E662 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 1, 2014 In a quintessential American story, 15-year- chael Ferriter, Assistant Chief of Staff for In- cerest appreciation and best wishes to Lieu- old Joseph Dager came to America from Leb- stallation Management and Commanding Gen- tenant General Michael Ferriter, a ‘‘Soldier’s anon in 1903 without knowing a word of eral, Installation Management Command, for Soldier,’’ and Mrs. Ferriter, upon the occasion English. Eleven years later he started his ice his distinguished service to the United States of his retirement from a stellar career of 35 cream business in the basement of a local of America. Lieutenant General Ferriter will be years in the United States Army. confectionary. His hand-cranked ice cream retiring from the United States Army after f batches set his family and Central Ohio on a nearly 35 years of service. He will be honored RECOMMENDATION TO REJECT path that would make Velvet Ice Cream and at a retirement ceremony on Friday, May 2, NORWEGIAN AIR INTER- Central Ohio famous. 2014 at 10:00 a.m. at McGinnis-Wickham Hall NATIONAL’S APPLICATION FOR A Although they no longer hand-crank ice at Fort Benning, Georgia. FOREIGN AIR OPERATORS CER- cream in a basement, the company strives to LTG Ferriter graduated from The Citadel in TIFICATE maintain its connection to those by-gone Charleston, South Carolina in May 1979, and years. In homage to Velvet’s adherence to old was commissioned in the Infantry as a Second time values and tradition, Velvet is now Lieutenant. After the Infantry Officer Basic HON. RICHARD M. NOLAN housed in a refurbished grist mill from the Course, his first troop assignment was Platoon OF MINNESOTA 1800s. The ‘‘Ye Olde Mill’’ now manufactures Leader, 2nd Battalion, 16th Infantry, Fort IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ice cream, plays host to thousands of visitors Riley, Kansas. From there, he successfully Thursday, May 1, 2014 and marks the center of activity during each completed numerous command and staff as- Mr. NOLAN. Mr. Speaker, I would like to annual Utica Sertoma Ice Cream Festival. signments at Fort Wainwright, Alaska; Fort draw the attention of my colleagues concerned Thousands stream into Utica each year for Lewis, Washington; Fort Benning, Georgia; about our nation’s aviation industry and the the festival. Having attended many myself, I and Fort Bragg, North Carolina. delicate balance in our international relations know the joy locals and outsiders alike find in LTG Ferriter’s first Joint Staff assignment to the pending decision by U.S. Secretary of a bowl of good, old-fashioned ice cream. In a was as Deputy Director for Operations and Transportation Anthony Foxx regarding the ap- way, the festival commemorates the simple Plans before he became Executive Assistant plication of Norwegian Air International for a beginnings of a business started by an immi- to the Commander of the United States Joint Foreign Air Operators Certificate. grant named Joseph Dager. Like so many Forces Command. In June 2004, he was This important issue was addressed with ut- other enterprises, Velvet Ice Cream started called to duty as Assistant Division Com- most clarity recently by my friend, former U.S. humbly but grew into a Central Ohio institu- mander of Operations of the 82d Airborne Di- Congressman Jim Oberstar in the following tion. America is richer for Velvet’s founder’s vision at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. He com- letter to Secretary Foxx. Jim Oberstar served contributions to our country and Central Ohio- pleted a combat tour in Operation Restore in the U.S. House from 1975 to 2011 and was ans are grateful he chose to settle here. Hope in Somalia with the 3rd Battalion, 75th for many years Chairman of the House Trans- As the fourth generation of the Dager family Ranger Regiment; two tours in Iraq as Deputy portation and Infrastructure Committee. He is carries Joseph Dager’s legacy into its 2nd Commanding General (Operations), Multi-Na- known as the nation’s leading expert on Do- century, Central Ohio proudly celebrates one tional Corps, Iraq; and one tour as Deputy mestic and International Transportation issues. man’s vision, hard work and sweet legacy. Commanding General (Advising and Training), Former Congressman Oberstar urges Sec- f United States Forces—Iraq. retary Foxx to reject the Norwegian Air Inter- The Second Congressional District of Geor- national Application. HONORING DANIEL PUGH gia gained a respected and compassionate APRIL 28, 2014. leader when LTG Ferriter was appointed Com- Hon. ANTHONY FOXX, HON. SAM GRAVES manding General of the United States Army Secretary, U.S. Department of Transportation, OF MISSOURI Infantry Center and the Maneuver Center of New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, DC. DEAR MR. SECRETARY: I have watched with IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Excellence at Fort Benning. He became a great interest the public debate over the