Salve Regina University Digital Commons @ Salve Regina Patrick Murphy Collection on St. Augustin Parish and School Archives and Special Collections 7-23-2013 Index of mentions of St. Augustin's Church and School in Newport Daily News, 1970-1999 Patrick F. Murphy Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.salve.edu/st-augustin Part of the Catholic Studies Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, Liturgy and Worship Commons, and the Religious Education Commons Recommended Citation Murphy, Patrick F., "Index of mentions of St. Augustin's Church and School in Newport Daily News, 1970-1999" (2013). Patrick Murphy Collection on St. Augustin Parish and School. 4. https://digitalcommons.salve.edu/st-augustin/4 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at Digital Commons @ Salve Regina. 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AAAA(NDN1970-99)AAAA A&P, Bellevue Ave, Razed, PIC-14Oct, Renovation Plans-18Jun1993* To Re-open 6/4-3Jun1994* A&P, Midd, To Close-1Dec1981* AAA, Polo Grounds, Plans 12/1, SKETCH, 1926, History-22Apr1986* ABORTION, Letter-12Mar, Local Churches, PIC-20Jan1990* Amer.’s Holocaust, PIC+1Oct1984* ABORTIONS, USA, CHART+30Oct1989* Protest, Plan, Life Chain-10May1991* ADAMS Chronicles, Movie, Backdrop, Mansions, PIC+1Jul 1975* Adelson’s, Thames St, To Raze, PIC-23Apr, Area, PIC-16May1981* Adm.’s Gate II, Nearing Completion, PIC-23Sept1987* Auction, PIC-25May1989* Adoption, Benders, Serbia, PIC-11Jul 98 Adult Video Store, To Open, Connell Highway-31DeC1994* Aegis Publishing Co., Midd, R.Mastion, PIC+22Jun1996* Aero, NPT, NY Trip, $140, To Be $36-20Jul 1976* Aidan’s Pub, Opened 3/12, PICS+17Mar1998* Aids, Pg-26,30Sept1986* Npt County, SKETCH+19Jan1988* Open House, Pelham St-13Nov1989* AIDS, Project, Npt-30Mar1990* Activist, Beth Milham, Honors, PIC+10Oct1996* Airport, NPT State, PIC+1Jul 1988*Plaza, Midd, New, PIC+5Nov1985* AirportSafety Award, Geo B SULL, PIC-22Mar1973*Runway, NPT, AER PIC, JTH-27Jun1980* Albro, Mary, 98, Former Jailer, Dies, Midd-27Nov1976* Alcohol, County-9,11Mar1974*ID’s, Fred Margolis & Andrew Meehan, PIC-15May1986* Alcoholism, Teens-22Sept1988* Aldermen, Former, Bailey, Carellas, DeCotis & Lewis, PIC-2Nov1983* All Saints Acad, 25th-3Feb1996**Midd, Twins, 3 Sets-1Sept1998* All State Fence 9's, PIC-14Sept1978* Allied Floor Covering, PIC+16Oct, PIC+12Jun, PIC+14Feb1996* Allied Floor Covering, PIC+19Oct, PICS+2Feb, & PIC-22Jun1994* PIC+18Oct, 1Feb, PIC+21Jun1995* Almacs, Midd, To Close 12/18, PICS+1Dec93* Npt, Closes, PICS+15Dec1995* Almacs, Npt, $2 Million , Plans, PIC+20Jun, Williams St, Paintings, PIC+21Sept1992* Almy Pond, Subdivision-30Dec, PICS+10,12,13, & 14Nov1980* ALTHORP, Salve Sells Garage & Carriage House, Was Gift of Mrs RR Young-8Mar1973* Alzheimer’s Assn, NPL, Resource Center-17Apr1998* Alzheimer’s Disease-1,2Jun87* PICS+20July1990* AME Ch, Fire, PICS+5July1974* Amer. House Communications, Npt, PICS+2Mar1996* Amer. Shipyard, For Sale, Still, PIC+3Jan1997 Amer. Shipyard, $ Improved, PIC+24Aug1996* Amer.Cup Yachts, Npt, Summer, PICS+4Jun1998* AmerCup, Display, Npt Internat. Sailboat Show, PIC-5Sept1991* AmerCup, Insert, 