Plant Species Biology (2009) 24, 2–10 doi: 10.1111/j.1442-1984.2009.00234.x Comparisons of breeding systems between two sympatric species, Nastanthus spathulatus (Calyceraceae) and Rhodophiala rhodolirion (Amaryllidaceae), in the high Andes of central Chile PHILIP G. LADD* and MARY T. K. ARROYO† *School of Environmental Science, Murdoch University, Murdoch, Western Australia 6150, Australia and †Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity, Faculty of Science, University of Chile, Casilla 653, Santiago, Chile Abstract Alpine vegetation occurs over a wide range of ecological conditions. Thus, the breeding systems of alpine plants are likely to be diverse and vary from one geographical area to another. The reproductive characteristics of Nastanthus spathulatus (Calyceraceae) and Rhodophiala rhodolirion (Amaryllidaceae), species with contrasting floral morphology, were studied in the high Andes of Chile, which has a Mediterranean-type climate. Natural and supplemental open pollination, and cross pollination and self-pollination trials were carried out in the field. Flower visitors were quantified by field and video observations. Both species had high outcrossing properties, and Nastanthus was strongly self-incompatible. Rhodophiala could form some seed by self-pollination, but fruit and seed sets were much lower after self-pollination compared with outcrossing. The phenol- ogy and flower/inflorescence forms of these species supported the view that alpine flowers are comparatively long lived and that the floral display contributes to a large proportion of the plant biomass. Rhodophiala was well attended by a native bee species (Megachile sauleyi) that was appropriately sized for efficient pollination. Although no flower visitors were observed on Nastanthus and wind pollination was discarded experi- mentally, a high proportion of the flowers produced seeds under natural pollination. Therefore, the seed set was not severely pollen limited in these species. Including previ- ously published information, breeding systems are now known for 12 species on this Mediterranean alpine site and current knowledge suggests an emphasis on outcrossing breeding systems. Keywords: breeding system, Mediterranean alpine, Nastanthus spathulatus, pollination, Rhodophiala rhodolirion, seed set. Received 6 June 2008; accepted 26 October 2008 Introduction adverse weather conditions and cold temperatures (Arroyo et al. 1985; Arroyo & Squeo 1990). Flower visita- Flower visitation by pollinators in the alpine environment tion is influenced by both biotic and abiotic factors. In can be notoriously erratic, both spatially and temporally terms of biotic offerings, there is often a lack of resources (Totland 1994; Bergman et al. 1996; Arroyo et al. 2006), and as a result of small plant size and hence overall fewer overall community flower visitation rates are known to flowers than would be produced in plants that are able to decline with increasing altitude from the lower alpine belt grow to a larger size. In addition, the flow rates of nectar upward at three latitudes (subtropical, Mediterranean and are probably slow. Flowers that offer nectar might be Patagonian) in the South American Andes because of visited by different taxa than those that only offer pollen. Pollen flowers will be frequented more by bees that need Correspondence: Philip G. Ladd pollen for provisioning larvae rather than flies or lepi- Email: [email protected] dopterans and thus might be less reliably pollinated as a © 2009 The Authors Journal compilation © 2009 The Society for the Study of Species Biology BREEDING SYSTEMS OF TWO HIGH ANDES PLANTS 3 result of a lower diversity of visitor types. Under such factors should affect pollinator activity as much as tem- conditions different groups of plants have developed a perature. Moreover, alpine flora congregates numerous range of strategies to ensure adequate seed set. evolutionary lineages that are found in a wide variety of In the search for models to explain reproductive behav- subtending vegetation types. Consequently, to obtain a iour in the alpine zone, a number of hypotheses have been global picture of the breeding systems and pollen limita- put forward to focus study on alpine plant breeding tions in alpine areas, far more experimental breeding systems. An increased reliance on selfing has been sug- system studies are needed to increase geographical and, gested as a modification to ensure reliable seed set (auto- in particular, taxonomic coverage. Thus, the present study gamous assurance hypothesis; Mosquin 1966; Billings assesses the breeding systems and seed set of two alpine 1974). Shifting from a reliance on animal pollen vectors to species growing sympatrically in the Andes of central wind pollination is another strategy (Arroyo & Squeo Chile. We selected