Cheshire East Local Development Framework Place Shaping Consultation Sandbach Snapshot July 2011 Foreword 2 1 Introduction 3 Introduction 3 What is the Local Development Framework? 3 How is the Local Development Framework being prepared? 3 What are the timescales for preparing the Local Development Framework? 4 What is the Place Shaping Consultation? 5 How do we assess the suitability of proposals? 6 How does this relate to Community-Led Planning? 7 How does this relate to Neighbourhood Planning? 7 2 A Snapshot of the Town 8 An Introduction to the Town 8 Housing 9 Economy 11 Town Centre 13 Transport 15 Open Space and the Countryside 16 The Built Environment 17 Community Infrastructure 19 3 To Sum Up... 22 To Sum Up... 22 Appendices 26 Appendix A: Glossary of Terms 26 Appendix B: References 29 Contents CHESHIRE EAST LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK Sandbach Snapshot Report 1 Cheshire East Local Development Framework Place Shaping Consultation – Snapshot Reports Foreword Cheshire East is facing many challenges over the next twenty years or so. These include climate change, moving to a low carbon and globalised economy and increased housing need. These challenges will need to be faced in a period of a slow growing national economy and much reduced levels of infrastructure investment by the Government. It will therefore be important to have a clear strategy to tackle these issues and to indicate how we want our towns and villages to change and grow. Your Place Your Future Your Say In autumn 2010, we consulted on options for the overall strategy for Cheshire East. We are following this up with the Place Shaping Consultation to look at the challenges facing our towns and villages and how these can be addressed in the new development plan for Cheshire East. The Place Shaping Consultation asks some fundamental questions: What do you want your town or village to be like in 2030? What are the challenges facing the town or village? What are the constraints and opportunities for development? How can development help to deliver improved local infrastructure? This Snapshot Report sets out an overview of your town with a wealth of interesting facts to help you think about planning its future. Through this consultation we are embracing the spirit of localism and neighbourhood planning. I want to encourage everyone to help us prepare the new plan so that we can make sure that Cheshire East continues to be a great place for our children, grandchildren and us to enjoy. Cllr David Brown Foreword 2 CHESHIRE EAST LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK Sandbach Snapshot Report Introduction 1.1 Cheshire East Council is working together with town and parish councils, local area partnerships, businesses, community groups and local people of all ages to prepare the new development plan for Cheshire East – called the Local Development Framework. This will guide the future planning and development of our towns, villages and countryside up to 2030. It will cover all of Cheshire East except the area that lies within the Peak District National Park. The Local Development Framework will aim to ensure that Cheshire East continues to have: a thriving economy an attractive environment a wide choice of housing vibrant town centres with good quality shops and leisure facilities, schools, health and community facilities, a choice of transport What is the Local Development Framework? 1.2 The Local Development Framework will consist of three main reports: 1.3 Core Strategy – this will set out the vision, objectives and strategy for the future development of the Borough. It may include strategic development sites. 1.4 Site Allocations Plan – this will include detailed policies to be used in considering planning applications as well as site allocations and policies. 1.5 Infrastructure Plan - this will set out the improvements required to transport, social and community infrastructure, such as schools and health services, that will be required to serve new development. It will set out a programme for their development and any financial contributions that new developments will be required to make. 1.6 The Local Development Framework will be a single plan for Cheshire East and will replace the Regional Spatial Strategy, the Cheshire Structure Plan, Cheshire Waste and Minerals Plans and the Local Plans for Congleton, Macclesfield and Crewe and Nantwich. How is the Local Development Framework being prepared? Background Evidence 1.7 We started preparing the Local Development Framework in 2009, by producing background evidence to help us understand the challenges facing the Borough. This looked at housing, economic development, retailing, open space, environment, transport, minerals and waste. All reports can be viewed on the Council’s website at: www.cheshireeast.gov.uk/ldf and at the Council offices at Westfields, Sandbach. Strategic Issues and Options Consultation 1.8 We carried out a Borough wide consultation from November to December 2010 to begin the discussions about how future housing and economic growth in the Borough should be planned for. Options for the level of growth and three development strategies were considered. This consultation provided valuable feedback which is summarised in the Report of Consultation available on the Cheshire East website and at the Council offices at Westfields, Sandbach. Introduction CHESHIRE EAST LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK Sandbach Snapshot Report 3 The Place Shaping Consultation 1.9 One of the key messages from this consultation was that further work was needed to understand the challenges facing each town and village and the opportunities and constraints to addressing them. The Council is keen to embrace the new spirit of localism and to ensure that local communities have the opportunity to be involved in shaping the plan for their community. We want to be sure that all sections of the community have the chance to be involved and that the plan takes account of the needs of everyone, in particular the needs of the next generation. 1.10 Through the Place Shaping Consultation Cheshire East Council will be working closely with town and parish councils, local area partnerships, town partnerships, local businesses, community groups, young people and individuals to develop a plan for each town and larger village that will be taken forward into the Local Development Framework. Smaller villages will be asked to consider whether they have any development requirements and proposals to be included in the plan. What are the timescales for preparing the Local Development Framework? 1.11 The timescales for the preparation of the Local Development Framework are shown in the Figure below: Introduction 4 CHESHIRE EAST LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK Sandbach Snapshot Report What is the Place Shaping Consultation? 1.12 There are three stages to the consultation and a number of events are planned. These stages are: Introduction CHESHIRE EAST LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK Sandbach Snapshot Report 5 1.13 Firstly, we want to understand the issues and challenges facing the community. 1.14 This Snapshot Report sets out information about the development of the town: about the housing, economy, town centre, transport, built and natural environment and community infrastructure. It identifies some key challenges that we need to take into account as we plan the future of the town. 1.15 We would like to hear what you like about the town, the changes needed and your priorities. You can contribute through any of these events: Local Area Partnership events – workshops for parish councils, community groups and stakeholders Community Exhibition with questionnaire On line and postal consultation with questionnaire Play Your Place with your group 1.16 Your Place - This activity has been developed for groups to think about the needs of different people in their community and what type of place they may want to live in. Contact the Spatial Planning Team to obtain an activity pack. 1.17 Secondly, we will then look at the constraints to development, the areas that need to be safeguarded and then consider and assess options for various types of development. This will help us to work together to develop the plan for the town. You can contribute through any of these events: Stakeholder workshops Exhibitions - community consultation On line and postal consultation 1.18 Thirdly, we have to bring the plans for each town and village together and assess whether they will deliver the overall needs of the Borough as a whole. This will be through: Local Area Partnership Assemblies will consider the plans Cheshire East Council will consider the plans and undertake assessments to ensure that they comply with and deliver European and national legislation and planning policy. The Council will have to ensure that there is a consistency of approach and that the plans in combination will deliver the growth aspirations for the Borough as a whole. Cheshire East Council’s Cabinet will consider the plans and assessments and agree the policies and proposals to be included in the Preferred Options draft of the Local Development Framework. How do we assess the suitability of proposals? 1.19 The options will be subject to a Sustainability Appraisal (incorporating a Strategic Environmental Appraisal) that will test the proposals against a number of social, economic and environmental indicators. Amongst other things, it will assess how the plan affects all sections of the community, whether it promotes health and how it affects rural areas. 1.20 A Habitats Regulation Assessment will be carried out to appraise the impact of proposals on any sites and habitats designated as being of European importance for nature conservation. 1.21 The Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulation Assessment will be published for consultation alongside the Local Development Framework. Introduction 6 CHESHIRE EAST LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK Sandbach Snapshot Report How does this relate to Community-Led Planning? 1.22 Many communities in Cheshire East have completed Parish Plans.
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