LIST OF ENTERPRISES - MEMBERS OF CCI OF THE REPUBLIC OF TAJIKISTAN WITH THE SPHERE OF ACTIVITY, AS OF FEBRUARY 1, 2017 Dushanbe city Chairman, Director, № Company name Address Tel Fax Field of activity Manager Dushanbe and Regions of Republican Subordination 1. Ministry of Energy and Water 734012 Dushanbe 2353566 2360304 [email protected] Implementation of the state Resources of the Republic of city 2359914 2359802 policy in the field of energy and Tajikistan 5\1 Shamsi Str. 2360304 2359824 water resources 2359802 2. Ministry of Industry and New 734012 Dushanbe 221-69-97 2218889 Realization of state policy in the Technologies of the Republic of 22 Rudaki ave. 2215259 2218813 field of industry and new Tajikistan 2273697 technologies 3. Ministry of Economic Development 734002 Dushanbe 2273434 2214046 www.medt.tj Implementation of state policy in and Trade of the Republic of 37 Bokhtar Str. 2214623o 2215132 the field of economy and trade Tajikistan \about 2219463 2230668 2278597 2216778 4. Ministry of Transport of the Republic 734042 Dushanbe 221-20-03 221-20-03 [email protected]. Transport facilities, of Tajikistan 14 Ayni Str. 221-17-13 implementation of a unified state 2222214 transport policy 2222218 5. Ministry of Agriculture of the 734025 Dushanbe 2218264 2211628 [email protected] Implementation of the policy in Republic of Tajikistan 44 Rudaki Ave. 221-15-96 221-57-94 the field of agriculture 221-10-94 Isroilov 2217118 6. State Committee on Investments and 734025 Dushanbe 221-86-59 2211614 [email protected] Implementation of state policy in State Property Management of the 44 Rudaki Ave. 2215729 2218659 www.gki.tj the field of privatization and Republic of Tajikistan 2218943 2217550 investment 2214748 7. Ministry of Justice of the Republic of 734025 Dushanbe 2214405 221-80-66 Implementation of the state Tajikistan 25 Rudaki Ave. 221-00-82 policy in the field of justice 2 8. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the 734051 Dushanbe 2211808 2210259 [email protected] Implementation of state policy in Republic of Tajikistan 42 Rudaki Ave. 2210551 2211561 www.mfa.tj the field of international 2211808 relations 9. Ministry of Health and Social Dushanbe 2211835 2217525 Implementation of public health Protection of Population of the 69 Shevchenko Str, 2211330 2210811 policy Republic of Tajikistan 2210590o \about 10. Committee for Construction and Dushanbe 2218853 2230200 [email protected] Implementation of state policy in Architecture under the Government 36 Huseynzoda Str. 2231964o 2233690 the field of construction of the Republic of Tajikistan \about 11. Ministry of Finance of the Republic Dushanbe 2211417 2276141 Implementation of state policy in of Tajikistan 3 A. Rajabov Str. 2217269 2213290 the field of finance 12. Customs Committee of the Republic 734025 Dushanbe 2212235ko 2212235 Implementation of the state of Tajikistan 50 Bukhoro Str, mmutator 2214630 policy in the field of customs 2210923 service 2211692 13. Ministry of Labor, Migration and 734026 Dushanbe 2361159 2361159 Implementation of state policy in Employment of the Republic of 5/2 A.Navoi Str, 2364454 the field of labor and social Tajikistan protection 14. Agency for Land Reclamation and 734064 Dushanbe 2353566 2353566 Implementation of state policy in Irrigation under the Government of 5/1 Shamsi Str, 2359740 the field of land reclamation the Republic of Tajikistan 2353566 15. Ministry of Education and Science of 734024 Dushanbe 2214605 2217041 Implementation of state policy in the Republic of Tajikistan 13 2213611 the field of education Nosirmuhammad Str, 16. Ministry of Culture of the Republic 734025 Dushanbe 2210305 2214701 [email protected] Implementation of state policy in of Tajikistan 34 Rudaki Ave. 2213401 2215370o www.vfarhang.tj the field of culture \about 2210409 17. Agency on Statistics under the 734025 Dushanbe 2232553 2275836 Development of statistical President of the Republic of 17 Bokhtar Str, methodology Tajikistan 3 18. Agency for Standardization, 734018 Dushanbe 2336869 2341933 [email protected] Implementation of state policy in Metrology, Certification and Trade 42/2 N.Karabaeva (44) www.standart.tj the field of standardization, Inspection under the Government of Str, 6008101 metrology, certification and the Republic of Tajikistan 2341933 trade inspection (Tajikstandard) 19. The National Patent Information 734042 Dushanbe 2214760 2217154 www.ncpi.tj Protection of state interests in the Center under the Ministry of 14A of Ayni Str, 214682 field of inventions, industrial Economic Development and Trade of designs, trademarks and service the Republic of Tajikistan marks 20. Main Archival Department under the 734018 Dushanbe 2339571 2336352 Acquisition of all types of Government of the Republic of 38/1 N.Karabaeva 2332586 documents Tajikistan Str, 