19th Japan Market Expansion Competition Business Plan For Living Dreams May 7th !1" Prepare# By $eam Glass &alf Full $eam 7 $eam Members )lexan#er )n#rakhanov Eoghan M*Carthy Megumi Ishika,a -ahiro $sukioka $sunako Itsumi $his #o*ument *ontains *onfi#ential an# proprietary in'ormation (elonging ex*lusively to Living Dreams. This page is intentionally le't (lank. Glass Half Full Table of Contents 1 Executive Summary 3 2 Organization Summary 2!1 "iving #reams 2!2 #igital $atives % 2!3 Seven Ste&s for 'eliability & Sustainability ) 3 Situation *ssessment 1+ 3!1 'esi,ents of C-il,ren.s Homes 1+ 3!2 C-il,ren.s Homes 12 4 0ar1eting 1/ /!1 #igital $atives 2ac1age 1/ /!2 #istribution Strategy 2+ /!3 Ex&ansion Strategy 22 /!/ 2romotion Strategy 22 /! 3randing #igital $atives 3/ /!% Government Certification 3 5 Organization Strategy 3) !1 Organization Structure 3) % Financial 2lan /2 %!1 Fun,-raising for $on-profit Organizations /2 %!2 5ncome of "iving #reams /2 %!3 2ac1age 5m&lementation Cost /3 %!/ Five 6ear Financial Forecasts // 7 *ppen,ix / 1 Glass Half Full This &age is intentionally left blan1! 2 Glass Half Full 1 Executive Summary 1 Executive Summary This business plan provides a sustainable expansion model for Living Dreams’ Digital Natives initiative. Established in 2006, Living Dreams is a non-profit organi!ation supporting "hildren’s homes in Japan. Digital Natives is one the organi!ation$s "ore initiatives. The program is fo"used on empo%ering and enri"hing residents of "hildren$s homes through providing digital devi"es and &.T. skill training. This plan outlines the su""essful implementation and expansion of Digital Natives based on( • A definite mission, brand, package and implementation model • A sustainable expansion strateg* • Effective promotion strategies targeting homes, donors and volunteers • +rgani!ation restru"turing in order to support the su""essful implementation of the program • Steps for fund-raising and diversifying sour"es of in"ome, essential for stead* development and finan"ial independen"e Digital Natives %ill su""essfull* be implemented in -. homes in the /anto and /ansai areas %ithin a 0 *ear time-s"ale, expanding its "overage to 20- homes 1approximatel* 20% of homes in Japan4 in a 50 *ear period. Focus 2oints • The Digital Natives package "onsists of: a shared "omputer lab 15 unit per 6 "hildren4 and a "ontinued program of &.T. skills training. &mplementation of the produ"t %ill be based on 2 phases( Set-Up phase in"luding needs assessment, delivery, installation and skills training, and 7aintenan"e phase in"luding 8uarterl* events, skills training and support. • The "ore elements of the Digital Natives brand are the mission statement, slogan and visual identity. • The expansion of the program %ill begin from the its "urrent base in To'*o. After establishing itself in the greater /anto area, the program %ill first expand to areas %ith a high number of "hildren’s homes. The strateg* for expansion in each new area, %ill follo% the realisti" s"enario based on the ability of Digital Natives to recruit and manage the required number of volunteers for expansion. 3 Glass Half Full 1 Executive Summary • Effective promotion strategies targeting "hildren’s homes, donors and volunteers are outlined %ithin this plan. 9ossibilities brought b* Digital Natives %ebsite, speciall* organi!ed information sessions and speaking events for example TEDx To'*o, exposure in the so"ial media are highlighted in our proposal. :e specify %ays of approaching &.T. and finan"ial "ompanies as %ell as individuals for donations; emplo*ees of supporting "ompanies, retired people, universities and other NP+s for volunteering; home management and staff in order to be ac"epted smoothl*. • Living Dreams %ill be restru"tured in order to fulfill the ob<ectives outlined in this plan. The purpose of restru"turing is to organi!e staff and roles so that the Digital Natives initiative "an effi"ientl* manage the volunteers and donors necessary for the su""essful implementation of the program. Financial Plan )ll assumptions regarding the produ"t implementation, geographi"al expansion and organi!ational restru"turing are supported b* five *ear finan"ial pro<ections. The follo%ing "hart sho%s the finan"ial pro<ections supporting the reali!ation of the program's ob<ectives. Amount (JPY) =ear 1 =ear 2 =ear 3 =ear 4 =ear 5 Total Total Income 7,853,000 8,423,000 10,427,000 13,592,000 14,950,000 55,245,000 Total Expenses 4,592,000 7,280,000 12,976,000 12,976,000 16,896,000 54,720,000 Total 3,261,000 1,143,000 -2,549,000 616,000 -1,946,000 525,000 &n this plan all resour"es ex"ept administration "osts %ill be "overed