thecontributio n ofaquacultur e toth eoveral l fish production is very much less than that from capture fisheries,however , itscontributio n interm so fvalu e and socio-economic benefits to the rural and coastal communities isbecomin g increasingly significant. Moreover, recent developments in shrimp culture have increased significantly foreign exchange earnings from the fisheriessector . In Indonesia, the average annual fish consumption is still relatively low (15kg/caput/yea r in 1987). Iti sobvious ,tha t there is an urgent need to increase fish supply, especially for rural people. The Government of Indonesia is,therefore
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