- ...., DECISION NO. CABINET MINUTE BRISBANE, ~o I J / 19if? Amendment of the Tobacco Industry Protection Regulations of 1966. -----------------------(Submission No. Coples Received at .f .;lo ~ 070 p.m. 'Pies Made Cl RC ULA TION DETAILS GOVERNOR Decision _Fj le 1 21 ' . • 2 MR. AHERN 22 • I I Jl-'r J .1'!1i I ' 3 23 M~- r..rtt,JN 4 MR. GIBBS 24 5 MR. GLASSON 25 6 MR. AUSTIN 26 7 MR. LESTER 27 MR. TENN I 8 Cf 28 ' 9 MR. HARPER cf 29 10 MR. MUNTZ 30 11 31 MR. MCKECHN :E 12 MR. KATTER 32 13 MR. NEAL 33 14 MR. CLAUSON 34 15 MR. BORBIDG ~ 35 16 MR. RANDELL 36 17 MR. COOPER 37 18 MRS. HARVEY 38 19 MR. LITTLEP ~OUD 39 Master File 20 40 inches 3 I cm • 1 2 7 Kodak Color Control Patches o Kodak, 2001' TM: Kodak Blue Cyan Green Yellow Rad White 3/Color Black ' ~ I' " ' -·.' :;- 3 "' "'=:r CD CD "' c: - CD 6' a. I\) GI (') ~ ~ () ::::s 0 0- • ...... (J1 ~ () CD Q ::::s ::l ar+ Copy No. 2"0 C 0 N F I D E N T I A L C A B I N E T M I N U T E Brisbane, 30th May, 1988 Decision Noe 54384 TITLE: Amendment of the Tobacco Industry Submission No. 49038 Protection Regulations of 1966. CABINET decided:- That it be recommended to the Governor in Council that Regulations in accordance with the draft accompanying the Submission, be promulgated. CIRCULATION: Department of Primary Industries and copy to rtinister. The Honourable the Minister for Mines and Energy. All other Ministers for perusal and return. ~~// Certified True CeEY_ ~ () CD 0 :J ::l,..... a- SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 'C' CONFIDENTIAL Submission No. .. 2 I Copy N 0 •••••• I • ••• • • FOR CABINET AMENDMENT OF THE TOBACCO INDUSTRY PROTECTION REGULATIONS OF 1966 1 . The objective of the Tobacco Industry Protection Act 1965-1985 is to control the spread of pests and diseases of tobacco within a tobacco district, or between tobacco districts, as gazetted, within Queensland . 2. The existing Regulations under this Act will cease as from 30th June 1988 because of the provisions of the Regulatory Reform Act. 3 • In response to the Government ' s policy to review existing Regulations , there has been consultation with growers, marketing and manufacturing representatives of the industry . 4 . All sectors of the tobacco industry suppor t the continuation of the Regulations and consider the amendment ~ appropriate. 5 . A copy of the proposed Regulations , approved by the Solicitor General is attached. 6 . IT IS RECOMMENDED that Cabinet recommend to the Governor-in­ Council that the attached Regulations be promulgated. N.J . HARPER Minister for Primary Industries Brisbane 5· "'3 :::r"' CD .,"' c: ... CD ~ Q. ~ GI 0 ~ ~ n :::J 0 -0 G> ()' (iJ CD Q :J ::s r+ a- .... 'ii- \J c."> = D) c» TOBACCO INDUSTRY PROTECTION ACT 1965-1985 i Fr ::r CD (I) (/) Department of Primary Industries l Br isbane , ' 1988. HIS Exce l lency the Governor, acting by and with the advice of the Executive Council and pursuant to the provisions of the Tobacco Industry Prote ction Act 1965-1985, has been pleased to make the :r~ CD"-· .... O> f~llo wing regulations. (11 .... a 0) -0 0 TOBACCO INDUSTRY PROTECTION REGULATIONS 1988 Q J .... 1. Short Title. These regulations ma y be cited as the m a ' Tobacco Industry Protection Regulations 1988. -~ ~ 2. Repeal. The ~obacco Industry Protection - ~egulations o f 1966 are repealed. 3 • Forms. Cl) The forms set forth in the First Schedule hereto shall be used for the purposes for which they are respectively applicable~ (2) A form prescribed by these regulations shall be completed in accordance with such directions as are specified in the prescribed form. (3) In these r egulations , a reference to a form by numbe r shall be a referenc e to the form in the First Schedule which bears that numbe r. 4. Application for Merchant License. An application for a Merchant License shall be in Form 1 and shall be l odged with the Minister on or before the First day o f January in each year. 5. Merchant License. A Merchant License issued by the Minister shall be in Form 2. <> :;· 3 <> <1> CJ "' c: ...... CD ~ Q. I\) GI () ~ ~ n :l 0 0- G> n' iCD Q :l ::s r+ ~ 0 ...., - (oJ ~,, i- FrQ) 6 . Transfer of Tobacco Plants. (1) An application to ::r (1) transfer tobacco plants from one Tobacco District to another (/) Tobacco District shall be in Form 3 and shall be lodged with an inspector stationed in the Tobacco District to which the plants are being transferred. (2) An inspector may approve an application to transfer tobacco plants or may refuse the application. :E (3) An application to transfer tobacco plants shall be ::r CD-· .... O> - (JI - ~companied by a certificate that such plants are free from diseases and pests issued by an inspector stationed in the Tobacco District from which the plants are being obtained. (4) A certificate of approval to transfer tobacco plants shall be in Form 4. 