-x. :' .Vri. < ■ ■'M ', ■ ' 7 -'I'r.K''’ t- ' -'i \ r ■ v: v.j. '; '■ I, v,.i: 1'- ' V. ‘iy*..- ■ , '/• . ^x"'x V -X A '- .■-■■.''•X'''"V.x;''," -X' ...X 'V''' ' V X ; • . '" ' ■ ' ' ■ *. ; V i'‘ ■ ■ MONDAY, MAR^H 25,11957 PAGE SIXTEEN ' V A^ertsc Daijy Net Pr«K .Run > Tha Weather Forecast of U. S. Weather BoreaU A-. 'f. For the Week Ended . , ■■xrv "X-' ; V March 28. 1957 < ■ ■ i-r- .....-- T T s : Occasional drizzle tenisht. him About 150 ihembersVof Gibbons iristian §cience League Slatej c n in mid SOe. Oool, oceaslei^ drlzale Assembly, Catholic Ladles of Co- EligBgea ri- Engaged 12,545 V.'edneiMlay. nMrnlhg, wanner bn ,\ mtTowrf lumbus./iattended the communion Z- Unit Meet! ics Member of the Aqdlt afternoon. High nestr W ,' breakfast In St. Jhmes’ School hall Lectip^eir^ H eard ' Biireau Circulation The aUnmMtiea clew »t the y a s t^ a y morning. The Rev. John, Manch€»ter-—A City of Village Charm - ‘ Obmmunlty i f tomorrow night will y. Harmon, chaplain of the organ-., Sdi^li Church V O n Home \ be hi(ld from' 7:80 to 8:5,5. This Ization. was present. Guest speak­ (Clgesifled AdverUsIng on Page 14) change la for thli night only,. , er was the Rev. Beihard Killeen A Science' lecture, un­ Maficheater’a two represuntS' VOf;.,LXXVl, NO. 149 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY. MAJ^CH 26, 1957 PRICE FIVE CENTS of St, Justin s Church, Hartford, lives to ths .Genetal Assembly Nrill S E L F S E R V E der the ices of Phrst. Church -.7-7’ ________X ■ ' ’ ^an Bara Chapter,'B’nal B ’rith who spoke on "Catholic Action In of Christ, intist, Manchester, participate in.^ discussiona on the 1- ■ will meet tomorrow night at 8 the Cornmuni'ty.” v^as glven'tSund^^remoon' in the home- rule, amepdment tomorrow ,AND o’clock at t h e Temple Bath South Me.thodlst Chdrcb.'The lect­ and Wednesday Under the auspices Sholom. Dr. Benjamin U Spector Major-John IWckup of the-local urer. Miss Lela~MajKAtiltinsin, a of the Manchester League of iDulles Doubts ‘ of Hartford will speak on "Some Salvation Army Corps is attend­ member of the Board of^ Lecture­ WomSn -Votera. ' 7 Ike Orthodontic Fundamentals for the ing an officers’ retreat at North- ship of .The Mother Church, tlje Ray Warren and Th6mt|a Rog­ t<ayman.’’ fteld Inn, Nofthfleld, Mass., and wtlll First Chiu-ch of Christ, Scientist, ers will appear mdividually S t two lA T D E P T ; remain through Wednesday. C6m- in Boston was introduced by Rob- \ study unit meetings at which'the, A wontshop on. parliamentary mlssioner Norman Marshall, terri ert E. Johansson, First Reader of, home rule amendment, as It per­ % B a ^ ^ N E F procedure Mdll be held tonight at torial commander, was sChe'dulei the local .Qiristian Science Church. X tains to Mstnehester, 'Will be th^ TUE! >AY AND WEDNESDAY / 8 o’clock In Bower* School for all to' give thre,e addresses. M ^ The lecturer spoke In part as fol- bject of , consideration. The 'V, officers and prospective officers Pickup will bring, a message,t<fihe lowis: ' ^dnfent, which gives the li^aT ' < N. council group W ednesdj^ after­ Washington, March 26 (/P) of the PTA. Mrs.' Edward Dik will How strong is oiir cdurage^baa right to towns and cities to’ "^de- —Secretary of State Dulles 1 conduct the workshop. Any inter­ noon. Col. David D. Coy of Hart­ we face the days ahead of us? f i i terni^e procedures and pow ers^- ested PTA members are Invited to ford. divisional otli0€r, la in charge Can we say as did David, "My Soul, its government with 'a mlm- questioners today whether j attend. of arran gem ei^ ' wrnlt thou only upon God; for my mum pf interference from, the leg­ Egypt ligs the right to force expectation is from- him” ? IPs. islature, ngs received the support United Nations , troops out of ^ e Women’s Homo League will The Behtrice, Fox Auerbach of the C^necticut Lesgue of March 26 (fl*)-ysharing of atomlexit’eapons wjth Foundsuon will award six full 62:5.).^ The degree of confidence we Egyptian territory before meet tomorrow a t 2 p.m. > t the feel that good is in store for us t : Women Vote: rooiipst from country’s aUtes. scholarships to the Colgate Vnl- The first tfhlKmeetlng, at which —-An^expect! req u est iro m Hennings saW he gained the im- their peacemaking mission is SalvaUdn Anrty Citadel. A ’ film and our fellow man depends upon R. J. ButterworUj Photo enUUed "Follow the Flag" will be •Verslty Conference on American Veroni<^ M. Cavazza Rogers will appear, will be held 8c Of f Regular Price! France Ideu m issile pfegslon at yesterday’s conference completed. Foreign Policy, held at ifte Uni­ Uie source to which we look for Carole Irene W’Ittmhiiii , that Eisenhower and Secretary of shown. Refreshments will be our expectation of things to come.' at the home of M n. Leon Rubin, armament, stmi: to that Dulles also told a news confer­ versity, H-amlllon, N- Y„ Ju ly 1 Tjie engagement of Miss Veron­ 114 Plymouth Lane, tomorrow at' State Dulles expect Premier Guy ence he thinks U.N. Emergency served by Mrs. Anplb Young and through 5. 