Word # of Title Author Lexile RdgLvl Points Type Count Copies 2095 Scieszka, Jon 590 9974 5.4 3 1 Fiction 6th Grade Nickname Game, The Korman, Gordon 640 23998 4.8 5 1 Fiction Abandoned! Dale, Jenny 640 20119 4.4 6 1 Fiction Absent Author, The Roy, Ron 510 8517 2.8 3 1 Fiction Absolutely Normal Chaos Creech, Sharon 900 32936 6.9 8 1 Fiction Accidental Lily Warner, Sally 590 9927 3.7 4 1 Fiction Across The Wild River Gutman, Bill 670 31278 3.9 9 1 Fiction Across Wide & Lonesome Prairie Gregory, Kristiana 940 29628 5.2 8 1 Fiction Addy Learns A Lesson Porter, Connie Rose 660 10104 5.2 4 1 Fiction Addy's Surprise Porter, Connie Rose 770 9373 5.1 3 1 Fiction Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn Twain, Mark 990 109774 5.9 24 1 Fiction Adventures Of Rose & Swiney MacBride, Roger Lea 510 8186 3.1 4 1 Fiction Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes Doyle, Arthur Conan 1080 104532 8.1 25 1 Fiction Adventures Of Snail At School Stadler, John 280 886 1.9 2 1 Fiction Adventures Of Spider, The Arkhurst, Joyce Cooper 710 5702 3.5 3 1 Fiction Adventures Of Tom Sawyer, The Twain, Mark 950 69723 5.9 15 1 Fiction After The Holocaust Greenfeld, Howard 1130 36008 8.5 10 1 Nonfiction Afternoon On The Amazon Osborne, Mary Pope 290 4787 3.1 3 1 Fiction Aggie's Home Nixon, Joan Lowery 600 14049 3.9 5 1 Fiction Alice In Wonderland Carroll, Lewis 860 25425 5.9 7 1 Fiction Alice's Adventures-Wonderland Carroll, Lewis 890 55498 6.1 12 1 Fiction Aliens Ate My Homework Coville, Bruce 730 31646 5.1 7 1 Fiction Alison Goes For The Gold Connor, Catherine 810 8839 5.8 3 1 Fiction All About Alligators Arnosky, Jim 770 685 4.5 2 1 Nonfiction All About Deer Arnosky, Jim 850 1322 5.6 2 1 Nonfiction All About Owls Arnosky, Jim 870 932 5.6 2 1 Nonfiction All About Rattlesnakes Arnosky, Jim 870 1273 5.5 2 1 Nonfiction All About Turkeys Arnosky, Jim 930 817 4.7 2 1 Nonfiction All By Myself Mayer, Mercer 370 155 1.9 1 1 Fiction Amanda Joins The Circus Avi 430 10789 4.5 5 1 Fiction Amazing Frecktacle, The Venokur, Ross 790 21029 5.1 6 1 Fiction Amber Brown Goes Fourth Danziger, Paula 630 9933 3.3 3 1 Fiction Amber Brown Is Feeling Blue Danziger, Paula 760 14522 3.9 3 1 Fiction Amber Brown Is Not A Crayon Danziger, Paula 720 7761 3.8 3 1 Fiction Amber Was Brave, Essie Was... Williams, Vera B. 2352 3.9 3 1 Fiction Amelia Bedelia Parish, Peggy 120 1559 2.5 2 1 Fiction Amelia Bedelia (Español) Parish, Peggy 340 1140 3 2 1 Fiction Amelia Bedelia 4 Mayor Parish, Herman 220 1389 1.9 2 1 Fiction Amelia Bedelia's Family Album Parish, Peggy 170 767 2.5 2 1 Fiction American Hero - Lindbergh Denenberg, Barry 1070 42257 6.9 11 1 Nonfiction Among The Barons Haddix, Margaret Peterson 650 36336 5.7 10 1 Fiction Among The Betrayed Haddix, Margaret Peterson 690 34054 5.9 10 1 Fiction Among The Enemy Haddix, Margaret Peterson 760 43562 5.5 12 1 Fiction Among The Hidden Haddix, Margaret Peterson 800 31833 5.9 8 1 Fiction Anastasia - Last Grand Duchess Meyer, Carolyn 860 29680 6.4 9 1 Fiction And To Think That I Saw It... Seuss, Dr. 810 3.2 2 1 Fiction Andrew's Loose Tooth Munsch, Robert 570 710 2.8 2 1 Fiction Angel