Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC November 1992 Daily Egyptian 1992 11-6-1992 The aiD ly Egyptian, November 06, 1992 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_November1992 Volume 78, Issue 54 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, November 06, 1992." (Nov 1992). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1992 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in November 1992 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian Southern Illinois Uni versit y at Carbondale Friday. November 6. 1992. Vol. 7X . No. 5-l. I h Pa ~ l" Officials to decide on abortion benefits By Christy Gutowski indil'ation from UlIi vl,.'f ... il\ Administration Writer Coverage would not increase student health fee ot dmini, trot lnr, 10 l' hall t!I.' Ih ~' di sl" u s ~ ahonion cove rage in insur.ux.'C camero s.lId no additional JOO student signatures supponing e x isting he nenl a nd i;ldulk Slue students' 1"C4ue.s t in May to J.tnuary and February. expense wi ll be added to siudent lhe abonion cover.tge. She said she otbonion l·m·cmce. have their .. tudent hCJ llh insur.mcc Student ... voted las! MOl Y for a hcalth fees ir the UniversilY rcccived one lelle r asking Ihe Jotke Bag!!o ll~ slue hl'alth 'l·r· l"OVe r e l c~ ti\'c termination of controversial rcfen.:: ndum 0'0 add approves abonion benefits. covcmge not be included. vice otG'lJini~trator , ... aid whl' n lhl' preg naOl:Y hingc!<. nn the dc (: i~i o n abonion as a student heahh hcnefil But students slill do not receive Hall said ciectiv(' lenninalion of sludenl n:rerendum wn ... pa ......e d. tIll' of Uni\'l.'rsily offi cial, for appro";'l\. 10 their insurancc cnvcr.tge. the l'O\'emge under thc Un. ocrsity's pregnancy is widely support cd sludenl "'eahh pmgmm nmllhe \,iL'l' The SlUdcl1I Hea lth "d\'i ~ury Stude nl :- l·a!\.1 7JJ ba llots in favor health plan. among her comit itucnts. prcsidcnt"s onitC planned Itl ·"fol · Rtlard l.:ondUl:ICd a survey l a~ t fall of coverage of abo rt ions in Ihe In additio n to Ih e referendum. " It's "en' clea( to me whal Ihe low the Sludcnts' v(lkc in the mailer. to n.'\, icw the p os~ ibilil y of studenl heil'th insur..tnce polky. and Susan Hall. president or Graduate gr.tduate and prote s~ iona l sludent "Once the dcci,ion ha, hl'l'l1 illl"ludill!.! decli "l' lCfTll 11l4lli on of 44 1 wcn: opposed. and Professional Student Council. populalion on this campus want to made and the sian date c~lahli , h l'd . rrc~ l1 an~y it, a hcallh insu rant.:c Jason Worley. s po kesman for said she received a petition rrom a sec happen:' she said. _ ABORTION, page 7 benefit ,lIld had puhlit: h('arings to Acordi;!. S lUe ' , slUdc nl health studenl womcn's group with aboul Worley SOlid he has received no income tax fear blitzed Victims of fire amendment look for hope By John McCadd amid rubble Politics Writer By Dmd R. KaDk Fl' ar of II 1!radualco iN:omc Iil l; SpeciaJ Assignment Writer ": .. 1t.' 111 \\ a~ 1~11I.· dClcnnining. fal'lOr in Illino is ' f.,ilurc 10 approve an The residenls of charred I.'d ucalio" amcndmcnl to the siale Building 9 at the Country Club l'Oil,titutioll. polltic;!1 sc i c nli ~b Circle apartment complex !'<laid . rummaged through the rubble M lhl oppo, ilio n 10 the Thursday to try 10 salvage any al11c ndm.:nt caml.' fro m remnants of their lives they could Kcpuhlit-ans and n: .. idcn ts of find. wcall h,' C h il·"I!.!o ,uhurh, - For Ihe SI UC students Ihat interes ....~ thai wl~ ul t.l ~ u ~ ta i ll thc occupied Ihe building. a fire took 1110 "" damage from the propnsal. evel)'lhing and teft feelings of loss. ... l"icnrists s:lid. helplessness. and disappointment . llJr: amendl1l t:nL w!1 idl fdl three Michell.: Fremouw. wearing pOi:lh ... hurt uf the Illxessary 60 purple sweat panls. suede boots. perl'cllI for approval. ·... ated the and a sweatshirt donated by Illillui ~ go\'cmmelll would h;we to residents of the OIller buildings at fUfllj more Ihan half of the state 's the comple• . watched as her father IPlal public cducation I.."OSIS. pulled a smoke-ruined stuffed 11 was meant to e4ualizc school animal from behind the couch. --.., "That's Suzy Saluki:' she said. 4ualilY in 10w· jnl'ol11t: areas b:, Right: Michelle having Ihe state pay whal i~ now Frwmouw,._1or unfolding her anns long enough for funded Ihmugh propcn