Inside Archbishop Buechlein . 4, 5 Editorial . 4 Question Corner . 15 The Sunday and Daily Readings . 15 Serving the CChurchCriterion in Centralr andi Southert n Indianae Since 1960rion www.archindy.org January 31, 2003 Vol. XXXXII, No. 16 $1.00 March for Life Cure attributed to intercession of Mother Theodore Guérin is Photos by Ben Brown Photos by being investigated By Jennifer Lindberg An examination into the claim of a cure attributed to the intercession of Blessed Mother Theodore Guérin, who founded the Sisters of Providence and Saint Mary-of- the Woods College near Terre Haute, opened in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis on Jan. 23. Dr. Andrea Ambrosi of Rome, postulator Blessed Mother Theodore for Blessed Guérin Mother Theo- dore’s Cause, and a layman who is certi- Students from the Archdiocese of Indianapolis get ready to march up Constitution Avenue in Washington, D.C., for the March for Life. Nearly 500 teen-agers fied to bring such causes before the and adult chaperons from the archdiocese traveled to the nations’s capital to show their support for life and ask the country’s leaders to stop abortion. Congregation of the Causes of Saints at the Vatican, believes sufficient informa- tion is available to proceed with the for- mal investigation. Young people from archdiocese defend life The official process for canonization By Andrew DeCrane and Julie Brown their voices be heard in support of life from to me.” requires that a person have two miracles conception to natural death. For youth, the march is both a source of attributed to his or her intercession. WASHINGTON—In his inaugural “Coming to the march is important inspiration and a way to let Congress and Currently, the healing of a nun with can- address, former President John F. Kennedy because it makes me realize that a lot of the rest of America know that they are not cer is the first miracle that allowed said, “In the long history of the world, only youth are interested in this cause, and that going to stand by and allow another gener- Mother Theodore to receive the honor of a few generations have been granted the in itself is something that makes me more ation to be killed by abortion. Many of the being called blessed. role of defending freedom in its hour of aware of the horrors of abortion,” said youth also felt that joining others partici- Ambrosi arrived in Indianapolis on maximum danger. I do not shrink from this Christine Goetz, a freshman from pating in the march put their opinions into Jan. 20 and spent two days working on responsibility. I welcome it.” Wichita, Kan. peaceful action, instead of adding to the details to prepare for the opening of the Though the dangers that President Archbishop Daniel M. Buechlein, who violence of abortion. examination and seeking additional Kennedy was referring to were different joined youth from the Archdiocese of “Coming to the march gives me a information from those who spoke than those young people faced during the Indianapolis on the march, described the renewed sense of being pro-life, and of before the Archdiocesan Tribunal. annual March for Life in Washington last sight of thousands of young people as an being helpful to the cause in a peaceful The identity of the person involved in week, the feeling is the same. Nearly 500 inspiration. way,” said Katie Obsitnik, a senior at the claim and details about the claim are youth from the Archdiocese of Indianapolis “Every year, there is a larger participa- Cathedral High School in Indianapolis. not being released publicly, said David and tens of thousands of youth from across tion and a growing respect for life,” the Alison Daeger, a sophomore at Roncalli Cox, media relations manager for the the country joined together on Jan. 22 to let archbishop said. “This is very encouraging See MARCH, page 2 Sisters of Providence. Bishop Gerald A. Gettelfinger, of the Diocese of Evansville, presided at the Many ways to win the ‘culture war’ on abortion opening of the investigation at the WASHINGTON (CNS)—Will the pro-life movement to ask tough ques- Catholic contributors to the book request of Archbishop Daniel M. fight against abortion in the United States tions, to entertain fresh ideas and to include Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., co- Buechlein, who was unable to attend. be won through politics and judicial consider new directions,” said Teresa R. chairman of the House Pro-Life Caucus; Additional testimony regarding the appointments, with a war of words or Wagner, a former lobbyist with the Father Richard John Neuhaus, editor-in- cure will be gathered and is expected to through the larger “culture war” for the National Right to Life Committee and chief of First Things; Austin Ruse, pres- be completed