SHORT HISTORY OB' CIIRISTIAN MISSIONS FROM ABRAHAM AND PAUL TO CAREY, LIVINGSTONE, AND DUFF BY GEORGE SMITH, LL.D., F.R.G.S., F.S.S. CO~IPANION OF THE ORDER OF THE INDIAN EMPIRE AUTHOR OF THE "LIFE Oi' DR. WILSON,'' "DR. DUFF1 " "HE~RY MARTYN,'' ETC. ~igbt!J ~bition WITH PORTRAITS EDINBURGH T. & T. CLARK, 38 GEORGE STREET Printed by :MORRISOX & GIBB LIMITED, }'OR T. & T. CI,ARK, EDIXBURGH. LONDON: SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, HAlliLTON, KENT, AND CO. l.IM.ITlo.D. NEW YORK: CHARLES SCRIBNER'S So-NS Thou Light and Desire of all nations, Watch over Thy messengers both by land and sea; Prosper the endeavours of all Thy Servants to spread Thy Gospel among non-Christian peoples and tongues ; Accompany the word of their testimony concerning Thy atone­ ment with demonstration of the Spirit and of power (I Cor. iL 4) ; Bless all congregations, colleges, and schools gathered from among the nations, all hospitals and dispensaries ; Keep them as the apple of Thine eye (Deut. xxxiL 10); Have mercy on Thy ancient covenant people, the Jews; deliver them from their blindness (Rom. xi. 25, z6); And bring all nations to the saving knowledge of Thee. Adapted from the foforavian Church Litany_ PORTRAITS. --+-- THE AUTHOR, Frontispiece <J, F. SCHWARTZ, facing page 144 160 WILLIAM CAREY " .JOHN WILSON 176 liEN RY MARTYN 177 .ADONIRAM JUDSON .. 192 WILJ,IAM C. BURNS on page 193 .ALEXANDER DUFF IN 1860 facing page 200 WILLIAMSON SHOOLBRED .. 201 BIGHT RON. LORD OVERTOUN .. 242 TABLE OF CONTENTS. - INTRODUCTION. WHAT IS A MISSIONARY I The word Missionary, The word Evangelist, The Theology of Missions, . • The Historical Development of Missions, PART 1 JUDAIC PREPARATION, B.C. 2000 TO A.D. 70. CHAPTER I. THE MISSIONARY COVl!.NANT-FOUNDATION OF THE CITY OF GOD IN HISTORY. Abraham the First Missionary, . 1 Palestine the First Missionary Centre, 9- Melchizedek, . 1(} The Missionary Covenant, 11 The City of God founded, • 13 The First Missionary at Work, 13 Heathenism the Prodigal Son, u CHAPTER II. JUDAISM THE FIRST MISSIONARY RELIGION. The Jewish Theocracy, • • . 1& Relation to the Heathen of the Theocratic Revelation, 15 Jonah, 1& ,.ijj CONTENTS. PAO'I The Angel of Jehovah, • 17 The Holy Spirit in the Theocracy, 17 Prophecy, in Seer and Psalmist, 17 Missionary or Messianic Psalms, 19 Solomon, 19 Isaiah, . :20 Daniel's Two Visions of the Four Empires, 20 The Written Word, 21 CHAPTER III. CHRIST THE KING OF THE MISSIONARY HOST-THE MISSIONARY CHARGE. The Fulness of the Time, . 23 The Jesus of History, . 25 Relation of Christ to Jews and Gentiles, 25 Christ's Missionary Methods, • . , 27 Missionary Charge to and Prayer for every Disciple, , 28 The Kingdom of Christ, , 30 The Parables of the Kingdom, 31 CHAPTER IV. THE HOLY SPIRIT THE LEADER OF THE MISSIONARY HOST, Christian Missions the Work of the Spirit, 31! 'The First Christian Missionaries, 33 Stephen, "The Crown," • 34 Paul, the Apostle of the Nations, 35 Christianity conquering the Cities, j6 The Name Christian, . 37 Paul's Three Mission Tours from Antioch, 38 John the Divine, . 