'Ibe .scholarahibs are Is our view colored by the alami- Mr. and Mrs. Franz J . W itt promised Great tain ap- M rs Gladys AddF^' uring the so- ica Madalyn Cavazza. daughter of 8 p.m. Chairmen of the meeting PILLSBURY PIE 0 . Mollet to propose similar, srrange- P'orces should be stationed on both Also Refuses to Give open to all Conhectlcvt-women and Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin , A. Ing reports of the speed with mann of Dunn Rd., North Coven- will be Mrs. Miltoii CalfiP'ahd Mrs. pcared likely tSday to ment* affecting-France. X 7 \ / ■ dal hour. , application forms may be obtained which mortals ,are devising weap- t o ’. announce the engagement of .’get sympathetic c o n ^ e r a - sides of the Israeli-Arab armistice Cavazza. 104 Main St., to WalUr daughter, Carole Irene, to Thornton. Woodwell^Mrt. Theodore CRUST STICKS P''** I » niher sources said such a re­ line. That would involve their be­ from the Sendee BureatrforWom- Hughes klar II. son of Mr. and ons for their own destruction ?-4-thelr Davis, a member.'efthe State Re­ Manchester Assembly, No. 15, Or are we obeying God’s command- Bruce Richard Halloran. son of "JUST ADD WATER,” ■tion from—Preftident Eftien- quest probably would receive sym­ ing partly on Israeli territory...__ en's Organizations, -956 Main St., Mrs. James S. Klar of Notch Rd. sources Corpmlttee, .will sprak pathetic consideration from Eisen­ Order of the Rainbow for Girls Hartford. recorded^ In Isaiah, ” Ask me of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J . Halloran, hpwer. Both the.se matters are current RecoTds to Pr(M>ei*i 2 Bolton, was announced by her about t^-amendment. Mrs. Ross hower as a m$an*' o bolstering-Ute will iheet at 7:30 tonight In the things tb come concerning my Hebron Rd., Bolton. Sen. HennlnRa (D-Mo) said the issues in the continuing Middle hbsonic Temple. A class of can­ parenU at an informal gathering Miss Wittmann was - graduated Hahn^wlll^ . act as discussion______ ____ lead-_ possibility of transferring such Orth Atlantic Treaty Organizg- East crisis. The-Egj'ptian govern­ Cur tAdy of Fatima Mothers of the immediate families at the sons, and concerning the work of i PRICE SALE! tl<^ (NATO) defenslv.e strength didates wHl be initiated. Mem my hands command ye me” ? (45: from Manchester High School and t missiles to France cam*, up yester­ ment h*s been throning out hints I Wa-shiiiglon, March 26 (A*) — Dave Beck, monptonolriptorvoUsly bers are requested to wear white. Circle will meet Wednesday at 8 Cavazza home. herh-,. fiance from Howell Chei regarding the amendment. day at a White House meeting in andTof shorlfig up U .^ relations that it n ^ h t force U.N. troops p.m- with Mrs. Jules Lesaard, -74 Miss Cavazza was graduated 11.)-We need to understand the na­ The second meeting, at which with Its principal allies. pleading the Fifth Amendment, refused today tq-'tell Senat ture of God in order to comprehend Technicetl School. whibh Eisenhower briefed Congres- 'to leave ^ y p tla n soil how that ' Memorial T e m p le , No. 33, W, Middle Tpke. A raffle will fol­ from Manchester High School with ’The w:eddlng is planimd'fbr June Warren will be present, will be aional leaders on the Bermu'ds con­ Chairt^n Br'tlges (R-NHi of they have ftUly" replaced Israeli investigators wlvethep he took money from '^ m ste rs Union'' low the business session. the class of 1954: and Mount Ida what He would outline as "things held at the home of Mrs. Charles "^I»ythlan Sisters, will meet in Odd come” concerning His beloved 29 at the Second Congregational ference. / the -SienateFepublican Policy Coin- forces. j treasurie.s for his own bank account. Fellowrs Hall tomorrow at 8 p.m. It Junior College, Newton, Mass., in Church. North Coventry. Jacobson, 45 Wyllys St., Wednes­ mittee, oneNff the White House The Israeli government has re­ 1966. She is presently employed sons; X . day inoming at 9:30 a.m. Chair­ Kaiser Foil 55° In Bermuda. Eisenhower agreed One question was Whether Beck used $196,516.49 o f Union will be neighlmrs’ night, with fivi Tbe Methodist Men and Youth sisted'so far all suggestions that by thq Southern' New England .
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