J. MILTON YINGER PAPERS INVENTORY Series I. Awards and Honors, 1934-1943, 1958-59, 1968, 1971, 1973, 1976, 1982-1988, 1992, 1994, 1996, n.d. Box 1 Awards, Certificates, Honors, and Resolutions, 1934, 1958-59, 1968, 1973, 1983, 1987-88, 1992 Degrees, John Milton Yinger, 1937, 1939, 1943, 1982 Degrees, Winnie Genevieve McHenry (Yinger), 1935, 1939, 1940 Programs, Flyers, Correspondence, and Miscellaneous materials re honors, awards, and certificates, 1959, 1971, 1976, 1982-83, 1994, 1996, n.d. Series II. Biographical and Files Relating to the Yinger Family, 1930s-1970s, 1982-1988, 1990, 1996-2003, n.d. Box 1 (cont.) Biographical entry; Encyclopedia of Religion and Society, 1998 Biographical file, 1948, 1975-76, 1985, 1987, 1997,1999, n.d. Curriculum Vitae and professional resumes, 1968, 1974, 2001 Gifts to Oberlin, 1957, 1969-70, 1984-88, 1990 Kendal at Oberlin, 1989, 2001-2003, n.d. Membership cards and licenses, 1930s-70s Symposium Session on work of John Milton Yinger, Association of Sociology of Religion, 1977-78 Symposium in honor of John Milton Yinger, “Religion, Race, and Power: Conflicting Realities in a Changing World,” Oberlin College Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology, 1987 Yinger Family file, 1940, 2000-2002, n.d. John Yinger (John Milton Yingerʼs son), 1982, 1996, 2001-2002 Winnie McHenry Yinger, 1997, 1999, 2002-03, n.d. Series III. Correspondence, 1937-2003 Subseries 1. Professional Letters, 1939-2001 Box 1 1939-42 1943-44 1945 1946 1947 1948 14 J. MILTON YINGER PAPERS Series III. Correspondence, 1937-2003 (cont.) Subseries 1. Professional Letters, 1939-2001 (cont.) Box 1 (cont.) 1949 1950 1951-52 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957-58 Box 2 1958 (3f) 1959 (3f) 1960 (3f) 1961 (3f) 1962 (3f) Box 3 1963 (3f) 1964 (3f) 1965 (3f) 1966 (3f) 1967 (3f) 1968 (3f) Box 4 1969 (3f) 1970 (2f) 1971 (2f) 1971-72 (Sabbatical) 1972 (2f) 1973 (2f) 1974 (3f) 1975 (3f) Box 5 1976 (3f) 1977 (3f) 1978 (3f) 1979 (3f) 15 J. MILTON YINGER PAPERS Series III. Correspondence, 1937-2003 (cont.) Subseries 1. Professional Letters, 1939-2001 (cont.) Box 5 (cont.) 1980 (2f) Box 6 1981 (3f) 1982 (3f) 1983 1984 1985 1986 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Box 7 1995 1996 1997 1999 2000 2001 Subseries 2. Personal Letters, 1937-2003 Box 8 1937-43 1944-47 1948-49 1950-55 1956-64 1965-66 1967-68 1969 1970-73 1974-76 1977-78 1979-83 16 J. MILTON YINGER PAPERS Series III. Correspondence, 1937-2003 (cont.) Subseries 2. Personal Letters, 1937-2003 (cont.) Box 8 (cont.) 1989 1984-85 1986 1987 1988 Box 9 1990-91 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Christmas Letters, 1943-2001 (span) Subseries 3. Student/Alumni Letters, 1945-46, 1948-59, 1961-89 **RESTRICTED** Box 10 1945-46 (Ohio Wesleyan) 1948-49 (Oberlin) 1950-53 “ 1954-57 “ 1958-59; 1961-62 (Oberlin)/ 1962 (University of Washington) 1963 (Oberlin and Other) 1964-66 (Oberlin) 1967-70 “ “ 1971-73 “ “ 1974-75 “ “ 1976-78 “ “ 1979-81 “ “ 1982-84 “ “ 1985-87 “ “ 1988-89 “ “ 17 J. MILTON YINGER PAPERS Series III. Correspondence, 1937-2003 (cont.) Subseries 3. Student/Alumni Letters, 1945-46, 1948-59, 1961-89 (cont.) Box 11 Student Recommendations, 1953-1987 (5f) **Restricted** Subseries 4. Mixed Letters, 1953-54, 1956-57, 1959, 1962-64, 1967-69, 1972-76, 1987-93, 1998, 2000-2003 n.d. Box 12 Bernstein, Marc, 1991-92 Blalock, H. M., 1967 Cutler, Steven, 1990, 1992 Clinton, William Jefferson, 1997 Dʼ Antonio, Bill, 1998 DiRenzo, Gordon, 1974-76 Dukakis, Michael (mock letter), 1988 Editors Letters to, 1956, 1964 (2f) Editorial work, John Milton Yinger, 1964-1990, 2000-2001 Elder, Joe and Joanne, 1991 Etzioni, Amitai, 1989, 1991 Gates, Robert, 1978-1979 Handbook of Political Psychology, 1972-1974 Ikeda, Kiyoshi, 1973-1975 Johnson, Lyndon B., 1965 Klein, Anna Mary, 1969-70 Lane, Doris A., 1969 Lenski, Gerhard, 1988, 1990 Litwak, Eugene, 1973 Luke, Wing C., 1959 Marx, Gary, 1969, 1976, 1988 Merton, Robert, and Zuckerman, Harriet, 1956-57, 1963-64, 1968, 1972-75, 1987, 1990, 1993, 1998, 2003 n.d. (2f) Mondale, Walter, 1967, 1997 Mondlane, Eduardo and Janet, 1958, 1960, 1962, 1967 [2002/ 43] Rosenberg, Morris, 1979-80 Religious Research Association, 1960-1992 Simpson, George, 1990-92 Society for the Advancement of Field Theory (SAFT), 1985-1987 Sociological Abstracts Inc., 1979 Tsagarely Family, 1981, 1989, 1990, n.d. Walters, Karen S., 1969-70 18 J. MILTON YINGER PAPERS Series III. Correspondence, 1937-2003 (cont.) Subseries 4. Mixed Letters, 1953-54, 1956-57, 1959, 1962-64, 1967-69, 1972-76, 1987-93, 1998, 2000-2003 n.d. (cont.) Box 12 (cont.) Whilhite, Margaret R., 1978 Williams Jr., Robin, 1953-54, 1957, 1959, 1962, 1967-68, 1975, 1989 Subseries 5. Correspondence Relating to Published Writings, 1943-2003 Box 13 Religion in the Struggle for Power Authorʼs contract and related correspondence, 1943-4, 1966 Correspondence, Incoming, 1943, 1946-7, 1959, 1962, 1966-7, 1973 Correspondence, Outgoing, 1943, 1959, 1962, 1966 Published Reviews, 1946-1947, n.d. Racial and Cultural Minorities College Library Adoption lists and promotion statistics, 1953, 1972 Correspondence, Incoming, 1953-5, 1958, 1965-8, 1973, 1975 Correspondence, outgoing and to others by others, 1953, 1966-8, 1973-5 Correspondence, incoming and outgoing, 1949-1971 (2f) Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc., 1971-1983 Published Reviews, 1953-1955, 1958, 1972-1973, n.d. “Sociology of Religion” MacMillan Company Correspondence, 1954 Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences Correspondence, 1955-57, 1977 Published Review, 1957 Box 14 Religion, Society, and the Individual Correspondence, Incoming, 1956-63, 1966, 1970-71 Correspondence, Outgoing, by others to others, and college library adoption lists, 1956, 1958-59 Correspondence, 1956-71, 1978, 1990 Published Reviews, 1957-58, 1960, 1964, n.d. 19 J. MILTON YINGER PAPERS Series III. Correspondence, 1937-2003 (cont.) Subseries 5. Correspondence Relating to Published Writings, 1943-2003 (cont.) Box 14 (cont.) “Contraculture and Subculture” Correspondence and editorial comment, 1959-1960 Sociology Looks at Religion MacMillan Company correspondence, 1961-5, 1971, 1977 A Minority Group in American Society Correspondence, Incoming and Outgoing, 1963-70, 1976- 1977, 1981 Published Reviews, sales report, and college library adoption lists 1965-1967, 1970 Toward a Field Theory of Behavior Correspondence, Incoming, 1960, 1963, 1965-1969, 1970, 1972-1974, n.d. (2f) Correspondence, Outgoing and to others by others, 1960, 1963, 1965, 1968-69, 1971-74, n.d. Correspondence, Incoming and outgoing, 1963-1973 Published Reviews, 1967-1970, 1972 “Treating Matching as a Variable” Correspondence, 1966-1970 Box 15 The Scientific Study of Religion Correspondence, Incoming, 1969-1972, 1975, n.d. Correspondence, Outgoing and by others to others, 1970-2 Correspondence, Incoming and Outgoing, 