MIDLAND JOURNAL, RISING SUN, MD. Xetttt Review of Current Events Rail Wage Parley Set —Speaking of Sports— I Golfing City D EPRESENTATIVES of the Rail- Charley Tates of Atlanta road Trainmen and of the Car- WHENwon the British golf cham- riers’ Joint Conference committee Ohio’s Johns , pionship a while back he was the BLUE AND GRAY MEET agreed to meet in the Stevens ho- second native son to capture that Veterans of Gettysburg Celebrate Together on Field tel, Chicago, on July 18 to start honor and gave that city all but two negotiations over the 15 per cent Create New ofj the world’s major golf titles. Only of the Crucial Civil War Battle wage reduction proposed by the rail- the Professional Golfers’ Associa- CHICKS roads. The trainmen, numbering tion championship and the Western about 150,000 workers, are headed Diamond Lore | Open crown have escaped Atlanta MARYLAND’S FINEST BLOOD-TESTED CHICKS 8c and Up by A. F. Whitney, who declares By GEORGE A. BARCLAY golfersj over a span of 25 years. Eight papular breeds and crosses. Btarted they cannot will not accept the chicks; also Ducks and Poults. Hatches and IF BY some miracle, all started in 1909 when George twice • baseball It weekly. MILFORD HATCHERY, wage cut. 1 ! the U. S. Open and Milford Road nr. Liberty Rd.. Cleveland and Cincinnati should Sargent won Rockdale, Plkesvllle. On July 20 the 18 other railroad win the American and National the Canadian Open three years P. O. Md. Plkesvllle 8-R. brotherhoods affected by the pro- league pennants, respectively, and : later. Then Alexa Sterling had posed wage reduction will start their Dght it out for the world’s cham- i an impressive run of victories, tak- REMEDIES negotiations with the managements pionship next fall, they will have to ; ing the Southern Women’s cham- under the of George M. Klllablte—Believe It, or not. Relief Here- leadership thank two Ohio Johnnies for help- ] pionship in 1915, 1916 and 1919. She tofore Unknown; Mosquito, all insect bites, bee-stings, burns, sunburn, ivy. Harrison, chairman of Railway La- them—Johnny Vander Meer, : also States Wom- 50c. ing took the United Killabite Labs., II Peterboro, Detroit. bor Executives’ association. Cincinnati’s quiet-spoken southpaw an’s championship in 1915, 1916 and who rose to fame with two straight : 1919. Indiana G.O.P. Picks Willis no-hit, no-run games and Johnny Bobby Jones began to add luster D AYMOND E. WILLIS of Angola, Allen, Cleveland’s truculent right- , to Atlanta’s golf reputation by win- Combine Crochet newspaper r' W ning the Southern Amateur title in Ind., a publisher and |jf: • veteran political leader, was nomi- 1 1917, repeating in 1920 and 1922. and Cross Stitch nated for the senate by the state Re- The holder of probably more golf publican convention in Indianapolis. titles than any other mortal, Jones Willis was named on the third bal- has to his credit the United States lot, defeating four rivals, among Amateur, which he won five times; whom was James E. Watson, for- the U. S. Open, which he won four mer senator. times; the British Open, three The nominee, who is sixty-two times; and the British Amateur, years old, has been the active edi- once, in addition to many tourna- 4 %. BHBBBBHHBBBBk < '*~.^B tor and publisher of his weekly pa- ments of lesser importance. per, the Angola Republican, since Other Atlantans who have helped capi- Here is the Memorial in Gettysburg National Military its establishment in 1898. He is make the city the world’s golf new Peace the president of the Publishing Perry park dedicated by Roosevelt during the Steuben tal are Adair who won the which was President celebration company, and, with editor amateur championship in 75th anniversary the Battle in of another Southern of the of of Gettysburg, which veterans at its head, publishes and Watts Gunn who top the Angola 1921 1923, also the Northern and Southern armies participated. On the of the shaft Herald, a Democratic organ. this title in 1928 won the burns “The Flame of Eternal Peace.” took and * United States Intercollegiate title in Spending Is a Stop-Gap 1927, Dorothy Kirby who won the New Southern Women’s title in 1937 and ECLARING the Deal’s ob- Mitchell who to wages for David won the Unit- W.PlckanA jective is give ed States champion- * real work Public Links SUMMARIZES THE WORLD’S WEEK and that he is opposed to ship in 1934. C Western Newspaper Union. the outright dole for bare existence, President Roosevelt ' said in a press Hornsby Yanks and Johnny Rebs and federal lending corporations con- JOHNNY VANDER MEER Lights may pour approximately ] ference that he is CEVENTY-FIVE years after they out $8,500,- iiMpT' FOUR times a