NUMBER 706 SPRINGFIELD, MO, JULY 16. 1927 5 CENTS PER COPY "Be Not Afraid, Only Belieoe" Evangelist Smith Wigglesworth . "Be not afraid, only believe." Mark 5 :Z.wonderful experience when the life of \\%at the doctor said was true He This is one of those marvelous truths God becomes the life of man. The Divinc left her and said he would come back of the Scriptures that is written for our power that sweeps through the organisn: agaln uut he ~ouldn'tgive her any hope. help, that we may believe as we see the cleansing 'the blood, makes the man fresh When he was nicely out of the house an almightiness of God and also our privi- every day. The life of God is resurrection old lady and a young man who knew how lege, not only to enter in by faith, but power. to pray came in. The young man put to become partakers of the blessing He When they brought me home helpless his knees on the bed and said: "Come wants to give us. My message is on the we prayed all night. We did all we knew. ant, you devil, in the name of Jesus." lines of faith. Because some do not hear At ten o'clock the next morning I said It was a good job, we had no time for in faith it profits then1 nothing. There to my wife, "This must be my last roll argunlellt, and instantly I was free, Oh, is a hearing of faith and .a hearing which call." We had five children around us. Hallelujah! I was as free as I am now. means nothing more than listening to I tell you it was not an easy thing to I never believed that any person ought to words. I beseech you to see to it that face our circumstances. I told my wife to be in bcd in the daytime and I jumped everything clone may bring not only bless- do as she thought best but the poor thing up and went downstairs. My wife said: . ing to you but strength aGiT charactei, didn't know what to do. She called a "Oh, are you up?" "I'm all right, wife; and that you may be able to see.th; good- physician who examined me, shook his it is all right now," I said. I had some ness of God in this meeting.- head and said, "It is impossible for any. men working for me and she said none I want to impress upon you the im- thing to be done for your husband; I oi them had turned up that morning, so portance of believing what the Scripture am absolutely helpless. He has appen- I picked up my tools and went to work. says, and I may have many things to re- dicitis and you have waitcd too long. Then the doctor came. He walked up the late about people who dared to believe His system will not stand an operation. stairs and my wife called, "Doctor, doc- God until it came to pass. This is a 4 few hours, at best, will finish him." tor, lie is outl" "What?" he said. "Yes," wonderful Word. In fact, all of the Word she said, "he is out at work." "Oh," he of God is wonderful. It is an everlasting .-.-~-v----.:.said, "you will never see him alive again. Word, a Word of power, a Word of They will bring him in a corpse." Am HOPE ? health, a Word of substance, a Word of a corpse? Oh, when God does any- wow the God of Hope fill you with 1 I life. It gives life into the very nature, i all joy and peace in belie&, that ye may J thing it is done forever! and God wants to every one that lays hold of it, if he j abound in hlpe thrnvgh the power of the . you to knowthat He wants to do sorne- i Holy Chmt." Ram. 15:13. believes. I want you to understand that i thing in you forever. I have laid my there is a need for the Word of God. A little bird liver in my heart, f Of which it has become a mrt: hands on pcople xith appendicitis when But it is a need, many times, that brings It carols lorth a song each-day. the doctors were in the place, and God us the blessing. What aln I here for! To cheer me on life's bnely way. has healed them. i And when my bird. its mthdoth -, t Because God delivered me when no other 1 It tells me thal ili name is Hope. I will tell you one incident before I hand could do it. I stand before you as pass on. It rill stir up your faith. I am one who was given up By everybody, when i not here to hc on exhibition. I am here i Cmshed snd bleeding lies bird no one could help. I was earticst and And not a single note is heard to i~npnrtdivine truth to you concerning zealous for the salvation of