On The Square Whelan, Gloria 820 48375 6.1 12 1 Fiction Angels Don't Know Karate Dadey, Debbie 570 5677 2.6 3 1 Fiction Angel's Mother's Boyfriend Delton, Judy 760 23057 5.1 6 1 Fiction Animal Adventures Wilder, Laura Ingalls 570 7804 2.2 3 1 Fiction Animals Of The Bible Lathrop, Dorothy 920 7457 5.5 3 1 Nonfiction Anna All Year Round Hahn, Mary Downing 610 19066 4.1 6 1 Fiction Anna On The Farm Hahn, Mary Downing 610 24249 4.1 7 1 Fiction Anne Frank-Diary Of Young Girl Frank, Anne 1080 86682 5.9 21 1 Nonfiction Anno's Mysterious...Jar Anno, Mitsumasa 380 445 3.1 1 1 Nonfiction Antarctic Journal Dewey, Jennifer Owings 860 5056 4.9 4 1 Nonfiction Anthony Burns-Fugitive Slave Hamilton, Virginia 860 43515 7.1 9 1 Nonfiction April Fool! Ziefert, Harriet 0 186 1.5 1 1 Fiction Are You My Mother? Eastman, P.D. 0 698 1.5 1 1 Fiction Arthur And The Cootie-Catcher Brown, Marc 400 4797 3.5 3 1 Fiction Arthur And The Lost Diary Brown, Marc 390 4945 3.9 3 1 Fiction Arthur And The Perfect Brother Brown, Marc 340 4701 3.1 3 1 Fiction Arthur And The True Francine Brown, Marc 350 479 2.4 1 1 Fiction Arthur Goes To Camp Brown, Marc 380 694 2.7 2 1 Fiction Arthur Meets The President Brown, Marc 480 970 3.2 2 1 Fiction Arthur Tricks The Tooth Fairy Brown, Marc 150 463 1.9 1 1 Fiction Arthur Writes A Story Brown, Marc 320 710 2.4 2 1 Fiction Arthur's April Fool Brown, Marc 400 709 3.1 2 1 Fiction Arthur's Baby Brown, Marc 310 508 2.5 1 1 Fiction Arthur's Birthday Brown, Marc 260 742 2.7 2 1 Fiction Arthur's Chicken Pox Brown, Marc 490 816 2.5 2 1 Fiction Arthur's Christmas Brown, Marc 530 884 2.8 2 1 Fiction Arthur's Computer Disaster Brown, Marc 370 866 2.2 2 1 Fiction Arthur's Eyes Brown, Marc 260 510 2.2 1 1 Fiction Arthur's Family Vacation Brown, Marc 380 778 3.3 2 1 Fiction Arthur's First Sleepover Brown, Marc 370 857 2.4 2 1 Fiction Arthur's Honey Bear Hoban, Lillian 510 1375 2.7 2 1 Fiction Arthur's New Puppy Brown, Marc 400 882 2.5 2 1 Fiction Arthur's Pen Pal Hoban, Lillian 530 1656 2.4 2 1 Fiction Arthur's Perfect Christmas Brown, Marc 160 1760 2.5 2 1 Fiction Arthur's Pet Business Brown, Marc 510 840 2.5 2 1 Fiction Arthur's Reading Race Brown, Marc 140 311 1.3 1 1 Fiction Arthur's Teacher Moves In Brown, Marc 230 1064 2.7 2 1 Fiction Arthur's Tooth Brown, Marc 450 716 2.5 2 1 Fiction Arthur's TV Trouble Brown, Marc 360 729 2.5 2 1 Fiction Arthur's Valentine Brown, Marc 450 487 2.6 1 1 Fiction At Her Majesty's Request Myers, Walter Dean 1070 20272 6.2 8 1 Nonfiction Aunt Eater Loves A Mystery Cushman, Doug 290 1320 2.1 2 1 Fiction Aunt Eater's Mystery Halloween Cushman, Doug 260 1043 2.7 2 1 Fiction Aunt Pitty Patty's Piggy Aylesworth, Jim 680 937 3.9 2 1 Fiction Austere Academy, The Snicket, Lemony 1120 33525 6.8 10 1 Fiction Autumn Days Schweninger, Ann 700 984 1.3 2 1 Nonfiction Avalanche Rosen, Michael 750 340 2.5 1 1 Fiction Awful Ogre's Awful Day Prelutsky, Jack 2387 4.9 2 1 Fiction Baby MacLachlan, Patricia 670 17441 5.4 4 1 Fiction Baby Alligator Clarke, Ginjer L. 300 667 2.1 2 1 Nonfiction Baby Sister For Frances, A Hoban, Russell 490 1364 3.2 2 1 Fiction Bachelor Girl MacBride, Roger