by April. Afterward, the hearts and minds of Americans? editor of Back to the Drawing Board: ident of the Catholic Family & Human testimony will be sent to the apostolic It will take all that and more, said rep- The Future of the Pro-Life Movement, a Rights Institute at the United Nations; delegate in Washington, D.C., who will resentatives of the pro-life community as collection of essays just published by John M. Haas, president of the National send the information to the Congregation they gathered in Washington to mark the St. Augustine’s Press. Catholic Bioethics Center; and See INVESTIGATION, page 7 30th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade and “It would be both untrue and overly dra- Raymond L. Flynn, former U.S. ambas- Doe vs. Bolton, the U.S. Supreme Court matic to say that the pro-life movement has sador to the Vatican and president of the decisions that removed state restrictions lost,” Wagner said in her preface to the Catholic Alliance. on abortion. book. “But we are not winning. And the Wagner hosted a Jan. 21 round-table “Thirty years after Roe is time for the sooner we face it, the sooner we change it.” See ABORTION, page 2 Catholics urged to imitate Christ with works of charity ST. LOUIS (CNS)—Catholics should Sister Mary Rose gave the fourth she added. That contribution can mean imitate Christ through participation in annual John M. Lally lecture on Catholic doing works of charity, donating to those charitable service, identity at the Archdiocesan Pastoral who carry out apostolates to the needy or Sister Mary Rose Center in the St. Louis suburb of praying for those serving others, she said. McGeady said in a Shrewsbury. The talk was sponsored by Sister Mary Rose, a former executive visit to St. Louis on Catholic Charities of St. Louis. of Catholic Charities in the Diocese of Jan. 15. “Anything that we do in the Church Brooklyn, N.Y., took over at Covenant A member of the should be an imitation of Christ, who House in 1990. She has announced that Daughters of taught us to come after him and do as he she plans to retire in June. Charity, Sister Mary did,” Sister Mary Rose said. “He healed In her talk, she said maintaining a Rose is president of the sick, took care of the crippled, lame Catholic identity always was a key topic Covenant House, and blind, and taught everyone to love at Catholic Charities. She asked her audi- Sister Mary Rose the largest privately their neighbor.” ence the question: “Can you prove that funded agency in Those who are followers of Christ you are a Catholic?” the country providing shelter and services should find some place in their life where A baptismal certificate, marriage to homeless and runaway youths. they are contributing to charitable service, See CHARITY, page 8 Page 2 The Criterion Friday, January 31, 2003 protection. Sixty-eight percent of Ameri- Left, Archbishop Daniel M. cans want unborn children protected by Buechlein walks with MARCH law,” Smith said. students during the March continued from page 1 Those speaking at the rally encouraged Ben Brown Photos by for Life on Jan. 22 in High School in Indianapolis, said “[the the youth as the next generation of pro-life Washington, D.C. march] is a time when many people come supporters. Rep. Rick Renzi, R-Ariz., said, Below, attending the March together to express as a group that abortion “The young generation that is coming is for Life in Washington, D.C., is wrong. It takes away the free will of coming in a force that is pro-life. God is was a way for people to show rightful human citizens.” pro-life and he is with us.” their support for pro-life While staying at The Catholic Stephanie DeRosa, a student from legislation and build University of America the night before the Manassas, Va., confirmed this feeling. “We friendships with their peers. march, many of the hundreds of young understand about life more than other gener- March for Life participants people there participated in Benediction ations,” Stephanie said. “The secular media from Roncalli High School in and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. today does not accurately reflect our opin- Indianapolis include, from This was important to the youth as Josh ions. We’re much stronger and know more left, senior Vicki Lewinski of Hawksley, a senior from Louisville, Ky., about being pro-life than they say we are.” St. Mark Parish; Patty Cain, pointed out. “It is important for us to pray Marching up Constitution Avenue with school secretary; resource while being here because prayer is the hundreds of thousands of other pro-life teacher Pat Musgrave; senior most effective solution to any problem. Americans gave the youth a feeling of sat- Anna Glowinski of St.
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