souls. If But then like swaying 'wng thi trees. thc \\'ord of Gocl that aiter I lcarc you you were in Bradford (England), you My little bird Lilts up its head can do the same thing. I went to Switzer- would know. We liad police protection la~lrland after I had becn there for sonic for nearly twenty years in the best i It "utters with it's wounded wing. i 11-cckn a brothcr s2d. "Will you not go And Hope ulin begins to sing. i thoroughfare in thc city, and in nly hum- , ! to nicetinfi- to-night?" "No," I said, "I ble way with my dear wifc, who was E MI little bird nor trills a song Ilavc lxen at it all this time, you can , The notes of which it doth pmlong I all on fire for Cod, we were ministering TiU rvemhere ar all sround takc charge tc-~~iglit.""\Vhat shall \vc in the open air. Full of zeal? Yes. But Is heard.& happy cheerful acund Proclaiming Ih.1 Hope do* abo&d. ' do?'' ldc askc,l. "Do?" I said, "Pan1 tlic one night, thirty years ago, I was carried 0 God of How! with hnpe inspire, apoctlc, IcIt people to do the work and The glow of faith's cektilll fire. home helpless. We kncm verq. little about Lct not my bird 'ere cr- to' sinq; IXLS<C~011 to anothcr place--1 hare Ixcn divine hcaling-. but we prayed tlirouyli. Or flutter its Iriumphilllt wing. 4 I~crclong eno~ij$inow. you (lo tl~cwork." It is thirty years and more since God Till folded on Th bving hrcarrr, Hope has found her jayoats rest. So l~c\\.cnt to the mccting. \\:hen he healed nx. I am 68 >cars old and ireshcr, c;inic Inck he raid. "\\'c 11aw li:\d a in bcttcr health, and more fit for work \vonclcrfuI tinic." "Wl~atIiappencd?" IIc than I was at that time. It is a moct (Col~ti~~ucclrill 1';r~c Six) THE PENTECOSTAL EVANGEL July 16, 1927 appeared to tl~ccro\\d as rnen intoxicated. They were BAPTIZED. The fullness of the Holy Spirit has descended upon them from their glorified Lord, and they were The "Baptism" of the Holy Ghost immersed in God. By Donald Gee How it can be missed Now we belicvc that this real and price- ' less expcriencc of being immersed in the fullness of God can be missed, and miss- The RAPTIShi. It is tlie word "Bap- whelminlc sufferings for our sakes, and ed evcn Ily those nthn talk quite freely tis~ii" !hat we xis11 to emphasize just that He deliberately descril~cd them as about a "Baptism in the Holy Ghost," and now. Tlic I3APTISSi of the FIoly Ghost. an awful "baptisni" just bcca'use they perhaps profess to have received such an It is a Scriptural word to use in COII- were to 11e so o~crwliclruit~g. cxpcrience. ncctio~~nit11 thc Holy Spirit. Joli~i tlic With this sense of the word unde~stood (a) \Ve can niiscall some blessing \vhich Balltist used it in 11is prophecy about this tl~creforeWC can \\.ell imagine the ponr- we have received, that was not in any glorious work of Christ (Matt. 3:11, etc.). erful impression tliat would be conveyed sense an overwhelniing cxpcrience at all, Thc J.ord Jcsus Himself used it during to his hrarcrs when John the Baptist in- the "Baptism" of the Holy Ghost. It thc final talk to His disciples on the way formed tl~emof a coming One who would very likely was a really great blessing, to Olivct (Acts 15); and Peter recalled baptize in the Holy Ghost and fire. Right aud sl~ouldbe a ~iiattprof deep tliank- His cxact words eight years afterwards before thcir eycs was the picturc of literal fullless and praise to God, but it was not (Ac~s11 :I(,) wlicn called ill qucstion about inimcrsion in the watcrs of Jordan: with "the Baptism." \Ye saw io the Word of Cornelius. what awe \voultl they conteniplate a grcat- God, and through the ministry of solne \Ye arc a little articular about this cr immersion, not only of body but of helpful teacher, the possibility of a clean point because some excellent people tell soul! John's words are beggared of niean- heart tl~rougli the power of the precious us tliat the "Baptism" of the Holy Ghost ing if they do not imply an utterly over- Blootl; or we realized as never beiorc is now an oholete cxpressio~~.It was a whelming experience, siniilar to water the call to a full consecration, and we term used, so they say, purely for the baptism yet infiuitely greater.
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