CENSUS OF INDIA 1991 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK SANGLI Compiled by THE MAHARASllTRA CENSUS DIRECTORATE PRINTED IN INDIA BY THE MANAGER, GOVT. CENTRAL PRESS, MUMBAI-400 004. AND PUBLISHED BY =rHE DIRECTOR, GOVERNMENT PRINTING AND STATIONERY, MAHARASHTRA STATE, MUMBAI-400 004. 1995 Y4-A Price: Us. 100 E -" -_. " « c:J ..N 0: 0 t- :z N J !!! ::x: @) en III I <[ ~ 0: = (.) ., <[ '" ::x: -£IE • : <[ ~ 0 ~ II) .. I -C :Ii I I Vl ::1:. ! . I i i j j@" ~ ...... i i @~ ffi ,.. ~ i ! <.J,g i.. i i I ~i~ ~ :I: In - ~ ... '"C> '0 => g => l-" ..C> ] 0.. ;; 1 I- e II! ~ E~ ~ t; '"Q; :3 ~~ "- lEI 2 ~ .~ .; "'1': f '" l- z .. c ~m II 0 ;:i ~ 0 : ~! 0=,= Q! '" l- e ~ .!!! ~ .. 3:: t- V> ~ '"x .2 >.J£! E" \.! i5 --' c( !::: : o~ ... a: ~ !it ~ ] -g2 ~~ Iii I- i ~ tJ ~(f) "'(f) l- V> '"a: !2 l- i5 ~ w x ~ ~ !II! '" ~'6 I--ii .-'" l- :::; ~ '" '" ~ ~ '" " ~ '"~ ~ >- ~ .. c : <:> co; ~ a: ;" ~~ ~(f) =>~ !il ! :: q~ ~ 0 Iii ~ z uw 3::£.. 't' z: Een i ~ " '" "" lVIO'T'IF SANGLI Turmeric (holodJ. furnishes an underground s\.vollen stem ,"vhie}l 15 used both as a spige and as a dye. It torIns an inlportant flavouring and colouring ingredient Ill. curries and varIOu,'"' other preparations_ SilnililJ"ly,· it IS considered valunJjle as it contains Hledical properties. The soils suited for the crop are sandy 01" clayey loams \'vhich c:lr-fC: vvell­ drained and uniCornl In texture_ rI'he crop is, planted in a line "vith TUITO\,VS about. rnne inches apart... Planting on broad ridgE~s 1S Tollo\.vE~d by prog,-essive cultivators. 1\lu1 ze 1 S taken as an in le {--crop_ Harvesting is done in F'ebruary-I\Ifll"C'h_ Kodopa and Rajapuri nre tbe lo-c:~] v~ll'icLics grO\.VH in the district. The tor01er yields l1'love. out the latter realises better. The produ.ce IS first boiled and then dried :in the sun Tor about (~igllt days. TurTneric is exported not only to othGl- purts of India but. also to foreign count.ries like AInerica, FI'ance, Great Britain etc. Thus turn"leric 1S tlle foreign exchange earneT' product or the district. CONTENTS Page Foreword, (v) Preface (ix) Acknowledgement (xi) District Highlights - 1991 Census (xiii) Name of the headquarters of DistricUTahsil, their rura1!urban status and distance from (xiv) district headquarters Important SLatisLics-I (a) 1 Important Statistics-T (b) 4 Ranking of tahsils in the district-II 6 Summary Table 1--Population of the District at the Censuses from 1901 to 1991. 8 , Summary Tahle 2-Number of intwbited villages and related population in specified population 9 siz{~ n' nge:~. Appendix 1 to Summary Table 2-Area, Number of vi11ages/to\~Yns and population 10 Appendix 2 to Summary Table 2-Towns with Population under 5,000 11 Appendix 3 to Summary Table 2-Houseless and Institutional Population 11 Analytical Note- 1. HISTORY AND SCOPE OF DISTRICT CENSUS Hi\NDBOOK 13 Brief History of the district (13) 2. AD-:\lINISTRATIVE SET-UP Zilla Parishacl and Panchayat Samitis (15), Urban Local Bodies (15) 3. LOCATION, SIZE, RELIEF, DRAINAGE AND CROPPING PATTERN 15 ' Climate (16), Soil and Cropping Pattern (17) 4. NATURAL WEALTH 17 Minerals (17), Fisheries (17) 5. BRIEF NOTE ON CENSUS 17 Censl,ls concepts-Building (17), Census houses and households (18), Housing data (18), Electricity and Toilet facilities (18), Rural and urban area (18), Urban agglomeration (19), Standard urban area (19). 