Lea 780 38359 5.2 10 1 Fiction Back To School - Rotten Ralph Gantos, Jack 280 806 2.8 1 1 Fiction Bad Case Of Stripes, A Shannon, David 540 1387 3.5 2 1 Fiction Bad Hair Day Hood, Susan 210 233 1.5 1 1 Fiction Bad Luck Filly, The Campbell, Joanna 660 36184 5.1 10 1 Fiction Ballad Of Lucy Whipple Cushman, Karen 1030 41395 5.5 11 1 Fiction Bambi: A Life In The Woods Salten, Felix 700 40698 6.5 11 1 Fiction Barefoot: Escape On The... Edwards, Pamela Duncan 640 808 4.2 2 1 Fiction Barrel In The Basement, The Wallace, Barbara Brooks 660 27235 6.1 8 1 Fiction Barry The Bravest St Bernard Hall, Lynn 550 3811 3.6 3 1 Nonfiction Baseball Flyhawk Christopher, Matt 510 13109 3.9 3 1 Fiction Basketball Mystery, The Warner, Gertrude Chandler 540 18903 3.2 6 1 Fiction Bathtime For Biscuit Capucilli, Alyssa 150 149 1.1 1 1 Fiction Beagle In A Backpack Baglio, Ben M. 790 27207 4.1 8 1 Fiction Bear Called Paddington, A Bond, Michael 750 23122 5.7 5 1 Fiction Bears Of Blue River, The Major, Charles 1260 41979 7.6 13 1 Fiction Bears On Wheels Berenstain, Stan and Jan 0 85 1.2 1 1 Fiction Because of Winn-Dixie DiCamillo, Kate 610 22331 4.1 7 1 Fiction Becoming Felix Wilson, Nancy Hope 710 38889 5.2 8 1 Fiction Bed For The Winter, A Wallace, Karen 240 489 1.7 1 1 Nonfiction Beezus And Ramona Cleary, Beverly 780 22012 4.8 5 1 Fiction Being Youngest Heynen, Jim 910 63720 6.9 14 1 Fiction Belle Prater's Boy White, Ruth 760 36668 5.5 8 1 Fiction Beloved Dearly, The Cooney, Doug 620 34671 4.4 9 1 Fiction Benjamin & Robot Babysitter Bush, Timothy 240 927 2.8 2 1 Fiction Berenstain Bears/Bad Habit Berenstain, Stan & Jan 690 1290 3.2 2 1 Fiction Berenstain Bears/Big Road Race Berenstain, Stan & Jan 270 421 2.9 1 1 Fiction Berenstain Bears/Bully Berenstain, Stan & Jan 590 1572 3.5 2 1 Fiction Berenstain Bears/Evil Eye Berenstain, Stan & Jan 660 8048 2.9 3 1 Fiction Berenstain Bears/Get In A Figh Berenstain, Stan & Jan 680 782 3.3 2 1 Fiction Berenstain Bears/Get The Gimmi Berenstain, Stan & Jan 640 1340 3.3 2 1 Fiction Berenstain Bears/Giant Bat Cav Berenstain, Stan 600 8653 3.5 3 1 Fiction Berenstain Bears/Learn About Berenstain, Stan & Jan 590 1440 3.1 2 1 Fiction Berenstain Bears/Messy Room Berenstain, Stan 800 935 3.7 2 1 Fiction Berenstain Bears/Much Birthday Berenstain, Stan & Jan 620 1254 3.7 2 1 Fiction Berenstain Bears/On The Moon Berenstain, Stan & Jan 40 439 1.7 1 1 Fiction Berenstain Bears/Prize Pumpkin Berenstain, Stan & Jan 660 1424 3.5 2 1 Fiction Berenstain Bears/Really Big Di Berenstain, Stan 650 7627 3.7 3 1 Fiction Berenstain Bears/Save That Bac Berenstain, Stan 570 7579 3.9 3 1 Fiction Berenstain Bears/Sci-Fi Pizza Berenstain, Stan 590 10014 3.8 3 1 Fiction Berenstain Bears/Sinister Smok Berenstain, Stan 660 12736 3.5 3 1 Fiction Berenstain Bears/Slumber Party Berenstain, Stan & Jan 680 1201 3.5 2 1 Fiction Berenstain Bears/Spooky Old Tr Berenstain, Stan & Jan 100 201 1.7 1 1 Fiction Berenstain Bears/Trouble/Money Berenstain, Stan & Jan 540 1216 2.7 2 1 Fiction Berlioz The Bear Brett, Jan 540 708 2.9 2 1 Fiction Bernie Magruder & Parachute..
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