247 The Canadian Mineralogist Vol. 37, pp. 247-252 (1999) NEW MINERALSAPPROVED IN 1998 BY THE COMMISSIONON NEW MINERALS AND MINERALNAMES. INTERNATIONAL MINERALOGICAL ASSOCIATION JOEL D. GRICE* CanadianMuseum of Nttture,P.O. Box 3443A,Station "D", Ottawa,Ontario KIP 6P4 GIOVANNI FERRARISX* Dipanimentodi ScienzeMineralogiche e Petrologiche,Universitd di Torino,Via ValpergaCaluso 35, I-10125Torino, Italy The information given here is provided by the Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names (CNMMN), Intemational Mineralogical Association (IMA), for comparative purposesand as a service to mineralogists work- ing on new species.Each mineral is described in the following format: IMA Number Chemical Formula (any relationship to other minerals; structure analysis) Crystal system, spacegroup unit-cell parameters Color; luster; diaphaneity Optical properties Strongestlines in the X-ray powder-diffraction pattern td in A(I)l The namesof these approved speciesare consideredconfidential information until the authors have published their descriptions or releasedinformation themselves.No other information will be releasedby the Commission. 1998Pnoposers IMA No. 98-002 Ca:Ge(OH)6(SO+XCO:).12HzO A memberof IMA No. 98-001 the ettringitegroup; Cu3(AsOa)2.4H2O New structure-type structure OrthorhombiciPnma Hexagonal:P63/m a 5.6906.b t7.06I.c 9.82 A, a 11.056,c 10.629A Bottle green;vitreous; transparent White; vitreous;transparent Biaxial(-), u 1.745,B 1.755,1 1.760,2V(meas)11", Uniaxial(-), to 1.509,e 1.479 2V (calc)70" 8.52(100),3.721(60), 3.221(90), 9.57 (vs), 5. 5 3 (s), 3. 8 3 (s), 3. 56(ms), 3.44(m), 2.7 4(ms), 3.ro2(40), 2.8 r7 (3 5), 2.79 s (3 s), 2.3s0(25) 2.53(m) \ * Chairman, CNMMN. E-mail address: jgrice@mus-natureca x* Vice-Chairman, CNMMN E-mail address: [email protected] 248 THE CANADIAN MINERALOCIST IMA No. 98-003 Tetragonal'. I4lm (Ca,Fe3+)2Cus(Bi,Cu)(POa)aThe Bi-P-dominant a 12.182,c 7.604 A (H2O,OH,Cl)13 analosue of rechelsdorfite Colorless to slightly yellow; subvitreous; transparent Monoclinic: C2lm Uniaxial (-), o 1.585,e 1.553 a 14.200,b 13.832,c 14.971A,B 102.08' 3.83(20),3.46( r 00), 3.08(40),3.05( l 5), 2.70(1s) Honey-brown;resinous; translucent Biaxial(-), ct 1.718,P 1.748,"y 1.748,2V(calc)O" IMA No. 98-012 | 4.s7(roo), 6.9 5 (40), 6.28(40), 3.469(30b), 3. I 04(30), Cu3(OH)2(As2O7) Relatedtoolivenite;structure 2.816(40),2.s06(30), 2.4s2(3O) Orthorhombic'.Pmma a 8.3212.b 2.937'7.c 4.6644A IMA No. 98-004 Dark pistachio green; vitreous to adamantine; Pb32,{sa6Se2 A member of the rathite translucent (sartorite) group