. Vacation Begins · Forecast Sprln, vacation Me'" t.n..... - It It Cloudy with occltlon.1 rlln locIey, ,ou didn't knew. Clu... will"""",, It warmtr, with high. In 60s. SaturdlY plrtly 'jtll 7::11 I.m. Mond.y, AIwII 14. Den', ftf1et. cloudy and cOlltr. And h.v •• ,00II VIC.t_ (] il I Eatablllbed III lBe8 10 em I eopJ' AI80ciated Prell Leued Wire and Wirephoto 10111'1 Clty, Iowa 5224G-Friday, April " 1J8I • Rewording Asked ing basket. y Low Discount For Code Section with all the 'nMI Commlltee on Stud«1t LIfe voted 'I'l1ur&day night to recolUmend clrJetIm fA 8 comrovEl'Sial phr... from Me diIputed Dinner, select a sedfioo of the Code of studert We and family favor· discussed word changee In • IIlCOftd cHI. cmCAGO III - Six thousand Illlnois the police had chased looters Into ttll! puted seotlOll. NatiooaI Guard troops were ordered housing project. a smaller crowd came out ••. all at AHected i! , portion 01 SectIon 3 fA ttIe into Chicago Thursday night and a 7 p.m. cur· again and tried to charge officers posi· ~e's Preamble (G«Ieral Conduct Reg. few on persons under 21 years was tioned along DivisiOll Street. The crowd ulations) dealing with Idnification of was dispersed by tear gas, Utterbach said. fruits and vege· /tudents. imposed II! authorities acted to stem an Discussed was the rewording of a por. outbreak of looting, window smashing and Guardsmen began moving onto the tlon of the Preamble's Section 7, dealing rock throwing by blacks in two areas of streets s:hortJy after 7 p.m. with the unauthorIzed use 01 UnIversity the city. Gen. Richard T. Dunn, tht Guard C,,"· property. Mayor Richard J. Daley halted sales m.nder, said his troop. carried liv. 1m· of firearms, ammunition and gasoline in munition for tlMir Mis and carbines. Portion! of the eectlons In queltion, portable containers. Sales of alcoholic [ Dunn toured both disturbance areas, which have been criticized from vlriOOl beverages Wft'e banned in areas hit by qua1'lers since the Code was tint pub­ disturbances. then lold newsmen that the lack of wide· Ilshed last September, were rtruct down spread arson was an "encouraging sign." Twenty·six persons. including three in January by the Committee on Student r»­ "As a precautionary measure and af· Conduct (esc), the Univel"Sl:Y's bigbest !icemen aOO fOllr newsmen, were reported injured. ter recommendation of the s\lperintendent judicial body, In a ruling In the case ol a of police Tasked lhe governor \D make sludent charged under the seetlont and A pollc. spokesman SlId 159 person. the National Guard available to Chicago," others. Wt,.. arl'tSted In the disorders, whIch Daley said in a one-page statement read University Pres. Howard R. Bowen reo broke out on the .ve of the first anniverl' to reporters in his office. Jected the esc's action, however, II!sen.· Iry of the aSSlssination of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. The major emphasized the Itrm "p... Ing his &tthorlty II! the University's ulti· cautionary m.asur .... slterlng cl',r of the mate arbilra(or - ans~able only to the Sporadic sniper lire came early in the line he took after dlsturbancII devalttted State Board or Regents. evening from a 21).story building in the the same Wtst Side I ..a April S, 1961 foI· Cabrini public housing project on the Near lowIng King's ISSlulnatlon. The esc deleted the phrases during fa Nooth Side. and a policeman was struck hearInes in the cue. of Jeny Sles, .44, Chicago Police Patrol Troublecl West Side In the hand. • Bu loads of blue helmeted poilcemen [OWl City. on charges 8tem.mJng out at wer~ ordered Into the dlsturbance areas an antiwar demonstratio.n held on cam· A ChlClIIO pollc. p.trol Is on al.rt on the n.. r Wilt SId. of the Th. us. of non·whit. polic.m.n WIS noticeable throughout tht Police broke up looting of stores across as Supt. James Conlisk put his men on pus early in 1l!e fall. t.ns. city Thursday ,v'ning, aft.r sporadic Instincts of looting, troubl. ar.a. Liter, 6,000 IllInois National Guardsm.n mov.d from the pr1ljeot by firing in the air. overtime. Shattered glass and debris - Irson Ind rock throwing brok. out on tht tv. of the flrat Innl· Into the city to back up poll c•. Grant Utterbach, a spokesman for the The draft fA a new SectIon 3 approved including rubble leftover (rom last year's vers.ry of the Isslulnatlon of tht Rtv. Mlrtln Luth.r King. - AP Wi....,hoto district poliCe commaooer, said that after outbreak - littered streets in the districts by the CSL Th1l1"8day containa ttle phrue hit by disorders. Itruck down by the esc, m3king it un· lawful for any student to