' T ■ 5 .....................................m ............. ........ AVRRAGR DAR.T OOKJCLATION SOB s' fw Om MasMk at H » f, U M Fbiwei Bf u. a. Wsl AaODTTOWN s Rartfoia' A FREE Oioice Gladiolus ii'i? Ilka. B a n M t Belian«r, who baa A B E L ’S 25s 5 ,7 6 9 _ M «mplogr«d at the Weldon Beaur OPENING TODAY 35c and 50c doz. AUTO and TBDOE BEPAIBINO N O W O P E N ! Mqaill«r M ttw AoiR Oondy tonight, ’TnenAsy geam l- B am r la the Hotel Bharldan After 5 P. M. —..The New enlargement All Work Onaraateadi ^ Bo n h « f Obwabitlaw. ly toln oontiBised eooL . t -' £%>jmOdiac, baa takoa anmloyment WITH EVERT ROLL OP nLM K. A. KARLSEN Hear *6 Cooper Street MANCHESTER - A CITY OP VILLAGE CHARM "■^Htb the M irtin Beauty Parlor in DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 7U North Mala SL PhOM 7S8S Hartford Road Tavern au ttard. BstabUebed te n VOL. LVn NO. 284 (U aM lM AOvnrttolng «a Rngn u .) SANITARY BARBER SHOP 878 Hartford Road —> Near Red ft White Store MANCHESTER, CONN^ MONDAY, AUGUST 81, 198« (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE W N l'E* One at the vaeant atoraa In the 20 BIRCH STREET 4 4 k building at the oomer of Main and ndrtdge atieet, faclny on Sldrldce The Equipment Is the Very Latest and Moat Sanitary. Serving V atreet, haa been rented and win be Spedallxlng In Women’s and Children’s Halrouttlng Elite Studio o ^ e d aa a aandwleb ahop. 888 Main Street TBT rst ODB SERVICE IS SURE TO PLEASE T O U t Dpetaire HARTFORD PREPARES Town Trcaaurer and Mra Oeorfo BALLANTINE’S and Yes, It Must Be U. S. GUNS TO ANSWER H. Wadden win return thia week-end after a week'a vacation, llr. Wad­ CONRAN'S den win reaune taia annual taak of eompillnf the town report and pre­ RUPPERT'S BIG KNOX WELCOME; paring a tentative budget for the eonaideratlon of the Selectmen. NOTICE Jack and Jill Grill Pay ns a visit today I Yen’ll like this modem tavern— Campaign Time! ANY MORE ATTACKS B3mo Annulli of 18 Hawthorne 101 Ways m Hei» The first tavern to open on Hartford Road. MAKES A BRIEF STOP atreet haa been given a permit Have Your Building Inspector Edward CX El- with Johns-Manville Building Materials Ifett, Jr., to construct a nine feet by Furnace Cleaned feet addition to the garage In the Now By Our A FREE BEER TODAY! Vice Presidential Nominee BY SPANISH PLANES laar of his home, at an estimated TONIGHT a POUHCS TAKES neat of $125. Mr. Annum la the Suction ih'ocess. See Us Any Time Today and Have Beer On Us. ' 'tioatractor on the job, which started Has Bnt Few Minutes to .'yesterday. Don’t Wait Any S pecial E ntertalim ieiit I Props.: John Kacmarczwk and Ben Partyka, A BOOM OVER State Department Files Vig-' Mrs. Ruth P. Martin of 38 Maple Longfer. Speak in Capital City; Rebel Planes Bombard Street wlU return this week-end Dial 5092 orons Protesl^to Both from Westford, Maas., where she Special M enu I Covering 32 States. TH EJ^EK EN D was a student during August at the Iran; Residents Flee Civil War Factioiis After Lake Shore Theater Colony. ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD-^ PAYS^ It was erroneously stated In The Hartford, Aug. 31— (AP) —Hart­ Knox Visit FoDows Spurt of Six Bombs Are Dropped Jerald yesterday that Mrs. Freda ford la prepared to give Col. Frank Irun, Spain. Aug. 31.—FaaciatEwaa witneased from the French jHoorehouse was honored by the M. Knox a rousing reception at Parties’ Activity; Brown rebels launched a vicious aerial bank of the Bldassoa river by Gen' Auxiliary of Anderaon-Sbea post Bushnell park today when the can­ bombardment against Inui today, eral Qiauvln, commander of the Near U. S. D estroyer by Tliursday night In Bolton on the scattering bombs throughout the 18th French army region, and bis .35th anniversary of her marriage. didate for vlce-prasldnet stops here Predicts G. 0. P. Victory city and blowing two women to staff. General Chauvln arrived today rXhe party was given by members of for a speech at the music abell. btU. to organise defenses to the French An Unidentiried Airplame. ^ a Army and Navy club auxiliary. The Chicago publlaber, beginning The air raiders appeared over the border territory. • IV, ........... a 22,000-mlle campaign tour In a in Maine; Audit Makes Stir city ahortly after 9 a. m. aa mass Tbe guns of the Insurgents, » The Concordia baseball club will apeclal train at Mancheater, N. H., \ evacuation of the war-scarred area mounted on heights overlooking tbe Washington, Aug. 81.— (AF) —^ nhlose the season with a banquet at thia morning, arrivea here at 4:10 was being hastened by government city, were kept silent during the >%be Villa Maria Hotel, Sunday eve- p. m. It la hla flrat Cdhh^ettcut Nava] officers, scanning leperta al New Haven. Aug. 31.