y taxes. --In bu.lne•• m.n­ a quick point towards the Po iiliral scientists said Ihe ....ment from the blackened toy. "My mom gave me amendment fai led - and will be Chlc.go .re., that when I first got here to SIU so I COllie' hold it and squeeze il ,:ven harder '0 pa ~s in the ncar RIIIIIMIIM through future - hl.' cause il d oe~ nOI ,., .... Inepect­ wherlev .. I got homesick: ' s pecify exac ll y how ed uc at ion Ing the flre-d.m­ The Sluffed animal was still in fundmg would oc increased. .... cIoIMa In .., one piece, w:-tich was more Ihan could be said of Fremouw's "Mosl of Ihe c~nce m wa!'l about ..,.....,. .. eoun­ Ihe possible :ax increases Ihat try Club Circle on apanmenl. In the open air where \Hluld rcsuh from the amendment:' 11.1 E. W.lnut her bedroom used to be. nothing but charred wood and furniture ~ aid John Baker. s lue associale 'Thuredey. II fft tid rema ined. Warped ceiling tiles pnlfessor of polilical ~·icnce . "TIle extenalve d.m.ge covered the floor, accompanied by ~ nlUlitln would have beL'r: 10 to the comple. Wedne.dey pro, ide propcrl y (;.I x relief to _RAE,page7 1);ll alKe Ihl' i nl"lll1li'~ lax innc<lsc . morning. "1 he nnly prnhl em i ~ Ihal it" ­ hard 10 l'0 1111: up wilh "'pel'i rk languagc l'xprc,sing Ipropcny t:t x rdidl in an amendment." he ~a i d . A Sangamon Slate Uni ve:sity United States slaps Europe with strict tariffs Pfl>c lc- l·ti oll poll st;lled Two hundred-percent Carla Hills announced retaliatory Unitcd Statcs holding a trade Repuhlkans and we:dlhy Chic..I go tarirfs on European f'lnn goods surplus of $ t6 billion. mainly from Gus Bode ... uhurh a n ile~ ",l'rl' thl' largest tariff to triple U.S. price after talk s between the .S. and the agricultur.tl products. gfllUp S in o ppo ... il ion 10 .t he E.C. in C h icago br\lke down In the first volley. the United ; ;IOlelldOlenl. of Europe white wine Tuesday over thc issue of French Stalcs will impose. starting on Dec. JilCk V~ n Ocr Slik . director of ~ ubs idi cs on agricultural expon s. 5. 200 percent tariffs on European .. the SS ~ survev research cenlcr. Zapnews particularly oilsccds . while wincs. Although Ihal would .... Iid the :t'llCnrtrnenl 's prognosis of American farmers claim that affect haly and Germany to some being passl'd in it s present form WASHINGTON - T~ " Bush they are losing up to S I billion a extent. the main targct wa~ Fmnce. will bc difficult hecausc o f the ;),d ministration fired the opening year because the subsidi7..cd Frer... · :· Once put into effect. the tariffs nc wly.el e cted. Republil· an · s hol Thursday in w hat could producis undercut the American would effectively triple the price of dominated Slottc senale. develop into a full~ scale trade war competition in world markelS. a bolt Ie of French white win:: "Eig hl ec n perccnt more between the United States and the Total two-way tr.ode between the sold in the United Gus say.if the Europeans European Community. economic giants amounls 10 about won't lind thla move too _ AMENDMENT, page 10 Special Trade Represenlali\'e $190 billion per year. with the _ TARIffS, .-.10 tertfl-Ick. Motive unclear for OpInIon SlUC face Reel Cross, Greeks -5eepage4 a..leI Def Leppard grldclers to hold blood drive Spike Lee's movie F_ to Adrenallze SIUC Southwest Missouri for Thanksgiving about Malcolm X_ -SeepageS Dec. 12 In conference cla.h CIaMIIIed -Seepage 11 -Story on page 3 - Story on page 5 [iHIgh. -Story on page 11 - SIOry on page16 I Sports IllIh 1_\Plllll "'01111111111111111,,101\11 ... 111 III ,,1i"l1dti, SId Photo by Seokyong Lee The Slliuld oIfeMIve 8rId ~ II .......... to collide in 8 prKIIce drill. The D8wp ~ 1hInd8y for 8 pme Saturdlly IIgIIlnst Southwest Missouri. Salukis to battle conference power By J8y RIled '1lIis will definitely be a game of strength shovel pa" ready to go:' back Cleveland Antionc and running h~td... SportsWriter against strength and weaklless against Southwest Missouri State's defense is Anthony Pegues, While has rushed ror o l? weakness." Southwest Missouri State nead anchored by linebacker Bill Dulin. who h,,, yards this season on 136 carries and is dc· A lale of two differenl leams will perform coach Jesse Branch said. ·'Thr.y have an 54 tackles. and sirong safely Shumone scribed by Bmnch as Ihe Bears ' gO-lo-guy .
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