E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 161 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2015 No. 170 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was Howard Coble was a son of Greens- Mr. Speaker, frankly, I didn’t know called to order by the Speaker pro tem- boro, a Coast Guard veteran of the Ko- what to think of this gravelly voiced, pore (Mr. JOLLY). rean war, a prosecutor, and a dedicated hard-nosed North Carolinian because f public servant. Howard believed strong- he was not necessarily a Maryland fan ly in this House and its role in our de- himself, of course, there being four ex- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO mocracy. traordinary teams in North Carolina. TEMPORE In the 30 years we served together, we I looked at Howard Coble. I didn’t The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- stood on opposite sides of debate far know Debbie Yow, but she was from fore the House the following commu- more than we were on the same side, North Carolina. As a matter of fact, nication from the Speaker: but we had a close friendship that tran- her sister was the great coach at North scended politics or policy. Howard Carolina State of the women’s basket- WASHINGTON, DC, Coble was one of the kindest and most November 18, 2015. ball team. I hereby appoint the Honorable DAVID W. warm-hearted individuals I have en- When I got back to my office, I called JOLLY to act as Speaker pro tempore on this countered in my years of service in this up Brit Kirwan, Mr. Speaker, who was day. Capitol. the president of the University of PAUL D. RYAN, Howard was incredibly proud of his Maryland at College Park at that point Speaker of the House of Representatives. North Carolina roots. He tried his best in time. I said: Brit, I don’t know f to make it to every parade and event in Debbie Yow, but Howard Coble believes his district that he could. He was a she would be a good athletic director. MORNING-HOUR DEBATE champion of our Nation’s first respond- If she can convince Howard Coble that The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ers. one of the few women to head up an ant to the order of the House of Janu- We served together in the Congres- NCAA Division I athletic program ary 6, 2015, the Chair will now recog- sional Fire Services Caucus. Howard would be a good athletic director, she nize Members from lists submitted by was steadfast in advocating for fire- must be really something. the majority and minority leaders for fighter safety and for our Nation to We hired her just a few weeks later, morning-hour debate. meet its responsibility to those who and Howard Coble was right. She was The Chair will alternate recognition fell in service to their communities. extraordinary. She is now back in between the parties, with each party On many occasions we participated North Carolina. limited to 1 hour and each Member together in ceremonies to honor the But it was that kind of relationship I other than the majority and minority families of the fallen, and we met with had with Howard Coble, as did so many leaders and the minority whip limited those families as well. Howard’s com- Members on this floor. He loved the to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- passion and his devotion to these fami- House and served it with distinction lies were unparalleled. bate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. and humor. He believed that working He was also chair of the Congres- together across party lines was in the f sional Trademark Caucus. We worked best interest of America. REMEMBERING MY FRIEND, together on intellectual property Those of us who were privileged to HOWARD COBLE issues over the years, an area critical serve with Howard will always remem- to our economic competitiveness. ber his geniality, his intellect, his The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Mr. Speaker, like so many of our col- abiding love of country, and, of course, Chair recognizes the gentleman from leagues, I will miss Howard Coble very his State of North Carolina. He left a Maryland (Mr. HOYER) for 5 minutes. much. lasting imprint on his community, his Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise There was a great incident that hap- State, his country, and this House. today to pay tribute to a dear friend of pened here on the floor of this House. Mr. Speaker, we thank him for his mine and an outstanding Member of In 1994 or 1993, Howard Coble came over lifetime of service. this House who passed away on Novem- to me. His chief of staff was a Univer- f ber 3. sity of Maryland graduate. Howard Howard Coble served this House with Coble came over to me. Howard Coble JONNY WADE’S FIGHT AGAINST honor, always concerned first and fore- was sort of a curmudgeon soul with a CANCER most with how the policies it enacted wonderful gravelly voice. He came over The SPEAKER pro tempore. The would affect those he served in North to me and said: STENY, you need to hire Chair recognizes the gentleman from Carolina’s Sixth Congressional Dis- Debbie Yow at the University of Mary- Illinois (Mr. RODNEY DAVIS) for 5 min- trict. land as your athletic director. utes. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H8283 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:17 Nov 19, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A18NO7.000 H18NOPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H8284 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 18, 2015 Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Rosenberg claims medical marijuana is Sadly, the culture of opposition in Speaker, I rise today to recognize my a joke, but the proven therapeutic the Federal Government continues. On friend, Jonny Wade, an 8-year-old from value of cannabis has prompted 23 one level, we have this amazing Jerseyville, Illinois, who is battling a States, Guam, and the District of Co- progress at the State and local level. rare form of brain and spinal cancer. lumbia to approve its medical applica- We have made significant progress here After being diagnosed with cancer on tion and an additional 17 States have in Congress with the introduction of Christmas Day of 2014, Jonny has un- authorized its more limited use. over 20 bills in both Chambers dealing dergone several surgeries as well as Rosenberg’s claim that more re- with the Federal treatment of cannabis multiple rounds of radiation and chem- search is necessary is true, but it reeks and hemp, and the successful votes on otherapy. Despite the diagnosis, Jonny of hypocrisy because the DEA, under three amendments in the House and continues to think of others, and his his leadership, has made badly needed three in Senate committees in this rallying cry remains, ‘‘I don’t want any cannabis research difficult, and often Congress. other kid to have cancer.’’ impossible. If Rosenberg was doing his This culture needs to change. Leader- While he was unable to travel to job, he would have visited with some of ship needs to change. Rosenberg is Washington, as I invited him to do just the hundreds of thousands who have clearly not the right fit for the DEA in a few short months ago, to come here found medical marijuana has had a pro- this administration. to advocate for cancer research, I want found effect on their lives and that of I would hope that the President di- to take this time, Mr. Speaker, to their families. rects the heads of all relevant agencies speak out on his behalf. President Obama is the first sitting to adjust their policies, clarify regula- Cancer is the second leading cause of President to tell the truth about can- tions that deal with marijuana laws, death for children, yet only 4 percent nabis. His administration has not acted establish policies that reflect changing of cancer research funds go to children. to shut down the adult or medical State laws, and, most importantly, re- Jonny and his twin brother Jacky have marijuana reforms sweeping the coun- flect the President’s own position. a special place in my heart because I try. Sadly, it isn’t just his DEA admin- He has said that he has bigger fish to am the parent of twin boys, too. While istrator who is undercutting his policy. fry than interfere with State legaliza- Earlier this year the Department of Jonny and Jacky may not be here with tion efforts. It is time that the rest of Justice took an outrageously flawed me today, they brought their cause to his administration gets on board, and position on the Rohrabacher-Farr the Capitol. it should start with a new head of the amendment that passed with strong bi- Pediatric cancer is a relentless dis- Drug Enforcement Administration. ease, and we cannot waver in our ef- partisan support, which clearly speci- forts to eradicate it. For Jonny and the fied that the Federal Government f should not interfere with State legal thousands of children who are diag- medical marijuana operations. SYRIAN REFUGEE CRISIS nosed with cancer each year, we must The Department of Justice and the all work together to fully fund pedi- The SPEAKER pro tempore.
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