Beef Adobo Black Bean Chili, 33, 38 Ancho-Beef Stew, 34, 35 Ancho-Rubbed Prime Rib Steaks with Grilled-Mango Butter, 104, 105 Note: Page referencesindex in italics refer to photographs. Appetizer Albóndigas, 10, 11 Beans Beef and Chipotle Burritos, 103 A Adobo Black Bean Chili, 33, 38 Beef Stew in a Pot, 37 Adobo Black Bean Chili, 33, 38 Baked Bean and Corn Chimichangas, Beef Taco Hash, 86, 87 Ancho-Beef Stew, 34, 35 183, 190 Caliente Pot Roast, 85, 96 Ancho Chile Truffl es, 213, 214 Bean and Cheese Enchiladas, 184 Cemitas Pueblas Minis, 8, 9 Ancho-Glazed Salmon with Sweet Bean Burritos with Lime Mayonnaise, Deep-Dish Mexican Meat Loaf Potato Fries, 168, 169 185 Pie, 90 Ancho-Rubbed Prime Rib Steaks with Black Bean Soup, 56 Festive Taco Burgers, 73 Grilled-Mango Butter, 104, 105 Chicken and Bean Tacos, 138, 139 Grilled Steak Fajitas, 102 Appetizers Chicken and White Bean Stew, 45 Guadalupe Beef Pie, 88, 89 Appetizer Albóndigas, 10, 11 Crispy Bean and Cheese Burritos, Layered Taco Dip, 13 Cancún Baked Oysters, 20, 21 196 Mexican Beef Bake with Cilantro- Cemitas Pueblas Minis, 8, 9 Frijoles Rancheros, 194, 195 Lime Cream, 91 Chicken Nachos, 18 Gazpacho Sandwiches, 82, 83 Mexican Biscuit Casserole, 94, 95 Chili con Queso, 30 Grilled Black Bean and Sweet Potato Mexican Pizzas, 92, 93 Chunky Guacamole, 28, 29 Quesadillas, 188, 189 Roast Beef Tamale Casserole, 97 Flautas de Pollo, 14, 15 Layered Taco Salad, 72 Seasoned Ground Beef Nachos, 12 Fresh Tomato Salsa, 31 Mahi Mahi with Black Bean and Shredded Beef and Chile Enchiladas, Layered Taco Dip, 13 Avocado Relish, 164, 165 98, 99 Mexican Fondue, 26, 27 Mexican Chicken Casserole, Sopa de Albóndigas, 36 Quesadillas, 16, 17 144, 145 Spicy Steak Salad, 62, 63 Seasoned Ground Beef Nachos, 12 Mexican Salad Platter, 66, 67 Steak Tacos al Carbon, 100, 101 Sopes, 7, 25 Mexican Shrimp Tostadas, 181 Taco Salad Bowls, 60, 61 Tex-Mex Taco Dip, 19 Mole-Style Pork and Squash Warm Fajita Salad, 59, 64 Triple Citrus and Scallop Ceviche, Chili, 39 Black Bean Soup, 56 22, 23 Oaxacan Rice and Beans, 199 Boca Negra Mini Cakes, 228, 229 Aguachilis, 24 Sopes, 7, 25 Breakfast Migas, 205 Avocados Southwest Pork Chops, 109 Broiled Tuna Fajitas, 156, 157 Chunky Guacamole, 28, 29 Spicy Grilled Chicken with Baja Black Buñuelos, 232 Mahi Mahi with Black Bean and COPYRIGHTEDBeans and Rice, 134, 135MATERIALBurgers, Festive Taco, 73 Avocado Relish, 164, 165 Spicy Rice and Bean Cakes, 200, 201 Burritos Pork Chops with Avocado Salsa, Tex-Mex Beans with Cornmeal Bean Burritos with Lime Mayonnaise, 116, 117 Dumplings, 52 185 Seafood Omelet with Avocado Salsa, Tex-Mex Bean Tostadas, 191 Beef and Chipotle Burritos, 103 202, 203 Tex-Mex Taco Dip, 19 Crispy Bean and Cheese Burritos, Three-Bean Enchiladas, 192, 193 196 B Triple-Decker Tortilla Bake, 186, 187 Baked Bean and Corn Chimichangas, 183, 190 Banana-Caramel Custard, 222, 223 235 112_9781435126305-bindex.indd2_9781435126305-bindex.indd 235235 66/28/11/28/11 99:07:07 PMPM Mexican Chicken Casserole, Chocolate Pudding Wedges with C 144, 145 Cinnamon Toasts, 215 Cakes, Mini Boca Negra, 228, 229 Mexican Chicken Minestrone, 48, 49 Cinnamon Churros with Mexican Caliente Pot Roast, 85, 96 Mexican Chicken Posole, 44 Chocolate Dipping Sauce, Cancún Baked Oysters, 20, 21 Mexican Chicken Soup, 42, 43 230, 231 Capirotada, 224, 225 Mexican Salad Platter, 66, 67 Mexican