the char- portrays State's olira tant its Marge" Jack.a k a acier off ÁrNiydte nigh acter ey n five over Atth eanrd h CBS a www.americanradiohistory.com www.americanradiohistory.com B ROADCAST CHICAGO NEW YORK Harold Poe Swartwood E E IK Edwin F. Ripley 29 South La Salk Street W LY 118 East 28th Street Chicago New York City The Leading Radio Guide of the Pacific Coast A. J. URBAIN, Editor and Publisher Vol. XI, No. 11 726 Pacific Building, San Francisco, Calif. March 12, 1932 INTERNATIONAL FREQUENCY DIVISION SOUGHT NEGOTIATION by the State Depart- corporations which had previously been ment of treaties with Canada, Cuba, denied permits in this country and alleged and Mexico allocating broadcasting that in some instances these Mexican per- frequencies so as to prevent interference is mits had been used as a threat of interfer- being sought by Senator Clarence C. Dill of ence with American stations unless the Washington as a result of recent reports latter "bought off" the Mexican license that Cuban and Mexican stations were oper- holder. ating on American frequencies or so ' close "Radio broadcasting stations in Mexico to them as to cause serious heterodyning. and Cuba are using frequencies being used A number of American stations, it is de- by radio broadcasting stations in the United clared, have complained that Mexican or States and thereby causing interference Cuban stations operating with on the same wave- the service of these stations to the American lengths have materially reduced the area people," Mr. Dill within explained, "and it is reli- which they can be heard. The situ- ably reported that a number of ation has become additional greatly accentuated within broadcasting stations are planned and under the past year and unless action is taken to construction near the American border of bring about an amicable agreement between Mexico. the four North American countries a serious situation is bound to result, according to "There is no international agreement or Senator Dill. treaty dividing the use of frequencies for Criticising the apparent lack of interest in radio broadcasting among the nations of the matter by State Department officials, the North America, and only by such an inter- Senator asserted that he had consulted with national agreement can the governments of them several times in the hope that some these countries protect the broadcasting sta- action would be taken in the direction of tions within their borders from interference international allocation, but nothing has yet by other stations in other North American been done. All the efforts of the Federal countries. Radio Commission to eliminate interference "The value of vast investments in the between American stations, he pointed out, broadcasting business and good reception by can be nullified by forgign broadcasters. the receiving sets of the millions of listeners The Mexican authorities, the Senator in the United States are dependent upon the charged, are granting permits for the con- prevention of interference by radio stations struction of stations by individuals and located in adjoining countries." Published weekly by the Broadcast Weekly Publishing Company, 726 Pacific Building, San Francisco, Calif. Telephone DOuglas 5273 Yearly subscription: $3.00 in the United States, $5.50 in Canada. Entered as second class matter, March 25, 1923. at the Post Office, San Francisco, California, under Act of March 3. 1879. Copyright, 1932, by Broadcast Weekly Publishing Company 3 www.americanradiohistory.com PERSONAL PICKUPS BY GYPSY Mrs. G., color, the rose his flower and borrowers. He is an ardent fish- San Fran- writing his avocation. Much of erman, reads profound books, cisco, Cal.- his leisure is spent in sketching smokes cigars but never cig- R o b e r t and boating; he prefers classical arettes and is quite a supporter Bradford to modern music, is fond of of a certain gum manufacturer. (KHJ) is roast pork, knows disaster will Bobbe Deane is afraid of the 5 feet 11 befall him should he bump his dark. She doesn't mind facing inches tall, elbow, enjoys swimming and a room where the light may be weighs 175 never misses a football game. conveniently switched on but pounds, has runs like fury if she has to turn brown eyes, Mrs. R. E., Sacramento.- her back on blackness. Meeting dark wavy Yes, Morton Downey (CBS) ap- strangers is another dread, and hair, is 25 peared "in person" at the KFRC bugs-ooh!-she would rather years of age studios a few months ago. The touch a snake any time than a and was date of his visit was Novem- harmless garden bug. Harold born in ber 25. Russ Columbo and Bing Peary hates cold soup, cannot Santa Ana, Crosby are two different indi- endure inebriated persons, back- Cal. He was brought up on a viduals. "Mickey" MacGuire is seat drivers and "The Prison- ranch and insists he used to sit heard from KFRC and KTAB. er's Song." He is never seen on the roof of the chicken sans spats and a long, fat cigar. house and try with his lusty Kay, San Francisco.