Biaxial (+), ct 1.81, g 1.82, "y 1.86,2V(meas) 51", Monoclinic:P21 2V(calc) 54" a 8.368,b rr5.75, c 7.903 A, B OO.t t" 3.104(r00), 2.486(7 O), 2.400(25), 1.67 2(30), r.s96(2s), Lead-grey;metallic; opaque 1.330(25) In reflectedlight: deepred, anisotropic. R.in andR-u^: 37.9,4l.8Vo (470 nm),36.5,40.87o (546 nm), 35.0, IMA No. 98-013 39.7Vo(589 nm}32.7,37.77o (650 nm) Cu+Al:(OH)r+F3'2H2O New structure-type 3.663(7O), 3.216(48), 2.97 8(rOO), 2.87 2(48), 2.7 3s(60), Monoclinic: C2/m 2.7r3(s0),2.339(65) a 12.346.b2.907.c 10.369 A. B 97.90' Bright blue;vitreous; translucent IMA No. 98-006 Biaxial(+), ct 1.585,B 1.615,"y 1.648, 2V(calc) 89" MnPOa'l{rg Related to the kieserite group 10.29(80),s.589(90), 4.232(100), 2.828(90), Monoclinic:C2lc 2.362(100),2.006( r 00), 1.871 (80) a 6.914,b 7.468,c 7.364A, p 112.29" Dark brownto dark greenishblack; adamantine; IMA No. 98-014 translucent Pb(Zn,Fe,Cu)z(AsO+)z(OH,HzO)zThe Zn-dominant Biaxiala 1.75,p 1.79,1>1.79 analogueof gartrellite;structure 4.8s6(12),4.633( l 5), 3.503(r0O), 3.2't rOO), 2.9s7 (rO), Triclinic:Pl 2.sr6(r9),2.r04(r2) a 5.550,b 5.620,c 7.621A, ct 68.59, I 69.17,t 69.51' IMA No. 98-007 Green-yellow;vitreous; transparent to translucent (n,Na) 1Ca2(Mn2+,Mg,Fe2+)2(Fe3*,Mg,Al)2Mn2*2Biaxial(-), a 1.91,B 1.94(calc), "t 1.97,2V\meas)87" (PO4)6(H2O)2 Isostructural with wicksite and 4.73 | (74), 4.669(86),3.283(89), 3.2s2(9r), 2.999(rO0), grischunite; structure 2.894(74),2.880(70) Orthorhombic: Pccb a 12.559,b 12.834,c ll.714 A IMA No. 9E-015 Very dark brown to black; vitreous; transparent Pb(Co,Ni,Zn,)z(AsO+)z.2HzO The Co-dominant Biaxial (-), a 1.729, B 1.738,1 1.141,2V(meas)54", analogueof 2V(calc\ 60" helmutwinklerite;structure 6.4r9 (3 r), 3.006(67 >,2.927 (7 8), 2.8 s 6(3 r), 2.8| 4(3 5), Triclinic: Pl 2.768(r00),2.rr0(33) a 71.216,b 10.604,c 7.618A, cr 100.10,g 110.26, "y98.87" IMA No. 9&009 Redto red-brown;vitreous; translucent Cu3O[(Mo,S)OaSOa] Unique combination Biaxial(+), o 1.85(calc),I 1.87,'y1.90, 2V(meas) 85" of elements; structure 4.67O(97), 3.256(100), 3.17 O(29), 3.W2(56), 2.890(40), Orthorhombic: Pnma 2.760(37),256e@6) a 7.420.b 6.741.c 13.548A Olive-green; vitreous; transparent IMA No. 98-017 Average index of refraction 1.925 (calculated from re- Mg(HzO)olSb(OH)olz TheMg-dominantanalogue flectance) of bottinoite;structure 3.39l (60),3.342(60), 3.077(100), 2.542 (60), 2.500(60), Trigonal:P3 2.n5(60\ a 16.114,c 9.863 A Colorless;vitreous; transparent IMA No. 98-010 Uniaxial(-), to 1.570,e 1.569 Ca+AloSioOz+(SO+) A member of the scapolite 4.946(sO),4.636(100), 4.217 (20), 3.392(7 