Chocolate Ice Cream, Casserole-Style Chiles Rellenos, 211 Pollo Relleno, 132, 133 218, 219 Cemitas Pueblas Minis, 8, 9 Quesadillas, 16, 17 Chunky Guacamole, 28, 29 Cha-Cha Corn Chowder, 54, 55 Spicy Chicken and Rice Bake, 125 Cilantro Shrimp, 179 Chayote Salad, 71 Spicy Grilled Chicken with Baja Black Cinnamon Churros with Mexican Cheese Beans and Rice, 134, 135 Chocolate Dipping Sauce, Bean and Cheese Enchiladas, 184 Tex-Mex Chicken ‘n’ Rice Casserole, 230, 231 Casserole-Style Chiles Rellenos, 211 140, 141 Coconut, Toasted, Ice Cream, 220 Chili con Queso, 30 24-Hour Chicken Fiesta Salad, 65 Corn Creamy Cheesy Salmon Enchiladas, Chile peppers Baked Bean and Corn Chimichangas, 166 Ancho Chiles, 213, 214 183, 190 Mexican Fondue, 26, 27 Beef and Chipotle Burritos, 103 Cha-Cha Corn Chowder, 54, 55 Mexican Tuna Melt, 79 Casserole-Style Chiles Rellenos, Grilled Turkey with Corn, Tomato, Quesadillas, 16, 17 211 and Sweet Pepper Salsa, Queso Fresco Quesadillas with Chiles en Nogada (Chiles in Walnut 152, 153 Papaya Salsa, 81 Sauce), 106, 107 Cornmeal Chiapas-Style Pork Roast, 121 Chipotle-Chicken Casserole, 130 Tamale Pie, 108 Chicken Chipotle Salmon Tacos, 167 Tex-Mex Beans with Cornmeal Chicken and Bean Tacos, 138, 139 Layered Chicken and Chile Dumplings, 52 Chicken and Salsa Soup, 46, 47 Casserole, 142 Creamy Cheesy Salmon Enchiladas, Chicken and Shrimp Tortilla Soup, 50 Mexican Vegetable Sandwich, 80 166 Chicken and White Bean Stew, 45 Pollo Relleno, 132, 133 Creamy Chicken Enchiladas, 128, 129 Chicken Guadalajara, 136 Roasted Poblano Chili con Queso, 30 Crema de Calabaza, 57 Chicken Nachos, 18 Shredded Beef and Chile Enchiladas, Crispy Bean and Cheese Burritos, 196 Chicken Pizza with a Kick, 137 98, 99 Chicken Tostadas, 123, 124 Chili, Adobo Black Bean, 33, 38 D Chicken with Mole, 126, 127 Chili, Mole-Style Pork and Squash, 39 Deep-Dish Mexican Meat Loaf Pie, 90 Chipotle-Chicken Casserole, 130 Chili con Queso, 30 Desserts Creamy Chicken Enchiladas, Chimichangas, Baked Bean and Corn, Banana-Caramel Custard, 222, 223 128, 129 183, 190 Boca Negra Mini Cakes, 228, 229 Enchiladas Suizas, 143 Chipotle-Chicken Casserole, 130 Buñuelos, 232 Flautas de Pollo, 14, 15 Chipotle Salmon Tacos, 167 Capirotada, 224, 225 Grilled Chicken Mole Sandwiches, Chocolate Chocolate-Ancho Crème Brûlée, 76, 77 Boca Negra Mini Cakes, 228, 229 221 Grilled Lime Chicken with Pineapple Chocolate-Ancho Crème Brûlée, Chocolate Nachos, 226 Salsa, 131 221 Chocolate Pudding Wedges with Layered Chicken and Chile Chocolate Nachos, 226 Cinnamon Toasts, 215 Casserole, 142 236 112_9781435126305-bindex.indd2_9781435126305-bindex.indd 236236 66/28/11/28/11 99:07:07 PMPM Cinnamon Churros with Mexican Festive Taco Burgers, 73 Chocolate Dipping Sauce, Fish. See also Shellfi sh H 230, 231 Ancho-Glazed Salmon with Sweet Halibut, Grilled, Sarandeado, 158, 159 Flan, 227 Potato Fries, 168, 169 Hominy Grilled Peaches with Honey and Broiled Tuna Fajitas, 156, 157 Deep-Dish Mexican Meat Loaf Pie, Queso Fresco, 216, 217 Chipotle Salmon Tacos, 167 90 Mexican Chocolate Ice Cream, Creamy Cheesy Salmon Enchiladas, Mexican Chicken Posole, 44 218, 219 166 Pork Pozole, 40, 41 Plantains with Thick Cream, 233 Fish Tacos, 160 Toasted Coconut Ice Cream, 220 Grilled Halibut Sarandeado, I 158, 159 Ice Cream, Mexican Chocolate, E Mahi Mahi with Black Bean and 218, 219 Easy Huevos