these species because of their contrast- 1987; Linder 1998; Anderson 2000). Increasing flower lon- ing floral morphologies and different familial status. Our gevity (Arroyo et al. 1982; Rathke 2003) and floral display main aim was to determine how these species accord with in relation to total plant biomass (Fabbro & Körner 2004) contrasting hypotheses regarding the breeding systems of have also been suggested and have been shown to plant species in an alpine environment. We also provide increase the likelihood of pollination owing to more time information on seed set and population density to assess being available for visitation and increased attractiveness the ability of these species to replace the existing popula- (increased pollination probability hypothesis). In accor- tions of adults. dance with the latter, some outcrossing species show no depression in seed set with increasing altitude (Bingham & Orthner 1998). Despite demonstrated cases of auto- Methods gamy, a growing body of alpine reproductive biologists Study site (Arroyo & Squeo 1990; Körner 1999) considers that out- crossing breeding systems are relatively frequent in alpine Studies of the pollination and reproductive properties areas. A high investment in flowers in relation to total were conducted at sites in the Chilean Andes in the La plant biomass in many alpine plants supports this view Parva-Valle Nevado area from 2300–3200 m a.s.l. at ° (Fabbro & Körner 2004), although this is in contrast to the approximately 33 S. Plants commonly grew on steep views of Molau (1993) who felt that the majority of arctic slopes facing west to southwest, where their altitudinal plants allocated ‘a minor proportion of their available ranges overlapped. The altitudinal range of Nastanthus resources to regeneration’. Studies examining a suite of spathulatus is reported to be 900–2200 m a.s.l. (http:// seven snow-bed species in the Austrian alps showed a full www.chileflora.com/Florachilena/FloraSpanish/ range of breeding systems from virtually complete out- HighResPages/SH0033.htm; accessed September 2008), crossing to complete selfing (Scheffknecht et al. 2007), but it occurs up to 3200 m in the La Parva area, whereas whereas heterostylous taxa, such as Primula, that have Rhodophiala rhodophiala occurs from 1800 to 3200 m (Hoff- many alpine species are always outcrossing (e.g. Shimono mann et al. 1998; M. Arroyo, unpubl. data, 2007). In the La & Washitani 2007). A study of over 137 tundra species Parva area, Nastanthus is common at the higher end of the from the Arctic alpine proposed two main life-history altitudinal range and grows with Rhodophiala at site 1, strategies (Molau (1993)). ‘Pollen-risking’ was detected in whereas only Rhodophiala grows at a lower altitude species that flower soon after the seasonal thaw and ‘seed- (2300 m) at site 2. risking’ was observed in species that flower later in the season and are at risk of reduced seed set owing to an Study species early onset of cold conditions. Alpine vegetation occupies 3% of the globe’s land area Nastanthus spathulatus (Phil.) Miers. (Calyceraceae) is a (Körner 1999), occurs on all continents and can be found rosette herb that produces numerous densely arranged from tropical to polar latitudes. Alpine regions provide heads of flowers on mature plants that are similar to some one of the best replicated large-scale natural experimental species in the Asteraceae, with which the Calyceraceae areas that exists for ecological and macroecological work. forms a monophyletic group (Bremer & Gustafsson 1997; Related taxa that span an altitudinal range can be exam- Fig. 1). The central capitulum is generally much larger ined to investigate patterns in reproductive behaviour (bears more flowers) than the peripheral capitula. The with altitude (Totland 2001; Blionis & Vokou 2005). florets are densely packed on each capitulum, are greenish Although temperature is undoubtedly a main driver of in color, have no scent, offer no nectar and at anthesis the many ecological processes in alpine areas, different alpine pollen is displayed as a khaki-colored mass on a pollen areas show large variations in growing season precipita- presenter approximately 3–4 mm above the corolla lobes. tion, cloudiness and wind conditions. Locally, all of these The inferior ovary has only one ovule and the pollen : Plant Species Biology 24, 2–10 © 2009 The Authors Journal compilation © 2009 The Society for the Study of Species Biology 4 P. G. LADD AND M. K. ARROYO population was censused for Nastanthus, whereas only Rhodophiala reproductive plants could be located so the census was of flowers, which was taken to be representa- tive of the reproductive population. Groups of flowers were considered to be the same genet and to be separate
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