40 Pgs-12, Freedom & Australia, AER PICS, JTH-18,26Sept1980* AmerCup Mass, St Mary’s, PIC-6, 23rd,32 Pgs-8, Race, AER PIC, JTH-14Sept1977* AmerCup Fleet, AER PIC, PIC-14, Yachts, Liberty, Australia II, AER PIC-15Sept1983* AmerCup, 1983* Pg, PICS+23Dec, Ball, BREAKERS, PICS+22Aug1983* AmerCupAve, Area, 196*1, 1976*AER PICS-21Aug1976*Cup, Pgs-6Sept1974* AmerCupAve, USPO Area, AER PIC-21May, 24 pgs-10Sept1983* AmerCupAve, Australia II Wins, PICS+, AER PIC-27Sept1983* AmerCup, Departure, Pg, PICS-26Sept, Guide, PICS+4Aug1977* AmerCup, Plans, PICS+25th Defense-17Jun, Inter.Expo Hall 5/27, SKETCH+20May1983* America, Schooner, Replica, Npt, PIC+30Jan1979* AmerJumping Derby, Ports, 3rd Ann., PIC-25Sept1978* Ames, Sign, New, Was Zayre’s, PIC-25Oct1989* Analysis & Technology, Inc, Midd, Status, PIC+14Oct1995* Anchor Manufacturing Group, Inc, Midd, PIC+4Dec1993* Anchorage Housing, PICS+23, (6/1975*)-25Mar1978*/Naval Gardens, AER PIC-29Oct1982* Anderson, Terry, Former Hostage, Npt, PIC+3Oct1992* Anderson/Ottilige, Rego, Mello, 5 Generations, PIC-24Aug1978* Anderson, Andrew, Drug/Alcohol Counselor, RHS, PIC+24Feb1992* Andrea Doria(1956)PICS+26July1986* Angelou, Maya, Midd, PIC+10, 17Feb1996* Animals, Blessing, 28th Ann., PICS+17Aug, Heart & Sole Walk, 4th Ann., PICS+3May1993* Animals, Blessed, PICS+2Aug1988* 23rd Ann., PIC-6Aug1991* Midd, Pg, PICS+10May1984* Animals, Blessing, PICS+23Aug, Heart & Sole Walk, 5th Ann, PICS+16May1994* PICS+11Oct1997* Ann St Pier, PIC-9Jan1995* To Extend?PICS-10Nov1994* Unsafe, PIC+23, 24Apr1997* Ann St Pier, Restructure, PIC16Jun83* Area, AER PIC+3Feb, PIC-3Apr1984* Ann’s Kitchen, Midd, Being Razed, PIC-17Oct1985* Anniversary, 81's, M&M W McDaniel, Macon, MO-21Jan1971* Anniversary, 80th, CA Record, USA, 2nd, PIC+14Jan87* Anthony House Apts, Ports, AER PIC-20July1982* Anthony’s Seafood, 30 Yrs+Aquid.Ave, Midd, PIC+11Apr1998* Anthony, Hugo,1988, Former Tax Collector, Dies-30May1980* Antique Cen., Harbor Center, Opposed, PIC+11July1995*/Shop, Edith Bozyan, PICS-31Jan,26Jun89* Antiques Week, PICS+14Jan1998** AOH I, Mem. Lists-20May1983* 26Apr1982* Vrs USS Kearsarge, Cutter Race,1905-10Apr1970* AOH, Shamrock Ball, PIC-10Sept1973*Mass, National Convention, Npt-11Aug1976* AOH, Hall Dedication 7/23-20Jul, Named, DE Collins Div.-10Apr1972* AOH, Ball, ROSECLIFF, PIC-4,9Aug1986* Apple Picking, Rocky Brook Farm, PICS-23Sept1994* & PIC-1Oct1993* Appleby’s Rest., Midd, Plans, PIC-9May1998* April Fools’ Day-1Apr1998* Aquarium, Easton’s Beach, PICS+14Jun1997* Aquid. Park, Plans, PICS+13Jan1999* Aquid. Isl. Police Parade 5/2-18Mar1999* Aquid. Isl. Highway, Idea Dead, Npt Bridge/Rte 24-15Feb1999* AquidBanking Center, SKETCH+Charter-22Jun1988*Court, Midd, AER SKETCH+2Oct1981* AquidCollaborative For Education, PIC+16Nov1996* AquidFarmers’ Market, Sites, PICS+13July1996* AquidGrange, 100th-25Mar1993* AquidGrange, 93*th-2Apr1985*Green, Aquid & Green End Aves, Construct, PICS-9May1986* AquidIndusPark, AER PIC+15, PIC+16Jan, AER PIC+25Oct1979* AER PIC, JTH-1Feb1980* AquidIndust.Park, Hammarlund Way, Origins, PIC+7Dec, AER PIC-17Sept1977* AquidIndustrial Park, AER PIC-14, PIC-31July1978*Ad, Pg-26Jun, AER