View metadata, citation and similar papers at brought to you by CORE provided by Kyoto University Research Information Repository Viscosity of argon and of argon-ammonia mixtures under Title pressures Author(s) Hongo, Masaru The Review of Physical Chemistry of Japan (1979), 48(2): 63- Citation 71 Issue Date 1979-02-10 URL Right Type Departmental Bulletin Paper Textversion publisher Kyoto University The Review of Physical Chemistry of Japan Vol. 48 No. 2 (1978) THE REVIEN` Or PHYSICAL CHEMISTPY OY JAPA:.', Vni. 48, No. 2, 3978 fi3 VISCOSITY OF ARGON AND OF ARGON-AMMONIA MIXTURES UNDER PRESSURES* BY MASARC HOVGn The viscosity of argon and of four argon-ammonia gaseous mixtures was measured using an oscillating disk viscometer at temperatures, 25, 50, 75, and 100°C; for argon, at the pressure range up to about 120x10s Ya; and for argon-ammonia mixtures, up to around the saturated vapor pressure of ammonia at each temperature. The accuracy of the measurements was estimated to be within t0.3po. The gas viscosity values of dilute binary mixtures were calculated by applying a correction factor, which was set up by use of critical compressibility factors. The calculated values were in better agreement with the experimental ones than those calculated by original Chapman-Enskog's method. The initial density dependence of the viscosity, qo t (3q/8p) o--s, of argon-ammonia mixtures was obtained from [be experimental values, and [be e6ec[s of [be concentra- tion of nonpolar gases and of temperature on the initial density dependence were com- pared with [hose id the case of the nitrogen-ammonia system and of the hydrogen-am- monia system, where q is viscosity of gas, p densfty, and pa the viscosity extrapolated to zero density. It was concluded from the comparison that molecular association of polar gases was hindered by the presence of nonpotar molecules and by a rise in tem- perature, and that the larger the molecular weight of a nonpolar gas was, the more strongly the nonpolar molecules hindered moecnlar association of polar substances, By taking into account the mole fraction of nonpolar gases, the initial density de- pendence of [he viscosity could be correlated with the temperature reduced by the cri[i- tal temperature of [he mixtures, and a similar tendency was observed regardless of the system. Introduction This study is one of the researches to measure the gas viscosity of nonpolar-polar mixtures con- taining ammonia as a polaz gas under pressures. The viscosities of the nitsogea-ammonia systemll and of the hydrogen-ammonia system'] were akeady determined, and the viscosities of azgoa and of argon-ammonia mixtures are presented in this paper In order to investigate the effect o[ the molec- ular weight of a nonpolar gas on the viscosity of a polar gas, argon was used because its moleculaz weight is lagger than that of nitrogen. The viscosity of the argon-ammonia system under pressures was measured by Iwasaki et al.a1 using as oscillating disk viscometer, but only at 20 and 30°C. The viscosity at atmospheric psessure was measured by Chakraborti et al.+~ (25 to 80°C)using a capillary- (Received September 30, ]978) + Presented in part at The 18th High Pressure Conference, Kyoto, Nov. 25th. 19i7 1) M. Hongo and H. Iwasaki, This lourna{ 47, 90 (1977) 2) M. Hongo and H. Iwasaki, ibid., 48, 1 (1978) 3) H. Iwasaki, J. Restin, and A. Nagashima, J. Cltem. Phys., 40, 2988 (1964) 4) P.K. Chakraborti and P. Gray, Trans. Aaraday Sa., 61, 2422 (196>) The Review of Physical Chemistry of Japan Vol. 48 No. 2 (1978) 64 ]1. Aongo flow viscometer and by Rakshit et als> (-35 to 35°C) by [he use of an oscillating disk viscometer. In this study, the measurements of the viscosity of azgon-ammonia mixtures were performed on a precision oscillating disk viscometer, which w•asthe same as that previously usedr•z>,at temperatures of 25, 50, i 5, and 100°C, and Deer the range of pressure up to about 120 x IOs Pa for azgon and up to around the saturated vapor pressure of ammonia at each temperature for argon-ammonia mixtures. The mole fractions of argon in the mixtures were approximately 