— (A P )— commanders. early hours by a low-hanging mist the attempted bombing of the d^ . 2 ^ - atop In a tour covering 32 atatea In eight weeka. Connecticut Republicans put cut the Circling low, the planes rfilned which hid the war-scarred walls of stroyer Kane, Indicated a belief to* bombs into the streets. The deadly Irun. Gov. Landon'a running mate will welcome sign today for Col. Frank day that American war vessels th'' be ruahed from the railroad atation missiles tore great holes In tbe Ordered To Olve Up LAWN MOWERS to the park by a amall committee Knox, their vlce-prealdentlal noml- pavements and obattered windows “Surrender or we arill bombard Bpamlsh waters 'would anawer with . You wm wont this PRH led by 'Town Chairman Harry Ward nae, on the beets of one of the and buildings throughout Irun. from land, aoat and alrl” the rebels renewed gunfire any further atti .SHARPENED AND told the government forces. i Johns-Monvllle Book with a police crutaer clearing the busiest poUtic-. week-ends in the Three persons were Injured by which might endanger them. REPAIRED triple. current campaign. flying atones aa ths attacking ships “No!” answered the defenders, Whether such action would whothor planning to build or romodol "We'U have to work faat,” Mr. Colonel Knox aet out from Man­ soarsd overhead. Govamraent mili­ loyal to tbe Spanish Socialist gov­ neeeaeary remained to be aden. The:: Ward aald,” for Col. Knox will have chester, N. H.. for a ca m ^ g n tour People who are Juat too-cynlcal-to-be-allve call It the Baby tiamen, who earlier had defied a ernment "We will defend the city American government, etartlad j ^ PROMPT SERVICE tlRie only for a five to eight minute Kissing Season. But they’re probably only jealous old meaniea h e picture above thowa Ju»t 10.00 0.000 FAMn.lttS of 32 states that will bring him to rebel ultimatum to surrender, mass­ until not one of us is alive I” yesterday’s attempt to sink tha i you how to finance alt these things speech, and we hope tboae Intereated Wateibury late today for a major whose children when they grow up won't be able to eay, aa can ed thelf forces for an ex)>ected at­ With refusal of the ultimatum, stroyertroyer off the Bpanlah ^ H PRECTSION GRINDING on* of the “ 101” thing! pic­ at the lowest terms in the histwy In aeelng and hearing him will go these two small girls; "W^en I waa very little, Mr. Booeevelt (or T tured and described in thia book to speech, ^ rou te to Waterbury, he tack by insurgent Infantry and removal of women, children and the ready haa made avHft and emphhti of home-improvement financing. directly to thu park and not congre­ 1^11 make brief stops at Bristol and Mr. Landon) came right through this very town and HE HELD ’ 1 DELIVERY SERVICE “ fix up” youi home mexpsnaiVe^. ME IN HIS ARMS!” . Above, President (and Candidate) warships. Infirm was hastened, leaving only protest to the Madrid rsglina gate at the atation. We muat avoid Hartford. the military contlnganta inside the ihe rebels, calling on tham to delay in getting to the mualc ahell.” Roosevelt, on tour, admires 19-months-old Darleen Welbera at The beginning of the attack, • j i L«t ua put jrour mower In Brst- It ahosn how to turn your baae- SIND FOR F R n BOOK With the Democratic and Repub­ which the Fascists threatened would territory which haa been the scene vent another such incident. ment into a recreation room with STEED HOMES Foot guard band will play for the lican conventions only a week away, Aberdeen. S. D. At left. Republican Nominee Landon, In St. Although manifestly hopeful that' * ’-aaa cdodltlon for Fall mowing. I am oonslderlns remodclina. Bend PRBS "reduce Irun to ashes,’’ was signal­ of frequent battles since the start aeveral thouaand spectatora expect­ the week-end produced a apurt In Ixiula, hugs 17-months-oId Joyce Rushing of Centerville, ni. cutting machine J-M Insulating Board; how to have J-M "101 Book’ a . led by the shrieking of sirens and of ths civil war aix weeks ago. no new Incident of that charsetet a modem bathroom of colorful, ed at the park. Inaurance employee, activities on nearly all aectora. will occur. Navy Departm w l improve the looks of your . •«*Wtos. Send PRBB who leave their ofTlcea at 4 p. m„ tolling of church bells. Hundreds of women begged their lawn .and make mowing a pleas- **tilellke” J-M Aabeatoa Wainscot* J*M 40 PoiotE • bociM>buUdixm book a State's Attorney Arthur M.
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