1968-1979 Published Reviews, 1971, 1975 Middle Start: An Experimental Study of Educational Enrichment in Early Adolescence Correspondence and names of participants, 1975-1977 Major Social Issues Correspondence, Incoming an Outgoing, 1976-1978, 1983 (2f) Published Reviews, 1978-1982 Countercultures: The Promise and the Peril of a World Turned Upside Down Free Press (div. of MacMillan) Correspondence, 1980-89 Ethnicity: Source of Strength? Source of Conflict? Correspondence, Incoming and Outgoing, 1999-2003 20 J. MILTON YINGER PAPERS Series IV. Committee Files, 1949, 1953-54, 1961, 1966-68, 1973-76, 1985, 1986-88 Box 1 Cincinnati, Mayorʼs Friendly Relations Committee, 1953-54 Oberlin College Committee Files Deanʼs Research Group on Black Student Progress, 1986 Educational Program of Oberlin College (EPOC), 1966-67 Asia House Proposal, 1966 General Faculty Committee Files, 1949, 1966-68, 1988 Swarthmore, Visiting Committee for the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, 1968, 1973-76, 1985 Social Science Research Council (SSRC) Committee on Social Structure and Socialization, 1961 Series V. Day Planners, 1963-67, 1969-2002 Box 1 Day Planners, 1963-67, 1969-2002 Series VI. Instructional Files, 1949-1998 Subseries 1. Course Materials, 1956-1998 Box 1 Course Titles, Topics, and Related Materials: American Society Sociology and Collective Behavior Humanities Tradition Ohio Weslyan Courses (1f) Social Control Urban Society Intro to Sociology Joint Economics – Sociology Seminar Population Problems Principles of Sociology Proseminars Seminar on Race and Ethnicity Abroad Race Relations Social Research Research Methods Society, Culture, and Personality (SCAP) 21 J. MILTON YINGER PAPERS Series VI. Instructional Files, 1949-1998 (cont.) Subseries 1. Course Materials, 1956-1998 Box 1 (cont.) Course Titles, Topics, and Related Materials (cont.): Sociology of Religion (2f) Contemporary Sociological Theory Sociology of Politics Sociology-Psychology Seminar Subseries 2. Miscellaneous Instructional Materials, 1957-59, 1961, 1965-67, 1970-71, 1974, 1978, 1988, 1992-94 Box 1 (cont.) Courses taught at Universities of Michigan, Washington, Hawaii and Wayne State University, 1958-59, 1961, 1965, 1971 Afro-House Survey, “Association of Residence In Black Student Housing and Academic Performance, “ c. 1971 Graded Papers, 1957, 1967, 1970, 1974 (2f) Hanna, Kathleen, Honors Thesis, 1966 Miscellaneous Tables, Graphs, and Diagrams, 1978, 1988, 1992-94, n.d. Subseries 3. Grade Books, 1949-1986 -- **Restricted** Box 1 (cont.) Grade Books, 1949-1986 (22 books, 38 loose pages) Series VII. Newspaper Clippings, 1946, 1953-1999 Box 1 News Clippings, 1946, 1953-1999 Series VIII. Office of Education Cooperative Research Program (Middle Start), 1963-78, n.d. Subseries 1. Administrative Files, 1965-70, n.d. Box 1 Budgetary records and supporting documents, 1965-70 (4f) General information about Middle Start, n.d. Reports submitted to U.S. Office of Education, 1969-70 (2f) 22 J. MILTON YINGER PAPERS Series VIII. Office of Education Cooperative Research Program (Middle Start), 1963-78 (cont.) Subseries 2. Data Collection Files, 1963-70, n.d. Box 2 Correspondence, 1967-1969, 1970 (4f) Box 3 Field interviewer information, 1967-69 (17f) Box 4 Field interview records, 1963-69 (12f) Box 5 Field interview records, 1963-69, n.d. (8f) Follow-Up Program interviews, 1964-68, n.d.
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