ASFIS-7 (Rev. 3) AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES INFORMATION SYSTEM GEOGRAPHIC AUTHORITY LIST ASFIS REFERENCE SERIES, No. 7 Revision 3 ASFIS-7 (Rev. 3) AQUATIC SCIENCES AND FISHERIES INFORMATION SYSTEM GEOGRAPHIC AUTHORITY LIST edited by David S Moulder Plymouth Marine Laboratory Plymouth, United Kingdom revised by Ian Pettman and Hardy Schwamm Freshwater Biological Association Ambleside, Cumbria, United Kingdom Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Rome, 2019 Required citation: FAO. 2019. Aquatic sciences and fisheries information system. Geographic authority list. ASFIS-7 (Rev. 3) Rome. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO. The designations employed and the presentation of material in this information product do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) concerning the legal or development status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The mention of specific companies or products of manufacturers, whether or not these have been patented, does not imply that these have been endorsed or recommended by FAO in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. The views expressed in this information product are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of FAO. ISBN 978-92-5-131173-8 © FAO, 2019 Some rights reserved. 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Disputes arising under the licence that cannot be settled amicably will be resolved by mediation and arbitration as described in Article 8 of the licence except as otherwise provided herein. The applicable mediation rules will be the mediation rules of the World Intellectual Property Organization http://www.wipo.int/amc/en/mediation/rules and any arbitration will be conducted in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL). Third-party materials. Users wishing to reuse material from this work that is attributed to a third party, such as tables, figures or images, are responsible for determining whether permission is needed for that reuse and for obtaining permission from the copyright holder. The risk of claims resulting from infringement of any third-party-owned component in the work rests solely with the user. Sales, rights and licensing. FAO information products are available on the FAO website (www.fao.org/publications) and can be purchased through [email protected]. Requests for commercial use should be submitted via: www.fao.org/contact-us/licence-request. Queries regarding rights and licensing should be submitted to: [email protected]. CONTENTS Page Introduction iii Alphabetical sequence 1 Bibliography 113 iii PREFACE The ASFIS Geographic Authority List was first published in 1974 and revised and reprinted in 1976, 1979, 1985 and 1992. This version supersedes all previous editions. A major revision of the List has been undertaken, to extend the hierarchical approach to geographic indexing introduced in the 1992 Revision. This should make the List more useful to both indexers and searchers. Recent changes in country names have been introduced, and additional entries added to reflect increased scientific and/or economic interest. The alphabetical listing presented is based on English language descriptions, usually as they appear in the Times Atlas. Some alignment with the Getty Thesaurus of geographic Terms has been attempted. A list of the authorities consulted appears in the Bibliography at the end of this document. The codes used in the designation of coastal areas, sea areas, currents and undersea features are assigned on the basis of the map on page 111, and the accompanying definitions. The List has been developed as the authority for the preparation of geographic index- entries for the ASFIS bibliographic database and its print products Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA) and ASFA Aquaculture Abstracts. For this purpose, it should be used in conjunction with the latest revision of the "ASFIS Guidelines for Subject Categorization and Indexing (ASFIS-5)". The List should also be used as the authority for names of geographic features in the preparation of English abstracts and the English translation of non-English titles. With discretion, it may be used as the authority for country names in other parts of ASFIS records, viz. in corporate authority and patent assignee names, in authors' addresses/affiliations, in conference place names, and in country of publication, but if, and only if, such use is not in conflict with the "ASFIS Guidelines for Bibliographic Description (ASFIS-3, Revision 4)". Grateful thanks