Distribution of Ethnic Households, Population by Sex, Residence and Community

Distribution of Ethnic Households, Population by Sex, Residence and Community

Table C-12 : Distribution of Ethnic Households, Population by Sex, Residence and Community Ethnic Administrative Unit UN / MZ / Ethnic Population in Main Groups ZL UZ Vill RMO Residence Population WA MH Community Households Both Male Female Chakma Marma Tanchaynga Others 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 84 Rangamati Zila Total 77353 356153 181820 174333 260445 51235 27052 17421 84 1 Rangamati Zila 64693 300446 153832 146614 214675 45021 25553 15197 84 2 Rangamati Zila 6047 26981 13240 13741 23170 1140 789 1882 84 3 Rangamati Zila 6613 28726 14748 13978 22600 5074 710 342 84 07 Baghaichhari Upazila Total 15359 72837 37520 35317 67279 43 19 5496 84 07 1 Baghaichhari Upazila 13704 65451 33748 31703 60043 35 18 5355 84 07 2 Baghaichhari Upazila 523 2416 1237 1179 2266 8 1 141 84 07 3 Baghaichhari Upazila 1132 4970 2535 2435 4970 0 0 0 84 07 Baghaichhari Paurashava 0 84 07 01 Ward No-01 Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 84 07 02 Ward No-02 Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 84 07 03 Ward No-03 Total 1 4 3 1 4 0 0 0 84 07 04 Ward No-04 Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 84 07 05 Ward No-05 Total 50 219 124 95 115 8 1 95 84 07 06 Ward No-06 Total 62 302 146 156 271 0 0 31 84 07 07 Ward No-07 Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 84 07 08 Ward No-08 Total 208 822 428 394 812 0 0 10 84 07 09 Ward No-09 Total 202 1069 536 533 1064 0 0 5 84 07 10 Amtali Union Total 1 3 2 1 0 0 0 3 84 07 11 Baghai Chhari Union Total 1882 8752 4505 4247 8740 0 0 12 84 07 23 Bangaltali Union Total 2180 10111 5192 4919 10042 0 0 69 84 07 35 Sarboatali Union Total 2123 10097 5172 4925 10045 13 9 30 84 07 47 Kedarmara Union Total 1768 8138 4058 4080 7844 0 0 294 84 07 59 Marishya Union Total 859 3706 1900 1806 3706 0 0 0 84 07 59 3 Marishya Union 859 3706 1900 1806 3706 0 0 0 84 07 71 Rupakari Union Total 965 4233 2190 2043 4233 0 0 0 84 07 71 1 Rupakari Union 692 2969 1555 1414 2969 0 0 0 84 07 71 3 Rupakari Union 273 1264 635 629 1264 0 0 0 84 07 83 Sajek Union Total 5058 25381 13264 12117 20403 22 9 4947 RMO: 1 = Rural, 2 = Urban and 3 = Other Urban Page 1 of 5 Table C-12 : Distribution of Ethnic Households, Population by Sex, Residence and Community Ethnic Administrative Unit UN / MZ / Ethnic Population in Main Groups ZL UZ Vill RMO Residence Population WA MH Community Households Both Male Female Chakma Marma Tanchaynga Others 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 84 21 Barkal Upazila Total 7182 35763 18649 17114 34408 676 3 676 84 21 1 Barkal Upazila 6890 34394 17894 16500 33386 439 3 566 84 21 3 Barkal Upazila 292 1369 755 614 1022 237 0 110 84 21 15 Aima Chhara Union Total 1333 6676 3432 3244 6596 0 0 80 84 21 31 Bara Harina Union Total 958 4927 2537 2390 4739 0 0 188 84 21 47 Barkal Union Total 974 4907 2623 2284 4452 262 0 193 84 21 47 1 Barkal Union 682 3538 1868 1670 3430 25 0 83 84 21 47 3 Barkal Union 292 1369 755 614 1022 237 0 110 84 21 63 Bhushan Chhara Union Total 2010 10306 5511 4795 9951 232 3 120 84 21 79 Shublong Union Total 1907 8947 4546 4401 8670 182 0 95 84 25 Kawkhali Upazila