re1uee to eom· . Windows were shattered Crane High ply with a proper order or an7 properly School on Jackson Boulevard on the West ijentified University official, in addition Vacation Hours Nation Mourns King/s Assassination; Si<le, and violence spread to nearby I» the phrase which was retaIned by the strcets. ~ making It unlawful to refuse to JdeD. Five persons were injured. Some loot· t1fy oneself. Ing was reported. Eight youngsters were at Prices! ~ .: However, a third phrue, which caused Set for Campus 18,000 Expected for Memphis March arrested. ' .. ' lIlost disfavor amOllg students, requiring Unlv ....1ty ",",'ntt will b.gln I There were memorials for King at lome observances with against the war ll1at 10 cards be shown at ideItillcation, ml.. 'XodUI from the campul la .. to­ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS day," Mrs. King said from her home In protests schools before walkouts and other troubles The assassination of the Rev. Martin Atlanta. in Vietnam, a prolest King had taken up. was deleted by tbe CSL. day .s they .. hom. or on vlcations began. Following approval of the new draft Luther King Jr. is to be Il"\ourned today in Some cities have taken official recog· Antiwar forces In Baltimore organized a on !heir on"wHk ElSter b.. lk from "death watclJ" in front of lhe U.S. Custom At Crane, following King memorial servo tf Section 3, the esc lost its quorum with cI, ..... silence and in song, in mass marches and nition of the anniversary. Mayor Walter ices, pupils threw chairs. Some went in memorials, in good deeds and in protest Washington of Wasllington, D.C., proclaim­ House. lite departure ol one member, and the Undoubtedly, some will h.ed for outside and pegged rocks through win, remailling six members formed a subcom· against the war in Vietnam. ed "a day of memoriam'· for the nation's In Atlanta, a 100 e coalition ol civil dows. Some lunchroom counlel'S were 1Outhtl'll "sunshine st,Its," hoping to capital. mittee and discussed section 7. lUll !hem HIves on beach.. that a r. It was in the setting sun of just a year rights and antiwar groups planned a voter broken. Kansas City, Omaha, Neb , and Ham­ registration drive and a 4O·hour vigil as Proposed Wa! that a phrase wbicb had Wlmltr thin the IOWl riv.rbanks. ago - April 4, 1968 - that King stood 00 Crane suspended classes. been deleted by the ds'c, wblch outlaws Other, will probably UI. the vacation the Lorraine Mol$l balcony in Memphis. ilton CoUlJ'l;y , Ohio, which includes Cin· a "day of commemoration." The Kenne­ unauthorized or improper use ol Univer· Tenn. A bullet whined from across the way cinnati, proclaimed lhe day "Martin Lu­ bec Society of Friends planned a vigil Bands of black youthl I'OIrMd Mldl_ e ... tlmt to catch up on their studies. St ....t. Som. of th'm hurled rubbl. from VALU·'.'. IS 8g sity property, be retained with a slight The spring break officially b.gins at and King fell. ther King Day." Detroit's schools were in front 01 the Maine State House in Au· directed to have formal observances. East gusta both as a protem to the war and in the property wr.cked in the same a,.., In change in wornmg. Tile proposed wording " p,m. todlY. R.gular dasses will be City dwellers and townspeople across wOllld require thai. harmful intent be St. Loui closed its schools. IT\emory of King. riC' rioting I year Igo. Madison Strttt C ralu"," at 7:30 a.m. April 14. iha !)8tion will observe the anniversary. Waf (Iolld for 28 blockl, from Olmen YA'u·n1M ll. 6S shown in order to eonstitut.e a violation None lIhould be so great, however, as that New Yorlc Ma~or John V. LiIMI$I., Slnt In ",incinllati, the Southem Chrislian All University offices will mlintain five young men, civil rights activists In Avenut to Cicero Avenut. o( the eel ion, rather than the mete fact their usuII sc"edules, although t h t planned for Memphis. Leadership Conf.renct, which King h'ad· of entry Into a University building at an Harl.m, as his city's official .mmlllritt The outbreak! occurred slightly less 'ALII-"'. Library and the Union will oIIHrv. At noon, up to 18,000 peopl. are sched· ed, called for a "day of personal aervic." LI . unauthorized hour, a. the 3eCtion MIN to the M.mphis march, Boston sch.duled than a year after students left schoolJ 1n 69' Ihortentcl hours. uled to march to the Lorraine Mot.1 and at Its "Black easter" commtmoration. stales. comtnfll\Orativl cerernonltt for th is morn· largely blark areas on April 5, 1968 follow. The Library will close at midnl,ht tMn to City Hall.
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