are extended to the members of the Geographic Authority List Advisory Committee, Richard Pepe (FAO), Helen Wibley (FAO), Jacqueline Prod'homme (IFREMER, France), Linda Noble (MBA, UK), Sofia Levashova (VNIRO, Russia), Gajanan Sainekar (NIO, India), Natalie Abram, Paula McCoy, Vicki Soto and Craig Emerson (ProQuest), and to the ASFA Input Centres for their collaboration in the revision of this List. v Alphabetical sequence Abu Dhabi Greece, Aegean Islands note: before 1992 search ABU DHABI Turkey, Aegean Islands use: United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi for coast use: ISW, United Arab Emirates, Aegean Plate Abu Dhabi see also: United Arab Emirates Aegean Sea use: MED, Aegean Sea Abu Qir Field note: before 2016 search ISW, EGYPT, ARAB Afghanistan REP., ABU QIR FIELD note: no coastline use: ISW, Egypt, Abu Qir Field Africa Abukir Field use of a more specific entry is recommended note: before 2016 search ISW, EGYPT, ARAB REP., ABU QIR FIELD Africa Coasts use: ISW, Egypt, Abu Qir Field use of a more specific entry is recommended, e.g.: Abyssinia ASE, Africa (for West Africa Coast) use: Ethiopia ISW, Africa (for East Africa Coast) MED, Africa (for North Africa Coast) Adams Island (Auckland Islands Archipelago) PSW, Africa (for Southern Africa Coast) use: New Zealand, Auckland Islands, Adams Island Africa, Blue Nile River for coast use: PSE, New Zealand, Auckland for more specific studies use: Islands, Adams Island Ethiopia, Blue Nile River Sudan, Blue Nile River Addu Atoll see also: Africa, Nile River use: Maldive Islands, Addu Atoll for coast use: ISW, Maldive Islands, Addu Africa, Central Atoll (used for Central Africa land areas. Central Africa is a core region of the African Adelie Land continent) use: Antarctica, French Southern and regions: the five nations of Central Africa are Antarctic Lands, Adelie Land Burundi for coast use: PSE, Antarctica, French Central African Republic Southern and Antarctic Lands, Adelie Chad Land Democratic Republic of the Congo Rwanda Aden Gulf see also: Africa, Middle use: ISW, Gulf of Aden Africa, Congo River Admiralty Islands note: known as the Zaire R. until 1997. use: Papua New Guinea, Bismarck note: before 2016 search AFRICA, ZAIRE R. Archipelago, Admiralty Islands for more specific studies use: for coast use: ISEW, Papua New Guinea, Republic of the Congo, Congo River Bismarck Archipelago, Admiralty Democratic Republic of the Congo, Islands Congo River Adriatic Sea Africa, East use: MED, Adriatic Sea (used for East Africa land areas. Based on the 1999 United Nations geoscheme) Aegean Islands for coast use: ISW, Africa note: Use only for items covering both Greek and Turkish Aegean Islands. Before 1992 Africa, Great Lakes search AEGEAN I. From 1992 to 2011 includes: search GREECE, AEGEAN I. Africa, Lake Albert for coast use: MED, Aegean Islands Africa, Lake Kivu for more specific studies use: Africa, Lake Malawi 1 Africa, Lake Tanganyika (equal to Africa, Lake Niassa, Africa, Lake Africa, Lake Turkana Nyassa and Africa, Lake Nyasa) Africa, Lake Victoria for more specific studies use: Malawi, Lake Malawi Africa Inland Waters Mozambique, Lake Malawi (used for FAO Fishing Area 01 (CIFA Area)) Tanzania, Lake Nyasa use of a more specific entry is recommended Africa, Lake Mweru Africa, Lake Albert (equal to Lake Moero) (equal to Lake Mobutu Sese Seko) note: before 2016 search AFRICA, MWERU L., note: before 2016 search AFRICA, ALBERT L., ZAIRE, MWERU L. and ZAMBIA, UGANDA, ALBERT L. and ZAIRE, MWERU L. ALBERT L. for more specific studies use: for more specific studies use: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Lake Democratic Republic of the Congo, Lake Mweru Albert Zambia, Lake Mweru Uganda, Western, Lake Albert Africa, Lake Nasser Africa, Lake Chad note: before 2016 search AFRICA, NASSER note: before 2016 search AFRICA, CHAD L. L., and EGYPT, ARAB REP., NASSER L. for more specific studies use: for more specific studies use: Cameroon, Lake Chad Egypt, Lake Nasser Chad, Lake Chad Sudan, Lake Nubia Niger, Lake Chad Nigeria, Lake Chad Africa, Lake Rudolf use Africa, Lake Turkana Africa, Lake Chilwa note: before 2016 search AFRICA, CHILWA L. Africa, Lake Tanganyika for more specific studies use: note: before 2016 search AFRICA, Malawi, Lake Chilwa TANGANYIKA L; BURUNDI, Mozambique, Lake Chilwa TANGANYIKA L.; TANZANIA, TANGANYIKA, L.; ZAIRE, TANGANYIKA Africa, Lake Edward L. and ZAMBIA, TANGANYIKA L. note: before 2016 search AFRICA, EDWARD for more specific studies use: L., UGANDA, EDWARD L.
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