RWANDA INVESTMENT BENEFITS FROM THE NILE BASIN COOPERATION ONGOING WORK AT THE 80MW REGIONAL RUSUMO FALLS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT SHANGO SUB-STATION IN RWANDA NEW KIGINA DISPENSARY, A LOCAL AREA DEVELOPMENT PROJECT AT THE REGIONAL RUSUMO FALLS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT NBI/NELSAP–CU, FEB 2020 RWANDA-DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO, DRC TRANSMISSION LINE ABOUT THE NILE EQUATOriAL LAKES SUBSIDIARY ACTION PROGRAM (NELSAP) The Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Program of preparation and implementation. NELSAP-CU Coordination Unit (NELSAP-CU) headquartered has mobilized finances for pre-investment and in Kigali, Rwanda, is one of the two investment investment projects cumulatively totaling to USD programs of the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI), the other 1.050 billion (pre-investment USD 557.107 million being the Eastern Nile Subsidiary Action Program and for investment projects USD 493.018 million). (ENSAP) headquartered in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia known as Eastern Nile Technical Regional Office Since 2014, NELSAP-CU has gained regional (ENTRO). experience, strengthened its capacity and emerged as a reliable regional institution for facilitating key NELSAP-CU was established in December 1999 in country and regional investment projects in the by the Council of Ministers for Water Affairs in the Nile Equatorial Lakes Region and beyond. Its key Nile River Basin, with a mission to “contribute to the institutional strength lies in project pre-investment eradication of poverty, promote economic growth, feasibility studies, regional projects coordination and reverse environmental degradation in the Nile support, regional strategic analysis, environmental Equatorial Lakes (NEL) region, within the overall aspects, social economic development, stakeholders’ NBI’s shared Vision of sustainable socioeconomic engagement and development communication, development and the equitable use of and benefit financial and procurement management as well as from Nile Basin water resources”. NELSAP-CU results based monitoring and evaluation. is governed and reports to the Council of Water Ministers from 10 Nile Basin membership states of NELSAP-CU, in delivering on its mandate, is Burundi, DR Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, supported bilaterally and multilaterally by different South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda. development partners including, but not limited to, the World Bank, the African Development Bank (AfDB), NELSAP-CU within its mandate facilitates jointly the Canadian International Development Agency agreed transformative in-country projects with (CIDA), the Governments of Norway (NORAD), regional impact/significance and trans-boundary Swedish International Development Cooperation cooperative investment projects related to the Agency (SIDA), the Government of The Netherlands, common use of the Nile Basin water resources. It also the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), builds regional capacity of countries and provides Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), GIZ a platform for implementation coordination of (Germany), French Development Agency (AFD), trans–boundary investment projects. NELSAP-CU European Union(EU) and KfW (Germany). NELSAP- renders support to national initiatives and focuses CU work has provided direct and indirect benefits to on two investment areas of: (i) power development the Republic of Rwanda since 2004 as elaborated and trade; and (ii) natural resources management below. and development. NELSAP-CU has prepared a number of cooperative in country and regional trans-boundary projects, which are at various levels PART OF THE REGIONAL RUSUMO FALL HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT THAT IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION COMPLETED PROJECTS WITH DirECT BENEFITS TO RWANDA Regional Agricultural Trade and Productivity as GIRET Project) was financed by the Bank through Project (RATP 2009–2012) USD7.0 Million African Water Facility of the African Development Bank to the tune of Euro770,000. The rationale of the project was to ensure reliable Project results are: i) Integrated Management access to water, strengthened market linkages and and Development Plans (IMDP) for the three active promotion of private sector as options that water resources and Investments Profiles (IP); can have a dramatic impact on agriculture growth, ii) a Diagnostic Analysis with an environmental food security and poverty reduction across the screening of the water-resources; iii) three hydro- NEL countries. The project was implemented in meteorological stations operational and mechanisms collaboration with regional economic communities for data collection and sharing of the shared water COMESA and EAC. resources established; iv) 40 local key actors trained Under the project, the following studies were in fishery management