!"#$%&''()(*+, The Play that delighted sold-out houses at THE STRATFORD FESTIVAL opens at SOULPEPPER’s home The YOUNG CENTRE April 2013, two hundred years to the month WKHRULJLQDOGUDPDLQÁDPHGWKHWRZQRI<RUN VideoCabaret presents in association with the Young Centre for the Performing Arts !"#$%& '()*)+ :ULWWHQDQG'LUHFWHGE\0LFKDHO+ROOLQJVZRUWK Opening April 8, 2013 ,Q7RURQWR·V+LVWRULF'LVWLOOHU\'LVWULFW 6HDVRQ6SRQVRU%02)LQDQFLDO*URXS 6LU,VDDF%URFN 5LFKDUG&ODUNLQ /DXUD6HFRUG /LQGD3U\VWDZVND DQG&DSWDLQ)LW]JLEERQ 0DF)\IH *HQHUDO+DUULVRQ 5LFKDUG$ODQ&DPSEHOO 7HFXPVHK $QDQG5DMDUDP 7KH3URSKHW 0LFKDHOD:DVKEXUQ 6ROGLHUV *UHJ&DPSEHOO-DFRE-DPHV 3UHV0DGLVRQ 'ROO\ -DFRE-DPHV/LQGD3U\VWDZVND *HQ:LQÀHOG6FRWW 5&ODUNLQ &DSWDLQ)LW]JLEERQ 0)\IH 6ROGLHUV )XOO&RPSDQ\ 6WUDWIRUGSUHVHQWDWLRQ3KRWRJUDSK\E\0LFKDHO&RRSHU When America declares war on Britain and her empire, a Native Praise for !"#$%& '( )*)+,at The Stratford Festival confederation led by the Shawnee chief Tecumseh defends its own territory by joining in the defence of Canada. After three years of “A knockout ... The writing (by Michael Hollingsworth) is “A cross between Spitting Image and the theatre of bloodshed on land & lake, the Yankees have burned York, the Yorkees pungent, the staging (also by Hollingsworth) is brilliant, Bertolt Brecht ... it’s a rollicking good ride.” have burned Washington, and everyone has burned the Natives. the set and lighting (Andy Moro) are superbly - The American Conservative precise and economic, the costumes (Astrid Janson) are even more superbly garish.” “If I were to recommend one must-see production 6WDUULQJPAUL BRAUNSTEIN, AURORA BROWNE, RICHARD ALAN CAMPBELL, RICHARD CLARKIN - National Post at this year’s 60th season of the Stratford Festival, MAC FYFE, DEREK GARZA, JACOB JAMES, LINDA PRYSTAWSKA it would be VideoCabaret’s The War of 1812.” $VVRFLDWH'LUHFWRUDEANNE TAYLOR6HWDQG/LJKWLQJANDY MORO “A rollicking, radical, rambunctious retelling of the -Sarah B. Hood Costumes ASTRID JANSON0XVLFBRENT SNYDER, history of Canada. ...a stunning achievement... I’ve seen 6RXQG'HVLJQJAKE BLACKWOOD & BRENT SNYDER6WDJH0DQDJHUANDREW DOLLAR nothing quite like [their approach] in many years of “As I was sitting in the audience on Sunday, enjoying the $60 LAURIE MERREDEW, Props BRAD HARLEY:LJVALICE NORTON theatre-going ... do yourself a favour, old chum. theatrical parade before me, the thought occurred that $VV·W&RVWXPH'HVLJQMELANIE MCNEILL, 3URGXFWLRQ$VVLVWDQWADAM BARRETT Come to the VideoCabaret.” The Bard would approve.” 