O), 2.s9s(20), group; structure 2.3s6(40),2.103(20) NEW MINERALS 249 IMA No. 98-018 a3.063,c 8.91A (Na,Ca,Bi)2Ta2O6F A member of the Pale blue; waxy; translucent microlite group; structure Uniaxial, z(max) 1.558 Cubic: Fd3m 8.8 1 ( 100), 4.406(2.s),2.654(4), 2.s45 (5) a 10.4451A. Green; adamantine;transparent lZnr,Al,(OH)zl [(SO+)vz(HzOL], 0.32 < x <0.50, n =0.59 Polytype3R Isotropic,n > 2.0,2.03(calc) Tigonal'. Rm 6.023(3r),3. 148(33), 3.0r5(100), 2.610(27), 1.846(s9), r.s74(47),r.198(23) a3.065,c 25.42A Pale bluish to bluish white; waxy; translucent Uniaxial, or 1.5636 IMA No. 98-019 8.50(l 00), 4.248(33),2.600(s), 2.3s4(4) Na:_dTi,Nb)zlsi4o121 (oH,o) 2.34Hzo The Ti- dominant analogue of IMA No. 98-027 nenadkevichite; structure (A1,Mg,Fe)ro(A1,Si,Be)rzO+o A memberof Orthorhombic'. Pbam the sapphirine group a'7.349, b 14.164,c 7.80 A Monoclinic'. P21lc Colorless; vitreous; transparent a 9.9000,b 14.369,c rr.253'7 A, I tZS.Se' Biaxial (+), a 1.646,I 1.654,1 1.763,2V(meas)30', Very dark green;vitreous; transparent 2V(calc) 32" Biaxial(-), a 1.725,B 1.740,1 I.741,2V(meas) 34", 7 .09(7 2), 6.53(85), 3.262(100),3. 1 80(52), 2.ss3 (s6), 2V(calc)29" 2.075(57),1.735(50) 2.985(38),2.834(30), 2.826(4s), 2.566(36), 2.445 (r00), 2.439(44),2.340(43) IMA No. 98-023 (Ni,Fe)3P The Ni-dominant analogue IMA No. 98-028 of schreibersite Fe2*Ti(Ta,M)2O8 A memberof thewodginite group Tetragonal: 14 Monoclinic:C2lc a 8.99,c 4.396A a9.402,b11.384,c5.0'75 A, g 90.33" White with pinkish yellow-tint; metallic; opaque Very dark brownto black;opaque; submetallic In reflected light: weak anisotropy in oil, in yellowish- In reflectedlight: creamywhite, very abundantinternal pinkish colors. Rn;, and R-*: 42.3,43.97a (460 nm), reflections,anisotropic, moderate pleochroism. R-io and 45.7,47.5Vo (540 nm), 47.6, 49.7Vo(580 nm), 50.3, R-u*:18.2, 18.77o (470 nm), 18.1,19.1% (546 nm), 5l.7%o(640 nm) 16.9,17.9Vo (589 nm), 15.6,16.47o(650 nm) 2.r7(ro), 2.r3(s), 2.08(5), r.95s (7) 3.626(70),2.963(100), 2.939(90), 2.484(45), r.7 s9(4s), 1.7r5(50),r.7r1(4s) IMA No. 98-024 (Fe3*,Zn)12(As3*,Si)sO:o New structure-type IMA No. 98-030 Hexagonal:P63mc Ca(HCOO)z p-calcium formate a 12.771,c 5.051 A Tetragonal: P4QQ . Brownishblack; vitreous; transparent a 6.770,c 9.463 A Uniaxial(+), <o = 1.99,e = 2.48 White, light-blue; vitreous; transpa.rent 6.37(80), 3.22r (rOO), 2.s3 | (40),2.420(7 O), I .7 88(40), Uniaxial (+), to 1.553,e 1.573 r.672(50),1.s07(s0) 5.s4(e0),3.40(100), 3.19(60), 2.8se(80), 2.re6(70), 2.046(s0),r.947(60) IMA No.
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