St. Fagans Community Council Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Monday 4th June 2018 at 7.00pm in the Village Hall Present: Councillors F. Lewis (Chairman) A. Gaughan, J. Griffiths, J. Hughes, L. Manley, T. Pallier, C. Price & R. Williams. In Attendance: County Councillor G. Thomas Police PCSO Richard Davies Residents 3 Members of the public were present. Clerk D. Barnard Apologies: Councillors: C. Edwards The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed everyone in attendance. For the benefit of all those present, she asked that everyone introduce themselves. 18.06.01 – Declaration of Interests No interests were declared. 18.06.02 – Minutes of the Annual General Meeting and the full Council Meeting both held on 3rd May 2018 Members approved the Minutes and the Chairman signed them accordingly. 18.06.03 – Matters arising from the Minutes (not included elsewhere on the Agenda) The Clerk referred to Minute No. 18.05.03 – Matters Arising in which he had pointed out that one element of the new Members’ allowances provision had changed. He had sought clarification from the Independent Review Panel and initially received conflicting advice. It has now been confirmed that under Determination 45 (costs incurred on IT, ink, stationery, etc.) the Council can only pay the sum of £150 (not any less) and that if it resolves to pay it then it must pay it to all Members (though each Member can decline to accept it). Several Members commented that this seems absurd. The Clerk was asked to seek advice from One Voice Wales and to clarify whether the Determinations of the Panel were mandatory or simply guidelines. No other matters were raised. 18.06.04 – Police Matters & Neighbourhood Watch PCSO Davies gave details of the Rural Neighbourhood Policing Team covering St Fagans, that is based at Fairwater police station. Officers from Ely would not attend Council meetings, but details of crimes, etc. from that area would be reported. Cllr. Price commented that the Council had received no details from that area for a long time. The Clerk reported that Chief Inspector Jayne Hill had asked Inspector Chris Peters to provide crime figures for the area. 1 PCSO Davies confirmed that the next PACT meeting at Michaelston College will be on 12th June from 7.00 to 8.00pm. PACT meetings for Creigiau are to be restarted and held every three months. Members explained that, historically, the Creigiau PACT covered St Fagans as well and meetings were occasionally held in St Fagans. PCSO Davies agreed to look at the possibility of alternating the venue. PCSO Davies reported that, since the last Council meeting, there had been 14 reports about off-road bikes from the Westfield Park / Trem Y Coed area and advised that one bike had been seized. There had also been 4 reported burglaries, 5 thefts and 3 other crimes. The use of Freedom of Information requests was discussed but no decision was taken. Cllr. Williams enquired about a recent speed camera operation. PCSO Davies advised that five or six vehicles had been exceeding the speed limit and warning letters have ben issued. He explained the criteria required for using the camera van that limits the suitable locations. He agreed to look into the use of the motorbike camera in the St Fagans area. No other issues were raised. The Chairman thanked PCSO Davies for his attendance, at which point he left the meeting. 18.06.05 – Public Session The Chairman invited the residents in attendance to address the Council Mr Jenkins said that the residents of Parc Rhydlafar feel forgotten about and expressed the view that the condition of the estate is deteriorating. He referred specifically to the recreation area that needs refurbishing; the fact that the roads have still not been adopted; the lack of any action from Cardiff Parks West to tackle weed growth, etc.; the location of the picnic benches. the grass growth around them and absence of a litter bin; and the failure of Cardiff Council to finish the roundabout. He added that he doesn’t get anywhere with Cardiff Council. The Chairman gave a summary of what the Community Council has tried to get done in respect of those issues and expressed the similar frustration that Members feel at Cardiff Council’s slow responses to any requests. She gave the simple example of a request for a litter bin adjacent to the picnic tables. The latest information is that one of the five existing bins could be moved. Mr Jenkins suggested that a solution would be for the Community Council to use its reserves to take over the Park. The Chairman explained that one problem would be the funding of on-going maintenance. Cllr. Price gave a brief history of the reason that the Council had built up a level of reserves, some of which are earmarked for