13270 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE June 20, 2005 and Democrats alike to interact more, debate b 2145 with wisdom, and that you too can the issues of the day, and work towards solv- It was a unanimous decision ulti- make the world better as one human ing the problems of this Nation. mately to impeach Nixon. I had the being like Peter Rodino. I am glad that this chamber is taking the unique opportunity, well, when I first I want to extend my deepest sym- time to recognize the importance of this won- saw him was on television when I was pathies and condolences to Chairman derful man. I will miss Peter Rodino for all of in college, and I watched the Watergate Rodino’s wife, Joy, and his children these reasons and many more. He was clearly hearings, the impeachment hearings. and grandchildren, his legacy will live an extraordinary man who represented the And I was so incredibly proud to be an on. His example will live on. And I be- very best of this Nation. Sometimes I wish American, to see how this gentleman, a lieve, thanks to the gentleman from there were more Rodinos in this chamber and true gentleman was going to lead this New Jersey (Congressman PAYNE) and in our public life. committee step by step in the most fair the others who have spoken, and I hope f and judicious process to find the truth. that his example will inspire every CONTINUING THE TRIBUTE TO And that is what they did. And that is American to rise to the highest levels PETER RODINO what he did. of their own ethics and integrity, even Who would have thought that several when faced with partisan issues of the The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. decades later, the grandson of immi- most challenging sort, just like Peter MARCHANT). Under the Speaker’s an- grants would make it to Congress, and Rodino. nounced policy of January 4, 2005, the find myself on the House Judiciary Mr. HOLT. I thank the gentleman for gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. HOLT) those good words. Peter Rodino offered is recognized for 60 minutes. Committee faced with a sitting presi- dent being brought up on charges that many of us kindness and generous, wise Mr. HOLT. Mr. Speaker, I thank my counsel, and that is why we are here colleague, the gentleman from New would have called for his impairment tonight, not just celebrating one aspect Jersey (Mr. PAYNE), for making the ar- and removal? of his career, but the totality of this rangements for this evening and for ev- But, that is what happened in the ef- fort to remove President Clinton from career of this great public servant. eryone who has joined in this testi- And I would now like to recognize my monial to the work of Peter Rodino. office. I called Congressman Rodino, colleague from New Jersey (Mr. PAS- I yield to the gentleman from New asked if I could speak with him. He was CRELL). Jersey (Mr. ROTHMAN), who has served incredibly gracious, as you might Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Speaker, I on the Committee on the Judiciary. imagine. And he said, ‘‘Sure, come on Mr. ROTHMAN. Mr. Speaker, I thank over to my office.’’ He had an office in thank the gentleman for bringing us the gentleman from New Jersey for the law school in Newark. together tonight. This is a deed worth yielding to me. I want to first thank And he showed me some of his memo- repeating. And we honor a man who my colleague, the gentleman from New rabilia and we went over some of the honored everyone regardless of what Jersey (Mr. PAYNE), for leading this allegations. And we were in some they looked like, how they cooked wonderful effort that serves a lot of dif- agreement about what the Constitu- their food, or what ethnicity, what re- ferent purposes, not just to acknowl- tion meant when it said that the only ligion they professed. He could be con- edge the life and works of Peter Rodino elected official elected by the people of sidered a rare person, but, a person for but, as I will mention in a few mo- the United States, all of the people, the our time, a person who we can look to ments, really sets an example, shows President, could only be removed by an throughout this great institution be- Peter Rodino as an example of the kind act of treason, bribery, or a high crime cause he believed in this institution, of heroic action that any human being or misdemeanor. Peter Rodino. is capable of but, in particular, any And when we weighed the allegations So to his wife, Joy, to all America, in new American is capable of, or any against President Clinton, we kept in this time of reality TV, it is time for American from humble circumstances. mind all that we thought those words us to deal with reality. Peter Rodino After all, Peter Rodino was the child meant when they were written by the understood that we are all born equal. of immigrants, living and growing up founders of our country and the draft- And that governments exist to protect in poverty in New Jersey and, as was ers of our Constitution. But in the end and defend that equality. Governments said before, his ascension to chairman he said, STEVE, be fair, keep an open do not give us our rights, governments of the Committee on the Judiciary was mind, and do what you believe is right. do not give us our freedoms. They basi- not something that people might have And I did. cally guarantee those rights and those guessed would happen when he was And it was a once in a lifetime expe- freedoms. If we understand that, Alex- born in Newark. rience to have been in his company, be- ander Hamilton said, we will under- But what did he do with that historic cause as I mentioned earlier, he was stand the very basis of this great, great opportunity and what came forth? one of those people, you know, they Nation. What came forth from Peter Rodino say one person can change the world, William Livingston, David Brearly, was a gentleness, but firmness, scholar- one person can make a difference in William Paterson, and Jonathan Day- ship, great intelligence; I believe, hav- the world. He really was that kind of a ton were the ratifiers of the Constitu- ing grown up around many Italian- person. True of humble origins, but tion from the State of New Jersey in Americans in my life, a reflection of with a dignity and intelligence and a 1787, September 17. They were the the Italian-American culture and herit- wisdom and a courtesy and kindness original ratifiers from the State of New age for honoring one another, respect- that had him rise above even in the dif- Jersey of the Constitution. I would add ing one another, living by a code of ficult circumstances to lead his col- to that list, and there are many people fairness and decency, and that is the leagues on both sides of the aisle to do we would probably add to the list down way he approached the great task that what was right. through the years of those who ratified was set before him; whether or not this And I think it is an example for ev- and reratified the greatest document sitting President of the United States eryone in America, whether your fam- that the world has ever known with re- was going to be impeached, with a ily has been here for a long time or gard to governments. Committee on the Judiciary equally di- your family just got here, that there is So in many ways, Peter Rodino was a vided, with a country uncertain as to a place for everyone in America. And ratifier of the Constitution. I come what the consequences would be if the there may come a time when you will here tonight not to speak of impeach- President was impeached. be called upon, maybe not in the im- ments, Peter Rodino was more than a Yet, because of his extraordinary peachment hearings, but in your own figure in a snapshot of history during a ability, his extraordinary dignity and home, in your own neighborhood, in period of time when we impeached the fairness, and capacity to bring people your own town, in the States in this President. No, he was bigger than that together and to touch people, he country to be ready to lead the way before he was on the Judiciary Com- achieved consensus. Peter Rodino led, with courage and mittee, and before those articles of VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:17 Feb 03, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00168 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\2005BOUNDRECORD\BOOK10\NO_SSN\BR20JN05.DAT BR20JN05 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE June 20, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 13271 impeachmnet were examined. He be- We should be here to do the work of the Peter Rodino and what it meant to me. lieved in the equality of everybody in downtrodden, of the least of these, of Because I think many of us have, of this House. He respected people for who the voices. Then, then the meaning of course, talked about all of the great they were, their character, as Martin Peter Rodino will be known through- things he accomplished, and they were Luther King said, their character, we out the United States of America.
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