major league 000,000. Some of this money is re- \ • st iH looking for a hahder who fights harder to win 1 other in deadly con- manager and once a candidate faced each turnable to the treasury. permanent solution than perhaps any other pitcher in flict, some 2,000 old soldiers gath- Kt the i for the managership of the New Pattern 6106. Administration officials said this iWM" ??i jof unemployment the game. Giants, Rogers Hornsby is ered in friendly concert to celebrate problem. made York quick “beauty treatment” for huge sum—equal to more than $66 jr He Baseball men will tell you it , trying hand the Southern A the great Battle of Gettysburg. The it c lear that he did now his in your linens—this easy-to-crochet for every person in the nation—was ' wouldn’t be a miracle, after . of the Stars and Stripes and the Stars and rSfe" 'rwi,y such association as manager needed because there are approxi- not believe relief or all, if these two Ohio teams should < Chattanooga Lookouts. border and simple embroidery Bars flew side by side on the once mately 10,500,000 unemployed in the . public works afford- motif! Pattern 6106 contains a bloody field, and the veterans of finish first in their respective cir- Hornsby this year had been serv- country. This estimate, ed anything more transfer pattern of two motifs 6 the Northern and Southern armies furnished cuits this year. They almost did it ingj as coach, pinch hitter and util- by economist, 4,500,- H| than a stop-gap before, missing other by by 11 inches, two motifs 4 by 12 a federal was " once each j the that fought there in one of history’s . ity man for Baltimore Orioles _ remedy for a little only inches; and two motifs 5% by 6 biggest battles wandered together 000 higher than last October, when President one year. Cincinnati won the inj the International league, until he the visi- understood disloca- league pennant 1919 inches; chart and directions for meadows sat recession’s effect became Roosevelt National in and offered new job. over the hills and or tion 0f the nation’s league 1 was the crochet; color schemes; illustra- in their tented city, exchanging rem- ble. Cleveland won the American Probably the greatest right hand Officials left little doubt economic and industrial life. In fact, in . tions of stitches; materialrequire- and renewing friend- they hope flag 1920., Rajah iniscences old get up- he said, no country in the world had hitter of modern times, the ments. ships. to business positively on the Both teams have been on or near j grade by day, although as yet worked out a method for deal- led the National league in batting To obtain this pattern, send 15 The war department had done ev- Labor econ- ing the top since the season began. Both , six times. He set the omists estimated it would take a with the most acute unemploy- sensational consecutive cents in' stamps or coins (coins erything possible to make the now ment have added some rookie highestj modem batting average by year from the upturn to recover situation in the history of the players who have been in preferred) to The Sewing Circle,. feeble old warriors comfortable and world. factors Household Arts Dept., 259 W. safe, and the Pennsylvania the ground lost since last summer. their' rise. Both showed their National He noted that public works ex- the number their Fourteenth St., New York City. Guard and Boy Scouts attended penditures strength by of had worked better in players selected Please write your name, ad- carefully to every want. There Upholds Free Press Sweden than on the All-Star their in this country, be- year. Cincinnati dress and pattern number plainly. feasts, parades, and military the teams this came were ROOSEVELT deliv- cause Swedish government had up with Lom- displays in plenty, but the veterans PRESIDENT-1 ered speeches in York, five—Catcher Ernie two New been able in recent prosperous bardi, Pitchers and were not called on to do the enter- the site of the world’s fair that years put Vander Meen on to on heavy taxes and pay Derringer, First Baseman McCor- taining. They the entertained. built. he spoke at off were is being First its borrowings. He said the mick and Outfielder Goodman. CASM In the Gettysburg National Mili- the laying of the cornerstone of the Swedish method was being given i/aif> three—Pitchers Al- tery park, the at the exposition study. Cleveland drew comprising battle- federal building close The President warned len and Feller and Outfielder AveriU. && field, had been erected a beautiful after dabbling in cement with a sil- that the prosperity which vast out- *PUU peace memorial, and trowel.
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