w lrnfa KaJf'ons/ Juedmfa InM dua/sf Vol. X. No. 1/2. January/February 1959 Verlagspostamt: Miinchen 8 Price: 1 s; 40 c Edward M. O’Connor: American Political Realism And The Russian Empire Our entire national life is today plagued Federated Soviet Socialist Republic in which of the so-called satellite nations as well as the with the disease of conformity. In the space of the majority of the people are Russians but non-Russian nations of the Soviet Union. The a few years the herd instinct has all but ob­ which also contains several other large and term Society assumes a well established way literated the role of the individualist—the important geographical areas of non-Russian of life in which the vast majority of the people demand is today to be like everyone else lest peoples. Less frequently do we hear reference comprising it believe in and willfully support you stand aside from the herd. We are driven to the non-Russian nations of the Soviet Union, its tenets. The facts are that no more than to not only look alike but to think and act their history, or their aspirations for national 5 per cent of the people of the non-Russian alike. This dangerous trend toward sameness independence. nations behind the Iron Curtain believe in, no will, if not treated to shock and challenge, soon (2) We constantly hear the people of the less than support, the alien way of life which make us into the “faceless mass“ which the Soviet Union referred to as Russians. This has been imposed upon them. Even this figure communist agitators and other demagogues despite the fact that the Russians are the appears extravagant if we look back upon the find ideal for manipulation and control. minority people of the Soviet Union. More­ recent Hungarian Freedom Revolution. In This era of conformity has some very over, the non-Russian people of the Soviet these circumstances we find that a very large strange characteristics. Here are some of Union who comprise the majority of the po­ number of the new ruling class, included them: pulation resent being called Russians, and within the 5 per cent factor, deserted the (1) Our people on the whole want everyth­ we can only alienate them by use of such regime and joined in the national liberation ing given to them in capsule form. This applies offensive reference. effort. Thus the allusion of a Soviet society to knowledge as well as medicine and food. was shattered beyond repair. (3) We hear the Soviet Union referred to—as I have used these examples of loose and (2) A new species of “experts“ has grown up, a nation, whereas in reality it is an empire wishful thinking as a means of demonstrat­ most of them self-proclaimed, who are in made up of many different nations which have diarge of manufacturing the“ thought capsule“. ing what most of the so-called experts see in suffered the loss of their national independ­ the mirror of their own creation and to under­ (3) These “thought capsules“ are then offer­ ence at the hands of the Russian imperialists score what lies at the base of our failure to ed to the public through all media of mass during the past forty years. communications. adopt a realistic and positive policy toward Thus we have arrived at a position where a (4) More lately we hear the people of the the worldwide threat of Russian Communist few experts are doing all the thinking on Soviet Union called the Soviet people. This imperialism. It is a truism in every field of critical issues for large segments of our popu­ abstract and meaningless term has turned the human endeavor that unless the basic ele­ lation. Those who think for themselves and entire population of the Soviet Union into a ments of a problem are defined and under­ express their ideas lay themselves open to faceless and inanimate mass. The end result stood there is no possibility of arriving at a being called wrong by a large body of opinion is profound confusion in the public mind on solution to the problem. This is precisely the or to the odious charge of being an “odd ball.“ a critical subject which is in reality so simple case with respect to the historic Russian pro­ It matters not whether the large body of that it should be common knowledge. blem so far as the American people in general opinion moulded by the so-called experts is (5) Just a few years ago one of the self- are concerned, and to a surprisingly large ex­ correct; but what does seem to matter is that proclaimed experts, writing for a leading- tent is also true in circles responsible for our this opinion is challenged by someone who has weekly pictorial, coined the high-sounding foreign policy. not been properly established as an expert. phrase of “Homo Sovieticus“. No doubt he Turning to the international scene, I should The fear of being called wrong by this false sought to impress his readers with scholarly like to examine with you our position with criterion of judgement has discouraged dis­ verbiage, without any knowledge of the vio­ respect to a political force which is reshaping sent, originality of thought and indeed accur­ lence he was doing to the truth or the absurd­ the world order. I refer to nationalism—that acy of information and individual judgements ity of his conclusion. He made the bold state­ is, the movement of large numbers of homo­ thereon. ment that the Russians had erected a new geneous people toward nationhood or national In no field of endeavor is this curse of con­ human species called the “Soviet man.“ It is independence. formity so apparent as in the field of inter­ true that the Russians have been attempting national political affairs. A group of “hot­ to create such a new species of man, that is, Era o f Nationalism house“ experts has been nurtured who see a man who would be devoid of all human feel­ Since the end of World War II we have the international problems of our times ing, insensitive to the heritage of his fore­ witnessed many nations of South East Asia, through a mirror of their own making. fathers, lacking the normal desires and hopes South Asia, and Africa throw off the status This mirror reflects nothing more than what which distinguish man from the animal, and of colonies and establish their national indep­ they want to see and builds a make-believe unconstrained by the natural law which has endence. The United States was the first to world arena upon which they manufacture guided the behavior of man since the beginn­ take firm and positive steps to accord with their thought capsules for the unsuspecting ing of time. This would mean turning man into the natural aspirations of people, which has American public. This is especially true with an automaton, responsive only to the will of come with the political awakening in vast respect to current public opinion on the Rus­ the Kremlin. The Russian leaders have not areas of the world. In the case of the Philip­ sians, their present empire and their plans been successful in this effort nor will they pines we declared our intention to help that for a world empire. ever be, because no man or group of men have nation realize its aspirations for national in­ the power or capability of altering the basic dependence before World War II was over. Russian Myths Propagated nature of man. Mr. Khrushchev knows this to Immediately following the war, this goal was As evidence of this unhappy state of affairs be a fact much more than the crop of head realized in an orderly and mutually satis­ I invite your attention to these following shrinkers who are posing as experts on what factory manner. There can be no doubt that examples: they call Soviet affairs. our action in this case provided a powerful (1) In the public mind Russia is most times (6) A derivative of the false notion of “Homo stimulus for the national liberation move­ equated with the Soviet Union. Few Ameri­ Sovieticus“ is the ridiculous claim to a Soviet ments throughout Asia and Africa. In taking cans know that Russia is only one of the many society—a term used to describe the state of this course of action we acted in accord with nations which make up the Soviet Union. One life behind the Russian Iron Curtain. This, our honored belief in the right of all people seldom hears reference made to the Russian of course, would intend to include the people to national self-determination. Page 2 ABN-CORRESPONDENCE Number 1/2 American Political Realism And The Russian Empire Global Resistance (Continued from page 1) ADDRESS DELIVERED Now some twelve years after the independ­ (1) We fail to see the Russians and their by Admiral Penna Botto ence of the Philippines we see that the old historical attachment to dreams of a world President of the “ Interamerican Confederation colonialism of Asia has passed into history. empire as the cement and outward driving for the Defense of the Continent“ , and the Chair­ The old colonialism of Africa is slowly but force of the Empire. man of the “ Brazilian Anti-Communist Crusade“ , surely following a similar course as the on the 14th August 1958 at the 4th Plenary (2) We fail to see the precise parallels bet­ colonial or metropolitan powers are faced Congress of the International Council of Christian ween life within that empire under the Rus­ with the aspirations of politically awakened Churches sian Czars and life under the new Russian people and nations.
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