NATIONAL HUMAN DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2012 Tajikistan: Poverty in the Context of Climate Change DUSHANBE - 2012 N A T I O N A L H U M A N D E V E L O P M E N T R E P O R T 2012 Tajikistan: Poverty in the Context of Climate Change DUSHANBE - 2012 Dear Reader, For several years already, a series of National Human Development Reports have been prepared and published at the initiative and with the support of the UNDP in close cooperation with ministries and agencies of the Republic of Tajikistan, and civil society and international organizations active in the country. Every year the report addresses the most important aspects of the country’s social and economic development in the context of sustainable human development. This latest National Human Development Reports focuses on the theme “Tajikistan: Poverty in the Context of Climate Change”. Climate changes will inevitably affect population welfare and sustainable development. It is therefore necessary to consider climate change as one of the key long-term factors affecting human safety and security. In formulating policies for environment, poverty alleviation and the country’s sustainable socio-economic development, one must take into account climate change and its impact on the economy, environment and population, particularly the most vulnerable social groups. The strategic goal of linking policies for tackling poverty with climate policies is to ensure the secure and sustainable development of Tajikistan, while helping the most vulnerable populations to adapt to climate changes. This informative and timely report makes a positive contribution to stakeholders’ discussion on climate change and its implications for the Tajik state, society and economy. Given Tajikistan’s strategic landmarks, this report may effectively assist in the development and implementation of joint policies on climate change and poverty alleviation, as well as in the elaboration of national, regional and sectoral programs and action plans. I would like to note especially that the National Human Development Report “Tajikistan: Poverty in the Context of Climate Change” has been prepared in close collaboration with the Report Development Team and the Team for Developing the Strategy for Improving the Livelihoods of the Population of Tajikistan for 2013-2015, providing an example of concurrence in the development of national policies of strategic importance. Sincerely, Sh. Rahimzoda Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan Dushanbe, December 2012 TAJIKISTAN: POVERTY IN THE CONTEXT OF CLIMATE CHANGE 3 Dear Reader! The Report’s analysis of climate change factors, scenarios and impacts on different sectors of the country’s economy considers As one of the most important global challenges, climate their impact on the HDI and other human development indices, change is a comprehensive, cross-sectoral problem embracing including poverty. It also includes proposed measures and environmental, economic and social aspects of sustainable tools, including the use of practices and approaches which development in all countries, including the Republic of Tajikistan. have proved efficient, to allow better development of interlinked and interdependent policies and programs on climate change While climate change is a global phenomenon, its negative adaptation in the context of tackling poverty. impacts will be felt more severely by poor people and countries. They are even more vulnerable because they rely heavily on An important feature of this Report is its indicial assessment of natural resources and have limited opportunities. Experience human development in the country. While the Global Reports shows that the best way to overcome climate change impact on allow comparative assessment of countries using the Human the poor is to integrate mainstream adaptation measures into Development Index calculations, the disaggregation of this index development planning processes. This is essential for achieving at a regional level within a specific country allows a closer look at the Millennium Development Goals, including the universal goal key aspects of human development in oblasts and districts. Such of halving extreme poverty by 2015 and maintaining this progress an approach is increasingly attracting the attention of national beyond then. governments. First of all, this stems from the understanding that an individual cannot be just an ‘average’ person. An individual’s The focal themes of the Rio+20 Summit on Sustainable life, health and income depends on the quality of social and other Development addressed achieving sustainable development in the services provided in a specific place where he/she lives. The context of poverty eradication. Adapting to climate change impacts Human Development Index value in Tajikistan has been increasing has therefore gone beyond both sectoral and country approaches: in recent years; however, adjusted for inequality, its recalculation the issues themselves have now become global. suggests that poverty reduction and welfare improvement remain important. Climate change effects manifest themselves at all system levels: global, regional, sub-regional, national and local. Given Tajikistan’s The Report contains a relevant analysis and proposes long-term location, exceptional diversity of climate patterns, economic recommendations. We hope that the Government and relevant structure, demographic problems and geopolitical interests, there is institutions of Tajikistan, all stakeholders and development partners the need to form, well in advance, a comprehensive and weighted will continue to develop and implement policies and programs state approach to climate problems and cross-sectoral issues, aimed at achieving the Millennium Development Goals. I assure on the basis of integrated scientific analysis of environmental, you that the UNDP in Tajikistan will support all national efforts in economic and social factors. this area. The Government of the Republic of Tajikistan has pronounced Another very important aspect I’d like to draw your attention poverty reduction and livelihood improvement as one of the most to is that, for the first time ever, the efficient coordination of important priorities of its economic policy, and the implementation implementing teams was achieved with the MEDT’s support. of these strategies systematically reduces the poverty rate in the National experts assisted in the development of two documents country from year to year. of the highest importance for Tajikistan: the Mid-term Strategy for Improving the Livelihoods of the Population of Tajikistan for 2013- This Human Development Report, ‘Tajikistan: Poverty in the 2015 and this Report. Context of Climate Change’ is a system of views on the objectives, principles, contents and ways of implementing Tajikistan’s climate UNDP extends its gratitude to the Coordinator of this initiative, policy both within the country and internationally, in part related to the MEDT of the RT, as well as national experts and international climate change impacts. Given Tajikistan’s strategic landmarks, consultants, editors and members of expert panels, and this Report forms the basis for formulating and implementing the representatives of local and international organizations for their country’s climate policy. assistance in the preparation of this National Report. I am confident that the Report ‘Poverty in the Context of Climate Change’ will contribute to the implementation of activities aimed at ensuring the sustainable development of the Republic of Tajikistan. Alexander Zuev UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in Tajikistan Dushanbe, December 2012 4 NATIONAL HUMAN DEVELOPMENT REPORT 2012 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT REPORT’S AUTHORS Institute of water issues, ecology and AS WELL AS: Rustam Babajanov, Candidate energetics of the Academy of Sciences of Henrieta Martonakova, Anna Kaplina, of Economic Sciences, Associate the Republic of Tajikistan Elena Danilova-Cross, UNDP Regional Professor, UNDP Mainstreaming Human State agency Scientific research institute of Bureau for Europe and CIS Development project (the head of the labor and social Bahtiyor Bahodurov, Director of authors’ group) Protection of the MLSPP of the Republic of consulting ompany “TajEco Consultancy” Rustam Aminjanov, Candidate of Tajikistan Parviz Khakimov, Candidate of Economic Economic Sciences, Consulting Company Sciences “Namo” PUBLIC ASSOCIATIONS AND Barot Turaev, Agency on Statistics under Malika Babajanova, Doctor of Biological INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Sciences, Tajik Branch of the Regional Youth Ecological Center of Tajikistan Asiya Mukhametvafina, translator of the Environmental Centre for Central Asia Tajik Branch of the Regional Report Lutfullo Saidmuradov, Doctor of Environmental Centre for Central Asia Bahriddin Aliev, Candidate of Philosophic Economic Sciences, Corresponding NGO “Hamkori Bakhri Tarakiyot” Sciences, translator of the Report Member of the Engineering Academy of NGO “Center of Innovative Development” Bahriddin Sharipov, translator of the the Republic of Tajikistan Asia Development Bank (ADB) Report Muminova Farida, Candidate of Economic DFID Yunus Buzurgkhonov, makeup of the Sciences, Center for Strategic Research EBRR Report under the President of the Republic of OSCE Tajikistan Oxfam EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Regional Programme of the initiatives Mamadsho Ilolov, President, Academy of PREPARATION OF THIS REPORT on poverty and environment and Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan
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