3URGXFHUVJIM LEFRANCOIS, DEANNE TAYLOR - The Star -Guelph Mercury VideoCabaret presents in association with the Young Centre for the Performing Arts !"#$%& '()*)+ :ULWWHQDQG'LUHFWHGE\0LFKDHO+ROOLQJVZRUWK Opening April 8, 2013 ,Q7RURQWR·V+LVWRULF'LVWLOOHU\'LVWULFW 6HDVRQ6SRQVRU%02)LQDQFLDO*URXS 6LU,VDDF%URFN 5LFKDUG&ODUNLQ /DXUD6HFRUG /LQGD3U\VWDZVND DQG&DSWDLQ)LW]JLEERQ 0DF)\IH *HQHUDO+DUULVRQ 5LFKDUG$ODQ&DPSEHOO 7HFXPVHK $QDQG5DMDUDP 7KH3URSKHW 0LFKDHOD:DVKEXUQ 6ROGLHUV *UHJ&DPSEHOO-DFRE-DPHV 3UHV0DGLVRQ 'ROO\ -DFRE-DPHV/LQGD3U\VWDZVND *HQ:LQÀHOG6FRWW 5&ODUNLQ &DSWDLQ)LW]JLEERQ 0)\IH 6ROGLHUV )XOO&RPSDQ\ 6WUDWIRUGSUHVHQWDWLRQ3KRWRJUDSK\E\0LFKDHO&RRSHU When America declares war on Britain and her empire, a Native Praise for !"#$%& '( )*)+,at The Stratford Festival confederation led by the Shawnee chief Tecumseh defends its own territory by joining in the defence of Canada. After three years of “A knockout ... The writing (by Michael Hollingsworth) is “A cross between Spitting Image and the theatre of bloodshed on land & lake, the Yankees have burned York, the Yorkees pungent, the staging (also by Hollingsworth) is brilliant, Bertolt Brecht ... it’s a rollicking good ride.” have burned Washington, and everyone has burned the Natives. the set and lighting (Andy Moro) are superbly - The American Conservative precise and economic, the costumes (Astrid Janson) are even more superbly garish.” “If I were to recommend one must-see production 6WDUULQJPAUL BRAUNSTEIN, AURORA BROWNE, RICHARD ALAN CAMPBELL, RICHARD CLARKIN - National Post at this year’s 60th season of the Stratford Festival, MAC FYFE, DEREK GARZA, JACOB JAMES, LINDA PRYSTAWSKA it would be VideoCabaret’s The War of 1812.” $VVRFLDWH'LUHFWRUDEANNE TAYLOR6HWDQG/LJKWLQJANDY MORO “A rollicking, radical, rambunctious retelling of the -Sarah B. Hood Costumes ASTRID JANSON0XVLFBRENT SNYDER, history of Canada. ...a stunning achievement... I’ve seen 6RXQG'HVLJQJAKE BLACKWOOD & BRENT SNYDER6WDJH0DQDJHUANDREW DOLLAR nothing quite like [their approach] in many years of “As I was sitting in the audience on Sunday, enjoying the $60 LAURIE MERREDEW, Props BRAD HARLEY:LJVALICE NORTON theatre-going ... do yourself a favour, old chum. theatrical parade before me, the thought occurred that $VV·W&RVWXPH'HVLJQMELANIE MCNEILL, 3URGXFWLRQ$VVLVWDQWADAM BARRETT Come to the VideoCabaret.” The Bard would approve.” 