42 'The Missionary Apocalypse, • 43 PART II. I ..A TIN PREPARATION, A.D. 70 TO 1792. CHAPTER V. THE ROMAN EMPIRE SUBDUED BY THE OITY OF GOD. Christianity after the Fall of Jerusalem, 17 Christianity and the Empire, . • 48 CONTENTS. ix PAG11 The Ten Persecutions, • 49 The First Missionary Triumph, 50 The Destruction of Paganism, 51 The Conversion of the Empire, 52 The Four Patriarchates of the East, 53 .Alexandria as a Missionary Centre, • 54 Pantrenus and the Catechumens' School, 1>5 Cosmas, the Merchant-Missionary, . ' 56 Constantine, . 57 Constantine's Christian Legislation, 57 Council of Nic~a, 58 Theodosius, 58 CHAPTER VI. THE CONVERSION OF THE SCOTS AND ENGLISH. Britain from the first a Miseionary Land, 59 The Romano-British Church, . 59 Gildas the Wise, 60 The Scots of Ireland, 61 Sukkat or Patricius, 62 Colum or Columba, 65 The Culdees, • 67 The Man Columba, • 68 The Columban Church, 70 The Romano-English Church, 71 Gregory the Great, • . 71 St. Augustin, • . • . 72 .Absorption of the British by the Papal Church, 73 Hild or Hilda, 75 Cuthbert, 76 Theodore, 76 CHAPTER VII. THE CONVERSION OF THE GOTHS AND THE FRANKS. The Gothic Nation, • • • 77 Arianism a Compromise with Heathenism, 77 ffifila, the Apostle of the Goths, . 78 Chrysostom, • 80 Valentinus, • 80 Jerome, 80 The Franks, . 81 ll!artin of Tours, • . 81 The Anti-Arian Baptism of Clovis, • , 82 Honoratus, Germanus, Lupus, Cresarius, Eligius, 83 Columba.nus, Gallus, Kilian, Tradpert, • 84 s CONTENTS. CHAPTER VIII. THE CONVERSION OF THE TEUTONS AND THE NORTHMEN. PAO. Scots and Anglo-Romish Missionaries contrasted, 8!) Winfrith or Bonifacius, 86- Walpurga, Lioba, Thekla, 89- Breda, . 89 Alcuin, . 89 K ing ..Elfred, . 90 The N orthmeu, 91 .Anskar, . 91 Norway, Olaf, , . 93' Conversion of Western Europa, 94. CHAPTER IX. MISSIONS TO 81.AVB, MOHAMMEDANS, AND JEWS. The Slavs, • • 91}: Cyrillus and Methodina, 9& Adalbert of Prussia, . 97 Otto of Bamberg, . 98 Vladimir of Russia's Baptism, 99· The Saracens and the Crusades, 100· Francis of Assisi, . 101 1\Iarco Polo and Franciscan Missions, • 102 Raymundus Lullius, . • 102- The First Missionary to the Mohammedans, . 103 Monte Corvino, 108 Intolerant Missions, 109- CHAPTER X. THE REFORMATION ONLY INDIRECTLY MISSIONARY, The Reformation a Home Mission, • , . ll()l The Discovery of America and the Opening up of India, 111 John Wiclif, . 112 Martin Luther, 113 1\Ielanchthon, . lH Erasmus, . • 114 The Missionary Treatise of Erasmus, • 115 Coligny and Calvin, • 119- Gustavus Vasa of Sweden, . 119 Frobisher, W olfall, O:x:enstierna., 12(} CONTENTS. xi CHAPTER XI. 'tffl!: DAWN OF MODERN MISSIONS-THE DANI8H·HALLE AND MORAVIAN MISSIONS. PAO• 'Two Reformation Principles of Missions, 121 <lTotius and W alreus, . 122 Lutheran Orthodoxy and Missionary Pietism, 123 Baron von Welz, 123 Leibnitz, . 124 Danish-Halle Mission to India, 124 Hans Egede, . 127 Missions of the Unitas Fratrum, 127 Count VO!l Zinzendorf, . 128 Growth of the Moravian Missions, 129 Franke's and Zinzendorfs Work, 131 CHAPTER XII. THE DAWN OF MODERN MISSIONS-THE ENGLISH IN NORTH AMERICA AND IN INDIA. The Open Door and the Open Eye, 132 Scotland, . • . • . 132 England, . • 133 George Fox, William Penn, the Pilgrim Fathers, 134 The First Protestant Missionary Corporation, 135 Cromwell, . 135 Robert Boyle, John Eliot, 136 The May hews and Brainerds, 138 The W esleys, . • 139 The East India Company, 139 Schwartz, . • 142 Kiernander, Charles Grant, • • • . 