6. 1991 CENSUS FINDINGS-POPULATION, ITS DISTRIBUTION 19 Distribution of population in rural and urban arcas (19), Size, class and status of towns , (20), Villages by pOPll:latiun size (21). 7. POPULATION GROWTH, DENSITY fu"lD SEX RATIO 22 Population growth (22), Density (22), Sex ratio (23) 8. SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES 24 Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Muharashtra State (25), Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in 1981 (26), SC/ST population, decadal variation and sex ratio (27). 9. LITERACY 30 Definition of a literate (30), Rural and Urban'ISteracy (31), Male-female share in total literates (31); Literacy among SC and ST (32).:~ 10. ECONOMIC ACTIVITY 34 Definition of work and classification of workers (34Y-, Types o( workers (34), Workers by Industrial categories (37), Non-workers (39). (ii) CONTENTS--contd. Page 11. AMENITIES IN VILLAGES A..:.'-l'D TOWNS 39 Educational facilities (39), Medical (42), Drinking water (43), Postal (43), Weekly market (43), Communications (44),~ Approach Toad (44), Power Supply (45). 12. LAND UTILISATION - LAND USE PATTERN 46 Forest (46), Irrigated and Unirrigated land (47). 13. BRIEF NOTE ON TOVlN DIRECTORY 48 14. INDUSTRIES 49 15. TRADE AND COMMERCE 50 Workers in trade and commerce (50). 16. MUNICIPAL FINANCE 50 17. FAIRS AND PLACES OF TOURIST IMPORTANCE 51 Fairs (51), Places of historical and tourist importance (51). 18. MAJOR CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DISTRICT 52 Contribution of the district\~52). PART A - VILLAGE AND TOWN DffiECTORY (SECTIONS I AND II) SECTION I-VILLAGE DIRECTORY Note explaining the abbreviations used in the Village Directory. 55 Statement-List of villages fully merged in towns and outgrowth at 1991 Census. 59 Afap-TAHSIL MIRAJ (Facing Page) 60 Alphabetical list of villages-Miraj C. D. Block 61 Village Dircctory-Miraj C. D. Block 62 Map-TAHSIL TASGAON (Facing Page) 72 Alphabetical list of vil1ages-Tasgaon C. D. Block 7.3 Village Directory-Tusgaon C. D. Block 74 Afap-TAHSIL KHA..~APUR (Facing Page) 86 Alphabetical list of villages-Khanapur C. D. Block 87 Village Directory-Khanapur C. D. Block 88 Map-TAHSIL ATPADI (Facing Page) 102 Alphabetical list of vi11ages-At.padi C. D. Block 103 Village Directory-Atpadi C. D. Block 104 Map-TAHSIL JAT (Facing Page) 112 Alphabetical list of villages--Jat C. D, Block 113 Village Directory--Jat C. D, Block 114 Map-TAHSIL KAVATHE MAHANKAL (Facing Page) 128 Alphabetical list of vil1ages-Kavathe Mahankal C. D. Block 129 Village Directory-Kavathe Mahankal C. D. Block 13() Map-TAHSIL WALWA (Facing Page) 136 Alphabetical list of vi1lages-Walwa C. ·D. Block 137 Village Directory-Walwa C. D. Block 138 Map-TAHSIL SHIRALA (Facing Page) 150 Alphabetical list of villages-Shirala C. D. Block 151 Village Dircctory-Shirala C. D. Block 152 APPENDIX I C. D. Blockwise (Rural) Abstract of educational, medical and other amenities 162 APPENDIX II Land utilisation data in respect of non-municipal towns (Census Towns) 164 APPENDIX III C. D. Blockwise list of villages where no amenity other than drinking water facility is available. 