Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Digital Library Collections This is a PDF of a folder from our textual collections. Collection: Raymond, Walter: Folder Folder Title: [Unfoldered – Project Truth, Project Democracy, Public Diplomacy & NED 1977-August 1982] Box: RAC Box 7 To see more digitized collections visit: https://www.reaganlibrary.gov/archives/digitized-textual-material To see all Ronald Reagan Presidential Library inventories visit: https://www.reaganlibrary.gov/archives/white-house-inventories Contact a reference archivist at: [email protected] Citation Guidelines: https://reaganlibrary.gov/archives/research- support/citation-guide National Archives Catalogue: https://catalog.archives.gov/ WITHDRAWAL SHEET Ronald Reagan Library Collection Name RAYMOND, WALTER: FILES Withdrawer SMF 7/13/2011 File Folder [UNFOLDERED-PROJECT TRUTH, PROJECT FOIA DEMOCRACY, PUBLIC DIPLOMACY AND NED 1977- M430 AUGUST 1982] Box Number 7 LAMB, CHRISTOPHER 64 '"' "' - - .... _ --- - • I - - ~ "' - - .... - .,_ - P"II - - ... .. ! - 4! - - - - 115043 NOTES IRAN DISCUSSION 1 12/15/1978 Bl B3 D 7/3/2000 F95-041/2 #15; R 5/9/2019 M430/2 #115043 115046 REPORT SOVIET ACTIVE MEASURES 30 8/1/1981 Bl B3 D 7/3/2000 F95-041/2 #16; UPHELD M430/2 #115046 3/31/2015 115048 MEMO RE ACTIVE MEASURES 2 11/4/1981 Bl D 7/3/2000 F95-041/2 #16; UPHELD M430/2 #115048 3/31/2015 115049 NOTE LES LENKOWSKY TO RAYMOND 1 11/22/1981 PS 115051 LIST THEMES 4 5/20/1981 Bl D 7/3/2000 F95-041/2 #18; PAR M430/2 #115051 3/31/2015 115053 NOTES HANDWRITTEN INPENCIL ON YELLOW 1 ND Bl LEGAL PAPER D 7/3/2000 F95-041/2 #19; UPHELD M430/2 #115053 3/31/2015 115055 MEMO FOR SPG PRINCIPALS RE NSDD 3 ND Bl R 7/3/2000 NLSF95-041/2 #20 Freedom of Information Act - (5 U.S.C. 552(b)] B-1 National security classified information [(b)(1) of the FOIAJ B-2 Release would disclose internal personnel rules and practices of an agency [(b)(2) of the FOIAJ B-3 Release would violate a Federal statute [(b)(3) of the FOIAJ B-4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential or financial information [(b)(4) of the FOIAJ B-6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy [(b)(6) of the FOIAJ B-7 Release would disclose information compiled for law enforcement purposes [(b)(7) of the FOIAJ B-8 Release would disclose information concerning the regulation of financial institutions [(b)(S) of the FOIAJ B-9 Release would disclose geological or geophysical information concerning wells [(b)(9) of the FOIAJ C. Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in donor's deed of gift. WITHDRAWAL SHEET Ronald Reagan Library Collection Name RAYMOND, WALTER: FILES Withdrawer SMF 7/13/2011 File Folder [UNFOLDERED-PROJECT TRUTH, PROJECT FOIA DEMOCRACY, PUBLIC DIPLOMACY AND NED 1977- M430 AUGUST 1982] Box Number 7 LAMB, CHRISTOPHER 64 '"' "' - - ... _ --- - 115057 LIST NSDD 130 FOLLOW UP ACTIONS ND Bl R 7/3/2000 NLSF95-041/2 #21 115059 MEMO RE HEIGHTENING AWARENESS 1 10/19/1981 Bl R 7/3/2000 NLSF95-041/2 #22 115061 CABLE 3101342 OCT 81 [USICA 55125] 1 10/31/1981 Bl P 7/18/2000 NLSF95-041/2 #23; R 11/2/2012 M430/2 Freedom of Information Act - [5 U.S.C. 552(b)] B-1 National security classified Information [(b)(1) of the FOIA] B-2 Release would disclose Internal personnel rules and practices of an agency [(b)(2) of the FOIA] B-3 Release would violate a Federal statute [(b)(3) of the FOIA] B-4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential or financial Information [(b)(4) of the FOIAJ B-6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted Invasion of personal privacy [(b)(6) of the FOIAJ B-7 Release would disclose Information complied for law enforcement purposes [(b)(7) of the FOIAJ B-8 Release would disclose Information concerning the regulation of financial institutions [(b)(B) of the FOIAJ B-9 Release would disclose geological or geophysical information concerning wells [(b)(9) of the FOIAJ C. Closed In accordance with restrictions contained In donor's deed of gift. WITHDRAWAL SHEET Ronald Reagan Library Collection: RAYMOND, WALTER: Files Archivist: lov File Folder: [Project Truth, Project Democracy, Public Date: January 27, 1998 Di lomac , and NED 1977-8/82 OA 91162 bocurv1gr-HJ: ... ·.· ·· DATE RESTRICTION No:·ANO<TYPE · I. notes Iran discussion (I) D 7/~/~t> Vt.5F=c,>-01/ !/~ :111 12/15/78 ~1/N ~/13 2. publication "Soviet Active Measures" (29) D 7/~/oo ~lS-/:!';S"-bfl',. 8/81 pl /,CVJ 8t/8J 'I• '/J 3. memo "Active Measures" (2) JJ 7/3/~ A.JLsr rs:. ~Wh.