143 The Real Missionary Influence of the East India Company, . Hli Abortive Missions, 145 CHAPTER XIIL THE MISSIONARY COMPROMISE OF THE L\TIN CHUROII WITH HEATHENISM. Monachism and Missions, H& The Counter-Reformation, 147 Francis Xavier, • • 147 Xavier's Missionary Principles, 148 XaviPr's Missionary Methow, 149 J>rol?"£anda Institutiollll, 16~ xii CONTENT!!!. PAO.. Roman Missions, • • . 151 Japan, China, and the Philippine Islands, 152. France, . 153 The Madura Mission, . 154 Africa, . 155 Russian Missions, 155. PART III. ENGLISH-SPEAKING UNIVERSAL EVANGELIZATION, 1792-1913. CHAPTER XIV, FOUNDATION OF ENGLISH MISSIONS-WILLIAlii CAREY THE FIRST ENGLISH MISSIONARY TO INDIA, 1761-1834. Prayer the Origin of Modern Missions, . 157 Hymns, . • . • . , . 158 William Carey the First Englishman who was a Foreign Missionary, 160 Foundation of the Baptist Society, . • 162 Carey's Six Years of Preparation in Dinajpore, 163 Abraham and Carey, . • . 164 Carey, Marshman, and Ward in Serampore-Financial, 161 Carey, Marshman, and Ward in Serampore-Spiritual, 166 Results of the Serampore Mission, 167 Death of William Carey, • . 167 Progress of the Baptist Missionary Society, 16S CHAPTER XV. THE GUEAT MISSIONARY AND BIBLE SOCIETIES, 1792, England and Scotland- The London Missionary Society, 16~ The Scottish Missionary Society, . 17 4 The Glasgow Missionary Society, . 175 Robert Haldane's Proposed India Mission, 176 The Church Missionary Society, . 177 Bible and Pure Literature Societies, 178 . The National Bible Society of ScotlanJ, . 17~ Christian Missions to the Jews by Societies, . 180 The Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society, • . 181 The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 182 The Society of Friends, The China Inland Mission, 183 Medical Missions, . 184 Women's Missions, . 185. CONTENTS. xiii PAGit ~United States of America- The Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions,. ISS The Baptist Missionary Union, • 18~ The Methodist Episcopal Society,~: . 189 The American Bible and Tract SoCieties, 189- ~ Continent of Europe- The Netherlands Missionary Society, • 19() The German Protestant Missionary Societies, 191 The Paris Society for Evangelical Missions, . 192- The Swiss, Norwegian, Swedish, and Finnish Societies, 192- CHAPTER XVI. THE CHURCHES BECOME MISSIONARY, 1830, Scotland, Ireland, and England- The Church v. a Societ)' as a Missionary Organization, 19~ The United Free Church of Scotland's ]\fissions, . 195 Alexander Dull~ . • • 197 The Free Church of Scotland's Foreign Missions, 19S The Livingstonia Mission, . 199 The United Presbyterian Church of Scotland, 200 The Established Church of Scotland, , 201 The Presbyterian Church in Ireland, • . 202 The Presbyterian Church of England, • • . • 202 The Presbyterian Churches of the Colonies, Canada, Australasia, South Africa, 203 The United States of America- The Presbyterian Church, North and South, • • • 20~ The Protestant Episcopal Church-The United Presbyterian Church, 205 The Reformed (Dutch) Church and the Reformed Presbyterian (German) Church, • • . • . 205 The
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