ap- Thursday, May 1, 2014 close friend and confidant as he served in my plication of Norwegian Air International Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I district and when he was appointed Assistant (NAI) for a foreign air operator’s certificate Chief of Staff for Installation Management and from the U.S. Department of Transportation proudly pause to recognize Daniel Pugh. (DOT). As a former chairman of the House Danny is a very special young man who has Commanding General, Installation Manage- ment Command, he demonstrated tremendous Transportation and Infrastructure Com- exemplified the finest qualities of citizenship mittee, it is my strongly held view that the support for the Congressional Military Family and leadership by taking an active part in the approval of NAI’s application would run con- Boy Scouts of America, Troop 177, and earn- Caucus, which I co-chair with Congresswoman trary to the U.S.-EU Air Transport Agree- ing the most prestigious award of Eagle Scout. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R–WA). LTG ment and the labor article embodied in the Danny has been very active with his troop, Ferriter and Mrs. Ferriter graciously partici- agreement, and contrary to the best inter- ests of U. S. commercial aviation. I respect- participating in many scout activities. Over the pated in the CMFC’s annual Military Family Summit held at Fort Benning in 2012, dem- fully urge you to reject NAI’s application. many years Danny has been involved with During my 36 years of service in the U.S. scouting, he has not only earned numerous onstrating strong support for our nation’s mili- House of Representatives on the committee merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- tary families. of jurisdiction over international aviation ily, peers, and community. Most notably, LTG Ferriter’s service to his country is but trade issues, I witnessed dramatic changes in Danny has contributed to his community a small testament of the high caliber of char- the U.S. and global airline industries. Begin- acter that he embodies. As the head of a fam- ning with deregulation in 1978 and con- through his Eagle Scout project. Danny tinuing through the modern era of mergers, cleaned and cleared a city lot near the town ily heavily involved in the military, he recog- nizes the challenges that face service mem- code sharing, anti-trust-immunized alli- square in Bowling Green, Missouri, that had ances, and expansive Open Skies agreements, bers, veterans and military families across the been abandoned for a decade. much of the airline industry today is glob- Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in nation. Throughout his tenure, he has worked ally interconnected; U.S. airlines and their commending Daniel Pugh for his accomplish- tirelessly to find and implement solutions to employees are directly impacted by the ac- ments with the Boy Scouts of America and for these challenges. tions of foreign competitors more than ever LTG Ferriter has certainly excelled in all before. During my tenure of watchfulness his efforts put forth in achieving the highest areas of life, but none of this would be pos- over the U.S. aviation industry, I sought to distinction of Eagle Scout. sible without the love and support of his wife, ensure that liberalization was pursued in bi- f lateral agreements which assured a balance Margie Ferriter. LTG Ferriter’s motivation also of benefits with our international trade part- IN RECOGNITION OF LIEUTENANT comes from being a role model to his four chil- ners, protecting the integrity, safety, and GENERAL MICHAEL FERRITER dren Dr. Meghan Ferriter, MAJ Dan Ferriter, competitiveness of the U.S. aviation system. CPT Paddy Ferriter, and former CPT Mary In the early 1990s, the U.S. government HON. SANFORD D. BISHOP, JR. Whitney Whittaker. Mary Whitney and her hus- began negotiating bilateral Air Transport, or band, Garret, are the proud parents of Parker, Open Skies agreements that were intended OF GEORGIA to open aviation markets, promote competi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES LTG Ferriter’s and Margie’s first grandchild. tion and tourism, create jobs and increase Mr. Speaker, today I ask my colleagues to Thursday, May 1, 2014 consumer choice for international travel. join me, my wife, Vivian, the nearly 700,000 These Open Skies agreements are quali- Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I rise people in Georgia’s 2nd Congressional Dis- tatively different from other trade agree- today to pay tribute to Lieutenant General Mi- trict, and all Americans, in extending our sin- ments which deal with services in that they VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:59 May 02, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K01MY8.018 E01MYPT1 tjames on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS May 1, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E663 are almost exclusively bilateral.
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