Agenda Item 3. 1 PLANNING AND REGULATION COMMITTEE 2 SEPTEMBER 2013 PRESENT: COUNCILLOR I G FLEETWOOD (CHAIRMAN) Councillors Mrs V C Ayling, D Brailsford, D C Hoyes MBE, D M Hunter-Clarke, M S Jones, Ms T Keywood-Wainwright, D McNally, D C Morgan, S L W Palmer, N H Pepper, J M Renshaw and T M Trollope-Bellew. Councillors: Mrs P A Bradwell, Mrs J Brockway, C J Davie, A H Turner MBE JP and Mrs S Woolley attended the meeting. Officers in attendance:- Alan Aistrup (Highways Manager (North), Steve Blagg (Democratic Services Officer), Charlotte Lockwood (Solicitor), Neil McBride (Development Manager) and Marc Willis (Principal Planning Officer (Development Management) 60 APOLOGIES/REPLACEMENT MEMBERS Apologies for absence were received from Councillors C L Strange and C J Underwood-Frost. Councillors M S Jones and S L W Palmer deputised for Councillors W S Webb and Mrs H N J Powell, respectively, for this meeting only. 61 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST It was noted that all member of the Committee had been lobbied in connection with minute 67. Councillor Mrs V C Ayling requested that a note should be made in the minutes that she was a member of East Lindsey District Council. Councillor D Brailsford requested a note should be made in the minutes that he had been lobbied in connection with minute 77. Councillor S W L Palmer requested that a note should be made in the minutes that he was a member of East Lindsey District Council. He requested that a note should be made in the minutes that he had not been lobbied in connection with minute 67. Page 1 2 PLANNING AND REGULATION COMMITTEE 2 SEPTEMBER 2013 62 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND REGULATION COMMITTEE HELD ON 15 JULY 2013 RESOLVED That the minutes of the previous meeting of the Committee held on 15 July 2013 be agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman, subject to it being noted that Councillor T M Trollope-Bellew had returned to the meeting before its conclusion. 63 MINUTES OF THE SITE VISITS TO ADDLETHORPE AND RIBY HELD ON 29 JULY 2013 RESOLVED That the minutes of the site meeting by the Committee held on 29 July 2013, to Addlethorpe and Riby, be noted. 64 TRAFFIC MATTER 65 WRAGBY ROAD LINCOLN - PROPOSED ALTERATIONS TO WAITING RESTRICTIONS AND PEDESTRIAN CROSSING FACILITIES Alan Aistrup presented a report on objections received to the proposed alterations to pedestrian crossing facilities and waiting restrictions in connection with the expansion of the Tesco site on Wragby Road, Lincoln. Alan Aistrup stated that in connection with the waiting restrictions, officers, in consultation with all of the various parties, had tried to find a solution but it had not been possible to find agreement. A revised scheme of on street parking provision was currently being investigated and would be the subject to formal consultation on revised proposals in due course. With regard to the problem of a resident not being able to access their property from the east on Wragby Road there was an alternative route from the west as detailed in the report. On a motion by Councillor D Brailsford, seconded by Councillor I G Fleetwood, it was - RESOLVED (unanimous) (a) That the objections in respect of the pedestrian crossing facilities be overruled and the crossing as advertised be implemented. (b) That, in light of the objections, the proposed changes to the waiting restrictions be withdrawn and a revised scheme be re-advertised and consulted upon. Page 2 3 PLANNING AND REGULATION COMMITTEE 2 SEPTEMBER 2013 66 PLANNING APPLICATIONS RELATING TO COUNTY MATTER APPLICATIONS The Executive Director for Communities presented reports in connection with County developments and responses to consultation were detailed in the reports. (Because of the presence of public speakers the Chairman agreed to consider minutes 72 and 77 first of the planning applications. It was noted that Councillor C D Morgan arrived in the meeting during discussion of minute 72 and Councillor T Keywood-Wainwright arrived following consideration of minute 77). 67 SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT TO CONTINUE USE OF THE SITE FOR A GREEN WASTE DEPOSIT PROCESSING AND RECYCLING CENTRE AT FORMER PEA VINING STATION, A1173 RIBY ROAD, RIBY - MR S CLARKE - W81/129802/13 (Note: Only those members of the Committee who had attended the site visit on 29 July 2013 were able to participate and vote on this planning application, namely – Councillors D Brailsford, D C Hoyes MBE, M S Jones, Ms T Keywood-Wainwright, S Palmer, N H Pepper, C L Strange and T M Trollope-Bellew). Since the publication of the report responses to consultation had been received as follows:- County Councillor Strange – who attended the site visit but is not at the Committee today wished the Committee to know that the applicant should be given a temporary permission