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8. Experimental Method and Calculation of Viscosity The gas viscosity was evaluated by the same method as that used by Iwasaki et als> The em- pirical value Cs' of the apparatus Constant. Cx, required for the evaluation of the viscosity was deter- mined by the calibration measurements which were made using nitrogen at temperature of 25°C and at pressures below 25 X lOs Fa. The value of Cx' obtained from the calibration measurements was 1.1355 from 25 to 75°C, and 1.1378 at 100`C. The density of azgon was obtained through the PV-values by Michels et al.r> and that of argon- ammonia mixtures was evaluated from the l'ri-chartel in the same way as that used in the previous papersl•~, where Vri is the ideal reduced molar volume. Argon was supplied from the Nippon Oxygen Co., Ltd. and its purity was above 99.994%. Am- monia was purified through distillation as described beforer>. The experimental accuracy was estimated to be within -*0.3%. Results The viscosity values obtained for argon ate shown in Table 1 and plotted as a viscosity vs. density diagram is Fig. 1. The deviations of [he measured viscosity values from the smoothed turves aze all within -*0.2%. The slopes of the viscosity isotherm, (or/8p) r, are always positive and almost the same is the experimental conditions, where r/ is viscosity of gas and p is density. The viscosity of azgon under pressures, so iar, was measured by Michels et afsl from 0 to 75°C below 2000 x IO° Pa; by Iwasaki et at.lo> from 25 to 150`C up to 130x 1G°Pa; by Flynn et al.ll> from-78 [0 100°C below 200 x 10° Pa; by Reyaes et al.~> from 100 to 200`C up to 830 X lOs Pa; and by Gracki et> from -100 to 25°C below 170x 10° Pa. These measurements were made using a capillazyAow viscometer, except 3) A.B. Rakshit, C.S. Roy, and A.K. Barua, l: Chem.Pbys., 59, 3633 (1973) 6) H. Iwasaki and J, Restin, Phyrica,29, 1345 (1963) 7) A. ]lichels, Hub. NWijkerand Ak. 1Yijker,ibid., I5, 627 (1949) 8) K. Satoh, "Bussei Josu Suisaaho", ]iazuzen, Japaa (1954) 9) A. ]Iichels, A. Botzen and N. Schuurman, Physito. ]A. 1141 (1931) ID) H. Iwasaki and H. Takahashi, Bull. Chem.Res. Inrt. Non.aqueoas Solutionr, Tohoka Lbiv., 6,61 (1916) 11) G.P. Flynn, R.V. Hanks, N.A. Lemaire, and J, Ross, !. Chern.Phys„ 36, 154 (1963) 12) E,G. Reynes and G. Thodos, Plrysica,30, 1529(1964) 13) J.4. GracL•i,G.P.Plynn and J. Ross, !. Chern.Phys., 51, 3856 (1969) i The Review of Physical Chemistry of Japan Vol. 48 No 2 (1978) Viscosity of Argon and of Argon-Ammonia Mirtures under Pressures 65 Ta61e 1 Viscosity o5 argon Pressure Density Viscwity Pressure Density Viscosity lOS Pa tOskg•m-s 10-~ Pa•s IOS Pa l0;kg•m 3 10-~Pa•s zs°c ]s°c 1.23 o.oolsJ 2zs.1 1.2E C. 9a1]3 z ss.s 1.4J 0.00" 3E 226.6 1.26 o. ao193 25fi.6 o,aooos z 2s.J 2.03 C. ev ns 26fi .4 s.e6 O.CDe12 226.8 5,17 o. 9D]1D 25].0 5.12 0.00922 226.9 10.11 0. 91388 25].5 lu._s 0.01632 2z e.l 2 D. 37 0. 92815 259.] 10.19 0,0163] ?3 ).9 41.36 C. 05350 26u,1 20.33 0.03323 229.9 61.11 0. C 8E 25 2E 0.5 23.'4 0.03919 231.0 BL 43 C. 1152 2]4.5 41.17 O.Ofi 797 235.4 102.91 n_, 14398 180:] 61.73 O. 1C3C 242.0 113.39 e. 16669 ?8E.4 93.18 0,1396 249.] 10V.69 O. 1J63E zse.E vv°c 125. 3D 0.21291 26].9 125.35 0.2129E 2E B.2 1,23 0. 09159 272.8 1.36 0. 991]0 2]3.8 50°C ?,03 0. 09262 2]3.5 5.06 C. 9 a65Y 2]3.6 1.24 0',00183 242.0 10.11 o. 01398 1 ]u.$ 0.00225 242.1 ?D.zJ o. 92E 1Y 2]6.4 ..54 o.oo2ze z 42.o 40.4E 0. 0522] 280.0 6.12 o,DO7n 242.8 61.05 0. 0]893 205.1 5.12 O.OOJSJ 242.7 82,12 o. 'a s2 290.1 1o.lz D.D1496 243.5 0. 132uV 235.9 0.01508 2 Y3.5 122.01 0. 15]16 381.] 20.42 0,03054 245.4 125.98 0. 1fi 219 302.0 41.1E 0.06212 258.0 61.29 0.09299 25s.6 91.39 D.1?YO 261.1 102.24 0115638 2 J0.1 121.54 D.166'S 2 J6.9 1?1.54 D.1es=s 277.5 ~_ . P 300 z,•. ,j ~~ 1gK. 150 Ar(0.600~Nj{,(0,2001 SOL e 4 F ~, Ar(0.603 O - ~G 1 100 0 T.~ 250 T :y Ar(0,406) O o: present work 7 li0 Ar(0200)~NH O: Graoki •t al ~~/ v: Flynn et al ~~~ aawasakl et a110I NH, e: Micftels et al.ol .: ReYnes et al;v 0 0.1 0.2 0 0.05 Deosity (l0ykg•m 9) Density (103kg•m-') Fig, 1 Viscosity of argon Fig.
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