and policy, environment and completed: (i) development of the Nile Basin IWRM principles and law implementation. agricultural model, (ii) assessing the irrigation potential in 7 NEL Countries (Burundi, DRC, Rwanda, The Kagera River Basin Management Kenya, Sudan, Uganda, Tanzania), (iii) promotion Hydromet System of best practices on water harvesting and irrigation practices, (iv) cross border agricultural trade studies This project was implemented in partnership of focusing on trans-boundary grain/pulses trade, four countries (Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania and livestock trade in the Nile Basin region (v) virtual Uganda), facilitated the installation of hydromet water/water footprint analysis, documentation stations in Burundi as follows: i) 5 Automatic and awareness creation as well as (vi) definition of Weather Stations have been installed at Muyinga, the NBI agricultural role, based on study of River Cankuzo, Karuzi, Gitega, Ruyigi. (ii) 6 River Gauge Basin Organization lessons, national and regional stations were installed at Kibaya (Ruviryonza River), consultation Gitongo (Ruvuvu River), Shombo (Ndurumu River), Murongwe (Mubarazi River) Mubuga (Nyabaha River) and Nyankanda (Kayongozi River). (ii) 5 Rain Integrated Management of Trans–boundary gauge stations were installed at Burasira, Ngozi, Water Resources of Lakes Cyohoha, Rweru and Matana, Kabuyenge and Nyakararo. Akanyaru Marshland Project (2010 – 2012) All these enhanced the water resources monitoring The Integrated Management of Trans–boundary in the country. Water Resources of Lakes Cyohoha and Rweru and Akanyaru Marshland project (abbreviated in French MINISTERS RESPONSIBLE FOR ENERGY AFFAIRS OF BURUNDI, RWANDA AND TANZANIA VISIT THE REGIONAL RUSUMO FALLS HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ONGOING PROJECTS WITH DirECT BENEFITS TO RWANDA Interconnection of Electric Grids of the Nile at Ruzizi. The interconnection between Rwanda and Equatorial Lakes Countries Project Uganda was the missing link, whose commissioning will realize parallel operation of the electric grids The project’s total transmission line is 930km at of the five countries namely; Burundi, D.R Congo, 220kV and 400kV with associated 17 sub-stations. Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda.NELSAP-CU together The project involves five countries of the NEL region; with EAPP with support from USAID are working on modalities for preparation for coordinated and Burundi, DR Congo, Kenya Rwanda and Uganda smooth synchronized operation of the interconnected aims at strengthening the interconnections between grid system in the NEL. NEL region countries and other regional electric grids at the total cost of US$415Million from different The Rwanda - DR Congo Power Interconnection financiers (AfDB, Government of Japan JICA, This is a 220kV line which was completed and Government of Germany (KfW), the Government of commissioned into operation three years ago initially the Netherlands and the European Union and Sida. at 110kV. Project implementation is on–going in all the five countries with the following scope involving Rwanda: Highlight of Rwanda Transmission Lines The Rwanda-Uganda Power Interconnection This year (2020), commissioning of the Uganda 1. Mirama - Shango Transmission Line. This (Mbarara/Mirama)-Rwanda (Shango) power line in Rwanda was completed in December 2015 interconnection and synchronization of the and ready for commissioning. interconnection between the electric grids of Burundi 2. Birembo - Shango Transmission Line. This - DR Congo - Kenya - Rwanda - Uganda will take line in Rwanda was also completed in August 2015 place. Initial power trading through the lines between and line is in operation. Uganda and Rwanda is planned to commence in 3. Shango – Rubavu – Karongi Transmission 2020 once the Rwanda – Uganda Interconnector is Line. This line in Rwanda was completed in commissioned into operational service. March 2016 and commissioned at 110kV in the interim and maintained operation at 110kV before On the Uganda side, construction of both the line commissioning at 220kV and the Mbarara substation are complete and all 4. Kigoma (Rwanda)-Gitega (Burundi) facilities for interconnection with Rwanda are ready Transmission Line - Procurement for Rwanda and the line has been energized up to the Rwanda scope was completed contract signed and design border. The electric grids of Kenya and Uganda work commenced. are in synchronized operation, the same case is for 5. Construction of Kigoma and Gisagara Rwanda, Burundi and part of the Eastern D.R Congo substations is ongoing and work is at design stage and will be completed in February 2020. FROM LEFT. MTCHERA CHIRWA JOHANNES FROM THE AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK, AfDB (NEPAD-IPPF) RAHEL KABA EBBA FROM AFRICA WATER FACILITY (AWF) MS. MUKARUBIBI FATINA THE RWANDA PERMANENT SECRETARY FOR THE MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT,
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