PIC-6Jan1976* AquidIsl Ponds, Trout Season, SKETCH-11Apr, Nurseries, PICS-12Jun86* AquidIsl Economy, PIC+20, 21, 22, 23,24Aug, Parkway ?SKETCH+1Feb1990* AquidIsl Express,4 Lanes, 241 Million?, 140 in 1972*-1Feb, Possible Rtes, AER PIC-15Apr1974* AquidIsl Ch of God, Services, Ho Jo, PIC+3Oct1992* Park, Metal Slide, New, PIC-8Jan1993* AquidIsl, Trout Season, SKETCH, Pg, PICS-3Apr1987*Interstate 895* to Begin,1986*-20Feb1981* AquidIsl, Stonewalls, Pg, PICS-26, Wilderness, Pg, PICS-14Mar1980*Farms, Drying Up, PICS+8July1988* AquidIsl, Future Studied-8May1996* AquidIsl, RR Tracks, Pg, PICS-18Jun1975* 1st Solar Home, PIC+25Aug1976* AquidIsl Christian Acad, PIC+31Aug1994* Police Parade,5/5-2Apr, SKETCH, PIC+2,4,6May1996* AquidIsl, Beaches, Pg, PICS-11Dec1979*Highway, SKETCH, Study, Plans-3Dec1985* AquidIsl, Highway, Discussed, SKETCH+19Dec/ Data Corp, Midd, Plans, SKETCH, PIC-31Oct1984* AquidIsl, RR Lines, Npt/Ports, Upgraded, PICS+17May1978*Farming, PICS+CHART-10Aug1989 AquidIsl, Tremors Jolt Area-11Mar, WM Rd, EM Rd, PICS-4,12Feb1976*AER PIC-15Apr1970* AquidRd Plans, Proposed, SKETCH-2Feb1989*Rugby Club, PIC-20Oct1980* AquidSch Teacher, Constance SULL, Midd, PIC-19Mar1990* Arbor Day, Midd, PIC+23Apr1993* ARMISTAD, Movie, PICS+29Jan, PICS+3,7,18,20,22,25-8Feb,1-13,15,17-22,29,10 Pgs-31Mar1997* Armistice Day Observed, Np Holiday, PIC+11Nov1971* City Hall, PIC-11Nov1976* Armory/Adelson’s, AER PIC, JTH-3Sept1981* Architect, John Smyth, PIC-9Mar1984* PIC+13Dec1983* Arnold’s Art Store, 100th, PIC+26Dec1970* Art Festival, NPT Outdoor, 32nd, PICS+22Jun1992* 36th, PIC+15Jun1996* Art Festival, Npt Outdoor, 30th, Future?-1Sept, Alternative, PIC+14May, 6/91* 31st Season-19Nov1990* Art Auction, Record, $131.3 Million-23Oct1989*Festival, 20th, Long Whf Mall, PICS-27,28July1979* Art Festival, Outdoor, 28th, Plans-1, 8Sept1987* 25th, Touro Park-3Aug1985* Outdoor, PIC-4Aug1986* Art Museum, Grandma Moses’, PICS+26Oct, 16Nov1998* Artillery Co, Civil War 4/10/186*1, PIC-11Apr1988* 250th, Plans, PICS+28Jan1991* Artillery, NPT, Door, New, PIC-18Nov1987* Civil War Commemoration, PICS-15Apr1985* Artillery Co, PICS+24Jun1995* Artillery Co, Npt, 257 Yrs, PICS+14Nov1998* Artillery Co, NPT, Feature-24Oct1979*WWI, Field Pieces, Brdwy/Ayrault St, PIC-13Apr1972* Artillery Co., Fred T Kirby, PIC+23Jan1999* Artist, Ted Tihansky, Feature, PICS+27Jan1997* ArtMuseum Director, Changes, PICS+11Sept, Harvest By The Sea Festival, PICS-10,12Oct1992* ArtMuseum, Wing, Plans, SKETCH+29Sept1988* Was Assn-27Sept1983* 1975*th-14July1987* ArtMuseum, Renovations, $2 Million, Plans-17Aug1989* Andy Warhol, PIC-24Aug1985* ArtMuseum, Vanderbilt Exhibit, PIC+27May1995* JE Sobol, Appted Director, PIC+1Feb1996* Arts Festival, Maritime, Armed Forces Day, 3rd, PICS+20May1995* Arts, SOS, Teen, 3rd Ann.-30May1998* Arts Groups, Local, & Holidays, PICS+21Nov1990*/Entertainment, 1982*-28,29Dec1982* ArtShow, Seamen’s Ch Institute, Martin J MURPHY, PIC-12Oct1996* ArtStudio,15 Old Beach Rd, Fire, PICS+2,3Feb1982* Asterix & Obelix Restaurant, Doncaster’s Service Sta., PIC+11Nov1995* Athletes, County,
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