164 (i 1i) CON'l'ENTS-contd. Page APPENDIX IV Summary showing number of villages having or not having SC/ST population, It,~ C. D. Blockwise hst of villages according to the proportion of Schedl..tled Caste and 16[:; Scheduled Tribe population to the total population by ranges. APPENDIX V 177 Alphabctical1ist of villages alongwith manual as well at computerised codes, 1991 and 1981. APPENDIX VI 195 Statement showing Social Forest area in the villages. APPENDIX VII 198 Statement showing number of Girls Schools in the villages. SECTION II-TOWN DIHECTORY Note explaining the abbreviations used in the Town Directory. Town Directory Statements (1 to VI and IV-A) STATEMENT I-Status and Growth History- 204 STATEMENT II-Physical aspects and location of towns, 1989 205 STATEMENT nr-Municipal Finance, 1988-1989 206 STATEMENT IV-Civic and other amenities, 1989 207 STATEMENT IV-A-Civic and other amenities in notified slums, 1989 STATEMENT V-Mcdical, Educational, l{e,creational and Cultural Facilities, 1~)89 STATEl\lENT VI-Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking, 1989. Appendix to Town Directory PART R-PRlMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT District Primary Census Abstract (General) Appendix to District Urban Primary Census Abstract District Primary Census Absb'act for Scheduled Castes District Primary Cerhu<: Abstra('t for Scheduled Tribes c. D. nlochu'ise ',Tillage Primary ern.'>us Abstract Primary Census Abstract-Miraj C. D. Rlock Primary Census Absirad-Ta:st:;acl11 C D. B1uck Primary Census Abstraet--Kha'Japur C. D. Block Pr:imary Census Abstrullt-Atpadi C. D. Block '274 Primary Census Abstrnct-Jat C. D. mock Primary Census Abstrad--Kavuthe l\Inhankal C. D. Block Primary Census AbsiracL-\Va]wa C. n. Block Primary Census Abstract-8hirala C D. Block 314 Town Primary Census Abstr<1d. (1 to 8) Annexure I-Note on Fertility---Mortnl1ty and l\.-1igration Annexure II-V<T'rious measures of fertiliLy and mean age at maITiagc, 1981. Annexure III-Percentage Distribution of Migrants by place of birth, 1 ~)81 Census. (v) FORE-WORD Publication of the District Census Handbooks (DeI-Is) was initiated afler the 1951 Census and is continuing since then vvith some innovations/modiflcations after each decennial C~ensus. This is the most valuable district level publication brought out by the Census Organisation on behalf of each State Governmentf(Jnion• Territory administration. It inter-alia provides data/information on some of the - basie demographic and socio-economic charactf.:.'ristics and on the availability of certain important C1VIC flITlenities/facilities in each village and to\.vn of tht~ respective districts. This publication has thus proved to be of immense utility to the planners, administrators., acadernicians and researchers. The. scope of the DCH was ini"tially confined to certain irnportant ceiiSUS tables on populatjon~ economic and socio­ cultural aspects as also the Primary Census Abstract (peA) o·f each village and to'NTI ('Nard-\vise) of the district. The DCHs published after the 1961 Census contained a descriptive account of the district, administrative statistics, census tables and Vi]1age and Town. Directories including peA. After the 1971 Census, t'NO parts of the District Census Handbooks CPart-A cornprising Village and Town Directories and Part-B comprising Village and Town PCl\.) were released in all the States and Union Territories.
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