The Sunflower Wichita State University voi.. lAXn NO. 16 WICHITA STATE UNIVEHSITV TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1969 Game Films Indicate Shockers Yule Protest Planned Scored Twice in Final Quarter By Bloratorium Group By TONY JIMENEZ Holding a slim 7-6 margin over the situation like it was, I find WASHINGTON (A P)-- Thepeace Eugene McCarth\'s presidential ths Cardinals with a little more Sports Editor It impossible b) believe that he movement, pniud of two massive campaign last year, said the Mora­ than four minutes remaining, WSU didn’t score,” he aided. outpourings of antiwar sentiment torium Ci>mmittee would deliver a Maybe WSU lostSaturday’sgame quarterback Bob Renner had moved “ I thought I scored tw ice,” said in two months, turned its atten­ Christmas present of thousands of to Louisville, and maybe they did­ the ball to the Louisville one. quarterback Bob Renner after the n’ t. tion Monday to December and a cards and letters to President Whal appeared to be two unsuc­ contest. “ It wasa bad game for mo Nixon in a few weeks. Louisville was credited with a decentralized Christmas Eve pro­ cessful attempts to cross the line anyway and this just made itworse. test. “ The President offered 55,000 13-7 victory over the Shocks Sat­ were climaxed by a third effort Tnis was one of the biggest let­ Unlike the large-scale gather­ letters and telegrams as being urday, but head coach Ben Wilson which ended in a fumble recov­ downs I've ever had," Renner said. ings of the young in October and evidence of a ‘silent majority’ said game film s showed that WSU ered by Louisville. Tight end Pat Ryan, who watched November, December's activities in support of his war policies,” was twice denied touchdowns by “ I thought for sure he made from the sidelines, also thought will focus on com.Tiuniti efforts he said. “ We have received more offlcials in the final minutes of it,” Shocker head coach Ben Wil­ Renner scored. “ It was a real the game. and seek to get adults to take a than that numi)er of signatures son said after the loss. “ With heart breaker to lose...especially more active role. calling for immediate withdrawal like this. Everyone had worked “ Young people alone won’t be from yietnam from Long Island so hard and then we lose it like able to stop the war,” said Sam alone.” this. The films show that he (Ren­ Brown, one of four coordinators Meanwhile the other big anti­ Student Attacked, ner) scored.” of the Vietnam Moratorium Com­ war group, the New Mobilization Senior Lynn Duncan put WSU mittee. “ It will necessary to Committee to End the War In Viet­ ahead in the first quarter when he build a coalition in the com.Tiun- nam, sponsors of the Washington Intercepted a pass tipped by John ity.” demonstrations, took a temporary Gregory and went in for six points The committee set the dates at backseat to the Moratorium Com­ Robbed on Campus from two yards out. Sliocker de­ Dec. 12,13 and 24 for the next mittee. fensive end Keith Morrison also round of protests with the empha­ A New Mobe spokesman said the A WSU sophomorewasassaulted “ I remember thinking as I went played a role in the TD forcing sis to be on public vigils, visits coalition of 100 peace grtnips will and robbed Monday at about 6:30 down that I should try to get a Louisville quarterback into the to veterans hospitals and mili- meet soon to decide its future p.m. just outside the CAC. look at them. But as soon as I end zone for a shaky pass. tar) bases, shoppingcenter rallies course. ruled out any mass The victim, Alan Frazier, said hit the ground they took my bill­ and town meetings. demonstrations behire spring. he was walking from Jardine Hall L(xjisville Called to enter Shock­ fold and were running away before Specific activities will be de­ The cleanup continued MonJa> toward the CAC when he was hit er ground until late in the final 1 could turn to see their faces.” cided b> local moratorium organ­ while glaziers went about replac­ on the side of the head, knocked period. With a fourth - and - one There was no gun involved, Fra­ izations. ing store windows in 76 buildings down, and robbed by three uni­ situation at their own 39, tlie Cards zier added. “ Traditionalls Cluisimas has damaged Fridav night and Saturda> dentifiable males. came up with a big first down an J Capt. Art Stone, chief of Uni­ went on to score. been a time when people turn their 1)\ militants. “ One hit mo on the side of the versity Security, said a couple of A:i extra point attempt was no attention to “ Peace on Earth,” Some businessmen coni|)lainc(l