Total 7672 34954 17561 17393 16617 17450 681 206 84 25 1 Kawkhali Upazila 6945 31764 15931 15833 16519 14388 681 176 84 25 3 Kawkhali Upazila 727 3190 1630 1560 98 3062 0 30 84 25 19 Betbunia Union Total 1533 6565 3329 3236 642 5887 0 36 84 25 19 1 Betbunia Union 806 3375 1699 1676 544 2825 0 6 84 25 19 3 Betbunia Union 727 3190 1630 1560 98 3062 0 30 84 25 38 Fatik Chhari Union Total 1153 5396 2683 2713 3023 2341 0 32 84 25 57 Ghagra Union Total 3380 15651 7860 7791 11720 3121 681 129 84 25 76 Kalampati Union Total 1606 7342 3689 3653 1232 6101 0 9 84 29 Belai Chhari Upazila Total 5278 24707 12763 11944 7359 2704 11480 3164 84 29 1 Belai Chhari Upazila 4961 23412 12031 11381 6405 2593 11271 3143 84 29 3 Belai Chhari Upazila 317 1295 732 563 954 111 209 21 84 29 23 Belai Chhari Union Total 1507 6934 3638 3296 2937 523 2843 631 84 29 23 1 Belai Chhari Union 1190 5639 2906 2733 1983 412 2634 610 84 29 23 3 Belai Chhari Union 317 1295 732 563 954 111 209 21 84 29 47 Farua Union Total 2773 13382 6907 6475 1027 1577 8249 2529 84 29 71 Kangara Chhari Union Total 998 4391 2218 2173 3395 604 388 4 84 36 Kaptai Upazila Total 5849 24852 12465 12387 1114 16841 6414 483 84 36 1 Kaptai Upazila 5695 24224 12121 12103 988 16445 6389 402 RMO: 1 = Rural, 2 = Urban and 3 = Other Urban Page 2 of 5 Table C-12 : Distribution of Ethnic Households, Population by Sex, Residence and Community Ethnic Administrative Unit UN / MZ / Ethnic Population in Main Groups ZL UZ Vill RMO Residence Population WA MH Community Households Both Male Female Chakma Marma Tanchaynga Others 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 84 36 3 Kaptai Upazila 154 628 344 284 126 396 25 81 84 36 19 Chandraghona Union Total 233 1016 492 524 96 440 326 154 84 36 38 Chitmaram Union Total 930 3764 1897 1867 114 3266 298 86 84 36 57 Kaptai Union Total 602 2744 1448 1296 727 635 1194 188 84 36 57 1 Kaptai Union 448 2116 1104 1012 601 239 1169 107 84 36 57 3 Kaptai Union 154 628 344 284 126 396 25 81 84 36 76 Raikhali Union Total 2683 10897 5427 5470 164 9341 1350 42 84 36 86 Wagga Union Total 1401 6431 3201 3230 13 3159 3246 13 84 47 Jurai Chhari Upazila Total 5891 26331 13563 12768 25199 68 928 136 84 47 1 Jurai Chhari Upazila 4682 20898 10752 10146 19793 62 927 116 84 47 3 Jurai Chhari Upazila 1209 5433 2811 2622 5406 6 1 20 84 47 19 Banjugi Chhara Union Total 1115 5012 2526 2486 4973 18 5 16 84 47 38 Dumdumya Union Total 1479 7168 3736 3432 6472 28 576 92 84 47 57 Jurai Chhari Union Total 1878 8381 4321 4060 8348 6 7 20 84 47 57 1 Jurai Chhari Union 669 2948 1510 1438 2942 0 6 0 84 47 57 3 Jurai Chhari Union 1209 5433 2811 2622 5406 6 1 20 84 47 76 Maidang Union Total 1419 5770 2980 2790 5406 16 340 8 84 58 Langadu Upazila Total 4751 20882 10755 10127 20510 21 3 348 84 58 1 Langadu Upazila 3388 15071 7794 7277 14733 15 0 323 84 58 3 Langadu Upazila 1363 5811 2961 2850 5777 6 3 25 84 58 13 Atarak Chara Union Total 1459 6612 3414 3198 6586 0 0 26 84 58 27 Bhasanya Adam Union Total 327 1393 739 654 1331 6 0 56 84 58 40 Bagachatar Union Total 333 1454 760 694 1436 0 0 18 84 58 54 Gulshakhali Union Total 239 987 527 460 775 2 0 210 84 58 60 Kalapakurjya Union Total 1 4 1 3 4 0 0 0 84 58 67 Langadu Union Total 2145 9490 4828 4662 9442 12 3 33 84 58 67 1 Langadu Union 782 3679 1867 