QUQUQUEENSQUQUEENSUEENSUEENUEENSUEENUEENSEENEENEENSSS o. Volume 64,65, NNo.1 2684 MONDAYMONDAY,, JANUARY MAY 20, 7,2019 2019 50¢50¢ Far Rockaway Leaders Seek AnswersLILIWoodside Lawyers Lawyers Charged Charged and Man UEENS Oversight Of Privately Owned WithSchoolWithCharged Defrauding Defrauding Buses With Q ClientsClients for for Millions Millions FatalByBy Jonathan Jonathan Punch Sperling Sperling QueensQueens Daily Daily Eagle Eagle TheyThey were were hired hired to to practice practice the the law law — — not not breakbreakFaces it. it. Court On ODAY Now two recently disbarred lawyers from a TODAY Now two recently disbarred lawyers from a T former Long Island law firm are facing multiple — JANUARY 7, 2019 — formerVictim’sgrand Longlarceny Island charges law andfirmBirthday aare scheme facing to multiple defraud — MAY 20, 2019 — grand larceny charges and a scheme to defraud charge for allegedlyBy David pilfering Brand more than $7 million ««« chargefrom thefor allegedlysettlements pilfering of dozens more of than clients, $7 million Queens ««« from the settlementsQueens of dozensDaily Eagle of clients, Queens ELECTEPARENTSINDISTRICT30ARED OFFICIALS AND COMM- District Attorney Richard A. Brown announced on FUMINGOVERSCHOOLBUSISSUESPARENTSINDISTRICT30AREFLUSHING FIREHOUSE DistrictThursday.Family Attorney Brownand friendsRichard was appointedof A. John Brown “Danny” toannounced the case McGee onas a unityCLOSES leaders FORhave SCABIES created aINFESTATION Complete Count Thursday.filled a row Brown inside was a appointedcrowded Queensto the case criminal as a CommitteeNumerousFUMINGOVERSCHOOLBUSISSUES that problems will work with inschool conjunction bus drivers with have special prosecutor by the Office of Nassau County specialcourtroomDistrict prosecutor Attorney Friday by morningMadeline the Office as Singas ofthe Nassau man in Countychargedorder to parentsthe FirefightersNumerousBorough and school problems President’s from children withEngine lookingschoolQueens 320 bus for on Completedrivers answers Francis have in LewisLongparents Island Boulevardand schoolCity. The nearchildren incidents 37th looking Avenue were for so in answers badFlushing for thein Districtinavoid relation any Attorney toconflict McGee's Madeline of interest. death Singasappeared in in order court toon Count Committee to engage and access hard- avoidwhatThe anywould conflictdefendants have beenof interest. — he victim's60-year-olds 22nd birthdayMitchell. wereresidentsLongto-count Islandnot ofneighborhoods allowed DistrictCity. The 30 insideincidents and in PS Souththeir were384Q, Eastfirehouse so they bad Queens heldfor onthe an Thursdayemergencyresidents of after Districtmeeting one 30 of withand their PSthe fellow384Q, Department theyfirefighters held anof LenchnerTheSteven defendants and O’Brien, Corey —Kaye, a 60-year-olds Woodside both of Long resident, Mitchell Island is — during the 2020 U.S. Census. were served with criminal complaints stemming wasEducation,emergency infected accordingmeeting with scabies, withto ABC7 the the . DepartmentInPost addition reported ofto Queens Supreme Court Justice Gregory Lenchnercharged and with third-degree assault for allegedly Corey Kaye, both of Long Island — from allegations that they defrauded 29 clients be- onskippingEducation, Friday stops,. Cleanersaccording leaving were kidsto ABC7 atat theschool. locationIn andaddition dropping where to Queens Supreme Court Justice Gregory werethrowing served the with punch criminal that complaints killed McGee stemming during off kids at the wrong stops, parents tell stories of a 5- froman tween altercation outside allegations January that2010 they and a defrauded Sunnyside May 2018 29 at bar clients the around since- be- moreskippingTHE thanSEQ stops, 100 leaving CCCfirefighters kidsWILL atare school assigned.FO CandUS dropping ON year-oldoff kids at giving the wrong his busstops, driver parents directions, tell stories multiple of a 5- Lasak Honored at Retirement Breakfast tween3:45 a.m. on Nov. 22, according to the criminal shuttered January law 2010 firm and of MayKaye 2018 & atLenchner. the since- If neighborhoods such as Jamaica, St. Albans, From left, Administrative Judge of the Supreme Court, Civil Division, Jeremy Weinstein; NYS Supreme Court convicted, they face a minimum of one year to a driversyear-oldHollis, headingQueens giving his theVillage, bus wrong driver Laurelton, direction directions, onRosedale, one-waymultiple Lasak Honored at Retirement Breakfast shutteredcomplaint. McGee fell and hit his head on the law firm of Kaye & Lenchner. If streets and one driver refusing to help kids buckle maximum of 25 years in prison. driversSpringfield heading Gardens, the wrong Far direction Rockaway, on one-way South FromJustice left, Gregory Administrative Lasak; Presiding