specific purposes. Cllr. Hughes added that the budget for the current year includes the use of some of those reserves. Mr Jenkins referred to the roundabout and suggested that it should be removed and replaced with a tarmac mini roundabout. Members pointed out that speeding is already an issue and his suggestion would exacerbate the situation. Traffic calming measures have already been requested. Other issues mentioned included the overgrown hedgerows on Rhydlafar Drive and Church Road that are obscuring road signs, and the generally poor condition of many road signs. County Cllr. Thomas confirmed that he had noted all these issues and will request a meeting with the relevant Directors. Cllr. Hughes made reference to the reductions in staff numbers throughout the Council that are impacting adversely on service delivery. Mr Jenkins suggested that the Council should introduce maintenance-free installations. 2 Mr Jenkins brought up the matter of Internet speeds on the estate. BT Openreach has been lobbied for improvement, but they have no plans to do anything because it is considered not commercially viable. Cllr. Griffiths suggested that all residents should be encouraged to register their interest in a better service. Members agreed that the Council would contact BT Openreach to support the residents. A request for a bus service onto Parc Rhydlafar has also been requested, to be funded from S106 monies, but this has been refused. Members agreed to request another site meeting with Matt Wakelam. The Chairman thanked the residents for their various comments. Mr Jenkins and Mr Dyer left the meeting at this point. Bethan Devonald remained. 18.06.06 – Community projects The following matters were reported: The condition of the flooring in the Parc Rhydlafar recreation area would be added to the list. Cardiff Council would be given time to move a litter bin to the picnic tables and provide one for the bus stop. The Clerk to ask Signs Express for a quote for the proposed plaque. Cllr. Hughes had met with a Council officer and he has agreed to supply dog fouling signs and a bin at Westfield Park. The Clerk had circulated an e-mail from the Planning Department setting out three conditions the Community Council must agree to in order to get permission to erect the proposed ‘Welcome’ sign at Westfield Park. The three conditions were agreed. The speed awareness signs in the Village are still awaited. Clerk to remind MW. Crofft-Y-Genau Road / Cardiff Road junction safety issue. Clerk to ask MW for a site visit. Footpath in front of the Church. Cllr. Hughes explained why this had been delayed and that he expected it to be done in the next two weeks. Cllr. Williams reported that a new drain has been installed at the lay-by on Crofft-Y-Genau Road, but it doesn’t go anywhere. Clerk to ask Cardiff Council if they did this work. Overgrown trees on St Fagans Drive. Cllr. Griffiths to action. Another abandoned road sign is located in the lay-by on Cardiff Road. Michaelston Road walls – Clerk to remind MW of concerns. Michaelston Road – general rubbish. Cllr. Williams reported that County Councillor Michael will provide a wagon and some staff once arrangements can be made to close the road. Cllr. Hughes reported that one resident in his area is willing to set up a litter-picking group. The defibrillator is in the Plymouth Arms awaiting the delivery and installation of the cabinet. The Chairman reported that Cllr. Edwards is hoping to get another installed at the new nursery on Rhydlafar Drive. Cllr. Griffiths proposed that the Council should pay for the defibrillator. Cllr. Price seconded the proposal. This was agreed but the Clerk was asked to contact Welsh Hearts to establish where their funding comes from. Cllr. Hughes reported that the new Trem Y Coed development is almost fully occupied and he suggested that a new Council notice board should be put up. It was agreed to look at suitable locations. Cllr. Pallier reported that he had met with some of the residents of Trem Y Coed. Concerns raised included water-logged gardens; sewerage disposal issues / pumping station; off-road bikes; the lake at the bottom around which a path is proposed – they have asked for a fence; and whether S106 monies are available for use on this estate as they understand it will not be adopted. 3 The Openreach box in front of the Church has been dealt with. Clerk to request that the box and surrounding area be maintained in good condition. 18.06.07 – Planning a) Cardiff LDP / North West Cardiff Group The Chairman said there was not a lot to report. The Group is meeting on Wednesday. A site meeting had been held earlier that day with Andrew Davies AM about the traffic congestion concerns.
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