21. Center for Strategic Studies under the 734025 Dushanbe 2211100 2211100 Comprehensive research on President of the Republic of 40 Rudaki Ave. priority areas of the economy Tajikistan 22. National Bank of the Republic of 734003 Dushanbe 6003227 6003235 Realization of the state policy in Tajikistan 107A Rudaki Ave. 6003224 6003148 the field of the banking system 23. Main Department of Geology under 734025 Dushanbe 2272729 2214901 Implementation of state policy in the Government of the Republic of 27 Tursunzoda Str. 2272749 2214310 the field of geology Tajikistan 24. National Association of Small and 734025 6250008 935050008 Chairman Uljabaeva Assistance to entrepreneurs in Medium Enterprises Dushanbe 935550053 Matlyuba Tursunovna training new skills, finding 1 Firdavsi Str, Nasib 935050008 partners [email protected] www.namsb.tj 25. Committee of Youth Affairs, 734025 Dushanbe 2353314 2351024 Realization of the state policy in Sports and Tourism under the 6 Sportivnaya Str, 2351023 2353314 the field of youth, sport and Government of Republic of 2351024 tourism Tajikistan 26. Representative of the CCI in the Dushanbe 2351650 919666355 Abdullaev Khurshed Trade-purchasing activity Czech Republic 33/1 apt 68 [email protected] Gisarskaya Str, 27. Institute of Astrophysics of Academy 734042dushanbe 274614 2274624 Director Ibodinov Hursandkul Scientific researches of space, of Sciences of the Republic of Bukhoro22 2273831 Iboddinovich astrophysics, ecology, drawing Tajikistan up calendars 28. Association of innovative business 900141111 Director Haitova Manizha Innovative technologies 4 29. JSC Hishtrez 734025 7002666 907951112 CEO Hakimov Ismatullo Production of construction bricks Dushanbe Saidovich St. Surkhob5 [email protected] 30. The center on supports and to gdushanba 2215834 919015824 Chairman Rakhmatzada Assistance to development of developments of business ave. of a rudaka 18 Ashurali Pulatovich small and medium business 31. Center for management of projects of 734011 Dushanbe 2218137 221-81-37 Director Kurbanov Holmurod Construction, repair and electrotechnical sector A. Kakharova 39A 2217112 Tukhliyevich commissioning of power objects 221-17-41 21-62-81 32. Center of support and consumer Dushanbe 1536053 998812728 Chairman Haydarov Nuriddin Rendering legal advisory protection of the Republic of Shevchenko 39 Erkinovich services Tajikistan 33. Representative office "Ato Mahomed Dushanbe 2210364 935031631 The representative – Ato Trade and purchasing activity Gaznavi" Ayni St. 26-13 Mahomed Gaznavi [email protected] 34. Public organization "Parastor" 734003dushanbe 935027702 Kasymova Rano Support of needy, jobless Rudaki 155\32 [email protected] segments of the population, training center, sewing shop 35. Association of subject numbering Dushanbe 2271167 919008241 Ilyev Amnun Rakhimovich Assignment of bar codes on "Global of systems of Tajikistan" Valamatzade 21 [email protected] production of producers of RT 36. The international Commercial Dushanbe 2215284 2211480 Bobochonzoda And Rendering a raasmotreniye to a arbitration at Chamber of Commerce Valamatzade21 legal aid and settlement of and Industry of the Republic of disputes between economic Tajikistan entities 37. JSC EXPO Dushanbe 2271167 Boltayev Bakhtiyor Trade and purchasing activity Valamatzade 21 Mirzoaliyevich 38. Tax Committee of the Republic of Dushanbe 2330921 2330936 Davlatov Nusratullo Realization of a state policy in Tajikistan N. Karabayev Str, 2330850 2330080 Mukimovich the field of tax service 42/2 2330857 39. The state Committee on land 734033dushanbe 233-35-45 2278084 Chairman Development of cartographic management and geodesy at the St. Abay 4/1 233-13-13 2311487 Yatimzoda Akbar Tabari materials, etc. Government of the Republic of 233-18-18 Tajikistan 40. State unitary enterprise of purchases, Dushanbe 2214703 Director Barotov Rustam to creation of resources, sales of Umarovich products of prime necessity in the [email protected] city of Dushanbe [email protected] 5 41. State unitary enterprise Dushanbe 2231516 2231520 Musoyev Sayfiddin Export and import of the medical "Tojiktibtajhizot" Chapayev St. 8 Abdulatoyevich equipment, repair and [email protected] installation and service of the medical equipment, proizvdstvo of boot covers 42. Union of Dehkans and farms of the 734012 Dushanbe 2211033 2212355 Chairman Sharipov Azizbek Assistance to farmers and Republic of Tajikistan Rudaki Ave. 44 2211596 907706062 Fattoyevich dekhkana in the solution of questions of agriculture 43. Habibullo Fayzullo 909690656 988089580 Gaziyev Abdukodir Agriculture 44. Association of mobile operators of 734025 Dushanbe 2214790 6008088 Predsedatel-Irkayev Gafur Assistance in the solution of the Republic of Tajikistan Ave. Rudaki 57 6007077
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