OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2010 A people of Life KNIGHT’S LIFELINE and for Life Published by the Knights of Columbus Office of Pro-life, Marriage and Family Values 2011 MARCH FOR LIFE “WINNING THE WAR OF WORDS” WASHINGTON, D.C. FLYER NOW AVAILABLE More than one hundred thousand people who A new flyer, “Winning the support life are expected to travel to the nation’s War of Words” (#2275), capital on Monday, January 24, 2011 for the March offers rebuttals to pro- for Life. Since the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe v. abortion arguments. The Wade abortion decision in 1973, Knights of flyer starts with the “pro- Columbus have marched for life on or near the choice” position to show anniversary of that infamous court decision. The that abortion is the choice night before, at the Basilica of the National Shrine of neither the unborn of the Immaculate Conception, will be the national child, nor, in the vast Mass for Life. Encourage council members and their majority of cases, the families to attend. Help students from local Catholic choice of the woman. high schools to pay for the trip on your council’s Simply put, the majority bus, or, help to pay for chartered buses from their of women obtain abortions schools. Tens of thousands of students are present because they see, and are each year, and they go home to influence their peers given, no other choice, even, in some cases, to the to be pro-life, and to join, or start, pro-life groups point of being physically forced to obtain an when they go to college. More March for Life abortion under threat of violence. The flyer refutes information is available at www.marchforlife.com. the argument for abortion in cases of rape and While in the capital, plan to visit your senator and incest, citing the testimony of women who have congressman about the life issues. actually been in those situations. The flyer ends WALK FOR LIFE – WEST COAST with a description of the physical development of K OF C SPONSORS YOUTH RALLY IN 2011! the unborn child and the conclusion that an unborn If you live in the western part of the United child is not only a “human being,” but a human States, plan to attend the 7th Annual Walk for Life – “person” as well. The flyer may be ordered from the West Coast, which will go from Justin Herman Supply Department. Plaza to the Marina Green in San Francisco on Saturday, January 22, 2011. For more information, BILLS WOULD RESTRICT ABORTION go to www.walkforlifewc.com. FUNDING AND PROTECT CONSCIENCE A new feature in 2011 will be the first annual Two bills currently pending in the United States Youth Rally, with the Knights of Columbus serving Congress would both apply Hyde Amendment-type as the Grand Sponsor. The Youth Rally will restrictions on the use of federal funds for abortion. immediately follow the Walk for Life, from 3-5:30 The first bill, the bipartisan Protect Life Act PM, at Fort Mason Center. (H.R. 5111), sponsored by Reps. Daniel Lipinski NATIONAL MARCH FOR LIFE - CANADA (D-IL) and Joseph Pitts (R-PA), would apply the The National March for Life will be held in Hyde Amendment restrictions on abortion to the Ottawa, Thursday, May 12, 2011. For more new national health care program. The bill would information, see www.campaignlifecoalition.com. also extend to the new health care program needed MARCH FOR LIFE – PHILIPPINES conscience clause protections that have long existed The March for Life in the Philippines will be in other federal health programs. held simultaneously in each of the three The other bill is the No Taxpayer Funding of jurisdictions on Saturday, March 20. Abortion Act (H.R. 5939), authored by Rep. Chris Whichever March or Walk for life you attend, Smith (R-NJ), which would establish Hyde stand with other pro-life people as a witness to the Amendment-type restrictions on taxpayer funding inestimable value of the life of every human being. of abortions throughout the federal government. It will be an experience you will never forget! continued on page 2 continued from page 1 Made for Each Other portrays how man and Rather than needing to apply Hyde-type restrictions woman complement each other in marriage. This annually to various spending bills, this bill would DVD was produced by the Ad Hoc Committee for permanently apply to all federal funding bills. This the Defense of Marriage, a division of the United bill would also codify the Hyde/Weldon amendment States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) that has ensured that federal agencies and state and Secretariat of Evangelization and Catechesis, and local governments that receive federal funds do not was funded by the Knights of Columbus. discriminate against health care providers because Each