7. Orders of an Inspector. An order of an inspector pursuant to section 14(1) (f) or section 15 of the Act shall be in Form 5 . 8. Sowing Tobacco Seeds. Subject to any exemption granted by the Minister in respect of such periods and on such conditions as are specified in the exemption , a person shall not sow tobacco seed or transplant tobacco seedlings in a Tobacco District or parts of a Tobacco District specified in the Second Schedule hereto during the periods of the year specified in the Second Sche dule hereto . 9 • Treatment of Tobacco Leaf e (1) An inspector may order the owner or occupie r of premises to destroy , treat or deal with :- (a) any tobacco leaf or residues of tobacco leaf found on such premises which, in the opinion of the inspector, is diseased or infested with any pest ; (b) any residues of tobacco leaf f ound on such premises :;· "3 ":::r tD "' c: ..... CD ~ 2-N (') ~ ~ () ::J 0 0- ~ G> () aCD Q ::J ::J ,...+ ~ 0 which , in the opinion of the inspector, are likely to harbour or attract any disease or pest . (2) An order of an inspector pursuant to this regulation shall be in Form 5. 10. Offences. (1) A person who contravenes or fails to comply with any provision of these regulations commits an offence against these regulations. (2) A person who fails to do what he is ordered to do by a ~ 0 ~~rson acting under the authority of these regulations commits an 0 0 offence against these regulations. ___ _.~I (3) A person who commits an offence against these I regulations is liable to a penalty not exceeding twenty penalty units. n :;· 3 g. ii: - ..., FIRST SCHEDULE [Form l] Tobacco Industry Protection Act 1965-1985 APPLICATION FOR MERCHANT LICENSE (To be lodged not later than the First of January of each year) The Honourable the Minister for Primary Industries, -1- Department of Primary Industries, ~ate Law Building, George Street , BRISBANE . Application is hereby made for Merchant License to sell ( "Tobacco seed" or "Tobacco seedlings"), under the abovementioned Act . Name : Address : Principal place of business: Origin o f seed or seedlings : '. riety : I hereby certify that the above particulars are correct. Signature : Date : .., :;· 3 .., ::r OJ "' c: ..... CD g; a. N GI (') ~ ~ () ::::J 0- .,0 G> () al CD 0 :::::s ::J .,r+ 0 ...., - Co) ~ \J = n> i Ci co :::r CD co [Form 2] en Tobacco Industry Protection Act 1965-1985 i MERCHANT LICENSE Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane, 19. I hereby certify that subject to the provisions of the T r ~ acco Industry Protection Act 1965-1985, of , has been granted a license to sell ("Tobacco seed" or "Tobacco seedlings") for the 19 period 19 I tO Minister for Primary Industries. 0 :;· 3 0 ::T co CD "' c: .... CD ~ Q. GI () ~ ~ () :J 0- 0-. G> () Cil CD 0 :I ::J -.,.... 0 ..... - Col ~ \J =OJ ~Ci Cit ::r CD (Q (/) [Form 3] & Tobacco Industry Protection Act 1965-1985 APPLICATION TO TRANSFER TOBACCO PLANTS Application is hereby made to transfer tobacco plants to Tobacco District from Tobacco District No. No. These pla nts were grown by - i- · ~ me: Address: Por. No. : Parish: a nd are to be transferred to Name: Address: Por. No. : Parish: They will be carried by rail/ road/air and will be ansferred on I 19 <> ;:;· 3 <> .."'" CD "' c:- ...... CD g; Q. I\) GI 0 ~ ~ () :J -0 ..,0 G> () iCD Q :J ::J ..,r+ 0 of -c- = DJ i rr ::r CD fO [Form 4) (/) Tobacco Industry Protection Act 1965-1985 APPROVAL 'I'O TRANSFER TOBACCO PLANTS Subject to the provisions of the Tobacco Industry Protection Act 1965-1985 it is hereby approved that the tobacco plants described below be transferred from Tobacco District No. to Tobacco District No. provided they are ~-ee from pests and diseases . Description of plants and variety : Grown by : '1ransferred to : Date and method of Transfer : Inspector, District No.: Date : It is hereby certified that the plants described above have been inspected and have been found free from pests and seases. Inspector, District No . : Date: :;· 3 n il CD en c: ...... <D ~ Q. I\) GI () ~ c.:i l (} ::::J 0 -·.,0 G> (} (iJ <D 0 :J :::J .,r+ 0 ...., ~ -0 "' = Q) i Ci CD [Form 5) ::r Cl) co (/) Tobacco Industry Protection Act 1965-1985 :xJ & DESTRUCTION OR TREATMENT OF TOBACCO PLANTS, &c. I, the undersigned, being duly appointed an Inspector under and for the purposes of the Tobacco Industry Protection Act , being the of 1965-1985 hereby order you ("the owner" or "occupier") of the land described as - Por.
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