b* donations. The defi"it in *ears > and 0 is due to expenses in"urred from implementing the remaining homes in the /anto and /ansai areas. )s outlined above, %e believe that the Digital Natives initiative is realisti" and sustainable over time and %ill greatl* benefit not onl* the "hildren in the homes, but also allo% volunteers and donors to make "ontribution to the so"iety. / Glass Half Full 2 Organization Summary 2 Organization Summary 2!1 "iving Dreams Living Dreams is a non-profit organi!ation "ommitted to empo%ering and enri"hing the lives of "hildren living in "hildren$s homes across Japan. The organi!ation %as founded in 2006 b* Patri"k Newell, "o-founder of To'*o &nternational ,"hool. )s of 205>, the organi!ation has no paid staff and all administrative duties and programs are facilitated b* a network of 20 volunteers. Currentl* the organi!ation is asso"iated %ith 2? "hildren’s homes in and around the To'*o area and 50 homes in the Toho'u region. The organi!ations$ "ore programs are briefl* summari!ed belo%. • Digital Natives Digital Natives is a program bridging the digital divide that "urrentl* disadvantages "hildren living in "hildren$s homes in #apan. &n "on<un"tion %ith its partners, Digital Natives also provides the "hildren %ith basi" &.T. s'ills training. • Digital Artists )"ademy Aeginning in 200-, Digital Artists )"adem* is a t%o %ee' summer arts program for residents of "hildren$s homes a"ross To'*o. The program ta'es pla"e in To'*o &nternational ,"hool. • Christmas :ish Christmas :ish is a program enabling parti"ipants to share in the holida* spirit. An event evening is organi!ed in parti"ipating homes through the "ooperation of ea"h home and Living Dreams. Children re"eive gifts funded through donations from the program$s finan"ial supporters. &n the past the organi!ation has also initiated the follo%ing programs, some of %hi"h "ontinue today( Learn to Bide ,no%boarding Program, English )dventure Summer Camps, 7usi" Therap* Betreat, English Adventure Sno% Camp, College Entran"e Exam Consultation, English Cun Time for /indergarten Children. Each program's "ontents have been developed through regular on-site interviews to assess each home’s needs and the needs of the "hildren. :orking %ith the lo"al "ommunity, the organi!ation then strives to meet each need through providing a %ide range of enri"hing programs. Glass Half Full 2 Organization Summary 2!2 #igital Natives Digital Natives is built on the philosoph* that ac"ess to the &nternet "an be a viable tool for "hildren to "ommuni"ate, explore and learn. ,imultaneousl*, the digital medium is fast becoming our go-to and primary sour"e for ac"essing all kinds of essential servi"es and information; <ob seeking, government programs, health information, etc. The skills re8uired to ac"ess this information are indispensable. The Digital Natives program has operated as follo%s( • An on-site needs assessment establishes a homes "urrent "onnectivity status and "onfirms the number of "omputers to be installed. • The pur"hase, delivery and installation of new "omputers takes place and a "onnection to the &nternet is established. • Children are taught general "omputer s'ills and basi" 7i"rosoft +ffi"e s'ills, su"h as :ord and Ex"el. The program has been implemented in > homes in the To'*o area and in a total of 52 homes in the Tohoku region. Do%ever as a "onsequen"e of not operating from %ithin a stru"tured plan for s"alability, homes in Tohoku did not receive s'ills training. ,in"e its beginnings the program's finan"ial supporters have in"luded Aar"lays, Ameri"an Chamber of @ommer"e in Japan, )T&T Coundation and )T&T Japan, Bitz Carlton To'*o, To'*o Ameri"an @lub :omen’s Froup, 7errill L*n"h and Asie au Coeur. Foing forward, Digital Natives %ill be targeted to%ards residents of "hildren$s 0 - 7 YRS homes aged between . – 5. *ears old. The 8,597 latest national statisti"s sho%ing a detailed breakdo%n b* age, sho%ed that as of 200. the number of "hildren %ithin the target age group %as ?>% of the total number of 5 8 - 18 YRS "hildren . The numbers are sho%n in the 22,996 "hart on the right. Target Age Froup( Diagram 5 1 Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, http://www.mhlw.go.jp/bunya/kodomo/syakaiteki yougo/dl/yougo genjou !1.pdf % Glass Half Full 2 Organization Summary 2!3 Seven Ste&s for Reliability ( Sustainability )""ording to a survey "ondu"ted b* the Cabinet +ffi"e in 20002 onl* >0.6% of Japanese people "onsider non-profit organi!ations to be reliable. Do%ever, reliability means everything for an NP+ in order to be ac"epted b* both benefi"iaries and donors.
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