for green waste and monitored to make sure they stick to the planning permission and the Environment Agency Permit for three years with access to the site which at the moment resembles a fortress. Local Resident – who operates a caravan site noticed that one of the caravaners left recently due to the constant smell. It was a particularly bad week for the smell which resulted in us complaining on a number of occasions. If permission is to be granted the height of the stockpiles should be linked to three metres which will help us. Councillor A H Turner MBE, JP, the local Member, hoped that the height restrictions for the site would be enforced for the benefit of local residents. On a motion by Councillor I G Fleetwood, seconded by Councillor S W L Palmer, it was – RESOLVED (unanimous) That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report. Page 3 4 PLANNING AND REGULATION COMMITTEE 2 SEPTEMBER 2013 68 SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT TO ALLOW FOR THE IMPORTATION OF INERT RESTORATION MATERIALS TO FACILITATE THE RESTORATION OF PART OF THE QUARRY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROPOSALS CONTAINED WITHIN THE FIRST PERIODIC REVIEW APPLICATION AT CREETON QUARRY, COUNTHORPE ROAD, CREETON - CREETON QUARRY LTD (S24/1752/11) (Note: Only those Members of the Committee who attended the site visit on 26 June 2013, namely – Councillors Mrs V C Ayling, I G Fleetwood, D Hunter-Clarke, Ms T Keywood-Wainwright, D McNally, Mrs H N J Powell, Mrs J M Renshaw, C L Strange, T M Trollope-Bellew and W S Webb). On a motion by Councillor T M Trollope-Bellew, seconded by Councillor M S Jones, it was:- RESOLVED (unanimous) That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report. 69 TO CHANGE THE USE OF BUILDINGS FROM SHOT BLASTING AND METAL FABRICATION USES (USE CLASS B2) TO THE DEPOLLUTION AND RECYCLING OF END-OF-LIFE VEHICLES AT UNITS 3-6, LOWFIELD NURSERIES, FULNEY DROVE, SPALDING - AAV EXPORTS - H16/0483/13 On a motion by Councillor I G Fleetwood, seconded by Councillor M S Jones, it was - RESOLVED (unanimous) That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report. 70 RETROSPECTIVE APPLICATION FOR THE ERECTION OF NEW CENTRIFUGE PLANT AND MACHINERY AT HARMSTON QUARRY, TOWER LANE, HARMSTON - HARMSTON WASTE MANAGEMENT - N30/0486/13 On a motion by Councillor I G Fleetwood, seconded by Councillor D C Hoyes MBE, it was - RESOLVED (unanimous) That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions detailed in the report. Page 4 5 PLANNING AND REGULATION COMMITTEE 2 SEPTEMBER 2013 71 TO VARY CONDITIONS 2 AND 7 OF PLANNING PERMISSION W127/129257/12: TO REFLECT REVISIONS TO THE SITE LAYOUT, SIZE OF BUILDING AND LOCATION OF TANKS DUE TO AMENDMENTS TO THE PROPOSED ANAEROBIC DIGESTION TECHNOLOGIES TO BE EMPLOYED AS PART OF THE DEVELOPMENT AT ANAEROBIC DIGESTION PLANT, HEMSWELL CLIFF - MR ADAM DUGUID - W127/130114/13 (Note:- Councillor I G Fleetwood stated that he knew the applicant from previous contacts but this had been some years ago and did not prevent him from chairing or taking part in the debate or vote on this item). On a motion by Councillor I G Fleetwood, seconded by Councillor D Brailsford, it was – RESOLVED (unanimous) That planning permission be granted for the variation of Condition No. 2 and No. 7 as set out in the Council's Decision Notice reference W127/129257/12 dated 11 February 2013 and subject to all other conditions so far as the same are still subsisting and capable of taking effect, and subject to the new conditions to replace Condition No. 2 and No. 7 and an additional condition to secure details of a scheme of noise monitoring as detailed in the report. 72 TO CONSTRUCT A NEW SEWAGE PUMPING STATION, LAY-BY AND ANCILLARY WORKS AT PROPOSED SEWAGE PUMPING STATION, WOODCOTE LANE, BURTON BY LINCOLN - ANGLIAN WATER SERVICES LTD - W14/130249/13 Since the publication of the report responses to consultation had been received as follows:- Local Residents – object for the following reasons (summarised):- • Too close to property boundary (6m) which is access to their property. Therefore consider it would have a significant impact on visual amenity of their property in particular views from kitchen and bathrooms which look over Woodgate Lane over the field it is proposed to site the pumping station. The pumping station with the 6m aerial mast would seriously curtail their view especially during the winter months. Also proximity to this property would put them at risk from potential noise, vibration or smell from the pumping station. • Two metres of the lay-by would be opposite their driveway vehicles parking in the layby would restrict ability to turn into and out of driveway. Also the presence of a layby would encourage other vehicles to use this layby changing character of rural lane.
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