of the DVDs is available for free from the they do not perform or provide abortions. Thus, the Department of Fraternal Services by calling 203- bill would protect hospitals, doctors and nurses 752-4270. There is a shipping charge of $3 for one from being forced to stop providing legitimate or two DVDs, $5 for three to five DVDs, $1 each health care because they cannot in conscience for six or more. The shipping charge for the People participate in destroying a developing human life. of Life and Made for Each Other DVDs is $5 each. PRO-LIFE/MARRIAGE DVDS AVAILABLE RESPECT LIFE MATERIALS The Supreme Council Supply Department has a A People of Life is the story of the pro-life number of respect life materials that are available movement in North America and the role the free of charge, except for the shipping. Knights of Columbus has played for over four decades in the effort to replace a culture of death Item No. Title with a culture of life. It examines threats to human 1757 - Pregnant? Need Help? - Birthright flyer life and dignity – from abortion and embryonic stem 1938 - Defend Life - billboard use only (10' x 20') cell research to euthanasia. It is a guide to what it 2072 - Pray the Rosary to End Abortion-prayer card will take to succeed and is a call to every Catholic 2073 - Pray the Rosary to End Abortion - poster to embrace and advance the cause of life. 2275 - Winning the War of Words -flyer Produced by the Canadian Salt and Light 4237 - Celebrate the Gospel of Life - prayer card Catholic satellite television network, this video runs 4238 - Celebrate the Gospel of Life - poster 53 minutes and features interviews with Supreme 4465 - Prayer for the Unborn - prayer card Knight Carl A. Anderson, March for Life founder 4795 - People of Life – flyer Nellie Gray, Project Rachel founder Vicki Thorn, 4804 - People of Life – poster Congressmen Chris Smith, Life Athletes President 4863 - Culture of Life Fund – flyer Chris Godfrey, and many more. Order a copy for 4921 - Development of the Unborn Child – flyer your council! 9856 - National Prayer for Life - prayer card Changing Hearts (running time - 14 minutes, 30 seconds) presents real testimonies from state and Distribute posters, flyers and prayer cards in local K of C officials, pregnancy care center parishes, schools, or anywhere they can help to workers, and pregnant women themselves, about the spread the message of respect for life. effect an ultrasound image can have on changing a Orders for flyers, posters, prayer cards, Catholic woman’s intention to abort her unborn child to Information Service booklets and other supplies instead choose life. In the words of several people may be sent on Requisition Form (#1), signed by in the video, an ultrasound image helps a woman to the grand knight or financial secretary, to: “see her baby for the first time” through a “window Knights of Columbus, Supply Department PO Box 1670, New Haven, CT 06507-0901 to the womb” in a way that is “changing hearts one Or, from the U.S. or Canada, fax it to 1-800-266- woman at a time.” 6340. Allow four weeks to ensure delivery. Changing Hearts is available on DVD. It may Supply order questions? Call 203-752-4214. also be viewed, downloaded or copied at www.kofc.org/ultrasound. Show Changing Hearts CULTURE OF LIFE FUND at state or local council meetings, on local cable The purpose of the Culture of Life Fund, station public access channels, or add it or link it to established in 2008 by a vote of the delegates to the your council’s web site. Supreme Convention held in Quebec City, is to help Vocation to Marriage (29 minutes) presents the in the building of a culture of life that Pope John teaching of the Church regarding Christian marriage Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI have so strongly and family, for those preparing for marriage, and for urged. Each council is assessed $2 per Knight inspiration and renewal of those already married. annually to support the Culture of Life Fund. Matching funds distributed by the Supreme RESPECT LIFE PROGRAMMING IDEAS Council office for the Ultrasound Initiative come Baby Bottle Boomerang – Obtain from a local from the Culture of Life Fund. So far, about pregnancy care center, or purchase, enough baby $1,000,000 from this fund has been used to match bottles to distribute to the parishioners in your an equal amount of $1,000,000 that has been raised parish. Ask parishioners to take the bottles home, by state and local councils to purchase 64 fill the bottles with their loose change, and return ultrasound machines for pregnancy care centers. the filled bottles for collection before Mass in three The Fund also provides major funding for the or four weeks.
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