-Gerda Refa Miller loves being out of vocalizing to make the roosters Lundberg (KTAB) changed her doors, goes in for golf tourna- jealous. One day he fell from name to Mrs. Winston Cotton ments, is an expert swimmer his perch and-that terminated on March 8. You will find Tom and, during trout season, dons the fowl yard serenades, but his and Dudd's schedule of appear- overalls and boots, gathers up determination to become a ances under NBC-KPO in the her fishing paraphernalia, hops singer waned not. He studied program department of this into her roadster and disappears assiduously and several years issue. Kenny and Joan Lee in the from civilization. Her aversion, ago was rewarded by being "Raising Junior" broadcasts are all come under the heading of chosen to represent the western played by Tom Hutchinson and noises: traffic officers, trolleys, states in the National Federated Dorothy Desmond. Tony is por- riveters, crowds and pretenders. Women's Clubs' contest at Chi- trayed by Barton Yarborough (To be continued) cago. His hobbies are rifle of "Sergeant Long" fame. Doro- practice, archery, camping and thy is one of the loveliest girls Pearl, Pittsburg. - Bernard rabbit raising. When he retires I know, considerate, generous Cooney (KWG) is twenty-four from the profession he hopes to and a little thoroughbred. She years old, hails from Chicago, live in a great rambling house is the wife of Thomas Kelly, has dark curly hair, brown eyes, in the country where there will whom she met when they both is 5 feet 6 inches tall and weighs be plenty of trees and, well, played at the Fulton Theatre in 135 pounds. He has worked perhaps a few chickens. Bob Oakland a few years ago. Tom since he was a little shaver in made his radio debut at KHJ Hutchinson always reminds me grammar grades at all sorts of three years ago and is married of the fictional "Sergeant Long" odd jobs, was introduced to to Jeannette Rogers, flutist of in real life. If you followed radio audiences nine years ago the station. those "Captain Post" yarns of and has appeared on stations Carlton Morse's, you'll know throughout the country. Now Mrs. H. F., Sacramento.-Ber- what I mean. Barton Yarbor- he makes his home in Stockton nice Berwin and Ted Maxwell ough, well, Bart has violet -blue and manages Station KWG in (NBC) are not related to each eyes, dances divinely, is "deep- addition to his air presenta- other nor have they left NBC. er" than most people think and tions. He is married, likes his in food highly seasoned, enjoys You may still hear them is altogether charming. crowds and all outdoor sports, is "Memory Lane," Bernice in the most accommodating, respects role of "Muriel LaSalle" and Jack, Vancouver.-According wishes, Ted as "Pa Smithers," and on to report Corell and Gosden other people's views and Wednesday nights Bernice ap- (Amos 'n' Andy) are never as- and has a toy Boston terrier pears as "Violetta" in Keltner sisted by other artists in por- that is the pride and joy of his Williamson's new drama, "The traying their numerous charac- life. Golden Flame," while Ted is ters. Bill Hay formerly lived in A. O. B., Portland.-Eileen heard regularly in the Buck- Hastings, Nebraska. Piggott (Rosemary Smithers, aroos. Memory Lane, NBC) sings each Mary, Sacramento.-0 1 i y e Thursday on the "Twilight G. G., Oakland.-Elmer Pemm West (NBC) cannot pass a ma- Tunes" broadcast from 5 to 5:30 (KROW) was born in Oakland, chine shop without stopping to o'clock. is twenty-five years old, of watch the wheels go 'round. Irish and Italian ancestry, at- The same holds true of build- Mrs. T. W., Sacramento.- tended St. Mary's College and ings; she delights in seeing Adele Burien (KYA) is vaca- spent several seasons on the them "grow" and goes out of tioning in Los Angeles as this stage before becoming radio - her way to keep tab on their is written. The Helen Stone re- minded. He is a serious young progress. Irving Kennedy dis- cently reported killed in an acci- man, single, tall, dark, with likes large women who wear dent down south was not the curly hair, sensitive features, a curls, explainers of plots at the Helen Stone (Josina Vander slight mustache and pianistic movies, elderly ladies who re- Ende) formerly connected with fingers. Green is his favorite fuse to grow old gracefully and KYA, KPO and KHJ. 4 www.americanradiohistory.com GET EVERYTHING ON THE AIR! SHORT WAVE LONG WAVE NEW PHILCO COMBINATION LONG AND SHORT WAVE RADIO Tune in everything that's on the air with this EASY PHILCO 9 -tube Superheterodyne combina- tion that brings in your favorite programs, TERMS and at the turn of a switch, airplanes, police calls, foreign countries-everything you want.
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