#, nd Pt 81 H--1ffi~--++~~~~rlfl-~m-n,nrH4t-------t-rl-ffl~---r~~~~ 5. list of themes (4) fJ 7/3/Cc> NL-s F"J~-/J'lr/ ?. <11/'is 6. notes handwritten in pencil on yellow legal paper ( 1)_; P+ Bl s:J -, J3/lll -Vl.:S,. fl.. IO. cable 3101342 OCT 81 (I) p I 0/31/81 NJ.-5F;~ot/t jz 1/:-,7 3 RESTRICTION CODES Presldenllal Records Act -144 U.S.C. 2204(a)) Freedom of Information Act. (5 U.S.C. 552(b)J P-1 National security classified infonnation ((al(1) of the PRAJ. F-1 National security classified information ((b)(1) of the FOIAJ. P-2 Relating to appointment to Federal office ((al(2] of the PRAJ. F-2 Release could disclose mtemal personnel rules and practices of an agency {(b)(2) of ' P-3 Release would violate a Federal statute ((al(3) of the PRAJ. FOIAJ. P_.. Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or fmanc,al 1nformat1on F-3 Release would violate a Federal statue ((b)(3) of the FOIA]. ((a}(~) of the PRA]. F-4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial mformat P-5 Relea5,e would disclOH confidential advice between the President and his advisors, or ((b)(4) of the FOIA]. between such advisors ((al(S) of the PRAJ. F-6 Release would conslrtute a clea~y unwarranted invasion of personal privacy ((b}(6) of P-6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal P"""CY 1(•)(6) of FOIAJ. the PRAJ. F-7 Release would disclose information compiled for law enforcement purposes {(b)(T) ol the FOIAJ C. Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in donor's deed of g1tt F-8 Release would disclose information compiled for law enforcement purposes ((b){B) 0 the FOIAJ. F-9 Release would disclose geolog,cal or geophysical information concerning wells ((b}(~ the FOIA]. WITHDRAWAL SHEET Ronald Reagan Library Collection: RAYMOND. WALTER: Files Archivist: lov File Folder: [Project Truth, Project Democracy, Public Date: January 27, 1998 OA 91162 DATE 1. notes Iran discussion ( 1) D 7/'J./~l> A.Jt.5r"l>~'I!/~ :It/. 12/15/78 . Fl//:; 2. publication "Soviet Active Measures" (29) D 7/">fc,o ~'-$P'i>-bff/1. 8/81 Pl/F.3 !/J 3. memo "Active Measures" (2) JJ 7/3/CIJ A.J Lsr ~..s:. ~wh..:11, nd Pl 4. note Les Lenkowsky to Raymond (I) 11/22 PS 5. list of themes (4) I) 7/3/~ AfL-S r?~-b'lt/?. .rfl/"jf' 5/20/81 Pl 6. notes handwritten in pencil on yellow legal paper (I) nd Pl - D -,~u,-t.r_s.0 ~w/~:/1.l'f ~ 7/~/DIJ .ll//-!,F"i',S--c'(l/z_ e,- 10. cable 310134Z OCT 81 (1) p 10/31/8 I Pl 1/t'ij!Jo N/-5P,~Ot/l /z lt;J-3 RESTRICTION CODES Presldentlal Records Act • 144 u.s.c. 22CM(a)J Freedom of Information Act• (5 U.S.C. 552(bl) P-1 National HCYrity classified infonnalion ((a)(1) of the PRA). F-1 National ucurity classnied information ((b)(1) of the FOIA]. P-2 Relating to appointment to Federal office ((a)(2) of the PRAJ. F-2 Release could disclose internal personnel rules and practices of an agency ((b)(2) of th' P-3 Release would violate a Federal 5tatute ((a)(3) of the PRAJ. FOIAJ. P..C Release would disciose trade secrets or confidential eommerciat or financial information F-3 Release would violate a Federal statue ((b)(3) of the FOIA]. [(a)(4) of the PRAJ. F-4 Retease would disclose trade secrets or confidential commercial or financial info,mat,or P-5 Release would di5close confidential advice between the President and his adv,sors, or ((bl(4) of the FOIAJ. th between suet, a<MSOIS ((a)(S) of the PRA]. F-6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal pMCV [(b)(6) of ' P-6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal pMcy [(al(6) of FOIAJ. thePRAJ. F-7 Release would disclose information compiled fo, law enforcement purposes ((b)(7) of the FOIAJ . C. Clo5ed in accordance with restrictions contained in donor's deed of g ift . F~ Release would disclose information compiled for law enforcement purposes ((b)(S) of the FOIAJ. gJ c F-9 Release would disclose geolog,cal or geophysical information concerning wells ((b)( the FOIA). KHRONIKA PRESS !!50!5 EIGHTH AVENUE NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10018 TIIL.1!:PHONI:: 212 - 7.3e-8800 VALERY CHALIOZE l:DITOR•IN•CHII:,.. December 1977 1lfE HUMAN RIGITS ~VEMENT IN 1HE USSR AND KHRONIKA PRESS The Human Rights Movement in the USSR The petition campaign protesting the Siriyavsky-Daniel trial (1965-66) surprised the West and probably the Soviet leaders as well. The Soviet response to the evolving human rights movement* was gradually escalating repression, but this policy remained somewhat ambivalent tmtil 1968.
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