Judge of Justice, the Supreme NY Supreme Court, Court, Civil Division, Appellate Jeremy Division, Weinstein; Randall NYS Eng; Supreme Queens County Court convicted,ground. He was pronounced dead at Elmhurst they face a minimum of one year to a seatVIOLENT belts. “This ST. is ALBANS a crisis for SENIOR any parent HOUSING whose child Camron “Neno” Brown was killed by a school van like the one in this photo. Photo via Camron’s family; EagleContinued photo by David on page Brand 7 streetsOzone and Park one and driver Richmond refusing toHill help where kids buckle the JusticeSurrogate Gregory Court Lasak; Judge Presiding Peter Kelly. Justice, See NYmore Supreme coverage Court, on pages Appellate 15 and Division, 16. Randall Eng;Eagle Queens photo by County Andy Katz maximumHospital. of 25 years in prison. is affected,PIMP andCONVICTED the city of IN New QUEENS York and COURT the mayor SEE PAGE 15 “Today would have been his 22nd birthday,” seatlarge belts. population “This is a crisisof forimmigrants any parent whosepresent child SurrogateWoodside Court resident Judge Peter Steven Kelly. See O’Brien more coverage (right) on is pages charged 15 and with 16. third-degreeEagle photoassault by Andy forKatz Continued on page 7 andis affected,A theQueens DOE and judgeneed the city to is beexpectedof Newhandling York to sentence thisand asthe if mayor a it’sSt. a said McGee’s uncle Tim Murphy, 51. “We’re crisis,”substantial said challengesCity Councilmember for census takers,Jimmy dueVan allegedly throwing the punch that killed John McGee in Sunnyside on Nov. 22. Albansandto languagethe DOEpredator needbarriers, to to up be to non-traditionalhandling eight years this asin ifworkprison it’s a forBramer. admitting Parents that said he that took at their advantage emergency of a meetingdrug- Pool photo by Dennis Clark Empty CourthouseContinued on page 7 Thursdaycrisis,”schedules said night, and City other it wasCouncilmember factors. established that Jimmy any school Van NYC's Newest addictedwithBramer. persistent Parents senior issues said citizen that would at and their get pimped emergency a new bus a teenage meetingservice. Empty Courthouse girl,TheThursday currentprosecutors night, service, it wassaid. Grandpa’sestablished Joseph Gilbert Busthat anyCompany, pleaded school Full of History guiltyreleasedwithC OU persistentN beforeC a statementIL SPE issuesQueensA apologizing KwouldER Supreme CgetO for Ra Enew the CourtY incidents busJO HJusticeservice.NS and- FamilyBy Clarissa Court Sosin PeterassuringTheon hasn’t current Vallone that announced service,there Jr. on is Thursday Grandpa’sahis zero-tolerance candidacy for Bus attempting for Company,policy mayor forto Full Queensof History Daily Eagle sexlawbreakingreleasedyet, traffickbut a that statement a and hasn’t16-year-old leaving apologizing stopped children girl forCouncilmember from thein incidentsdanger. December They and Jim Henderson: Wikipedia PhotogInside the ByQueens Clarissa County Sosin Courthouse and in Long 2016alsoassuringDaniel setto DrommMarchthatup telephonethere 2017. from is aRead hotlinesmakingzero-tolerance more fora on preemptive anypage policy parents 2. for IslandJudge City a janitorQueens cleaned Embraces Daily the Eagle second floor bathroom, experiencinglawbreakingendorsement. andissues: Dromm leaving 718-475-7585, announcedchildren in 718-475-7586, danger. he would They a loneInside security the Queens guard watchedCounty theCourthouse front door in while Long his andalsoback 718-475-7587. setJohnson up telephone for mayor hotlines on Thursdayfor any parents and Islandcolleagues City a janitortook their cleaned lunch the breakssecond floorand abathroom, judge sat The Unsung Hero of Communitychatting with visitors on theNews empty benches of his experiencingdoubled down issues: in a 718-475-7585,fundraising email 718-475-7586, Friday. a lone Thesecurity guard Challenge watched the front door while his QUEENS MURDER««« SUSPECT courtroom. and BUSTED718-475-7587. AFTER STANDOFF WITH COPS colleagues took theirBy lunchDavid breaks Brand and a judge sat QUEENSTURNSRURALTHISWEEKEND chattingThe withdark Byvisitorshallways, QueensJonathan on normally the Daily empty Sperling Eaglebustling benches with of people, his A “TWEProspect-LeffertsNTY FORTHECOUNTYFAIRSIX Y «««GardenEARS manAG Owho WHE is wantedN I courtroom.sat mostlyAfter empty moreQueens during than a lullDaily30 Wednesday,years Eagle in the leaving Queens signs forwas Thethe QUEENSTURNSRURALTHISWEEKENDa murder annualteacher Queensof a fightingQueens County man Fair for was is comingLGBTQ* arrested to of courtThetheIt’s building’s dark a situation any community news editor system, hallways, rich Judge history normally Ronna out bustlingin theGordon-Galchus open
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