Official Undergraduate Newspaper of Yeshiva College March 29, 1995 / 27 Adar 115755 YESHIVA UNIVERSITY, NEW YORK, NY Volume LIX, No. 11 Socol "Pulls Plug" on Purim Shpiel Misunderstanding by Both Sides BY MOSHE I. KINDERLEHRER ities Management refunds the $1,500 room fee charged for us­ Late last week, SOY presi­ ing Lamport Auditorium. dent Yitzchak Book and mem­ ThoughSOY,not YCSC, was bers of the YU administration the student organization tasked achieved a partial resolution of with organizing and running the incident in which Jeffrey the chagiga and shpiel, Billig jus­ Socol, Associate Director of Fa­ tified his actions. "I went in rep­ cilities Management, discon­ resenting the students," he ex­ nected sound system for this plained. "Students came to me year's Purim shpiel. upset over what happened, and At the beginningof the shpiel I felt that the students were en­ and in frontof hundreds of stu­ titled to getting their money dents from YC and SCW, Socol back." Billig also noted that the stepped onto the stage in Lam­ chagiga was sponsored with port Auditorium and un­ money from virtually all the stu­ New YC Dean Norman Adler plugged the wires necessary for dent organizations, including the specially rented set of wire­ $500 from YCSC, as well as from less microphones to work, forc­ the YC Alumni Association. Finally Takes Office ing the cast of the shpiel to use Acting as an intermediary the regular Lamport sound sys­ between Director of Support­ BY NICK MUZIN Dean Adler plans to raise fac­ tem. Socol' s action threw the ing Services Administration J ef­ ulty salaries, and improve labo­ cast of the shpiel off-guard and frey Rosengarten, Socol, and the On Thursday, March 23, a ratory infrastructure with more upset many of the students in­ students, Chaitoff met with day he called "his most stimu­ modem equipment. While he volved in its production. After Book and students involved in lating in decades," Dr. Norman intends to improve academic last week's meetings, both sides the shpiel last Wednesday to dis­ Adler assumed the reigns of the standards by "creating a sense now claim that the whole affair cuss the issues raised by Billig YC deanship. Student leaders of intellectual excitement" he is was a "mutual misunderstand­ and to hear the Administration's and faculty members flooded conscious of the pressures al­ ing." position on the issue. Accord­ his officefor much of the day, ready exerted on the students. On the Monday following ing to Chaitoff and Book, Socol welcoming him and expressing When asked how he would Purim, YCSC president Daniel and Rosengarten claimed that their wishes for a successful ten­ respond to conflictsbetween the Billig drafted a memo to Dean the specially rented microphone ure. yeshiva and the college, Adler of Students Efrem Nulman and system had not been cleared Dr. Adler began his day by Dr. NormanAdler pointed to the fact thathis He­ AssistantDeanofStudentsRab­ with Facilities Management pri­ attending the "Techelet lec­ sity is more intense than any brew name is "Nachum," which bi Jeffrey Chaitoff which out­ or to the event and that the sys­ tures" given by RabbisLamm, I've ever been at. It's a unique means "to comfort, to calm lined Socol's actions, and ac­ tem threatened to damage the Tendler, and Shachter, which place, truly the nerve center of down." cused Socol of ruining the Pu­ current sound system in Lam­ he called "religious and intel­ orthodoxy. And the heart of YU "The synthesis of Torah rim shpiel for the students. The port. At the beginning of the lectual pyrotechnics." is the college. The students here U'Madda is a philosophical memo also stated that YCSC, shpiel, claimed Socol, certain "Intellectually, this univer- are the brightest and the best." continued on page 14 acting in the interest of the stu­ sounds and static were coming dent body, would seek to file a from the system which indicat­ "class-action" lawsuit on behalf ed that the wireless micro­ of the student body, unless So­ phoneswereincompatiblewith YCSC and Class col writes an apology and Facil- continued 011 page 14 Elections Heat Up INSIDE THIS ISSUE President Overhauls Process BY MEIR ZEITCHIK only just begun, some interest­ presidential candidate himself, ...-. ing dramas were already be­ has decided to run despite the -------- ...........-- -=.- The annual Yc;sc and class ginning to unfold as of press fact that his friendship with --------:-::.