possible suspects liad been ques­ head with something. The oUier good and WSU was in the unusual Brown told a news conference. al)out tlie sccurit>. tioned. There was little for the two knocked me against the wall position of liolding a 7-6 lead at “ This year, in addition to turning But i’olice Chief .lcri \ \. Wil­ police to go on at that time, how­ (CAC) and 1 went down,” Frazier the intermission. their attentir)ii to ‘ I’caceon Earth,’ son, told his 3,SOO-nnn force; ever. said. t)n the fin.il pla\ of the third the\ will be asked to turn theii ‘ ‘ F\c“r>where I go I liear liigli The three then t(M>K his wallet “ The\ didn’t hurt me l>ad but quarter, Louisville Kxik the count energies to (his task.” praise for w!iat >ou have done, and fled before he could get a look the> were fast,” Frazier said. to 13-7 with a touclidown pa.ss. I he 27-> ear-old Bro'vn, \vlio 'lou arc the best policetnen in at them. The wallet contained “ It gripes me. eight dollars or not, helped organized \oulh behind the w orld.” $8, Frazier said. it gripes me.” See GAME, Page 2 Goldwater Advocates Bombing Plan to End War Unmellowed as a hawk on the Vietnam war, '^ o f U.S. combat troops as fast as they could Sen. Barry M. Goldwater told about 2,000 per­ be replaced by Vietnamese troops. He stated sons In Henry Levitt Arena Monday night how he that the United States was not loglstically able would end the war by strategic bombing, a plan to withdraw from Vietnam in less than 13 to 14 he said he suggested in private to President months. Nixon at the summer White House. The second most enthusiastic applause of the As stated to the President, Goldwater's plan evening came when Goldwater criticized the news I was to tell Hanoi "b y Nov. 1, we’d either have media for an “ attempt to polarize the country.” peace or we'd show them what strategic air He said the nation would be more united once power and naval power can do.*’ the “ media present news the way news occurs Goldwater said when he remarked that the Pres­ and stop presenting it the way they’d like to have ident would not follow his plan, Nlxo.i replied, it occur.” “ Don't be too sure." (Joldwater praised Vice President Spiro Agnew’s Our bombers have never been given the chance recent speech in which the television networks to show what B-52 bombers could do to a sec­ were accused of biased news coverage. tion of Haiphong Hjirbor, Goldwater said. Once the North Vietnamese realized the capability of Asked his opinion of draft by lottery, Goldwater the bombers they would “ lose the will to resist.” replied that he found it difficult to agree with Goldwater added that the bombers caild have the lottery system. He said the old draft could forced the end of the war seven years ago If have worked, but hasn’t, adding that “ the man I allowed to. The statement drew the loudest (Gen. Lewis B. Hershey) was in there too long.” and longest applause of the evening, plus one He said that a volunteer army could be raised, fei*vent “ amen.” though not In time of war. The second of five speakers in the Dwight Early in his ^eech, Goldwater said the United D. Eisenhower Political Series, Goldwater re­ States had made a mistake after World War II ceived a standing ovation as he entered and in not Informing the electorate of the country’ s again as he leR the Arena. commitments. Americans have been surprised Asked his opinion of the Moratorium, Goldwatei at how extensive America’s commitments arc, he criticized the peace marchers for their timing, added. saying they were extending the war by preventing Now, Goldwater continued, the nation is divided the United States from presenting a united front between those who want America to remain a to Hanoi. world leader and those who want «.ut of Vietnam « A good time for a peace march, Goldwater said, and out of other commitments. would have been about a year ago, before feeling Should the United States vacate world leader­ peace might come...before feeling we could wlth- ship, Goldwater said, the one country to fill the ^ draw troops.” gap would be Russia. A war between Red China Goldwater said close to 100 per cent uf the par­ and Russia waild ensue, he added, with the United ticipants of the recent Moratorium were ver.s States being drawn into it on Rjissia’s side. warm and sincere. But, he added, “ Way down...not necessarily at However, Goldwater remained optimistic, stating your le v e l...y a i'll find agitators who are doing tliai division in the nation will be overcome once STRATEGIC BOMBINQ-Sen.
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