S1992 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 15, 2021 physical toll on those individuals, which is Whereas visits and visitors to the national Lexie Hull, Alyssa Jerome, Haley Jones, compounded by long hours and the around- parks of the United States are important Hannah Jump, Ashten Prechtel, Jana Van the-clock nature of the job; economic drivers for the economy, respon- Gytenbeek, Kiana Williams, and Anna Wil- Whereas public safety telecommunications sible for $21,000,000,000 in spending in 2019; son; professionals should be recognized by all lev- Whereas the dedicated employees of the Whereas behind the players is a team of els of government for the lifesaving and pro- National Park Service carry out their mis- staff, without whom the players could not tective nature of their work; sion to protect the units of the national have been successful; Whereas major emergencies, including nat- parks system of the United States so that Whereas the Cardinal displayed confidence ural disasters and the coronavirus disease the vibrant culture, diverse wildlife, and and poise, surviving 2 last-second shots to 2019 (COVID–19) pandemic, highlight the priceless resources of these unique places defeat the University of South Carolina dedication of public safety telecommuni- will endure for perpetuity; and Gamecocks and the University of Arizona cations professionals and their important Whereas the people of the United States Wildcats to win the 2021 national champion- work in protecting the public and police, have inherited the remarkable legacy of the ship; fire, and emergency medical officials; and National Park System and are entrusted Whereas the members of the 2020-2021 Stan- Whereas public safety telecommunications with the preservation of the National Park ford University Cardinal women’s basketball professionals are often called as witnesses to System throughout its second century: Now, team have continuously pursued excellence provide important testimony in criminal therefore, be it in both athletics and academics; trials: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Senate— Whereas the Cardinal resiliently withstood Resolved, That the Senate— (1) designates the week of April 17, 2021, immense challenges presented by the (1) supports the goals and ideals of Na- through April 25, 2021, as ‘‘National Park COVID–19 pandemic, including extended tional Public Safety Telecommunicators Week’’; and changes to housing and playing accommoda- Week; (2) encourages the people of the United tions, to post an impressive season of 31 wins (2) honors and recognizes the important States and the world to responsibly visit, ex- and only 2 losses and championship titles in and lifesaving contributions of public safety perience, and support the treasured national both the Pac-12 women’s basketball tour- telecommunications professionals in the parks of the United States while protecting nament and the Pac-12 regular season; United States; and public health during the coronavirus pan- Whereas the accomplishments of the Car- (3) encourages the people of the United demic. dinal in their 2020-2021 season highlight the States to remember the value of the work f persistence, skill, and sportsmanship of the performed by public safety telecommuni- Cardinal; and cations professionals. SENATE RESOLUTION 160—COM- Whereas the Cardinal represent their loyal f MENDING AND CONGRATU- fans, current students, and alumni with LATING THE STANFORD UNIVER- heart and a commitment to excellence: Now, SENATE RESOLUTION 159—DESIG- SITY CARDINAL WOMEN’S BAS- therefore, be it NATING THE WEEK OF APRIL 17, KETBALL TEAM ON WINNING Resolved, That the Senate— 2021, THROUGH APRIL 25, 2021, AS THE 2021 NATIONAL COLLEGIATE (1) commends and congratulates the Stan- ‘‘NATIONAL PARK WEEK’’ ford University Cardinal on winning the 2021 ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION DIVI- National Collegiate Athletic Association Di- Mr. KING (for himself, Mr. DAINES, SION I WOMEN’S BASKETBALL vision I women’s basketball championship Mr. MARKEY, Mr. RUBIO, Ms. CANTWELL, CHAMPIONSHIP and completing a successful 2020-2021 season; Mr. CRAMER, Mr. REED, Mr. PORTMAN, Mrs. FEINSTEIN (for herself and Mr. (2) recognizes the achievements of all play- Mr. MANCHIN, Ms. COLLINS, Ms. SMITH, ers, coaches, and staff who contributed to PADILLA) submitted the following reso- Mr. WICKER, Mr. WARNER, Mr. COTTON, the success of the Cardinal during the 2020- lution; which was considered and Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. BURR, Ms. HIRONO, 2021 season; and agreed to.: Mr. HOEVEN, Ms. ROSEN, Mr. BLUNT, (3) respectfully requests that the Secretary Mr. CARDIN, Mr. TILLIS, Ms. STABENOW, S. RES. 160 of the Senate transmit an enrolled copy of this resolution to— Mr. CASSIDY, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mr. BOOZ- Whereas, on April 4, 2021, the Stanford Uni- (A) Stanford University President Marc MAN, Ms. CORTEZ MASTO, Mr. JOHNSON, versity Cardinal women’s basketball team Tessier-Lavigne; Mr. COONS, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. HEINRICH, won the third National Collegiate Athletic Association (referred to in this preamble as (B) Stanford University Director of Ath- Mr. BENNET, Ms. HASSAN, Ms. KLO- the ‘‘NCAA’’) Division I women’s basketball letics Bernard Muir; and BUCHAR, Ms. LUMMIS, Mr. BRAUN, Mr. championship (referred to in this preamble (C) Stanford University women’s basket- YOUNG, Mr. SCOTT of Florida, Mrs. CAP- as the ‘‘national championship’’) in school ball team head coach Tara VanDerveer. ITO, Mr. PADILLA, Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Mr. history by defeating the University of Ari- f BARRASSO, Mr. GRAHAM, Mr. ROUNDS, zona Wildcats by a score of 54 to 53, com- Mr. KAINE, Mr. SCOTT of South Caro- pleting the season with an overall record of SENATE RESOLUTION 161—COM- lina, Mr. MERKLEY, Mr. CARPER, Mr. 31-2; MENDING AND CONGRATU- MARSHALL, and Mr. TESTER) submitted Whereas head coach Tara VanDerveer has LATING THE BAYLOR UNIVER- the following resolution; which was led the Cardinal to 3 national championship SITY MEN’S BASKETBALL TEAM titles during her tenure at Stanford Univer- ON WINNING THE 2021 NATIONAL considered and agreed to: sity, as well as 13 NCAA Final Four appear- S. RES. 159 COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIA- ances, 23 Pac-12 regular-season titles, 14 Pac- TION DIVISION 1 MEN’S BASKET- Whereas, on March 1, 1872, Congress estab- 12 Tournament crowns, and 32 trips to the lished Yellowstone National Park as the first NCAA Tournament; BALL CHAMPIONSHIP national park for the enjoyment of the peo- Whereas senior guard Kiana Williams— Mr. CORNYN (for himself, Mr. CRUZ, ple of the United States; (1) led the Cardinal in scoring throughout and Mr. PAUL submitted the following Whereas, on August 25, 1916, Congress es- the regular season with 14 points per game; resolution; which was considered and tablished the National Park Service with the and agreed to: mission to preserve unimpaired the natural (2) was named Most Outstanding Player of and cultural resources and values of the Na- the Pac-12 Conference Women’s Basketball S. RES. 161 tional Park System for the enjoyment, edu- Tournament, scoring 26 points in the tour- Whereas, on April 5, 2021, the men’s basket- cation, and inspiration of current and future nament title game; ball team of Baylor University won its first generations; Whereas sophomore guard Haley Jones, National Collegiate Athletic Association Di- Whereas the National Park Service con- named the Most Outstanding Player of the vision I men’s basketball championship (re- tinues to protect and manage the majestic Final Four, showed tenacity and leadership ferred to in this preamble as the ‘‘national landscapes, hallowed battlefields, and iconic on the journey to the national champion- championship’’) by defeating Gonzaga Uni- cultural and historical sites of the United ship, including by— versity by a score of 86–70 and completing States; (1) making a last-minute shot to defeat the the season with an impressive overall record Whereas the units of the National Park University of South Carolina Gamecocks in of 28–2; System can be found in every State and the semi-final game; and Whereas Head Coach Scott Drew fulfilled a many territories of the United States and (2) scoring 17 points in the national cham- promise he pledged to Baylor fans when he many of the units embody the rich natural pionship game to defeat the University of first came to Baylor University in 2003 that and cultural heritage of the United States, Arizona Wildcats; he would help lead the Bears to a national reflect a unique national story through peo- Whereas all of the following players should championship; ple and places, and offer countless opportuni- be congratulated for their dedication, team- Whereas junior guard Jared Butler, named ties for recreation, volunteerism, cultural work, and display of impressive athletic tal- the Most Outstanding Player of the Final exchange, education, civic engagement, and ent: Francesca Belibi, Cameron Brink, Jenna Four, exhibited impressive skill and exem- exploration; Brown, Agnes Emma-Nnopu, Lacie Hull, plary leadership by leading the Bears VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:58 Apr 16, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15AP6.040 S15APPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with SENATE April 15, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1993 through the NCAA Tournament, to the Final gainful, competitive, integrated employ- Safe Drinking Water Act (42 U.S.C. 300f et Four, and ultimately the national champion- ment; seq.), and the Congressional Budget and Im- ship; Whereas the availability of assistive tech- poundment Control Act of 1974 (2 U.S.C. 621 Whereas all of the following
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