COLLABüRATüRS FLIES LICE E. PAUL CATTS KE CHUNG KIM University of Delaware Pennsylvania State University Newark, Delaware University Park, Pennsylvania LICE PROTOZOANS KARY C. EMERSON NORMAN D. LEVINE Arlington, Virginia University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois PENTASTOMIDS ALEX FAIN Institute de Médecine Tropicale FLEAS Prince Léopold ROBERT E. LEWIS Antwerp, Belgium Iowa State University Ames, Iowa NEMATODES, ACANTHOCEPHALANS, LE.ECHES LICE DONALD HEYNEMAN ROGER D. PRICE University of California University of Minnesota San Francisco, California St. Paul, Minnesota PARASITES OF FISHES GLENN L. HOFFMAN BUGS Eastern Fish Disease Laboratory RAy:yrOND E. RYCK:YL\N Leetown, "Vest Virginia Loma Linda University Loma Linda, California TICKS HARRY HOOGSTRAAL TREMATODES, CESTODES U.S. Naval Medical Research Unit MARIETTA VOGE No. 3 University of California Cairo, U.A.R. Los Angeles, California PARASITES OF AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES MITES HAROLD M. KAPL\N CONRAD YUNKER Southern Illinois University Rocky Mountain Laboratory Carbondale, Illinois rr-,~.. > Hamilton, Montana t',,·,; IiL>t R~'{,",,::<,;, r 1 Chapter 16 PENT ASTOMIDS by Alex Fain P ENTASTOMIDS wmtitute a highly Natural infections have been reported aberrant group of arthropods (Fain 1961; in sorne endothermal species occasionally Heymons 1935). They have a wormlike used in the laboratory. Experimental in­ and generally annulated appearance. The fections have also been produced, The body is white. legless, and either cylindrical pentastomids that may be encountered in or flat. endothermal laboratory species are listed These arthropods are typically heter­ in Table 16.1. The most important species oxenous parasites. In the most evolved are described below. species, the adults live in the respiratory Linguatula sel'rata tract of carnivorous animaIs, usually snakes, and the larvae develop in the tis­ (Tongue Worm) sues of various animaIs, usually mammals. Linguatula serrata, a relatively benign The intermediate host becomes in­ parasite, is found throughout the world, fected by drinking water or eating food but its exact incidence is unknown. It is contaminated by fecal material or by commonest in Europe, especially eastern mucus from the respiratory tract of an ani­ Europe (Heymons 1942). and has been re· maI harboring adult pentastomids; the de­ ported from the United States (Stiles 1895), finitive host becomes infected by eating South America (Gelormini and Roveda animaIs or viscera containing nymphs. 1938). South Africa (OrtIepp 1934), Asia The development in the intennediate (Faust 1927; Heymons 1935), the Philip­ host gener:llly takes several months. The pine Islands (Tubangui :lnd :\lasiluilgan development:ll stages include a prim:lry 19:16), ,-\ustralia (Pullar 1936), and ~ ew or migr:lting bna; a secondary or resting Ze:lland (Gurr 1953). larva which molts sever:ll times; and a ter­ .-\dults accur in the nasal passages of tiary larva or nymph which encysts in the the dog and other canids, and rarely in tissues of the host, generally in the peri­ damestic farm species :lncl man (Heymons toneal cavity. The terti:lry larva usuaUy 1942). The nymph sometimes occurs in the remains encysted until ingested by the wild ~orway rat, black rat, guinea pig, definitive hast. but sometimes. for reasons rabbit, cat, titi monkey, gelada baboon, not dearly understood. it escapes from its and man (Bochefontaine 1876; Heymons cystic envelope and migrates through the 1942; Kuntz, Myers. and Vice 1967; Strong. tissues of the intermediate host, causing Shattuck, and Wheeler 1926). lt is com­ acute peritonitis and possibly death (Chal­ mon in domestic farm species. A report mers 1899). of canine nymphal linguaculosis in Japan , 493 ~ >, l z 1 494 PARASITES OF ENDOTHERMAL LABORATORY ANIMALS is of doubtful validity (Yamashita and Ohbayashi 1954). The nymph was proh­ abl)' ATmillifer moniliformis. The incidence of L. sen-ata in labora­ tory specimens is unknown. It is not likely ~ ,...~ to be encountered except in dogs obtained "'" ~. from pounds or in rodents obtained from their natural habitat. The mouse, guinea pig, and rock squirrel (Otospermophilus beecheyi) have been infected experimen­ . tally (Heymons 194~; Hobmaier and Hob· maier 1940; Koch 190i). /' 1"'..0l.. MORPHOLOGY , The adults have a transparent, tongue­ shaped body with approximately 90 annuli (Fig. 16.1) (Sambon 1922). The anterior end has two pairs of simpIe retractile (,1' hooks. The female is 80 to 130 mm long \~ and 10 mm wide, and reddish orange eggs ...o!!!!!I!D ,') "­ are visible along the median line of the ~ '\'.., \.. ~ .....'" - 5mm FIG. 16.2. Linguatula serrata nymphs. (Cour. tesy of A. Fain, Institut de Médecine Tropi· cale Prince Léopold.) body; the male is 20 mm long and 3 to 4 mm wide. The nymph, sometimes called Pentastomum denticulatum, is 4 to 6 mm long and 1 mm wide (Fig. 16.2). It has spinous body rings and two pairs of binate hooks (Fig. 16.3). The egg is oval, about iO to 90 p. in diameter, and is individually