Rancheros Casserole, Avocado Relish, 164, 165 Ice Cream, Toasted Coconut, 220 208, 209 Mexican Tuna Melt, 79 Eggs Red Snapper Adobo, 161 J Breakfast Migas, 205 Rollos del Mar, 170, 171 Jicama-Turkey Salad with Lime Dressing, Easy Huevos Rancheros Casserole, Snapper Veracruz, 162, 163 68, 69 208, 209 Flan, 227 Scrambled Egg Molletes, 206, 207 Flautas de Pollo, 14, 15 L Seafood Omelet with Avocado Salsa, Fresh Tomato Salsa, 31 Layered Chicken and Chile Casserole, 202, 203 Frijoles Rancheros, 194, 195 142 Tortilla Scramble with Fresh Salsa, Fruits. See also specifi c fruits Layered Taco Dip, 13 210 Capirotada, 224, 225 Layered Taco Salad, 72 Empanadas, Pork and Sweet Potato, Layered Turkey Enchiladas, 150, 151 74, 75 G Lime Jerk Pork with Salsa, 112, 113 Enchiladas Garlic Shrimp Skewers, 176, 177 Lobster, Mango, and Roasted Corn Bean and Cheese Enchiladas, 184 Gazpacho Sandwiches, 82, 83 Lettuce Cups, 70 Creamy Cheesy Salmon Enchiladas, Grilled Black Bean and Sweet Potato 166 Quesadillas, 188, 189 M Creamy Chicken Enchiladas, Grilled Chicken Mole Sandwiches, Mahi Mahi with Black Bean and 128, 129 76, 77 Avocado Relish, 164, 165 Enchiladas Suizas, 143 Grilled Halibut Sarandeado, 158, 159 Mango, Grilled, Butter, Ancho-Rubbed Layered Turkey Enchiladas, 150, 151 Grilled Lime Chicken with Pineapple Prime Rib Steaks with, 104, 105 Pulled Pork Enchiladas, 118, 119 Salsa, 131 Mango, Lobster, and Roasted Corn Shredded Beef and Chile Enchiladas, Grilled Peaches with Honey and Queso Lettuce Cups, 70 98, 99 Fresco, 216, 217 Meatballs Three-Bean Enchiladas, 192, 193 Grilled Steak Fajitas, 102 Appetizer Albóndigas, 10, 11 Tomatillo-Shrimp Enchiladas, 173 Grilled Turkey with Corn, Tomato, and Sopa de Albóndigas, 36 Turkey Enchiladas, 149 Sweet Pepper Salsa, 152, 153 Mexican Chicken Soup, 42, 43 Guacamole, Chunky, 28, 29 Mexican Red Rice, 197 F Guadalupe Beef Pie, 88, 89 Migas, Breakfast, 205 Fajitas, Broiled Tuna, 156, 157 Mole-Style Pork and Squash Chili, 39 Fajitas, Grilled Steak, 102 237 112_9781435126305-bindex.indd2_9781435126305-bindex.indd 237237 66/28/11/28/11 99:07:07 PMPM Pork Rice N Appetizer Albóndigas, 10, 11 Crispy Bean and Cheese Burritos, 196 Nachos Breakfast Migas, 205 Deep-Dish Mexican Meat Loaf Pie, Chicken Nachos, 18 Chiapas-Style Pork Roast, 121 90 Chocolate Nachos, 226 Chiles en Nogada (Chiles in Walnut Mexican Green Rice, 198 Seasoned Ground Beef Nachos, Sauce), 106, 107 Mexican Red Rice, 197 12 Chile Verde, 120 Oaxacan Rice and Beans, 199 Nacho Turkey Casserole, 146, 147 Lime Jerk Pork with Salsa, Spicy Chicken and Rice Bake, 125 112, 113 Spicy Grilled Chicken with Baja Black O Mole-Style Pork and Squash Beans and Rice, 134, 135 Oaxacan Rice and Beans, 199 Chili, 39 Spicy Rice and Bean Cakes, 200, 201 Omelet, Seafood, with Avocado Salsa, Pork Chops with Avocado Salsa, Tex-Mex Chicken ‘n’ Rice Casserole, 202, 203 116, 117 140, 141 Oysters, Cancún Baked, 20, 21 Pork and Sweet Potato Empanadas, Roast Beef Tamale Casserole, 97 74, 75 Roasted Poblano Chili con Queso, 30 P Pork Pozole, 40, 41 Roasted Tomato Soup, 51 Papaya Salsa, Queso Fresco Quesadillas Pork Tenderloin with Red Mole, Rollos del Mar, 170, 171 with, 81 110, 111 Peaches, Grilled, with Honey and Queso Pulled Pork Enchiladas, 118, 119 S Fresco, 216, 217 Shredded Savory Pork Tacos, 114 Salads Peppers.
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