-� -;;._ -= elections processes have com­ time. In the hotly contested Berkowitz may cause strife be­ menced, bringing with them the YCSC presidential race, de­ tween them,not to mention split usual excitement and contro­ clared candidate Eric Berkow­ the vote amongst their mutual versies. And inanefforttomake itz was reconsidering his deci­ friends. this year's election process both sion to run after contemplating smoother and more constitu­ the· matter and realizing that No Competition For Senior tional than in years past, YCSC the demanding job of YCSC Class President Daniel Billig and the President may conflict with his In the Senior class presiden­ Canvassing Committee have studies and MCATpreparation. tial race, Oren Lieber is the only t-ly�dfed,sdanceafthe annual'Purim Chagigah · 1astw. eek. Men were in the Beis Midrash, while introducedsubtle yet significant By press time,however, he had declared candidate, which · . changes in this year's YCSC and already collected the necessary means thatifheamasses enough thewomen were in Belter Hall. class elections. signatures. Adam Melzer, a signatures to be placed on the continued on page 15 While the election season has close friend of Berkowitz and a Page& P�---------age 2 • tm\LJ-•�ti.. I(( �nmmtn aw�1---------_.;__-March 29, 1995 1 f '-I �ni��,w��A���rn�,!��i�i?�.�.g!.��.�,!Y '<U�t (tl_,, mmtttfutnr Socol wasted hours of students' hard work and preparation for last week's --� Purim slzpiel. Claiming he heard static and odd noises emanating from the 500 West 185th Street, New York, NY 10033, Telephone and Fax: (212) 740-2155. Lamport Auditorium sound system, he disconnected the privately rented Published bi-weekly during the academic year by the Yeshiva College Student Council. The wireless microphones minutes before the shpiel's commencement. SOY views expressed in these columns are those of the writers alone and do not necessarily reflect president Yitzchak Book indeed affirmed that he did not obtain written the opinions of The Commentator, the student body, the faculty,or the Administrationof permission to hook up the microphones. Nonetheless, Socol's actions bore Yeshiva University. We do not endorse any of the products or services advertised in these no justification. Even if his claim that the microphones were "incompati­ pages. Copyright 1995 The Commentator. One issue free,fee for additi onal issues. ble" was accurate, that does not justify the unilateral decision-making and abrupt manner in which he ripped out the microphone system, rendering MOSHE I. KINDERLEHRER the slzpie/ virtually inaudible. The swift departure of the near-capacity Editor-in-Chief audience attested to that. SIDNEY A. SINGER While both sides have graciously acknowledged error, this incident Executive Editor should have occurred. Facilities Management and Supporting Ser­ never SANDOR J. BAK vices, like all other ancillary components of a university, exist to serve the OWEN CYRULNIK RYAN S. KARBEN Senior Editor only vital component of any academic institution: the students. Although Layout Editor News Editor fundamental in nature, this idea is sometimes lost on members of such administrative units, or even worse, those units as a whole. Simply stated, ARI HIRT ELY KRONENBERG LARRY STERN students should not have to "kiss up" to, or fear dealing with, obstinate administrators every time they want to organize an event or rent a room. Features Editor Copy Editor Business Manager That we must currently do so indicates a glaring problem which demands immediate attention. ASSOCIATE EDITORS News Steven Miodownik, Nick Muzin, Meir Zeitchik Q Welcome, Dean Adler Features Josh Fine, David Schertz � If Copy Carl Hochhauser, J.D. Shulman you thoughtthe breeze outside Helfer was bad, try the winds that have Research Dov Simons � blown through Yeshiva College this year. Photography Ian Stein; Daniel Gordon, Jason Buskin, Paul Hurwitz Issue after issue, this campus has discussed and debated the academic Art Moshe Stem, Daniel Sentell, Aton Holzer A..,.. challenges facing YC. Israel credit. Course offerings. Time spent on cam­ Sports Steven Kupfennan,Daniel Wolfson t , pus. Faculty salaries. Passions have run high. Student interest has perked Technical Josh Feldman �• up. What is there to show forit all? : Enter Norman Adler. ADVERTISING MANAGER SPORTS EDITORS Previously unacquainted with YU and unfamiliar with its political Ehud Fried David Goldenberg, Adam Melzer infighting and personality conflicts, Dean Adler brings to this time of transition the objective detachment necessary to steer us back on course. STAFF WRITERS DISTRIBUTION MANAGER His academic resume suggests a determined and innovative administrator Josh Englard, Andrew Davidson, Stuart Milstein David Gladstone unafraid to make bold suggestions. And the moment affords him the Nathan Lamm chance to put his ideas into action. While the ultimate destination of a more academically sound Yeshiva Member: College is clear, the route there is not. We await real direction fromthe new Associated AMERICAN JEWISH • • Collegiate · · PRESS ASSOCIA- � helmsman on his proposed trajectory. Administrators, faculty,and stu­ El• .,,��� )_,J dents need to hear about his vision for the college and what role each of us • Press �•• .,.,,.,.'.' TION. must play in realizing it: The great dialogue about YC's academic future has begun. The task now f!!""'\ fallsto the new dean to channel the dynamism of this discussion intoa plan � for progress. LETTER ..,.. Dean Adler, welcome to Yeshiva College. We look forwardto hearing To the Editor S t , from you.
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