enclosed in a thin bladderlike envelope con­ taining a clear fluid. It has a thick chitin­ ous shell containing an embryo with rudi­ mentary mouthparts and four short legs, each bearing two clawlike hooks. On the back of the em brvo is the so-called dorsal organ or facette. ­ LIFF. CYCLE Eggs are expelled from the definitive host in the nasal mucus or are swallowed and passed in the feces (Hobmaier and Hobmaier 1940). When ingested by an in­ termediate host, thev hatch in the intes­ tine. The resultant hrvae migrate to the internaI organs, usually the mesenteric FIG. 16. J. Linguatula serrata. (Le!t) Male. lymph nodes, and after about 6 months (Righi) Female. (Courtesy of A. Fain, Institut and nine molts, they develop into infective de Médecine Tropicale Prince Léopold.) nymphs. These nymphs remain viable in PENTASTOMIDS 495 ined for this parasite. Infected dogs can be treated by spraying the nasal passages with an aerosol containing ascaridol (the active ingredient in chenopodium oil) (Enigk and Düwel 1957), or the parasites can be removed surgically (Olt and Strôse 1914). There is no treatment for nymphal infections. PUBLIC HEALTH CONSIDERATIONS This parasite is not an important pub­ lic health problem (Fain 1960). The nymph and, very rarely, the adults have been re­ FIG. 16.3. Linguatula senala nymph. Note ported in man. spi nous body rings and the two pairs of binate hooks. (Courtesy of A. Fain, Institut de Méde· Porocephalus cine Tropicale Prince Léopold.) Porocephalus crotali occurs in North and South America, P. clavatlls occurs in the intermediate hast for over 2 vears. The South America, and P. subulifer is con· definitive hast becomes infected' by ingest­ fined ta tropical Africa (Fain 1961, 1966; ing viscera containing the infective stage, Heymans 1935). Porocephalus nymphs are but the method by which nymphs get ta occasionally found in the viscera of sorne the nasal cavities is unknown. This may endothermal laboratary species. They are occur while contaminated food is being relatively benign parasites. Adults usually masticated or possib!y later during emesis. live in the lung of large snakes. Adults survive about 2 years in the defini· The P. crotali nymph has been found tive hast. Thev feed on nasal mucus and in deer mice and the cotton rat in the secretions and ~ccasionally on blood (Hey· Vnited States (Layne 1967; Self and Mc­ mans 1942). Murry 1948), and there is a doubtful rec­ ord in a marmoset (Sagllinus) (Heymons PATHOLOCIC EFFECTS 1935). The nymph of P. clavatus has been Vsually there are no signs of infec­ reported from the common marmoset (Hey­ tion, but a severe catarrhal or suppurative mons 1935), from laboratory tam:lfins rhinitis and epistaxis sometimes occur (Saguin1ls nigricollis) in the United States (Enigk and Düwel 1957; Heymans 1942). (Cosgrove, Nelson, and Gengozian 1968; Restlessness, sneezing, and difficult breath­ Nelson, Cosgrove, and Gengozian 1966), ing are occasionally seen. The sense of and, erroneously, from African primates smell is ohen reduced or abolished. and man (Fiennes 1967). The nymph of The nymph generally does not pro­ P. subulifer has been found in a guenon duce signs and is an inciden tal necropsy (Heymons 1935) and in a ~a1ago (Fain finding, appearing as a small fibrous or 1961), and nymphs of an unidentified spe­ calcified tuberde in the viscera. A massive cies of Porocephallis have been recO\'ered infection has camed peritonitis in an ex­ from a squirre1 monkey (A. Fain, unpub­ perimentally infected guinea pig (Koch lished data). 1907). The rat, mouse, and hamster have been experimentally infected with eggs of DJAC;-.lOSIS P. crotali (Esslinger 1962a, b), ancl the Diagnosis is based on clinical signs and mouse, rat, and guinea pig have been ex­ the presence of L. serrata eggs in the feces perimentally infected with eggs of P. cla­ or nasal mucus. vatus (da Fonseca 1939). Porocephalus cla<mtllS is apparently CONTROL common in laboratorv tamarins obtained Newly acquired dogs showing signs of from their natural h~bitat, and an inci­ upper respiratory disease should be exam· dence of 29% has been reported (Self and ...,...... 496 PARASITES OF ENDOTHERMAL LABORATORY ANIMALS 1966; Heymons 1935; Penn 1942; Self and McMurry 1948). PATHOLOCIC EFFECTS In deer mice and the cotton rat, the nymph locates in the viscera, mesentery, and abdominal and thoracic walls (Layne 1967). It produces no signs or serious pa· thology. In primates, the nymph encysts in many tissues (Fig. 16.5. 16.6), including the liver. lungs. peritoneum. and meninges, but produces little or no injury (A. Fain. unpublished data; Nelson, Cosgrove, and Gengozian 1966). Inflammatory reaction is minimal (Fig. 16.7) unless the nymph dies; then a foreign body reaction and graduaI resorption occur (Fig. 16.8). FIc. 16.4. Porocephalus nymph. (Courtesy of DIAGNOSIS A. Fain, Institut de Médecine Tropicale Prince Léopold.) Since This parasite usually does not produce signs or lesions, diagnosis is made by finding the nymph at necrops)'.
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