1812 3665 6 0 8 84 58 67 3 Langadu Union 1363 5811 2961 2850 5777 6 3 25 84 58 81 Mayanimukh Union Total 247 942 486 456 936 1 0 5 RMO: 1 = Rural, 2 = Urban and 3 = Other Urban Page 3 of 5 Table C-12 : Distribution of Ethnic Households, Population by Sex, Residence and Community Ethnic Administrative Unit UN / MZ / Ethnic Population in Main Groups ZL UZ Vill RMO Residence Population WA MH Community Households Both Male Female Chakma Marma Tanchaynga Others 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 84 75 Naniarchar Upazila Total 7876 36290 18428 17862 35314 854 6 116 84 75 1 Naniarchar Upazila 6913 32020 16300 15720 31130 786 6 98 84 75 3 Naniarchar Upazila 963 4270 2128 2142 4184 68 0 18 84 75 19 Burighat Union Total 1548 7181 3635 3546 6382 745 4 50 84 75 38 Ghila Chhari Union Total 1802 8405 4234 4171 8365 31 2 7 84 75 57 Naniarchar Union Total 2220 10239 5230 5009 10131 68 0 40 84 75 57 1 Naniarchar Union 1257 5969 3102 2867 5947 0 0 22 84 75 57 3 Naniarchar Union 963 4270 2128 2142 4184 68 0 18 84 75 76 Sabekhyong Union Total 2306 10465 5329 5136 10436 10 0 19 84 78 Rajasthali Upazila Total 4308 18702 9527 9175 200 10269 4369 3864 84 78 1 Rajasthali Upazila 3852 16942 8675 8267 137 9081 3897 3827 84 78 3 Rajasthali Upazila 456 1760 852 908 63 1188 472 37 84 78 23 Bangalhalia Union Total 1177 5021 2595 2426 101 4255 194 471 84 78 46 Ghila Chhari Union Total 1474 6885 3547 3338 30 618 3126 3111 84 78 71 Gainda Union Total 1657 6796 3385 3411 69 5396 1049 282 84 78 71 1 Gainda Union 1201 5036 2533 2503 6 4208 577 245 84 78 71 3 Gainda Union 456 1760 852 908 63 1188 472 37 84 87 Rangamati Sadar Upazila Total 13187 60835 30589 30246 52445 2309 3149 2932 84 87 1 Rangamati Sadar Upazila 7663 36270 18586 17684 31541 1177 2361 1191 84 87 2 Rangamati Sadar Upazila 5524 24565 12003 12562 20904 1132 788 1741 84 87 Rangamati Paurashava 0 84 87 01 Ward No-01 Total 73 308 155 153 179 10 0 119 84 87 02 Ward No-02 Total 94 522 220 302 356 35 0 131 84 87 03 Ward No-03 Total 312 1326 555 771 1073 65 47 141 84 87 04 Ward No-04 Total 108 451 216 235 409 24 15 3 84 87 05 Ward No-05 Total 503 2231 1093 1138 963 602 416 250 84 87 06 Ward No-06 Total 975 4719 2332 2387 4107 49 52 511 84 87 07 Ward No-07 Total 438 1879 872 1007 1703 100 39 37 84 87 08 Ward No-08 Total 1918 8368 4071 4297 7757 174 166 271 RMO: 1 = Rural, 2 = Urban and 3 = Other Urban Page 4 of 5 Table C-12 : Distribution of Ethnic Households, Population by Sex, Residence and Community Ethnic Administrative Unit UN / MZ / Ethnic Population in Main Groups ZL UZ Vill RMO Residence Population WA MH Community Households Both Male Female Chakma Marma Tanchaynga Others 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 84 87 09 Ward No-09 Total 1103 4761 2489 2272 4357 73 53 278 84 87 13 Banduk Bhanga Union Total 1617 8244 4182 4062 8210 10 0 24 84 87 27 Balukhali Union Total 1624 7679 3960 3719 5991 125 495 1068 84 87 40 Jibtali Union Total 566 2895 1546 1349 2027 634 234 0 84 87 54 Kutuk Chhari Union Total 1332 5955 2994 2961 5925 0 5 25 84 87 67 Magban Union Total 1392 6624 3430 3194 4596 382 1618 28 84 87 81 Sapchhari Union Total 1132 4873 2474 2399 4792 26 9 46 RMO: 1 = Rural, 2 = Urban and 3 = Other Urban Page 5 of 5.

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