3URGXFHUVJIM LEFRANCOIS, DEANNE TAYLOR - The Star -Guelph Mercury 9LGHR&DEDUHWLVRQHRI&DQDGD·VPRVWLQYHQWLYHSUROLÀF 1HZ)UDQFH DQGFHOHEUDWHGWKHDWUHHQVHPEOHV6LQFHWKHFRPSDQ\·V 'RQQDFRQD&KDPSODLQ%UHEHXI)URQWHQDF IRXQGHUV0LFKDHO+ROOLQJVZRUWKDQG'HDQQH7D\ORUKDYH The British FUHDWHGPDQ\HQGXULQJSOD\VDQGZLWKUHQRZQHGGHVLJQHUV 3ODLQVRI$EUDKDP3RQWLDF7KH/R\DOLVWV7KH:DURI DQGDFWRUVKDYHGHYLVHGVSHFWDFXODUO\RULJLQDOVW\OHVRI 0DFNHQ]LH3DSLQHDX5HEHOOLRQ SHUIRUPDQFH³EODFNER[HSLFVPXOWLPHGLDFDEDUHWV &RQIHGHUDWLRQ PXVLFDOVRSHUDDQGPDVTXHUDGHV 5HG5LYHU5HEHOOLRQ&DQDGLDQ3DFLÀF6FDQGDO 6DVNDWFKHZDQ5HEHOOLRQ ,QWKH·VDQG·V'HDQQHDQGFROODERUDWRUVKRQHGWKH /DXULHU7KH*UHDW:DU ¶YLGHRFDEDUHW·VWDJLQJVW\OHWRUHDOL]HKHUSOD\VDERXW 7KH/LIH 7LPHVRI0DFNHQ]LH.LQJ PDVVPHGLDSROLWLFV,QWKHVDPHSHULRGWKHFRPSDQ\ ::,,7KH&ROG:DU LQYHQWHGWKH¶EODFNER[·VW\OHIRU0LFKDHO·VHSLFSOD\ 7UXGHDX 7KH)/47UXGHDX 7KHPQ F\FOHThe History of the Village of the Small Huts 7KH/LIH 7LPHVRI%ULDQ0XOURQH\ ,Q9LGHR&DEUHIXUELVKHGDWKHDWUHVSDFHLQ7RURQWR Canada’s History Plays are seriously humorous ZKHUHWKHFRPSDQ\LVFUHDWLQJQHZZRUNUHLQYHQWLQJ VDWLUHVFRPELQLQJFRPHG\WUDJHG\SDWKRVDQG WKHLUFODVVLF+LVWRU\3OD\VDQGVXSSRUWLQJSOD\ZRUNVKRSV IDUFHWRGUDPDWLVH&DQDGD·VKLVWRU\IURP&KLHI IRU*XHVW$UWLVWV 'RQQDFRQDDQG-DFTXHV&DUWLHUWR3ULPH0LQLVWHU 9LGHR&DEDUHW·VZRUNKDVUHFHLYHGWZHQW\IRXU'RUD 0XOURQH\DQG3UHVLGHQW%XVKWKH)LUVW 0DYRU0RRUH$ZDUGVDQGVFRUHVRI1RPLQDWLRQVLQFOXGLQJ 7KHRULJLQDOSURGXFWLRQVSUHPLqUHGIURPWR 2XWVWDQGLQJ3URGXFWLRQ'LUHFWLRQ$FWLQJ(QVHPEOH GHOLJKWLQJDXGLHQFHVZLWKWKHLUVW\OHDQG /LJKWLQJ&RVWXPHV,Q0LFKDHO+ROOLQJVZRUWKZDV VXEVWDQFH6LQFHWKHÀUVWWKLUWHHQSOD\V DZDUGHGWKH6LOYHU7LFNHWIRURXWVWDQGLQJFRQWULEXWLRQWR KDYHEHHQUHLQYHQWHGIRUUHSHUWRU\SHUIRUPDQFH WKHGHYHORSPHQWRI&DQDGLDQWKHDWUH ZLQQLQJQHZDXGLHQFHVDQGQHZDZDUGV Praise For VideoCabaret & Canada’s History Plays ´7KHPRVWDPELWLRXVSURMHFW ´$Q\RQHZKRFDQPDNH&DQDGLDQKLVWRU\WKLV LQ&DQDGLDQWKHDWUHµ ZLWW\DQGDPXVLQJGHVHUYHVDPHGDO 7RURQWR/LIH WKH2UGHURI&DQDGDSHUKDSV"µ 6WDU ´9LGHR&DEDUHWSXWWKH¶VWRU\·EDFNLQWRKLVWRU\ DQGWKHUHVXOWLVKLODULRXVDQGLUUHVLVWLEOHµ ´9LGHR&DEDUHWLVDWKHDWULFDOWUHDVXUHµ - CBC Radio *OREHDQG0DLO VideoCabaret 4XHHQ6WUHHW:HVW7RURQWR2QWDULR09$ YLGHRFDE#WRWDOQHW ZZZYLGHRFDEFRP.
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